The Use of Gas Turbines in Gas Pipeline Service in Western Canada: Present and Future

R. E. Stauffer

Existing gas pipeline facilities in Western Canada are outlined. The paper points out the trend away from industrial type gas turbines, and points out the advantages to using aircraft type gas turbines. The expansion of pipeline facilities to the Canadian Arctic and Alaska could prove to be a market for the new high efficiency aircraft type gas turbines. The fuel gas savings can be a significant factor when constructing the new line.

Ole Gro̸ne ◽  
Kjeld Aabo ◽  
Peter Skjoldager

Two-stroke low speed diesels dominate the main propulsion engine market, being selected for nearly 80% of all ocean-going vessels. The main reason is the simplicity of the direct-coupled installation, the high reliability and the high thermal efficiencies. Four-stroke medium speed engines take the last 20%, except on the LNG carrier propulsion field where steam turbines, while being threatened, still prevail. The occasional exception to the above is a few gas turbines in passenger (cruise) vessels. Recently, two-stroke low speed diesels have been developed for electronically controlled fuel injection systems, and such engines are now gaining momentum in the industry. The electronically (rather than cam) controlled fuel injection systems bring with it many operational benefits, which will be outlined in the paper. One such feature is the ability to inject very small fuel amounts safely through the same injectors as those able for full power operation. This paves the way for a more simple and safe version of large low speed dual fuel gas engines for propulsion of LNG carriers, representing significant fuel and gas saving possibilities, reducing CO2 emissions, and also opening new frontiers for low emission high-efficiency ship propulsion systems in other vessel types, including the largest types, as well as land based power generation. The paper will outline the technology, especially with a view of emission control and its economical and environmental potential.

K. F. Wrenn ◽  
T. C. Heard ◽  
R. P. Lang

In 1967 Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. installed a 10,500-hp gas/steam turbine combined cycle unit as a compressor driver on their pipeline at Ceredo, W. Va. Then in 1970 a similar unit, rated 12,500 hp was installed in the same station. Both of these units were chosen because of their high efficiency relative to the basic gas turbines available at that time. This paper reviews the selection, installation configuration, and operating record of these units.

Alessandro Zucca ◽  
Antonio Asti ◽  
Andrei Evulet ◽  
Sergey Khayrulin ◽  
Borys Shershnyov ◽  

Heavy duty gas turbines for power generation and mechanical drive applications are typically fired on natural gas as a primary fuel, providing heat and power with high efficiency and low exhaust emissions. However, fuel gas is not always available when power is needed, and distillate oil is often employed as an easily stored and handled back-up fuel. The present paper describes the development and initial component validation testing of a new, simplified liquid fuel injection system that will provide a back-up liquid fuel option for dry, low NOx combustion systems used in heavy duty industrial gas turbines. This new liquid fuel system offers reduced initial cost and operating cost, lower NOx emissions, and reduced water consumption relative to current technology. Spray test, sub-component ignition test, and full-scale combustion chamber test results will be discussed.

2004 ◽  
Vol 126 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-126 ◽  
F. G. Elliott ◽  
R. Kurz ◽  
C. Etheridge ◽  
J. P. O’Connell

Industrial Gas Turbines allow operation with a wide variety of gaseous and liquid fuels. To determine the suitability for operation with a gas fuel system, various physical parameters of the proposed fuel need to be determined: heating value, dew point, Joule-Thompson coefficient, Wobbe Index, and others. This paper describes an approach to provide a consistent treatment for determining the above physical properties. Special focus is given to the problem of determining the dew point of the potential fuel gas at various pressure levels. A dew point calculation using appropriate equations of state is described, and results are presented. In particular the treatment of heavier hydrocarbons, and water is addressed and recommendations about the necessary data input are made. Since any fuel gas system causes pressure drops in the fuel gas, the temperature reduction due to the Joule-Thompson effect has to be considered and quantified. Suggestions about how to approach fuel suitability questions during the project development and construction phase, as well as in operation are made.

A. K. Malkogianni ◽  
A. Tourlidakis ◽  
A. L. Polyzakis

Geopolitical issues give rise to problems in the smooth and continuous flow of oil and natural gas from the production countries to the consumers’ development countries. In addition, severe environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, eventually guide the consumers to fuels more suitable to the present situation. Alternative fuels such as biogas and coal gas have recently become more attractive because of their benefits, especially for electricity generation. On the other hand, the use of relatively low heating value fuels has a significant effect to the performance parameters of gas turbines. In this paper, the impact of using four fuels with different heating value in the gas turbine performance is simulated. Based on the high efficiency and commercialization criteria, two types of engines are chosen to be simulated: two-shaft simple and single-shaft recuperated cycle gas turbines. The heating values of the four gases investigated, correspond to natural gas and to a series of three gases with gradually lower heating values than that of natural gas. The main conclusions drawn from this design point (DP) and off-design (OD) analysis is that, for a given TET, efficiency increases for both engines when gases with low heating value are used. On the contrary, when power output is kept constant, the use of gases with low heating value will result in a decrease of thermal efficiency. A number of parametric studies are carried out and the effect of operating parameters on performance is assessed. The analysis is performed with customized software, which has been developed for this purpose.

2021 ◽  
Alberto Vannoni ◽  
Jose Angel Garcia ◽  
Weimar Mantilla ◽  
Rafael Guedez ◽  
Alessandro Sorce

Abstract Combined Cycle Gas Turbines, CCGTs, are often considered as the bridging technology to a decarbonized energy system thanks to their high exploitation rate of the fuel energetic potential. At present time in most European countries, however, revenues from the electricity market on their own are insufficient to operate existing CCGTs profitably, also discouraging new investments and compromising the future of the technology. In addition to their high efficiency, CCGTs offer ancillary services in support of the operation of the grid such as spinning reserve and frequency control, thus any potential risk of plant decommissioning or reduced investments could translate into a risk for the well-functioning of the network. To ensure the reliability of the electricity system in a transition towards a higher share of renewables, the economic sustainability of CCGTs must be preserved, for which it becomes relevant to monetize properly the ancillary services provided. In this paper, an accurate statistical analysis was performed on the day-ahead, intra-day, ancillary service, and balancing markets for the whole Italian power-oriented CCGT fleet. The profitability of 45 real production units, spread among 6 market zones, was assessed on an hourly basis considering local temperature, specific plant layouts, and off-design performance. The assessment revealed that net income from the ancillary service market doubled, on average, the one from the day-ahead energy market. It was observed that to be competitive in the ancillary services market CCGTs are required to be more flexible in terms of ramp rates, minimum environmental loads, and partial load efficiencies. This paper explores how integrating a Heat Pump and a Thermal Energy Storage within a CCGT could allow improving its competitiveness in the ancillary services market, and thus its profitability, by means of implementing a model of optimal dispatch operating on the ancillary services market.

Matti Malkamäki ◽  
Ahti Jaatinen-Värri ◽  
Antti Uusitalo ◽  
Aki Grönman ◽  
Juha Honkatukia ◽  

Decentralized electricity and heat production is a rising trend in small-scale industry. There is a tendency towards more distributed power generation. The decentralized power generation is also pushed forward by the policymakers. Reciprocating engines and gas turbines have an essential role in the global decentralized energy markets and improvements in their electrical efficiency have a substantial impact from the environmental and economic viewpoints. This paper introduces an intercooled and recuperated three stage, three-shaft gas turbine concept in 850 kW electric output range. The gas turbine is optimized for a realistic combination of the turbomachinery efficiencies, the turbine inlet temperature, the compressor specific speeds, the recuperation rate and the pressure ratio. The new gas turbine design is a natural development of the earlier two-spool gas turbine construction and it competes with the efficiencies achieved both with similar size reciprocating engines and large industrial gas turbines used in heat and power generation all over the world and manufactured in large production series. This paper presents a small-scale gas turbine process, which has a simulated electrical efficiency of 48% as well as thermal efficiency of 51% and can compete with reciprocating engines in terms of electrical efficiency at nominal and partial load conditions.

Edgardo G. Coda Zabetta ◽  
Pia T. Kilpinen ◽  
Mikko M. Hupa ◽  
Jukka K. Leppälahti ◽  
C. Krister O. Ståhl ◽  

Detailed chemical kinetic modeling has been used to study the reduction of nitrogen oxides at gas turbine (GT) combustor conditions. A gas from gasification of wood with air has been used as the fuel. An air-staged combustion technique has been adapted. In our previous study a simple plug flow model was used to study the effects of pressure and temperature among others process variables. The air-fuel mixing was assumed perfect and instantaneous. Results showed the NOx reduction mainly affected by both pressure and temperature. The aim of the present work is to establish the effect of air-fuel mixing delay on NOx predictions and to extrapolate indications options for GT. To model the mixing delay, a varying number of air sub-streams are mixed with the fuel gas during different time periods. Alternatively, a combination of a perfectly mixed zone followed by a plug flow zone is illustrated. Results by any air-fuel mixing model show similar affect of process variables on NOx reduction. When a mixing delay is assumed instead of the instantaneous mixing the NOx reduction is enhanced, and only with delayed mixing NOx are affected by CH4. Lower temperature and higher pressure in the GT-combustor can enhance the NOx reduction. Also air staging is an effective option: a 3 stages combustor designed for low mixing speed appear competitive compared to more complicate combustors. The fewer hydrocarbons in the gasification gas the high NOx reduction.

Mark A. Paisley ◽  
Donald Anson

The Biomass Power Program of the US Department of Energy (DOE) has as a major goal the development of cost-competitive technologies for the production of power from renewable biomass crops. The gasification of biomass provides the potential to meet his goal by efficiently and economically producing a renewable source of a clean gaseous fuel suitable for use in high efficiency gas turbines. This paper discusses the development and first commercial demonstration of the Battelle high-throughput gasification process for power generation systems. Projected process economics are presented along with a description of current experimental operations coupling a gas turbine power generation system to the research scale gasifier and the process scaleup activities in Burlington, Vermont.

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