Preparation and Properties of a-SiGe:H Films Fabricated with a Super Chamber (Separated Ultra-High Vacuum Reaction Chamber)

1987 ◽  
Vol 26 (Part 1, No. 12) ◽  
pp. 1978-1982 ◽  
Hisao Haku ◽  
Katsunobu Sayama ◽  
Yukio Nakashima ◽  
Tsuyoshi Takahama ◽  
Masao Isomura ◽  
1987 ◽  
Vol 95 ◽  
Shinya Tsuda ◽  
Hisao Haku ◽  
Hisaki Tarui ◽  
Takao Matsuyama ◽  
Katsunobu Sayama ◽  

AbstractIn order to improve the conversion efficiency of a-Si solar cells, high-quality a-Si based alloys of both narrow handgap and wide bandgap were studied.Concerning the narrow bandgap material, we found a particular dependence of film qualities on substrate temperature. In addition, high-quality a-SiGe:H films were obtained by using a super chamber (separated ultra-high vacuum reaction chamber).As for the high-quality wide bandgap material, a-Si/a-SiC superlattice structure films fabricated by a photo-CVD method were studied for the first time. From the analysis of their properties, we found that the superlattice structure p-layer was an active layer for photovoltaic effect. A conversion efficiency of 11.2% has been obtained for a pin a-Si solar cell whose player was of the superlattice structure.

1987 ◽  
Vol 26 (Part 1, No. 1) ◽  
pp. 33-38 ◽  
Shinya Tsuda ◽  
Tsuyoshi Takahama ◽  
Masao Isomura ◽  
Hisaki Tarui ◽  
Yukio Nakashima ◽  

George H. N. Riddle ◽  
Benjamin M. Siegel

A routine procedure for growing very thin graphite substrate films has been developed. The films are grown pyrolytically in an ultra-high vacuum chamber by exposing (111) epitaxial nickel films to carbon monoxide gas. The nickel serves as a catalyst for the disproportionation of CO through the reaction 2C0 → C + CO2. The nickel catalyst is prepared by evaporation onto artificial mica at 400°C and annealing for 1/2 hour at 600°C in vacuum. Exposure of the annealed nickel to 1 torr CO for 3 hours at 500°C results in the growth of very thin continuous graphite films. The graphite is stripped from its nickel substrate in acid and mounted on holey formvar support films for use as specimen substrates.The graphite films, self-supporting over formvar holes up to five microns in diameter, have been studied by bright and dark field electron microscopy, by electron diffraction, and have been shadowed to reveal their topography and thickness. The films consist of individual crystallites typically a micron across with their basal planes parallel to the surface but oriented in different, apparently random directions about the normal to the basal plane.

R. H. Geiss ◽  
R. L. Ladd ◽  
K. R. Lawless

Detailed electron microscope and diffraction studies of the sub-oxides of vanadium have been reported by Cambini and co-workers, and an oxidation study, possibly complicated by carbon and/or nitrogen, has been published by Edington and Smallman. The results reported by these different authors are not in good agreement. For this study, high purity polycrystalline vanadium samples were electrochemically thinned in a dual jet polisher using a solution of 20% H2SO4, 80% CH3OH, and then oxidized in an ion-pumped ultra-high vacuum reactor system using spectroscopically pure oxygen. Samples were oxidized at 350°C and 100μ oxygen pressure for periods of 30,60,90 and 160 minutes. Since our primary interest is in the mechanism of the low pressure oxidation process, the oxidized samples were cooled rapidly and not homogenized. The specimens were then examined in the HVEM at voltages up to 500 kV, the higher voltages being necessary to examine thick sections for which the oxidation behavior was more characteristic of the bulk.

A. V. Crewe

The high resolution STEM is now a fact of life. I think that we have, in the last few years, demonstrated that this instrument is capable of the same resolving power as a CEM but is sufficiently different in its imaging characteristics to offer some real advantages.It seems possible to prove in a quite general way that only a field emission source can give adequate intensity for the highest resolution^ and at the moment this means operating at ultra high vacuum levels. Our experience, however, is that neither the source nor the vacuum are difficult to manage and indeed are simpler than many other systems and substantially trouble-free.

L. E. Murr ◽  
G. Wong

Palladium single-crystal films have been prepared by Matthews in ultra-high vacuum by evaporation onto (001) NaCl substrates cleaved in-situ, and maintained at ∼ 350° C. Murr has also produced large-grained and single-crystal Pd films by high-rate evaporation onto (001) NaCl air-cleaved substrates at 350°C. In the present work, very large (∼ 3cm2), continuous single-crystal films of Pd have been prepared by flash evaporation onto air-cleaved (001) NaCl substrates at temperatures at or below 250°C. Evaporation rates estimated to be ≧ 2000 Å/sec, were obtained by effectively short-circuiting 1 mil tungsten evaporation boats in a self-regulating system which maintained an optimum load current of approximately 90 amperes; corresponding to a current density through the boat of ∼ 4 × 104 amperes/cm2.

Michel Troyonal ◽  
Huei Pei Kuoal ◽  
Benjamin M. Siegelal

A field emission system for our experimental ultra high vacuum electron microscope has been designed, constructed and tested. The electron optical system is based on the prototype whose performance has already been reported. A cross-sectional schematic illustrating the field emission source, preaccelerator lens and accelerator is given in Fig. 1. This field emission system is designed to be used with an electron microscope operated at 100-150kV in the conventional transmission mode. The electron optical system used to control the imaging of the field emission beam on the specimen consists of a weak condenser lens and the pre-field of a strong objective lens. The pre-accelerator lens is an einzel lens and is operated together with the accelerator in the constant angular magnification mode (CAM).

J. E. O'Neal ◽  
J. J. Bellina ◽  
B. B. Rath

Thin films of the bcc metals vanadium, niobium and tantalum were epitaxially grown on (0001) and sapphire substrates. Prior to deposition, the mechanical polishing damage on the substrates was removed by an in-situ etch. The metal films were deposited by electron-beam evaporation in ultra-high vacuum. The substrates were heated by thermal contact with an electron-bombarded backing plate. The deposition parameters are summarized in Table 1.The films were replicated and examined by electron microscopy and their crystallographic orientation and texture were determined by reflection electron diffraction. Verneuil-grown and Czochralskigrown sapphire substrates of both orientations were employed for each evaporation. The orientation of the metal deposit was not affected by either increasing the density of sub-grain boundaries by about a factor of ten or decreasing the deposition rate by a factor of two. The results on growth epitaxy are summarized in Tables 2 and 3.

William Krakow

In recent years electron microscopy has been used to image surfaces in both the transmission and reflection modes by many research groups. Some of this work has been performed under ultra high vacuum conditions (UHV) and apparent surface reconstructions observed. The level of resolution generally has been at least an order of magnitude worse than is necessary to visualize atoms directly and therefore the detailed atomic rearrangements of the surface are not known. The present author has achieved atomic level resolution under normal vacuum conditions of various Au surfaces. Unfortunately these samples were exposed to atmosphere and could not be cleaned in a standard high resolution electron microscope. The result obtained surfaces which were impurity stabilized and reveal the bulk lattice (1x1) type surface structures also encountered by other surface physics techniques under impure or overlayer contaminant conditions. It was therefore decided to study a system where exposure to air was unimportant by using a oxygen saturated structure, Ag2O, and seeking to find surface reconstructions, which will now be described.

Eal H. Lee ◽  
Helmut Poppa

The formation of thin films of gold on mica has been studied in ultra-high vacuum (5xl0-10 torr) . The mica substrates were heat-treated for 24 hours at 375°C, cleaved, and annealed for 15 minutes at the deposition temperature of 300°C prior to deposition. An impingement flux of 3x1013 atoms cm-2 sec-1 was used. These conditions were found to give high number densities of multiple twin particles and are based on a systematic series of nucleation experiments described elsewhere. Individual deposits of varying deposition time were made and examined by bright and dark field TEM after "cleavage preparation" of highly transparent specimens. In the early stages of growth, the films generally consist of small particles which are either single crystals or multiply twinned; a strong preference for multiply twinned particles was found whenever the particle number densities were high. Fig. 1 shows the stable cluster density ns and the variation with deposition time of multiple twin particle and single crystal particle densities, respectively. Corresponding micrographs and diffraction patterns are shown in Fig. 2.

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