residual stresses
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2022 ◽  
Vol 245 ◽  
pp. 110411
M. Hashemzadeh ◽  
Y. Garbatov ◽  
C. Guedes Soares

2022 ◽  
Vol 253 ◽  
pp. 113682
Meng Xiao ◽  
Yi-Fei Hu ◽  
Hao Jin ◽  
Kwok-Fai Chung ◽  
David A. Nethercot

2022 ◽  
Vol 189 ◽  
pp. 107108
Lauri Jaamala ◽  
Kristo Mela ◽  
Jussi Laurila ◽  
Milla Rinne ◽  
Pasi Peura

Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 265
Luis A. Velosa-Moncada ◽  
Jean-Pierre Raskin ◽  
Luz Antonio Aguilera-Cortés ◽  
Francisco López-Huerta ◽  
Agustín L. Herrera-May

Precise prediction of mechanical behavior of thin films at the nanoscale requires techniques that consider size effects and fabrication-related issues. Here, we propose a test methodology to estimate the Young’s modulus of nanometer-thick films using micromachined bilayer cantilevers. The bilayer cantilevers which comprise a well-known reference layer and a tested film deflect due to the relief of the residual stresses generated during the fabrication process. The mechanical relationship between the measured residual stresses and the corresponding deflections was used to characterize the tested film. Residual stresses and deflections were related using analytical and finite element models that consider intrinsic stress gradients and the use of adherence layers. The proposed methodology was applied to low pressure chemical vapor deposited silicon nitride tested films with thicknesses ranging from 46 nm to 288 nm. The estimated Young’s modulus values varying between 213.9 GPa and 288.3 GPa were consistent with nanoindentation and alternative residual stress-driven techniques. In addition, the dependence of the results on the thickness and the intrinsic stress gradient of the materials was confirmed. The proposed methodology is simple and can be used to characterize diverse materials deposited under different fabrication conditions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 696-707
S. A. Zaides ◽  
Quan Minh Ho ◽  
Nghia Duc Mai

This paper aims to determine the effect of the sector radius of a workpiece-deforming tool on the stress-strain state in the center of elastoplastic deformation and residual stresses in the hardened zone of the surface layer of cylindrical workpieces. A mathematical model of local loading was constructed using the finite element method and AN-SYS software. This model was used to determine the values of temporary and residual stresses and deformations, as well as the depth of plastic zone, depending on the sector radius of the working tool. The simulation results showed that, under the same loading of a cylindrical surface, working tools with different sector radii create different maximum tempo-rary and residual stresses. An assessment of the stress state was carried out for situations when the surface layer of a product is treated by workpiece-deforming tools with a different shape of the working edge. It was shown that, compared to a flat tool, a decrease in the radius of the working sector from 125 to 25 mm leads to an increase in the maximum temporary and residual stresses by 1.2–1.5 times, while the plastic zone depth increases by 1.5–2.4 times. The use of a working tool with a flat surface for hardening a cylindrical workpiece ensures minimal temporary residual stresses, com-pared to those produced by a working tool with a curved surface. A decrease in the radius of the working sector leads to an increase in temporary residual stresses by 2–7%. The plastic zone depth ranges from 1.65 to 2.55 mm when chang-ing the sector radius of the working tool.

2022 ◽  
Vol 327 ◽  
pp. 272-278
Elisa Fracchia ◽  
Federico Simone Gobber ◽  
Claudio Mus ◽  
Yuji Kobayashi ◽  
Mario Rosso

Nowadays, one of the most crucial focus in the aluminium-foundry sector is the production of high-quality castings. Mainly, High-Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) is broadly adopted, since by this process is possible to realize aluminium castings with thin walls and high specific mechanical properties. On the other hand, this casting process may cause tensile states into the castings, namely residual stresses. Residual stresses may strongly affect the life of the product causing premature failure of the casting. Various methods can assess these tensile states, but the non-destructive X-Ray method is the most commonly adopted. Namely, in this work, the residual stress analysis has been performed through Sinto-Pulstec μ-X360s. Detailed measurements have been done on powertrain components realized in aluminium alloy EN AC 46000 through HPDC processes to understand and prevent dangerous residual stress state into the aluminium castings. Furthermore, a comparison with stresses induced by Rheocasting processes is underway. In fact, it is well known that Semi-Solid metal forming combines the advantages of casting and forging, solving safety and environmental problems and possibly even the residual stress state can be positively affected.

Bernadett Spisák ◽  
Zoltán Bézi ◽  
Szabolcs Szávai

Welding is accompanied by the presence of weld residual stresses, which in case of dissimilar metal welds even with post weld heat treatment cannot be removed completely therefore they should be considered when assessing possible welding defects. The measurement of residual stress in metal weld is a very complex procedure and also in the investigated case could not be carried out as it is the part of a working plant. However, by modelling these processes, the residual stresses and deformation of the components caused by this manufacturing method can be determined. It is important to calculate these values as accurately as possible to determine the maximum load capacity of the structure. The structure under examination was the dissimilar metal weld of a VVER-440 steam generator. 2D simulations were performed, where temperature and phase-dependent material properties were implemented. Different loading scenarios were considered in the numerical analysis. The results can be useful to determine the real loading conditions of a given component and can be used to predict stress corrosion crack initiation locations, as well as to evaluate the lifetime and failure mode prediction of welded joints.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 420
Anna Yakovleva ◽  
Margarita Isaenkova ◽  
Roman Minushkin

The purpose of this research was to analyze the change in residual stresses in the surface layer of steel samples taking into account the technological heredity effect on the value and sign of residual stresses. An installation of combined processing was developed. Combined processing consists of sequentially performing electromechanical processing and diamond smoothing. All areas of the samples were studied—after machining (i.e., in the initial state), after electromechanical processing, and after diamond smoothing. The research shows that the sign and value of residual stresses are significantly affected by the combined processing modes. The main parameters of the surface layer are formed at the final stage of the combined processing–diamond smoothing. This paper gives recommendations on the use of combined processing for power plant parts.

2022 ◽  

Abstract Residual stresses and strains, distortion, heat affected zone (HAZ), grain size changes and hardness variation during gas metal arc welding (GMAW), are fundamental aspects to study and control during welding processes. For this reason, numerical simulations of the welding processes represent the more frequently used tool to better analyse the several aspects characterizing this joining process with the aim to reduce lead time and production costs. In the present study an uncoupled 3D thermo-mechanical analysis was carried out by two commercial finite element method (FEM) software to model an experimental single bead GMAW of AISI 441 at different process set-up. The experimental HAZ and measured temperatures were used to calibrate the heat source of both the used numerical codes, then a validation procedure was done to test the robustness of the two developed analytical procedures. One software was used to predict the residual stresses and strains and the distortions of the welded components, while in the second software a user routine was implemented, including a physical based model and the Hall-Petch (H-P) equation, to predict grain size change and hardness evolution respectively. The results demonstrate that the predicted mechanical and microstructural aspects agree with those experimentally found showing the reliability of the two codes in predicting the thermal phenomena characterizing the HAZ during the analysed welding process.

Marcello Cabibbo ◽  
Alessandra Fava ◽  
Roberto Montanari ◽  
Ekaterina Pakhomova ◽  
Chiara Paoletti ◽  

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