scholarly journals Incidence of Salmonella spp., Clostridium botulinum, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in an estuary.

1976 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 723-730 ◽  
G S Sayler ◽  
J D Nelson ◽  
A Justice ◽  
R R Colwell
1983 ◽  
Vol 46 (7) ◽  
pp. 610-613 ◽  
R. J. H. GRAY ◽  
D. G. HOOVER ◽  

Four species of fish from Atlantic waters, Meronia americanus (perch), Cynoscion regalis (seatrout), Micropogon undulatis (croaker) and Pomatomus saltatrix (bluefish), were processed (gutted or filleted), packaged under carbon dioxide and refrigerated. Stability of the fish under the modified atmosphere preservation (MAP) system was compared to that of fish stored conventionally. Use of the MAP system resulted in a 45 to 55% increase in stability, primarily due to an extension in the lag phase of psychrotrophic organisms and to their reduced growth rate in the logarithmic phase. By the 10th day of storage, the conventionally packed fish always exhibited a 100-fold higher psychrotroph count than the CO2-packed fish. Levels of Vibrio parahaemolyticus were negligible in this MAP system and no Salmonella spp. or Staphylococcus aureus was detected, even at an abuse temperature (10°C) of storage. Positive evidence for preformed Clostridium botulinum toxin was lacking.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-80
Hồ Thị Thanh Thủy ◽  
Nguyễn Văn Trường ◽  
Nguyễn Bảo Toàn ◽  
Lao Đức Thuận ◽  
Trương Kim Phượng ◽  

Ngộ độc thực phẩm, với một trong những nguyên nhân chính do nhiễm khuẩn vẫn luôn là mối lo ngại, mang tính toàn cầu, được Tổ chức Sức khỏe Thế giới rất quan tâm. Việc xác định chính xác đối tượng vi khuẩn nhiễm vẫn luôn là một nhu cầu cấp thiết của các labo lâm sàng. Nghiên cứu trước đây của chúng tôi đã được công bố với việc thành công bước đầu trong việc xây dựng một quy trình dựa trên kĩ thuật PCR-Reverse Dot Blot (PCR-RDB) nhằm xác định đồng thời 12 vi khuẩn gây bệnh đường ruột ch yếu, bao gồm Bacillus cereus, Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringen, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp.., Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Yersinia enterocolitica và Brucella spp. Chúng tôi tiếp tục phát triển nghiên cứu này nhằm hoàn thiện quy trình PCR-RDB bằng việc thiết kế bổ sung trên màng các loại mẫu dò nhằm làm chứng dương, chứng âm, chứng màu và chứng kiểm tra tín hiệu nền. Bên cạnh đó, xét nhu cầu lâm sàng, việc bổ sung hai loại mẫu dò đề dò hai vi khuẩn Campylobacter jejuni và Yersinia enterocolitica O:8 gây bệnh đường ruột chủ yếu ở trẻ em, là cần thiết. Quy trình PCR-RDB được hoàn thiện trong nghiên cứu này vì vậy có khả năng phát hiện đồng thời 14 vi khuẩn gây bệnh đường ruột, một cách đặc hiệu, với độ nhạy đạt 10^2 bản sao/ml, đã được thử nghiệm trên 30 mẫu phân, ghi nhận kết quả hoàn toàn khớp với kít thương mại PowerCheckTM 20 Pathogen Multiplex Real-time PCR Kit (Korea).

1981 ◽  
Vol 44 (10) ◽  
pp. 787-795 ◽  

Data on foodborne disease in Canada in 1976 were compared with data for 1975. A total of 858 incidents, comprising 752 outbreaks and 106 single cases, causing illness in 5367 persons were reported for 1976. The number of outbreaks increased by 5.9% over those for 1975, but the total number of cases decreased by 24.5%. As for previous years, Staphylococcus aureus was responsible for more incidents (27) than any other agent. Other incidents were caused by Salmonella spp. (25), Clostridium perfringens (19) suspect mold and yeast (17), Bacillus spp. (10), Clostridium botulinum (4) and suspect Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4). Seven incidents of trichinosis occurred. Chemicals implicated in causing illness included metals, rancid compounds, a pesticide and solvents. The deaths of five persons were attributed to foodborne disease. About 35% of incidents and 41% of cases were associated with meat and poultry. Bakery products, vegetables, fruits and Chinese food continued to play a prominent role in the spread of foodborne disease, as in previous years. Mishandling of food took place mainly in foodservice establishments (18.9% of incidents, 52.7% of cases) or homes (10.5% of incidents, 6.8% of cases). However, mishandling by the manufacturer caused some problems, including three separate incidents involving fermented sausages. More than 60% of reported foodborne disease incidents occurred in Ontario and the number of incidents per 100,000 population was highest in Ontario and British Columbia. Narrative reports of foodborne outbreaks are presented. Relatively few illnesses resulted from consumption of, or contact with, water; a total of 9 incidents and 1476 cases occurred from ingestion of water and a further three incidents were recorded as a result of penetration of the skin by swimmers' itch parasite (many hundreds of cases) and invasion of wounds in swimmers by Vibrio parahaemolyticus.

Бојан Голић ◽  
Драго Недић

Микробиолошки критеријуми у храни за животиње у Босни и Херцеговини(БиХ) дефинисани су Правилником о микробиолошким критеријумима у храниза животиње („Службени гласник БиХ“ број 67/12).Циљ испитивања је процјена здравствене исправности хране за животиње уодносу на дефинисане микробиолошке критеријуме и процјена адекватностилегислативе која се односи на микробиолошке критеријуме у храни за животињеу БиХ и Републици Српској.Као материјал за испитивање кориштени су узорци хране за животињеиспитани у периоду 2014–2016. година, као и важећа легислатива из областихране и хране за животиње у БиХ и Републици Српској.У периоду 2014–2016. године, проценат узорака хране за животиње којије задовољавао микробиолошке критеријуме износио је преко 60%, односнопросјечно 66,34%, док је број незадовољавајућих узорака био испод 40%,односно просјечно 33,66%. Упоредним микробиолошким испитивањем узоракахране за животиње на Salmonella spp. из 25g и 50g узорка, током 2014. године,утврђен је идентичан проценат задовољавајућих, односно незадовољавајућихузорака.Анализом Правилника о микробиолошким критеријумима у храни заживотиње („Службени гласник БиХ“ број 67/12), уочава се постојање већег бројанелогичности и недостатака, како у погледу категорија хране за животиње, такои у вези граничних вриједности, као и метода испитивања. Hису обухваћене свекатегорије хране за животиње нити је прописана минимална количина узорказа испитивање. Правилник о микробиолошким критеријумима у храни за жи-вотиње треба да обухвати све категорије хране за животиње и да узме у обзиртехнолошки процес производње за сваку категорију. Испитивање узорака наClostridium perfringens треба да буде обавезно за све категорије хране за живо-тиње, а и испитивање на токсин Clostridium perfringens и Clostridium botulinum услучају сумње на тровање животиња, и то на захтјев службеног ветеринара иливетеринарског инспектора. Испитивање узорака хране за животиње на коагу-лаза позитивне стафилококе и Staphylococcus aureus не треба да буде обавезно,осим код млијека, млијека у праху и млијечних замјеница намијењених исхранимладих животиња. Код свих осталих врста хране, у случајевима сумње на тро-вање животиња, на захтјев службеног ветеринара или ветеринарског инспекто-ра треба обавезно урадити испитивање на присуство ентеротоксина стафило-кока. Гранична вриједност за Salmonella spp. у храни за животиње треба да буде„одсуство у 25g“, односно маса тест узорка треба да износи 25g. У правилникукоји дефинише микробиолошке критеријуме у храни за животиње потребно једефинисати минималну количину узорка за испитивање, која треба да износиминимално један килограм односно оригинално паковање.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 107
Luis A. Vega Corrales ◽  
Carolina Marín Vindas ◽  
Oscar Pacheco Prieto ◽  
Gerardo Zúñiga Calero

Bivalve molluscs are sold without any sanitary control in Costa Rica, which represents a public health risk dueto the possible accumulation of pathogenic bacteria. Small scale bacterial depuration treatments were preliminarilyevaluated on Crassostrea gigas and Anadara spp. from the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, through the useof a recirculating system with UV irradiation. The levels of Escherichia coli in the water were determined usingthe MPN method. The MPN of E. coli and the presence of Salmonella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus and V. cholerae were determined in molluscs. Results confirm the effectiveness of the E. coli depuration system designin C. gigas and Anadara spp. The MPN of E. coli in the molluscs was reduced between 79% and 100% after 24h. None of the other types of bacteria were found in the samples analyzed. This is the first C. gigas depurationstudy in Costa Rica and the first report concerning UV depuration for bacterial indicators of fecal contaminationin Anadara spp. This research serves as a basis for the implementation and improvement of mollusc purification conditions in the country. It is recommended to monitor extraction and harvesting areas, as well as to implement the depuration of bivalve molluscs so that traditional producers can offer an innocuous product with added value.Los moluscos bivalvos son comercializados sin ningún control sanitario en Costa Rica; por tanto, representan un riesgo para la salud pública, debido a que pueden acumular bacterias patógenas. Se evaluaron preliminarmente tratamientos para la depuración bacteriana a pequeña escala de Crassostrea gigas y Anadara spp. en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica, utilizando un sistema recirculado e irradiado con luz UV. Los niveles de Escherichia coli en el agua se determinaron mediante el método del NMP. A los moluscos se les determinó el NMP de E. coli y la presencia de Salmonella spp., Vibrio parahaemolyticus y V. cholerae. Los resultados confirman la efectividad del diseño del sistema para la depuración de E. coli en C. gigas y Anadara spp. A las 24 h, el NMP de E. coli en los moluscos se redujo entre el 79% y el 100%. No se comprobó la presencia de las demás bacterias en las muestras analizadas. Este es el primer estudio sobre depuración de C. gigas en Costa Rica y el primer reporte de depuración con UV de indicadores bacterianos de contaminación fecal en Anadara spp. Este trabajo sirve de base para implementar y mejorar las condiciones de la depuración de moluscos en el país. Se recomienda monitorear las áreas de extracción y cultivo e implementar la depuración de los moluscos bivalvos para que los productores artesanales puedan ofrecer un producto inocuo y con valor agregado.

Mahmuda Akhter Akhi ◽  
Avijit Banik ◽  
Oshin Ghurnee ◽  
Nantu Chandra Das ◽  
Showmitro Nondi ◽  

Fruits are highly nutritious, sources of vitamins, minerals, fibers etc. and these are part of our daily diet. However, during cultivation, harvesting, transportation, handling fruits get contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms which leads to severe problems to community. Owning to this point, in current research, bacteriological analysis was performed on Sofeda, Pineapple, Grape, Banana, Apple, Orange, Guava, papaya, Jujube and Starfruit. Total 50 samples were randomly collected from market and street vendors of Dhaka city. Higher numbers of rotten fruits were present in wholesale markets. 35 strains were isolated which included Salmonella spp., Acinetobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Staphylocoous aureus and E. coli. They were identified using biochemical test and antibiogram for selective isolates. In case of drug resistance of isolates, majority exhibited resistance against Erythromycin, Vancomycin and Amoxycillin and showing sensitivity against Ciprofloxacin and Ceftriaxone. It was observed in the current study that 100% isolates were resistant against Erythromycin, followed by Amoxycillin 90.63% and vancomycin 86.25%, where only 35.27% isolates were resistant against Ciprofloxacin. In case of sensitivity 64.73% isolates were sensitive against Ciprofloxacin followed by Ceftriaxone 66.25%. 

Encuentro ◽  
2008 ◽  
pp. 30-47
Erick José Sandoval Palacios ◽  
Agnes Saborío Coze

EL MOLUSCO ANADARA TUBERCULOSA O ANADARA SIMILIS, CONOCIDO EN Nicaragua como “concha negra”, se extrae del fango de los esteros y por lo tanto recibe, por medio de las escorrentías, desechos orgánicos provenientes de la ganadería y contaminación por infiltración de agua proveniente de letrinas. Su hábitat y alimentación (filtradoras) hacen que estos moluscos sean susceptibles a contaminarse, aumentándose el riesgo para el ser humano al ser consumidas crudas. Se muestreó agua de los esteros Padre Ramos, Aserradores y El Realejo, y fue analizada bacteriológicamente con el objeto de valorar el contenido de Echerichia Coli, Salmonella spp y Vibrio parahaemolyticus.Se observó que durante los meses de invierno los valores de E.coli estuvieron por encima de los límites permisibles y durante los meses de verano los niveles de E.coli estuvieron dentro de los límites permisibles. La bacteria Salmonella spp no se encontró en ninguno de los esteros estudiados, los niveles de Vibrio parahaemolyticus estuvieron dentro de los límites permitidos Se recomendó continuar la investigación para probar métodos de depuración para bajar los contenidos bacteriológicos en los moluscos “conchas negras”.

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