The geochemistry and petrogenesis of ophiolitic volcanic rocks from Lac de l'Est, Thetford Mines Complex, Quebec, Canada

1986 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-213 ◽  
I. O. Oshin ◽  
J. H. Crocket

The Cambro-Ordovician age Thetford Mines Complex from the Quebec Appalachians, Canada, preserves a remarkably complete section of ophiolites at Lac de l'Est, where mafic volcanics overlie a plutonic mafic–ultramafic plate. The basaltic volcanics consist of a lower unit, representing the extrusive component of the ophiolite assemblage, and an upper unit, whose petrogenetic and tectonic relationships with the ophiolitic volcanics are problematic.The lower unit ophiolitic volcanics include high- and low-TiO2 basalts. The upper unit volcanics, of which the basal 80 m was sampled, are low-TiO2 basalts. Fractional crystallization was important in the evolution of high-TiO2 lower unit magmas but played only a minor role in the formation of other magmas. Partial melting processes were dominant, or much more important than fractional crystallization, in controlling the composition of other magmas. The parental magmas of the high-TiO2 lower unit basalts were partial melts of undepleted mantle, whereas the low-TiO2 volcanics were partial melts of residual, depleted mantle. Despite different mantle sources, the high- and low-TiO2 basalts of the lower unit are interbedded in the field.The close spatial association of chemically diverse magma types is best accounted for by generation in a back-arc or marginal basin environment. This interpretation is supported by the geochemistry of argillaceous sediments in the Lac de l'Est pile and the absence of a sheeted dike facies in the Thetford Mines ophiolites.

1997 ◽  
Vol 34 (9) ◽  
pp. 1272-1285 ◽  
T. E. Smith ◽  
P. E. Holm ◽  
N. M. Dennison ◽  
M. J. Harris

Three intimately interbedded suites of volcanic rocks are identified geochemically in the Burnt Lake area of the Belmont Domain in the Central Metasedimentary Belt, and their petrogenesis is evaluated. The Burnt Lake back-arc tholeiitic suite comprises basalts similar in trace element signature to tholeiitic basalts emplaced in back-arc basins formed in continental crust. The Burnt Lake continental tholeiitic suite comprises basalts and andésites similar in trace element composition to continental tholeiitic sequences. The Burnt Lake felsic pyroclastic suite comprises rhyolitic pyroclastics having major and trace element compositions that suggest that they were derived from crustal melts. Rare earth element models suggest that the Burnt Lake back-arc tholeiitic rocks were formed by fractional crystallization of mafic magmas derived by approximately 5% partial melting of an amphibole-bearing depleted mantle, enriched in light rare earth elements by a subduction component. The modelling also suggests that the Burnt Lake continental tholeiitic rocks were formed by contamination – fractional crystallization of mixtures of mafic magmas, derived by ~3% partial melting of the subduction-modified source, and rhyolitic crustal melts. These models are consistent with the suggestion that the Belmont Domain of the Central Metasedimentary Belt formed as a back-arc basin by attenuation of preexisting continental crust above a westerly dipping subduction zone.

2003 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 833-852 ◽  
M Tardy ◽  
H Lapierre ◽  
D Bosch ◽  
A Cadoux ◽  
A Narros ◽  

The Slide Mountain Terrane consists of Devonian to Permian siliceous and detrital sediments in which are interbedded basalts and dolerites. Locally, ultramafic cumulates intrude these sediments. The Slide Mountain Terrane is considered to represent a back-arc basin related to the Quesnellia Paleozoic arc-terrane. However, the Slide Mountain mafic volcanic rocks exposed in central British Colombia do not exhibit features of back-arc basin basalts (BABB) but those of mid-oceanic ridge (MORB) and oceanic island (OIB) basalts. The N-MORB-type volcanic rocks are characterized by light rare-earth element (LREE)-depleted patterns, La/Nb ratios ranging between 1 and 2. Moreover, their Nd and Pb isotopic compositions suggest that they derived from a depleted mantle source. The within-plate basalts differ from those of MORB affinity by LREE-enriched patterns; higher TiO2, Nb, Ta, and Th abundances; lower εNd values; and correlatively higher isotopic Pb ratios. The Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of the ultramafic cumulates are similar to those of MORB-type volcanic rocks. The correlations between εNd and incompatible elements suggest that part of the Slide Mountain volcanic rocks derive from the mixing of two mantle sources: a depleted N-MORB type and an enriched OIB type. This indicates that some volcanic rocks of the Slide Mountain basin likely developed from a ridge-centered or near-ridge hotspot. The activity of this hotspot is probably related to the worldwide important mantle plume activity that occurred at the end of Permian times, notably in Siberia.

1987 ◽  
Vol 24 (12) ◽  
pp. 2551-2567 ◽  
Osamu Ujike ◽  
A. M. Goodwin

Felsic magma petrogenesis was studied by analyzing 24 stratigraphically controlled Archean andesite-to-rhyolite lava flows of both tholeiitic and calc-alkalic affinity from the upper Noranda Subgroup, Quebec, using instrumental neutron activation and X-ray fluorescence techniques. The lavas have moderate values of [La/Yb]N (0.9–3.8) and low values of 100 × Th/Zr (~1). According to calculations following batch partial melting and Rayleigh fractional crystallization models, both the calc-alkalic and tholeiitic felsic volcanic rocks are probably products of shallow-level fractional crystallization of mafic parental magmas formed respectively by lower (~7 % for calc-alkalic) and higher (~14% for tholeiitic) degrees of partial melting of a primitive mantle source.Contribution to the magma genesis from plausible crustal materials was negligible. A back-arc-type diapirism is geochemically suggested for the tectonic model of origin of Noranda felsic magmas, in conformity with geological observations. Felsic volcanic rocks with compositions analogous to the studied samples exist in several other Archean terrains of the Canadian Shield, suggesting thereby that the late Archean sialic crust was at least in part produced by volcanic rocks ultimately derived from the primitive mantle.

2001 ◽  
Vol 138 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-115 ◽  

Lower Permian volcanism was the first magmatic activity to occur after the collision events in the Mongolian orogenic zone, east China. The Permian volcanic rocks are therefore a key to understanding the dynamics of the unified continental lithosphere. The volcanic rocks consist of basic and intermediate rocks. The intermediate rocks with high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7051 to 0.7052) and low εNd values (−0.73 to −3.57) generally overlie the basic rocks in the field. The basic rocks have relatively low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7034 to 0.7051) and high εNd values (2.72 to −0.10). Two parallel Rb–Sr isochrons give almost the same age, about 270 Ma. One consists of the basic rocks giving an initial isochron 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7035. The other consists of the intermediate rocks and one sample of basalt, which give an initial isochron 87Sr/86Sr value of 0.7051. The strong correlations between SiO2 and other major elements suggest that fractional crystallization played an important role in the magmatic processes. However, fractional crystallization cannot explain the geochemistry of most incompatible trace elements and Sr–Nd isotope characteristics. The positive correlation between Th/Nb and (La/Sm)N ratios demonstrates the direct relation between the enrichment of the light rare earth elements and the contamination of continental sediments. The high contents of large ion lithosphere elements (LILE) in the Permian volcanic rocks may suggest an additional ‘crust + fluid’ component, especially in the intermediate rocks, which are highly enriched in Ba (> 400 ppm) relative to the basic rocks (> 200 ppm). We propose that the subduction slab dropped into depleted mantle and released fluid, which induced the mantle metasomatism and LILE enrichment. The metasomatized mantle partially melted and formed the ‘primary’ magma. This primary magma assimilated with the Proterozoic biotite–quartz schist during its rise, and finally formed the Permian volcanic rocks. Magma assimilated with the Proterozoic biotite–quartz schist in small amounts could have produced the basic rocks, while assimilation of larger amounts of magma (because of longer assimilation time) would generate intermediate rocks.

1995 ◽  
Vol 32 (5) ◽  
pp. 614-630 ◽  
Kate Maclachlan ◽  
Herb Helmstaedt

An Archean mafic dike complex in the Chan Formation at the base of the mafic volcanic section of the Yellowknife greenstone belt consists of multiple metagabbro dikes and sills separated by screens of pillowed mafic volcanic rocks, which are cut by a younger postvolcanic metadiabase dike swarm. Field relationships and geochemical characteristics are compatible with a comagmatic origin for the metagabbro and metavolcanic rocks that were fed through and deposited on an older, rift-related, supracrustal sequence of the Dwyer Group. The synvolcanic metagabbro dikes have extended the strike length of the volcanic section by at least 100%. The mafic rocks of the Chan Formation are geochemically similar to mid-ocean ridge basalt, possibly with a minor subduction-zone component. Preliminary εNd values for metagabbroic rocks are consistent with the derivation of magmas predominantly from a normal, depleted-mantle source. The Chan Formation is interpreted to have formed in a marginal basin-like setting, adjacent to a previously rifted and attenuated protocontinental margin.

2020 ◽  
Anshuman Giri ◽  
Rajagopal Anand

<p>The archaean greenstone belts, dominated by mafic to felsic volcanic rocks followed by younger granitic intrusions occurs associated with volcano-sedimentary sequences. The Dharwar Super group (2600 to 2900 Ma) of rocks in western Dharwar craton, underlie the older TTG gneisses. The Shimoga greenstone belt (SGB) of WDC constitute the basal polymictic conglomerate along with quartzite, pyroclastic rocks, carbonaceous rocks, greywacke-argillite sequences with a thick pile of mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks (BADR). These rocks are suffered from greenschist to lower amphibolite grade of metamorphism. The Medur metavolcanic volcanic rocks give an age of 2638 ± 66 Ma (1), whereas the Daginakatte felsic volcanic rocks give an age of 2601 ± 6 Ma (2). The present studied age of 2638 ± 66 Ma, tells about the cessation of mafic magmatism in WDC. The metavolcanic rocks of the Medur formation are tholeiitic to calc-alkaline in nature. These rocks show flat to LREE enriched REE pattern with negative europium anomaly. And also show enrichment in LILE and depletion in HFSE elements with significant Nb-Ta anomaly. The geochemical and the isotope data suggest the involvement of partial melting of the depleted mantle by the slab components and assimilation fractional crystallization (AFC) processes for the magma generation. The SGB metavolcanic rocks have 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.511150 to .513076) and εNd values of -3.1 to -5.5 and the negative εNd values  for the rocks is due to the crustal contamination of the magma in a shallow marine subduction setting. The parental magmas were derived from melting in the mantle wedge fluxed by slab derived fluids and slab components followed by assimilation fractional crystallization (AFC) processes involving continental crust in an active continental margin.</p><ul><li>(1) Giri et al., 2019. Lithos, <strong>330-331</strong>, 177-193</li> <li>(2) Trendall et al., 1997a. J. Geol. Soc. India, <strong>50</strong>, 25-50.</li> </ul>

2003 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-97 ◽  
Stephen J Piercey ◽  
James K Mortensen ◽  
Robert A Creaser

Devonian–Mississippian felsic rocks from the Finlayson Lake region have variable geochemical and Nd isotopic characteristics that provide insights into the tectonic and metallogenic evolution of the Yukon–Tanana terrane (YTT), and the northern Cordillera. Late Devonian (~365–360 Ma) calc-alkaline and tholeiitic arc felsic rocks in the mafic-dominated Fire Lake unit yield εNd350 = –4.8 and +0.1, respectively, and have 1.49–1.94 Ga depleted mantle model ages (TDM). Devonian–Mississippian (~360–356 Ma) felsic volcanic (Kudz Ze Kayah unit, Wolverine succession) and intrusive rocks (Grass Lakes suite) associated with volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits have εNd350 = –7.8 to –9.5 with TDM = 1.59–2.25 Ga. A granitoid sample from the Early Mississippian (~350–345 Ma) Simpson Range plutonic suite has εNd350 = –12.9 and TDM = 2.01 Ga, similar to previously reported values for this suite. The VMS-associated Grass Lakes suite of granitoids has higher high field strength element (HFSE) and rare-earth element (REE) contents, and higher Zr/Sc, Zr/TiO2, Nb/La, and Zr/La values relative to the Simpson Range plutonic suite; these geochemical features are similar to coeval VMS-associated felsic volcanic rocks in the Kudz Ze Kayah unit. The identification of similar HFSE–REE-enriched felsic volcanic and subvolcanic intrusive rocks may aid in delineating prospective regions for VMS mineralization in the YTT and other continental-margin arc to back-arc environments. The geochemical and Nd isotopic data for these YTT felsic rocks suggest that they reflect episodic mid-Paleozoic arc (Fire Lake unit; Simpson Range plutonic suite) and back-arc magmatism (Kudz Ze Kudz unit; Wolverine succession) built upon a transitional basement with variable, but significant, influence from evolved (Proterozoic) crustal materials.

Geofluids ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-25
Wen-Bin Jia ◽  
Guang-Sheng Yan ◽  
Xiao-Fei Yu ◽  
Yong-Sheng Li ◽  
Sandro Conticelli ◽  

Detailed geochronological, geochemical, and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic data are presented for early Paleozoic volcanic rocks in the Karadaban area from the northern Altyn region, NW China, with the aim to constrain their petrogenesis and tectonic implications. The Karadaban volcanic rocks show a bimodal distribution in composition, with rhyolite and basalt. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age indicates that the volcanic rocks were erupted at 512 Ma. The mafic rocks are calc-alkaline, enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE) and large-ion lithophile elements (LILE; Ba and U) and depleted in high-field strength elements (HFSE; Nb and Ta). These features together with their depleted isotopic signature (initial87Sr/86Sr=0.70413–0.70817,εNdt=2.7to 3.7) suggest that they were likely derived from a depleted mantle source but mixed with crustal components while upwelling. The felsic rocks show an A-type affinity, with high alkalis and Rb/Sr and Ga/Al ratios; enriched in LILE (e.g., Rb, K, Th, U, and REE) and depleted in Ba, Sr, Nb, P, and Ti; and with fractionated REE patterns with strong negative Eu anomalies. The combination of the decoupling ofεNdtvalues (−2.5 to −6.3) andεHftvalues (+5.5 to +14.7) in the setting of subduction indicates that the felsic rocks were generated by partial melting of the juvenile crustal as a result of magma upwelling. The geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic characteristics, coupled with regional geology, indicate that the formation of the Karadaban bimodal volcanic rocks involves an extensional regime associated with a subduction-related environment. The rifting of the back arc in response to the retreat of the subducting northern Altyn oceanic lithosphere may account for the Karadaban bimodal volcanic rocks.

1999 ◽  
Vol 36 (7) ◽  
pp. 1043-1059 ◽  
C J Northrup ◽  
C Isachsen ◽  
S A Bowring

Data from the Point Lake area, central Slave craton, suggest an intimate tectonic and paleogeographic association between volcano-sedimentary supracrustal rocks and adjacent gneisses. Granite plutons and orthogneisses yield U-Pb zircon crystallization ages ranging from ca. 3230 to 2818 Ma. Numerous mafic dykes cut the gneisses, and two have been dated by U-Pb zircon geochronometry at 2673 ± 3 and 2690 ± 3 Ma, ages similar to those of volcanic rocks in the Point Lake greenstone belt. Although high-strain zones form the greenstone-gneiss in most places, a structural repetition of granite about 4 km east of Keskarrah Bay is cut by numerous mafic dykes and apparently overlain depositionally(?) by pillow basalt. Mafic volcanic and plutonic rocks from Point Lake have initial (2.7 Ga) εNd values ranging from about +2.2 to -6.3, significantly lower than the depleted mantle at that time. The Nd data suggest either derivation from a more isotopically evolved reservoir, or assimilation of crust similar to the granite gneiss at Point Lake. We infer from the presence of mafic dykes of appropriate age in the basement and the low initial εNd values of some pillow basalts that the volcanic sequence developed on the older granitic crust. The supracrustal rocks may have been deposited in a back-arc basin floored at least in part by attenuated continental material. Closure of the basin, bulk east-west shortening, and sinistral oblique or strike-slip faulting then obscured the original relations between the volcanic and gneissic rocks.

C. W. Rapela ◽  
R. J. Pankhurst ◽  
S. M. Harrison

ABSTRACTGranites of the Batholith of Central Patagonia were emplaced into late Precambrian metamorphic basement rocks and Palaeozoic orthogneisses (here dated by Rb–Sr whole-rock errorchrons at 346 ±35 Ma and 267 ±27 Ma), and are in fault-contact with younger volcanic rocks, mostly andesites. Two main suites of granites are recognised: both are much younger than their previously-supposed Late Palaeozoic age. The Gastre Suite is composed predominantly of hornblende-biotite granodiorite and monzogranite, often slightly foliated, and has yielded a Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of 220 ±3 Ma. The Lipetrén Suite includes biotite monzogranite and leucogranite, grading into quartz-feldspar porphyries and felsites, and has been dated at 208 ±1 Ma. A minor granodioritic unit yields an apparently Middle Jurassic age of 172 ±15 Ma. Textural evidence and hornblende geobarometry confirm that these are high-level sub-volcanic intrusions. Metaluminous compositions are common in the Gastre Suite, but are subordinate to highly siliceous (>70% SiO2) and peraluminous varieties in the Lipetrén Suite. Despite this compositional bias, the granites are almost entirely calcalkaline and I-type, and have volcanic-arc rather than intraplate or collisional trace element characteristics. Initial87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0·706 and –2·5 are also relatively primitive and are thought to indicate a juvenile crustal contribution (Nd “depleted mantle” model ages are less than 1,000 Ma).The Triassic “Gondwana” magmatic episode is thus not an expression of Permo-Triassic collision of an allochthonous Patagonian terrane with the rest of southern S America, but may be related to the initial stages of supercontinent rifting.

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