Genotypic variation and recovery of Populus tremuloides from biomass removal and compaction in northern Wisconsin, USA

2005 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 221-228 ◽  
J G Bockheim ◽  
H Park ◽  
J Gallagher

This study was initiated in 1990 to determine the effects of simulated logging practices on long-term productivity of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.). Treatments included three levels of biomass removal (entire aboveground woody biomass, control; control + coarse woody detritus, LS; and LS + forest floor, FF) and two levels of compaction (light compaction on winter skid roads, TRA; heavy simulated compaction with FF, COM). The study was conducted on a Typic Haplorthod and a Haplic Glossudalf of medium site quality (site index50 years = 21 and 23 m, respectively) on the Brule State Forest. Twelve years after treatment, the following results were noted: (1) there were no significant differences in aspen height growth among treatments at either site except for lower stocking, height, diameter, and basal area on heavily compacted plots (COM, forest floor removed before compaction) at the clay site; (2) there was considerable genotypic variation in aspen height growth; and (3) recovery of physical properties, as reflected by bulk density, occurred within 12 years of treatment but was not manifested by improved aspen growth. These results suggest that concern over long-term effects of intensified biomass removal and soil compaction should be matched by a concern over protection of the aspen gene pool in the upper Great Lakes region.

2013 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 256-265 ◽  
Oscar García

A biologically inspired whole-stand growth and yield model was developed for even-aged thinned or unthinned stands dominated by trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.). The estimation used permanent sample plot data from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, supplemented by published site index and young stand information. An ingrowth imputation procedure was devised to facilitate the use of plot measurements where small trees are not measured. Two published site index models were closely approximated by a simple age-base invariant equation. Good parameter estimates for mortality and basal area growth were obtained without using age observations, which were unreliable or missing. Four differential equations describe the dynamics of top height, trees per hectare, basal area, and a site occupancy factor. Current values of these variables are used to estimate total and merchantable volumes up to any diameter limit and diameter distribution parameters. When an independent source of site quality estimates is available, the final model does not require stand age knowledge for making growth and yield predictions.

1980 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-79
Robert C. Sparks ◽  
Norwin E. Linnartz ◽  
Harold E. Harris

Abstract Pruning and thinning a young natural stand of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) in southwest Louisiana had little influence on height. However, diameter growth was reduced substantially as pruning intensity or stocking rate increased up to 25-percent live crown and 200 stems per acre, respectively. Improved diameter growth at lower stocking rates was not sufficient to equal the total basal area increment of 200 trees per acre.

2011 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-96 ◽  
Aaron R. Weiskittel ◽  
Laura S. Kenefic ◽  
Rongxia Li ◽  
John Brissette

Abstract The effects of four precommercial thinning (PCT) treatments on an even-aged northern conifer stand in Maine were investigated by examining stand structure and composition 32 years after treatment. Replicated treatments applied in 1976 included: (1) control (no PCT), (2) row thinning (rowthin; 5-ft-wide row removal with 3-ft-wide residual strips), (3) row thinning with crop tree release (rowthin+CTR; 5-ft-wide row removal with crop tree release at 8-ft intervals in 3-ft-wide residual strips), and (4) crop tree release (CTR; release of selected crop trees at 8×8-ft intervals). PCT plots had more large trees and fewer small trees than the control in 2008. There were no other significant differences between the rowthin and control. The rowthin+CTR and CTR treatments had lower total and hardwood basal area (BA) and higher merchantable conifer BA than the control. CTR also resulted in more red spruce (Picea rubens [Sarg.]) and less balsam fir (Abies balsamea [L.]) than the other treatments. Although stand structures for rowthin+CTR and CTR were similar, the percentage of spruce in CTR was greater. Although the less-intensive rowthin+CTR treatment may provide many of the same benefits as CTR, the latter would be the preferred treatment if increasing the spruce component of a stand is an objective. Overall, early thinning treatments were found to have long-term effects on key stand attributes, even more than 30 years after treatment in areas with mixed species composition and moderate site potential.

2006 ◽  
Vol 82 (5) ◽  
pp. 733-744 ◽  
Nicholas J Buda ◽  
Jian R Wang

Stem analyses data collected in central Ontario stands were used to develop site index (height and age) and site form (height and diameter) models and curves for sugar maple. The suitability of both methods for evaluating sugar maple site productivity was examined. Two different equation forms were evaluated for both site index and site form models. A common modification of Richard's (1959) equation was most suitable for predicting dominant height at index age (site index) and reference diameter (site form). Potential effects of species mixture on sugar maple site index were examined. We found no significant effects on sugar maple height growth and site index in mixed stand conditions common in the region when compared to pure stands. The potential of site form as an alternative to site index was investigated through correlation analyses with site index and other site variables known to influence sugar maple height growth. Site form was not related to site index, nor any site variables related to sugar maple height growth. It is therefore inadequate for evaluating sugar maple site quality. We recommend height growth models and site index curves developed in this study be used to replace those from other regions currently used in central Ontario. Key words: site index, site form, sugar maple, site quality evaluation, mixedwood, uneven-aged

1952 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 63-74 ◽  
John W. Ker

The use of dominant heights for the estimation of site index is compared with the use of the average of dominant and codominant heights. Data collected on the University Research Forest are presented to illustrate the variability in tree heights and diameters within the two upper crown classes in well-stocked stands of immature Douglas fir.HeightIt is shown that the use of dominant heights reduces considerably the number of measurements required for a site index determination of given accuracy. Minimum sample sizes are given for three limits of accuracy for use in different site qualities. A general field and office procedure is outlined for the determination of minimum sample size in stands other than those described.DiameterThe use of diameter in site determination is discussed. Site indices based on the height of the tree of mean diameter, the height of the tree of mean basal area, and mean height are compared.ConclusionsQuick estimates of site quality can best be obtained by the measurement of total height of sample dominant trees, selected at random. For this purpose, tables are presented which list the average height of dominant trees by age and site classes for use in stands of Douglas fir, and western hemlock, respectively.

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 888
Allison K. Rossman ◽  
Jonathan D. Bakker ◽  
David W. Peterson ◽  
Charles B. Halpern

The long-term effectiveness of dry-forest fuels treatments (restoration thinning and prescribed burning) depends, in part, on the pace at which trees regenerate and recruit into the overstory. Knowledge of the factors that shape post-treatment regeneration and growth is limited by the short timeframes and simple disturbance histories of past research. Here, we present results of a 15-year fuels-reduction experiment in central Washington, including responses to planned and unplanned disturbances. We explore the changing patterns of Douglas-fir regeneration in 72 permanent plots (0.1 ha) varying in overstory abundance (a function of density and basal area) and disturbance history—the latter including thinning, prescribed burning, and/or wildfire. Plots were measured before treatment (2000/2001), soon afterwards (2004/2005), and more than a decade later (2015). Thinning combined with burning enhanced sapling recruitment (ingrowth) into the overstory, although rates of ingrowth were consistently low and greatly exceeded by mortality. Relationships between seedling frequency (proportion of quadrats within a plot) and overstory abundance shifted from weakly negative before treatment to positive after thinning, to neutral in the longer term. However, these relationships were overshadowed by more recent, higher-severity prescribed fire and wildfire that stimulated seedling establishment while killing advanced regeneration and overstory trees. Our results highlight the dependence of regeneration responses on the history of, and time since, fuels treatment and subsequent disturbance. Managers must be aware of this spatial and temporal complexity and plan for future disturbances that are inevitable but unpredictable in timing and severity.

1999 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-77 ◽  
Matthew H. Pelkki

Abstract In the central and southern Appalachian region of the United States, yellow-poplar is an important timber resource for the sawmill and composite wood industries. A dynamic programming optimization algorithm was used to evaluate financial returns from various thinning strategies on yellow-poplar stands. Improvement thinning was found to increase long-term returns more than any other thinning strategy on most combinations of site and stand quality. Only on a high site index stand with a stem distribution dominated by high quality trees was thinning from above found to be the most valuable strategy. When stands have low or average stem quality distributions, the typical rotation has one to two thinnings removing 20% to 35% of the basal area in each thinning. Timing of the initial improvement thinning ranges from 22-32 yr, and occurs earlier in higher site index stands. In stands of high stem quality, one to five thinnings removing 20% to 40% of the basal area are employed, and rotation length increases as production shifts to sawtimber. Stands with higher site index and stem quality distributions have higher numbers of thinnings. This research demonstrates the value of intermediate treatments in improving financial returns from yellow-poplar. South. J. Appl. For. 23(2):69-77.

1990 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-30 ◽  
James H. Brown ◽  
Charles A. Duncan

Abstract Growth intercept (GI) techniques were evaluated for estimating site quality in red pine stands planted on old-field sites in the unglaciated Western and Central Allegheny Plateau regions of Ohio. Correlations between height growth of trees below breast height (BH) and height growth above BH were not statistically significant. Site index estimates were made using age at BH and height from BH to the growing tip. Three-year and 5-year growth beginning three internodes above the BH annual increment and 10-year growth beginning one internode above BH were more significantly correlated with height than were intercepts beginning at BH. In equations developed for predicting site index, 3-, 5-, and 10-year intercepts in combination with age accounted for 64 to 80% of the variation in tree heights. Combining thickness of the A soil horizon with GI and age statistically increased the variation accounted for in the 3- and 5-year GI equations; however, for field use, the improvement in accuracy was not sufficient to justify making the additional soil measurement. North. J. Appl. For. 7(1):27-30, March 1990.

2011 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-165 ◽  
Roger A. Williams ◽  
Yuhua Tao

Abstract A carbon management diagram for use in oak-hickory forests in southern Ohio has been developed to allow easier quantification of total forest carbon stock. The total carbon stock is positively correlated to basal area and average stand diameter but poorly correlated to the number of trees per acre. The total amount of carbon stored in these forests is going to be influenced by age and site quality to the extent that age and site influence basal area and the average tree size. Accordingly, not all stands considered to be fully to overstocked store the most carbon. Rather, it is a combination of basal area and average tree size that determines the total carbon stored, with the carbon stock in the forest increasing with an increase in both basal area and average tree diameter. Examples illustrating the use of the diagram are presented for two oak forests on oak site indexes 60 and 80. Both forests are overstocked at age 100 years, but the forest on site index 60 stores 77 tons/ac of total carbon compared with 103 tons/ac on site index 80.

2001 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-150 ◽  
Willard H. Carmean ◽  
G. Hazenberg ◽  
G. P. Niznowski

Stem-analysis data from dominant and codominant trees were collected from 383 plots located in fully stocked, even-aged, undisturbed mature jack pine stands. Separate site index curves were independently formulated for four regions of northern Ontario using the Newnham constrained nonlinear regression model; these formulations were used for comparing regional site index curves at three levels of site index (10 m, 15 m and 20 m).Comparisons showed that no significant differences existed between the four regional curves as well as with previously published site index curves for the North Central Region. Each of the four regions had similar polymorphic height-growth patterns; therefore, data for the four regions were combined and a single formulation was used to develop a polymorphic set of site index curves for all of northern Ontario. We found that poor sites in each region had almost linear height growth up to 100 years breast-height age, but for each region height growth became more curvilinear with increasing site index. The recommended site index curves for northern Ontario are based on a formulation using only data from plots 100 years and less but this formulation was not significantly different from a formulation using only data from plots 80 years and less, or a formulation that included all data from plots older than 100 years breast-height age.Comparisons were made between our northern Ontario curves and other jack pine site index curves for Ontario as well as curves for other areas of Canada and the United States. These comparisons generally showed considerable older age differences. Reasons for these differences are uncertain but could be due to differences in the amount and kind of data used for these other curves, could be due to differences in analytical methods, or could be due to regional differences in climate, soil and topography. Key words: site quality evaluation, polymorphic height growth, regional site index curves, site index prediction equations, comparisons among site index curves.

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