Physiological Profile of an Uphill Time Trial in Elite Cyclists

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 268-273 ◽  
Ana B. Peinado ◽  
Nuria Romero-Parra ◽  
Miguel A. Rojo-Tirado ◽  
Rocío Cupeiro ◽  
Javier Butragueño ◽  

Context: While a number of studies have researched road-cycling performance, few have attempted to investigate the physiological response in field conditions. Purpose: To describe the physiological and performance profile of an uphill time trial (TT) frequently used in cycling competitions. Methods: Fourteen elite road cyclists (mean ± SD age 25 ± 6 y, height 174 ± 4.2 cm, body mass 64.4 ± 6.1 kg, fat mass 7.48% ± 2.82%) performed a graded exercise test to exhaustion to determine maximal parameters. They then completed a field-based uphill TT in a 9.2-km first-category mountain pass with a 7.1% slope. Oxygen uptake (VO2), power output, heart rate (HR), lactate concentration, and perceived-exertion variables were measured throughout the field-based test. Results: During the uphill TT, mean power output and velocity were 302 ± 7 W (4.2 ± 0.1 W/kg) and 18.7 ± 1.6 km/h, respectively. Mean VO2 and HR were 61.6 ± 2.0 mL · kg−1 · min−1 and 178 ± 2 beats/min, respectively. Values were significantly affected by the 1st, 2nd, 6th, and final kilometers (P < .05). Lactate concentration and perceived exertion were 10.87 ± 1.12 mmol/L and 19.1 ± 0.1, respectively, at the end of the test, being significantly different from baseline measures. Conclusion: The studied uphill TT is performed at 90% of maximum HR and VO2 and 70% of maximum power output. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study assessing cardiorespiratory parameters combined with measures of performance, perceived exertion, and biochemical variables during a field-based uphill TT in elite cyclists.

2010 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 459-468 ◽  
Jeremiah J. Peiffer ◽  
Chris R. Abbiss

The use of elliptical chainrings (also called chainwheels or sprockets) has gained considerable interest in the amateur and professional cycling community. Nevertheless, we are unaware of any scientific studies that have examined the performance benefits of using elliptical chainrings during an actual performance trial. Therefore, this study examined the influence of elliptical chainring use on physiological and performance parameters during a 10 km cycling time trial. Nine male cyclists completed, in a counterbalanced order, three 10 km cycling time trials using either a standard chainring or an elliptical chainring at two distinct settings. An attempt was made to blind the cyclists to the type of chainring used until the completion of the study. During the 10 km time trial, power output and heart rate were recorded at a frequency of 1 Hz and RPE was measured at 3, 6, and 8.5 km. Total power output was not different (P = .40) between the circular (340 ± 30 W) or either elliptical chainring condition (342 ± 29 W and 341 ± 31 W). Similarly, no differences (P = .73) in 2 km mean power output were observed between conditions. Further, no differences in RPE were observed between conditions measured at 3, 6, and 8.5 km. Heart rate was significantly greater (P = .02) using the less aggressive elliptical setting (174 ± 10 bpm) compared with the circular setting (171 ± 9 bpm). Elliptical chainrings do not appear to provide a performance benefit over traditional circular chainrings during a mid-distance time trial.

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (9) ◽  
pp. 902-908 ◽  
Kévin Rinaldi ◽  
Than Tran Trong ◽  
Florence Riera ◽  
Katharina Appel ◽  
Olivier Hue

Endurance exercise performance is impaired in a hot and humid environment. This study compared the effects of cold water immersion, with (CMWI) and without (CWI) menthol, on the recovery of cycling performance. Eight heat-acclimatized cyclists (age, 24.1 ± 4.4 years; mass, 65.3 ± 5.2 kg) performed 2 randomized sessions, each consisting of a 20-min cycling trial (T1) followed by 10 min of immersion during recovery and then a second 20-min cycling trial (T2). Mean power output and perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded for both trials. Rectal (Trec) and skin temperatures were measured before and immediately after T1, immersion, and T2. Perceived thermal sensation (TS) and comfort were measured immediately after T1 and T2. Power output was significantly improved in T2 compared with T1 in the CMWI condition (+15.6%). Performance did not change in the CWI condition. After immersion, Trec was lower in CWI (–1.17 °C) than in CMWI (–0.6 °C). TS decreased significantly after immersion in both conditions. This decline was significantly more pronounced in CMWI (5.9 ± 1 to 3.6 ± 0.5) than in CWI (5.6 ± 0.9 to 4.4 ± 1.2). In CMWI, RPE was significantly higher in T1 (6.57 ± 0.9) than in T2 (5.14 ± 1.25). However, there was no difference in TC. This study suggests that menthol immersion probably (i) improves the performance of a repeated 20-min cycling bout, (ii) decreases TS, and (iii) impairs thermoregulation processes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-45 ◽  
Martin J. MacInnis ◽  
Aaron C.Q. Thomas ◽  
Stuart M. Phillips

Purpose: The mean power output (MPO) from a 60-min time trial (TT)—also known as functional threshold power, or FTP—is a standard measure of cycling performance; however, shorter performance tests are desirable to reduce the burden of performance testing. The authors sought to determine the reliability of 4- and 20-min TTs and the extent to which these short TTs were associated with 60-min MPO. Methods: Trained male cyclists (n = 8; age = 25 [5] y;  = 71 [5] mL/kg/min) performed two 4-min TTs, two 20-min TTs, and one 60-min TT. Critical power (CP) was estimated from 4- and 20-min TTs. The typical error of the mean (TEM) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were calculated to assess reliability, and R2 values were calculated to assess relationships with 60-min MPO. Results: Pairs of 4-min TTs (mean: 417 [SD: 45] W vs 412 [49] W, P = .25; TEM = 8.1 W; ICC = .98), 20-min TTs (342 [36] W vs 344 [33] W, P = .41; TEM = 4.6 W; ICC = .99), and CP estimates (323 [35] W vs 328 [32] W, P = .25; TEM = 6.5; ICC = .98) were reliable. The 4-min MPO (R2 = .95), 20-min MPO (R2 = .92), estimated CP (R2 = .82), and combination of the 4- and 20-min MPO (adjusted R2 = .98) were strongly associated with the 60-min MPO (309 [26] W). Conclusion: The 4- and 20-min TTs appear useful for assessing performance in trained, if not elite, cyclists.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 727-732
Naroa Etxebarria ◽  
Megan L. Ross ◽  
Brad Clark ◽  
Louise M. Burke

Purpose: The authors investigated the potential benefit of ingesting 2 mM of quinine (bitter tastant) on a 3000-m cycling time-trial (TT) performance. Methods: Nine well-trained male cyclists (maximal aerobic power: 386 [38] W) performed a maximal incremental cycling ergometer test, three 3000-m familiarization TTs, and four 3000-m intervention TTs (∼4 min) on consecutive days. The 4 interventions were (1) 25 mL of placebo, (2) a 25-mL sweet solution, and (3) and (4) repeat 25 mL of 2-mM quinine solutions (Bitter1 and Bitter2), 30 s before each trial. Participants self-selected their gears and were only aware of distance covered. Results: Overall mean power output for the full 3000 m was similar for all 4 conditions: placebo, 348 (45) W; sweet, 355 (47) W; Bitter1, 354 (47) W; and Bitter2, 355 (48) W. However, quinine administration in Bitter1 and Bitter2 increased power output during the first kilometer by 15 ± 11 W and 21 ± 10 W (mean ± 90% confidence limits), respectively, over placebo, followed by a decay of 34 ± 32 W during Bitter1 and Bitter2 during the second kilometer. Bitter2 also induced a 11 ± 13-W increase during the first kilometer compared with the sweet condition. Conclusions: Ingesting 2 mM of quinine can improve cycling performance during the first one-third of a 3000-m TT and could be used for sporting events lasting ∼80 s to potentially improve overall performance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 655-663 ◽  
Emiel Schulze ◽  
Hein A.M. Daanen ◽  
Koen Levels ◽  
Julia R. Casadio ◽  
Daniel J. Plews ◽  

Purpose:To determine the effect of thermal state and thermal comfort on cycling performance in the heat.Methods:Seven well-trained male triathletes completed 3 performance trials consisting of 60 min cycling at a fixed rating of perceived exertion (14) followed immediately by a 20-km time trial in hot (30°C) and humid (80% relative humidity) conditions. In a randomized order, cyclists either drank ambient-temperature (30°C) fluid ad libitum during exercise (CON), drank ice slurry (−1°C) ad libitum during exercise (ICE), or precooled with iced towels and ice slurry ingestion (15g/kg) before drinking ice slurry ad libitum during exercise (PC+ICE). Power output, rectal temperature, and ratings of thermal comfort were measured.Results:Overall mean power output was possibly higher in ICE (+1.4% ± 1.8% [90% confidence limit]; 0.4 > smallest worthwhile change [SWC]) and likely higher PC+ICE (+2.5% ± 1.9%; 1.5 > SWC) than in CON; however, no substantial differences were shown between PC+ICE and ICE (unclear). Time-trial performance was likely enhanced in ICE compared with CON (+2.4% ± 2.7%; 1.4 > SWC) and PC+ICE (+2.9% ± 3.2%; 1.9 > SWC). Differences in mean rectal temperature during exercise were unclear between trials. Ratings of thermal comfort were likely and very likely lower during exercise in ICE and PC+ICE, respectively, than in CON.Conclusions:While PC+ICE had a stronger effect on mean power output compared with CON than ICE did, the ICE strategy enhanced late-stage time-trial performance the most. Findings suggest that thermal comfort may be as important as thermal state for maximizing performance in the heat.

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 542-548 ◽  
Christos K. Argus ◽  
Matthew W. Driller ◽  
Tammie R. Ebert ◽  
David T. Martin ◽  
Shona L. Halson

Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness of different recovery strategies on repeat cycling performance where a short duration between exercise bouts is required.Methods:Eleven highly trained cyclists (mean ± SD; age = 31 ± 6 y, mass = 74.6 ± 10.6 kg, height = 180.5 ± 8.1 cm) completed 4 trials each consisting of three 30-s maximal sprints (S1, S2, S3) on a cycle ergometer, separated by 20-min recovery periods. In a counterbalanced, crossover design, each trial involved subjects performing 1 of 4 recovery strategies: compression garments (COMP), electronic muscle stimulation (EMS), humidification therapy (HUM), and a passive control (CON). The sprint tests implemented a 60-s preload (at an intensity of 4.5 W/kg) before a 30-s maximal sprint. Mean power outputs (W) for the 3 sprints, in combination with perceived recovery and blood lactate concentration, were used to examine the effect of each recovery strategy.Results:In CON, S2 and S3 were (mean ± SD) –2.1% ± 3.9% and –3.1% ± 4.2% lower than S1, respectively. Compared with CON, COMP resulted in a higher mean power output from S1 to S2 (mean ± 90%CL: 0.8% ± 1.2%; possibly beneficial) and from S1 to S3 (1.2% ± 1.9%; possibly beneficial), while HUM showed a higher mean power output from S1 to S3 (2.2% ± 2.5%; likely beneficial) relative to CON.Conclusion:The authors suggest that both COMP and HUM may be effective strategies to enhance recovery between repeated sprint-cycling bouts separated by ~30 min.

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 471-481
Gabriel Barreto ◽  
Rafael Pires da Silva ◽  
Guilherme Yamaguchi ◽  
Luana Farias de Oliveira ◽  
Vitor de Salles Painelli ◽  

Caffeine has been shown to increase anaerobic energy contribution during short-duration cycling time-trials (TT) though no information exists on whether caffeine alters energy contribution during more prolonged, aerobic type TTs. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of caffeine supplementation on longer and predominantly aerobic exercise. Fifteen recreationally-trained male cyclists (age 38±8 y, height 1.76±0.07 m, body mass 72.9±7.7 kg) performed a ~30 min cycling TT following either 6 mg·kg-1BM caffeine (CAF) or placebo (PLA) supplementation, and one control (CON) session without supplementation, in a double- -blind, randomised, counterbalance and cross-over design. Mean power output (MPO) was recorded as the outcome measure. Respiratory values were measured throughout exercise for the determination of energy system contribution. Data were analysed using mixed-models. CAF improved mean MPO compared to CON (P=0.01), and a trend towards an improvement compared to PLA (P=0.07); there was no difference in MPO at any timepoint throughout the exercise between conditions. There was a main effect of Condition (P=0.04) and Time (P<0.0001) on blood lactate concentration, which tended to be higher in CAF vs. both PLA and CON (Condition effect, both P=0.07). Ratings of perceived exertion increased over time (P<0.0001), with no effect of Condition or interaction (both P>0.05). Glycolytic energy contribution was increased in CAF compared to CON and PLA (both P<0.05), but not aerobic or ATP-CP (both P>0.05). CAF improved aerobic TT performance compared to CON, which could be explained by increased glycolytic energy contribution.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-292 ◽  
Michael L. Newell ◽  
Angus M. Hunter ◽  
Claire Lawrence ◽  
Kevin D. Tipton ◽  
Stuart D. R. Galloway

In an investigator-blind, randomized cross-over design, male cyclists (mean± SD) age 34.0 (± 10.2) years, body mass 74.6 (±7.9) kg, stature 178.3 (±8.0) cm, peak power output (PPO) 393 (±36) W, and VO2max 62 (±9) ml·kg−1min−1 training for more than 6 hr/wk for more than 3y (n = 20) completed four experimental trials. Each trial consisted of a 2-hr constant load ride at 95% of lactate threshold (185 ± 25W) then a work-matched time trial task (~30min at 70% of PPO). Three commercially available carbohydrate (CHO) beverages, plus a control (water), were administered during the 2-hr ride providing 0, 20, 39, or 64g·hr−1 of CHO at a fluid intake rate of 1L·hr−1. Performance was assessed by time to complete the time trial task, mean power output sustained, and pacing strategy used. Mean task completion time (min:sec ± SD) for 39g·hr−1 (34:19.5 ± 03:07.1, p = .006) and 64g·hr−1 (34:11.3 ± 03:08.5 p = .004) of CHO were significantly faster than control (37:01.9 ± 05:35.0). The mean percentage improvement from control was −6.1% (95% CI: −11.3 to −1.0) and −6.5% (95% CI: −11.7 to −1.4) in the 39 and 64g·hr−1 trials respectively. The 20g·hr−1 (35:17.6 ± 04:16.3) treatment did not reach statistical significance compared with control (p = .126) despite a mean improvement of −3.7% (95% CI −8.8−1.5%). No further differences between CHO trials were reported. No interaction between CHO dose and pacing strategy occurred. 39 and 64g·hr−1 of CHO were similarly effective at improving endurance cycling performance compared with a 0g·hr−1 control in our trained cyclists.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 1273-1279 ◽  
Owen Jeffries ◽  
Mark Waldron ◽  
Stephen D. Patterson ◽  
Brook Galna

Purpose: Regulation of power output during cycling encompasses the integration of internal and external demands to maximize performance. However, relatively little is known about variation in power output in response to the external demands of outdoor cycling. The authors compared the mean power output and the magnitude of power-output variability and structure during a 20-min time trial performed indoors and outdoors. Methods: Twenty male competitive cyclists ( 60.4 [7.1] mL·kg−1·min−1) performed 2 randomized maximal 20-min time-trial tests: outdoors at a cycle-specific racing circuit and indoors on a laboratory-based electromagnetically braked training ergometer, 7 d apart. Power output was sampled at 1 Hz and collected on the same bike equipped with a portable power meter in both tests. Results: Twenty-minute time-trial performance indoor (280 [44] W) was not different from outdoor (284 [41] W) (P = .256), showing a strong correlation (r = .94; P < .001). Within-persons SD was greater outdoors (69 [21] W) than indoors (33 [10] W) (P < .001). Increased variability was observed across all frequencies in data from outdoor cycling compared with indoors (P < .001) except for the very slowest frequency bin (<0.0033 Hz, P = .930). Conclusions: The findings indicate a greater magnitude of variability in power output during cycling outdoors. This suggests that constraints imposed by the external environment lead to moderate- and high-frequency fluctuations in power output. Therefore, indoor testing protocols should be designed to reflect the external demands of cycling outdoors.

2003 ◽  
Vol 94 (2) ◽  
pp. 668-676 ◽  
J. A. L. Calbet ◽  
J. A. De Paz ◽  
N. Garatachea ◽  
S. Cabeza de Vaca ◽  
J. Chavarren

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of severe acute hypoxia on exercise performance and metabolism during 30-s Wingate tests. Five endurance- (E) and five sprint- (S) trained track cyclists from the Spanish National Team performed 30-s Wingate tests in normoxia and hypoxia (inspired O2 fraction = 0.10). Oxygen deficit was estimated from submaximal cycling economy tests by use of a nonlinear model. E cyclists showed higher maximal O2 uptake than S (72 ± 1 and 62 ± 2 ml · kg−1 · min−1, P < 0.05). S cyclists achieved higher peak and mean power output, and 33% larger oxygen deficit than E ( P< 0.05). During the Wingate test in normoxia, S relied more on anaerobic energy sources than E ( P < 0.05); however, S showed a larger fatigue index in both conditions ( P < 0.05). Compared with normoxia, hypoxia lowered O2 uptake by 16% in E and S ( P < 0.05). Peak power output, fatigue index, and exercise femoral vein blood lactate concentration were not altered by hypoxia in any group. Endurance cyclists, unlike S, maintained their mean power output in hypoxia by increasing their anaerobic energy production, as shown by 7% greater oxygen deficit and 11% higher postexercise lactate concentration. In conclusion, performance during 30-s Wingate tests in severe acute hypoxia is maintained or barely reduced owing to the enhancement of the anaerobic energy release. The effect of severe acute hypoxia on supramaximal exercise performance depends on training background.

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