scholarly journals Exploring requirements and detector solutions for FCC-ee

2021 ◽  
Vol 136 (11) ◽  
Patrizia Azzi ◽  
Emmanuel Perez

AbstractCircular colliders have the advantage of delivering collisions to multiple interaction points, which allow different detector designs to be studied and optimised—up to four for FCC-ee. On the one hand, the detectors must satisfy the constraints imposed by the invasive interaction region layout. On the other hand, the performance of heavy-flavour tagging, of particle identification, of tracking and particle-flow reconstruction, and of lepton, jet, missing energy and angular resolution, need to match the physics programme and the exquisite statistical precision offered by FCC-ee. During the FCC feasibility study (2021–2025), benchmark physics processes will be used to determine, via appropriate simulations, the requirements on the detector performance or design that must be satisfied to ensure that the systematic uncertainties of the measurements are commensurate with their statistical precision. The usage of the data themselves, in order to reach the challenging goals on the stability and on the alignment of the detector, in particular for the programme at and around the Z peak, will also be studied. In addition, the potential for discovering very weakly coupled new particles, in decays of Z or Higgs bosons, could motivate dedicated detector designs that would increase the efficiency for reconstructing the unusual signatures of such processes. These studies are crucial input to the further optimisation of the two concepts described in the FCC-ee conceptual design report, CLD and IDEA, and to the development of new concepts which might actually prove to be better adapted to the FCC-ee physics programme, or parts thereof.

1975 ◽  
Vol 34 (02) ◽  
pp. 426-444 ◽  
J Kahan ◽  
I Nohén

SummaryIn 4 collaborative trials, involving a varying number of hospital laboratories in the Stockholm area, the coagulation activity of different test materials was estimated with the one-stage prothrombin tests routinely used in the laboratories, viz. Normotest, Simplastin-A and Thrombotest. The test materials included different batches of a lyophilized reference plasma, deep-frozen specimens of diluted and undiluted normal plasmas, and fresh and deep-frozen specimens from patients on long-term oral anticoagulant therapy.Although a close relationship was found between different methods, Simplastin-A gave consistently lower values than Normotest, the difference being proportional to the estimated activity. The discrepancy was of about the same magnitude on all the test materials, and was probably due to a divergence between the manufacturers’ procedures used to set “normal percentage activity”, as well as to a varying ratio of measured activity to plasma concentration. The extent of discrepancy may vary with the batch-to-batch variation of thromboplastin reagents.The close agreement between results obtained on different test materials suggests that the investigated reference plasma could be used to calibrate the examined thromboplastin reagents, and to compare the degree of hypocoagulability estimated by the examined PIVKA-insensitive thromboplastin reagents.The assigned coagulation activity of different batches of the reference plasma agreed closely with experimentally obtained values. The stability of supplied batches was satisfactory as judged from the reproducibility of repeated measurements. The variability of test procedures was approximately the same on different test materials.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Yoan Martínez Márquez ◽  
Yalice Gámez Batista ◽  
Norberto Valcárcel Izquierdo

Las TIC median las interacciones y la comunicación de los estudiantes a diario. Se conciben como mediado-ras de la reflexión y la autorregulación de la actividad del estudiante, resultante de la interacción consciente de la percepción que tiene el estudiante sobre si con la que negocia con el resto de los estudiantes, los ase-sores y la sociedad en general. En este contexto el aprovechamiento de las TIC debe promover una influen-cia formativa en los espacios formales y no formales. Las condicionantes de complementariedad de espa-cios y de unidad en la diversidad de recursos tecnológicos y didácticos deben guiar la actividad que tenga al estudiante como centro de la misma.Ya no se trata de integrar las TIC en el proceso de formación, haciéndolo formal y estandarizado. El reto está en que sean las características personales de los estudiantes, sus estilos de aprendizaje, sus conoci-mientos y experiencias previas, y sus esquemas afectivos los que marquen el aprovechamiento de las TIC en la evaluación del aprendizaje autónomo de inglés.En el presente trabajo se estructura el aprovechamiento de las TIC mediante un EPA base para la evalua-ción del aprendizaje autónomo de inglés. El EPA base constituye un andamiaje de personas, procedimien-tos, espacios de interacción, y de recursos tecnológicos y didácticos. Los componentes que lo conforman se encuentran débilmente acoplados por la tecnología y altamente cohesionados por la significatividad de las conexiones que el estudiante establece entre ellos. Palabras Clave: Aprendizaje, Autonomía, Entorno, Evaluación, Personal. ABSTRACT There is no doubt about the key role of ICT in the interaction and communication processes among students. ICT are thought as a mean for the reflection and self-regulation of students´ activity, which is in a permanent conscientious comparison between the perception a student has about him/herself and the one he/she nego-tiates with the rest of students, advisors and society in general terms. In this context, ICT should promote a positive influence on student formation in formal and non-formal spaces. The conditionals related to spaces combined support and union in the diversity of technological and didactical resources should guide every activity having students at the center of its conception.It is no longer about integrating ICT to the formation process making it formal and standardized. The chal-lenge on autonomous language learning evaluation with ICT has to do with making the differences through personal characteristics of students, their learning styles, previous experiences and affective schemas.In this paper the use of ICT is structured by means of a PLE frame for the evaluation of English autonomous language learning. It is a scaffolding of people, procedures, interaction spaces, and technological and didac-tical resources. Its components are weakly coupled by technologies and highly cohesive by the meaningful connections students establish among them. Keywords: Learning, Autonomy, Evaluation, Environment, Personal. Recibido: septiembre de 2016Aprobado: noviembre de 2016

2019 ◽  
Jose Julio Gutierrez Moreno ◽  
Marco Fronzi ◽  
Pierre Lovera ◽  
alan O'Riordan ◽  
Mike J Ford ◽  

<p></p><p>Interfacial metal-oxide systems with ultrathin oxide layers are of high interest for their use in catalysis. In this study, we present a density functional theory (DFT) investigation of the structure of ultrathin rutile layers (one and two TiO<sub>2</sub> layers) supported on TiN and the stability of water on these interfacial structures. The rutile layers are stabilized on the TiN surface through the formation of interfacial Ti–O bonds. Charge transfer from the TiN substrate leads to the formation of reduced Ti<sup>3+</sup> cations in TiO<sub>2.</sub> The structure of the one-layer oxide slab is strongly distorted at the interface, while the thicker TiO<sub>2</sub> layer preserves the rutile structure. The energy cost for the formation of a single O vacancy in the one-layer oxide slab is only 0.5 eV with respect to the ideal interface. For the two-layer oxide slab, the introduction of several vacancies in an already non-stoichiometric system becomes progressively more favourable, which indicates the stability of the highly non-stoichiometric interfaces. Isolated water molecules dissociate when adsorbed at the TiO<sub>2</sub> layers. At higher coverages the preference is for molecular water adsorption. Our ab initio thermodynamics calculations show the fully water covered stoichiometric models as the most stable structure at typical ambient conditions. Interfacial models with multiple vacancies are most stable at low (reducing) oxygen chemical potential values. A water monolayer adsorbs dissociatively on the highly distorted 2-layer TiO<sub>1.75</sub>-TiN interface, where the Ti<sup>3+</sup> states lying above the top of the valence band contribute to a significant reduction of the energy gap compared to the stoichiometric TiO<sub>2</sub>-TiN model. Our results provide a guide for the design of novel interfacial systems containing ultrathin TiO<sub>2</sub> with potential application as photocatalytic water splitting devices.</p><p></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 111-119

The article is devoted to the study of such an important aspect of the activities of the World Russian People's Council (until 1995 it was called the World Russian Council) in the 90-s of the 20-th century as a discussion of national security issues and nuclear disarmament. At that time, a number of political and public figures actively called for the nuclear disarmament of Russia. Founded in 1993, the World Russian Council called for the Russian Federation to maintain a reasonable balance between reducing the arms race and fighting for the resumption of detente in international relations, on the one hand, and maintaining a powerful nuclear component of the armed forces of the country, on the other. The resolutions of the World Russian Council and the World Russian People's Council on the problems of the new concepts formation of foreign policy and national security of Russia in the context of NATO's eastward movement are analyzed in the article. It also shows the relationship between the provisions of the WRNS on security and nuclear weapons issues with Chapter VIII of the «Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church».

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
Ginger Egberts ◽  
Fred Vermolen ◽  
Paul van Zuijlen

AbstractTo deal with permanent deformations and residual stresses, we consider a morphoelastic model for the scar formation as the result of wound healing after a skin trauma. Next to the mechanical components such as strain and displacements, the model accounts for biological constituents such as the concentration of signaling molecules, the cellular densities of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, and the density of collagen. Here we present stability constraints for the one-dimensional counterpart of this morphoelastic model, for both the continuous and (semi-) discrete problem. We show that the truncation error between these eigenvalues associated with the continuous and semi-discrete problem is of order $${{\mathcal {O}}}(h^2)$$ O ( h 2 ) . Next we perform numerical validation to these constraints and provide a biological interpretation of the (in)stability. For the mechanical part of the model, the results show the components reach equilibria in a (non) monotonic way, depending on the value of the viscosity. The results show that the parameters of the chemical part of the model need to meet the stability constraint, depending on the decay rate of the signaling molecules, to avoid unrealistic results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 2030
Hela Ferjani ◽  
Hammouda Chebbi ◽  
Mohammed Fettouhi

The new organic–inorganic compound (C6H9N2)2BiCl5 (I) has been grown by the solvent evaporation method. The one-dimensional (1D) structure of the allylimidazolium chlorobismuthate (I) has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. It crystallizes in the centrosymmetric space group C2/c and consists of 1-allylimidazolium cations and (1D) chains of the anion BiCl52−, built up of corner-sharing [BiCl63−] octahedra which are interconnected by means of hydrogen bonding contacts N/C–H⋯Cl. The intermolecular interactions were quantified using Hirshfeld surface analysis and the enrichment ratio established that the most important role in the stability of the crystal structure was provided by hydrogen bonding and H···H interactions. The highest value of E was calculated for the contact N⋯C (6.87) followed by C⋯C (2.85) and Bi⋯Cl (2.43). These contacts were favored and made the main contribution to the crystal packing. The vibrational modes were identified and assigned by infrared and Raman spectroscopy. The optical band gap (Eg = 3.26 eV) was calculated from the diffuse reflectance spectrum and showed that we can consider the material as a semiconductor. The density functional theory (DFT) has been used to determine the calculated gap, which was about 3.73 eV, and to explain the electronic structure of the title compound, its optical properties, and the stability of the organic part by the calculation of HOMO and LUMO energy and the Fukui indices.

2003 ◽  
Vol 14 (08) ◽  
pp. 1087-1105 ◽  

A new twelfth-order four-step formula containing fourth derivatives for the numerical integration of the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation has been developed. It was found that by adding multi-derivative terms, the stability of a linear multi-step method can be improved and the interval of periodicity of this new method is larger than that of the Numerov's method. The numerical test shows that the new method is superior to the previous lower orders in both accuracy and efficiency and it is specially applied to the problem when an increasing accuracy is requested.

2011 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-274
Samir F. Matar

We address the changes in the electronic structure brought by the insertion of hydrogen into ThCo leading to the experimentally observed ThCoH4. Full geometry optimization positions the hydrogen in three sites stabilized in the expanded intermetallic matrix. From a Bader charge analysis, hydrogen is found to be in a narrow iono-covalent (~−0.6) to covalent (~−0.3) bonding which should enable site-selective desorption. The overall chemical picture shows a positively charged Thδ+ with the negative charge redistributed over a complex anion {CoH4}δ− with δ~1.8. Nevertheless this charge transfer remains far from the one in the more ionic hydridocobaltate anion CoH54− in Mg2CoH5, due to the largely electropositive character of Mg.

1996 ◽  
Vol 28 (02) ◽  
pp. 540-566 ◽  
Peter G. Harrison ◽  
Edwige Pitel

We derive expressions for the generating function of the equilibrium queue length probability distribution in a single server queue with general service times and independent Poisson arrival streams of both ordinary, positive customers and negative customers which eliminate a positive customer if present. For the case of first come first served queueing discipline for the positive customers, we compare the killing strategies in which either the last customer in the queue or the one in service is removed by a negative customer. We then consider preemptive-restart with resampling last come first served queueing discipline for the positive customers, combined with the elimination of the customer in service by a negative customer—the case of elimination of the last customer yields an analysis similar to first come first served discipline for positive customers. The results show different generating functions in contrast to the case where service times are exponentially distributed. This is also reflected in the stability conditions. Incidently, this leads to a full study of the preemptive-restart with resampling last come first served case without negative customers. Finally, approaches to solving the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind which arises, for instance, in the first case are considered as well as an alternative iterative solution method.

2000 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23 ◽  
Nicolae Angelescu ◽  
Robert A. Minlos ◽  
Valentin A. Zagrebnov

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