On the Relationship between Birds and Spirits of the Dead

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 481-502 ◽  
Christopher M. Moreman

Birds have an ambiguous symbolic significance across cultures throughout human history, ubiquitously relating to both life and death. Birds are routinely seen as portents of impending calamity and death, while they are also often thought to bear away or steal spirits of the dead, sometimes even embodying those very spirits themselves. On the other hand, birds are also commonly associated with life, fertility, and longevity. This paper brings together cross-cultural evidence for the practically universal associations between birds and both life and death. This paper offers an explanation for this association as an expression of the deep-seated human ambivalence to mortality. As a form of Jungian archetype, birds reflect a fundamental aspect of human nature—the denial of death as finality through a desire for renewal, transformation, and rebirth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 167 ◽  
pp. 233-247
Andrzej Dudek

Anthropology of deathin the works by Dmitrii Merezhkovskii Death-related images and thoughts belong to key motives in the works by Dmitrii Merezhkovskii. Biological and metaphysical aspects of death appear to be the most important issues in the analyzed texts. By means of placing plots and themes in various epochs Merezhkovskii revealed the universality of the fear of death and its importance as far as shaping human conscience is concerned. In fictional and essayistic texts either, the Russian writer stressed the importance of the attitude to the dead body, funeral ceremonies and graveyards. That motif focuses value-orien­tations and patterns of culture specific for various communities. Merezhovskii reveals mutual interdependence between death and culture: on one hand — death inspires to express the essence of human nature in cultural forms, on the other hand — death is considered a tool used in order to achieve ideological and political goals. Antropologia śmierciw twórczości Dymitra Mierieżkowskiego Śmierć to jeden z kluczowych motywów twórczości Dymitra Mierieżkowskiego. Wśród różnych obrazów śmierci i myśli o niej w omawianych tekstach istotną rolę odgrywają rozważania o biologicznych i metafizycznych aspektach śmierci. Uniwersalność doświadczenia lęku tanato­logicznego i jego znaczenie dla formowania świadomości człowieka podkreślana jest przez arty­styczne ujęcia ulokowane w kulturowej przestrzeni różnych epok. W utworach beletrystycznych i eseistycznych Mierieżkowskiego szczególne znaczenie mają fragmenty prezentujące rozmaite podejścia do martwego ciała, ceremonii pogrzebowych i cmentarzy. Motywy te ogniskują charak­terystyczne dla różnych zbiorowości orientacje wartościujące i wzory kultury. Między śmiercią i kulturą, jak pokazuje pisarz, istnieje dwustronna zależność: z jednej strony śmierć inspiruje do wyrażenia istoty natury ludzkiej w formach kulturowych, z drugiej — jest wykorzystywana doosiągania celów ideologicznych i politycznych.

Ana Clécia Abreu Tomé

Resumo: Este artigo visa a uma revisão bibliográfica da educação técnica e profissional no Brasil, levando em consideração as características culturais e ideológicas presentes nos termos “educação” e “trabalho”. Inicialmente, realiza um breve apanhado histórico, pelo qual ficam visíveis interesses antagônicos em confronto num duelo em que há, de um lado, intelectuais em prol da educação e do trabalho como princípios da formação humana e, de outro, empresários e grupos dirigentes veem neles estratégias de aquisição de capital. Ao longo deste texto, são explicitadas algumas justificativas dadas à necessidade da complementação e/ou dicotomia educação e trabalho, visto que, por atrás da relação apresentada historicamente, os interesses das classes que detêm o poder são impostos e justificados, ora por viés assistencialista, ora desenvolvimentista. Ao final, são feitas algumas considerações sobre a situação atual da educação profissional no Brasil, pontuando avanços, retrocessos e desafios. Palavras-chave: Educação. Educação Profissional. Trabalho. WORKING AND/OR EDUCATION: THE HISTORY OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN BRASIL Abstract: Despite starting with a small overview about the beginnings of the relationship between work and education in human history, this article is a review of the technical and professional education in Brazil, taking into consideration the cultural and ideological characteristics that bear the terms education and work. Historically, antagonistic interests have been in confrontation, in which there has been, in one hand, intellectuals for education and work through human principles and, on the other hand, leaders and businessmen who see them as strategies for capital acquisition. In this paper, we explain some ideas about the need of supplementation and/or dichotomy education and work, because, behind the relations presented historically, the interests of the classes which have the power always are imposed and justified trough the assistencialism or the developmentalism. Finally we focus on the current professional education context in Brazil, showing some advances, setbacks and challenges. Keywords: Education. Professional Education. Working.  

Andrey V. Popovkin ◽  

The article attempts to consider in general terms the evolution of anthropology, understood, on the one hand, as a special view of human nature and, on the other hand, as a method of human formation. The paper deals with the relationship between the views on human nature and the goals and strategies of education. Special attention is paid to the Humboldt model of education as the most complete and consistent embodiment of modern anthropology. A hypothesis is put forward and substantiated about the correlation of the dispute between Socrates and the sophists with the opposition of the Humboldt and postmodern models of education and views on human nature. The essence of this confrontation is in two different views on a person: proceeding from the goal of a person or proceeding from his actual factuality. The former view corresponds to the anthropology and pedagogy of Socrates and the culture of modernity, the latter — to the sophists and the culture of postmodernity. Postmodern culture gives rise to posthumanism, which looks at a person as a kind of aggregate of properties and abilities. The educational strategy corresponding to it consists in the desire to «upgrade» a person, to supplement or discard something in order to maximize his situational adaptation to the changing reality and to increase the existing set of possibilities in each here-and-now. The term «anthropotechnics» in its mechanistic meaning is more relevant to such a view and attitude towards a person. An assumption is made and arguments are presented that behind various types of «anthropotechnics», ethical relativism, and the like, one can see the intention of the elites to construct the image of a person they need. At the end of the paper, a question is raised about the possibility of turning from «anthropotechnics» to a new anthropology. It is shown that this anthropology should be based on the desire to see a real person, that is, to see in him the main behind the cover of the accidental and secondary, without falling into abstract idealization. The philosophical concepts of E. Husserl and S.N. Trubetskoy are proposed as a promising basis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 7
Francesc Romagosa ◽  
Maria Abril-Sellarés ◽  
Kathleen Scherf

This article analyzes the relationship between creative tourism and intercultural interaction. The research took place in Barcelona, a city that has become, during the last three decades (1990-2020), a renowned international urban destination. El Raval, a central and multicultural neighbourhood, is the most serious example of a neighbourhood in the city that has experienced rapid tourism growth and pressure. Given the city’s wholesale adoption of the co-creation of place, some of the criteria of creative tourism experiences have been used to determine a baseline of engagement attitudes and behaviours of residents and visitors in El Raval neighbourhood. A special emphasis has been given to the role of social media, and how it might affect the relationship between residents and visitors from a creative tourism point of view. The authors created a specific survey which was distributed online to residents and visitors. The results of this study show different perceptions between residents and visitors. On one hand, residents are less willing to engage in the creative tourism enterprise than are visitors. On the other hand, residents underestimate the interest of visitors in connecting with them, while visitors overestimate the interest of residents in connecting with them, suggesting that communication is something that can be improved. Those results make evident the need to use and develop social media tools to connect residents and visitors, and promote cross-cultural interactions and creative tourism.

2006 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-62 ◽  
Françoise Dastur

AbstractIt has often been considered that the most important part of Derrida's work consisted in the five books published between 1967 and 1972. This paper intends, by way of a re-reading of Derrida's most powerful text from this period, Speech and Phenomena, to bring to light Derrida's specific manner of uniting the question of the disruption of presence to the question of writing. What is therefore questioned is Derrida's emphasis on death, considered as the very condition of possibility of language and writing. As Derrida rightfully shows, Husserl, in spite of the importance he conferred upon writing in the process of idealization, was not aware of the fact that the relationship to death constitutes the concrete structure of the living present. But on the other hand, by still opposing in a too dualistic manner presence and absence, life and death, Derrida himself was not able to see that the condition of language is not so much the death of the subject as the being toward death and the finitude of Dasein.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-182
Maria Poggi Johnson

In his trilogy of space travel novels, published between 1938 and 1945, C.S. Lewis strikingly anticipates, and incarnates in imaginative form, the insights and concerns central to the modern discipline of ecotheology. The moral and spiritual battle that forms the plot of the novels is enacted and informed by the relationship between humans and the natural environment, Rebellion against, and alienation from, the Creator inevitably manifests in a violent and alienated attitude to creation, which is seen as something to be mastered and exploited. Lives and cultures in harmony with the divine will, on the other hand, are expressed in relationships of care and respect for the environment. The imaginative premise of the Trilogy is that of ecotheology; that the human relationships with God, neighbour, and earth and are deeply and inextricably intertwined.

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-49
Tzu-Hui Chen

This narrative aims to explore the meaning and lived experiences of marriage that a unique immigrant population—“foreign brides” in Taiwan—possesses. This convergence narrative illustrates the dynamics and complexity of mail-order marriage and women's perseverance in a cross-cultural context. The relationship between marriage, race, and migration is analyzed. This narrative is comprised of and intertwined by two story lines. One is the story of two “foreign brides” in Taiwan. The other is my story about my cross-cultural relationship. All the dialogues are generated by 25 interviews of “foreign brides” in Taiwan and my personal experience.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Nurul Aini Musyarofah

The relationship between Islam and state raises a controversy that includes two main groups;formalists and substantialists. Both of them intend to achieve a good social condition which is inaccordance with Islamic politics. The ideal form of good society to be achieved is principallydescribed in the main source of Islamic law, Al Qur’an and As Sunnah, as follows. A form of goodsociety should supprot equality and justice, egalitarianism, and democracy in its social community.The next problem is what the needed methods and instruments to achieve the ideal Islamic politicsare. In this case, the debate on the formalization and substance of Islamic teaching is related to therunning formal political institution.Each group claims itself to be the most representative to the ideal Islam that often leads to anescalating conflict. On the other hand thr arguments of both groups does not reach the wholeMuslims. As a result, the discourse of Islam and state seems to be elitist and political. As a result,Both groups suspect each other each other and try to utilize the controversy on the relationshipbetween Islam and state to get their own benefit which has no relation with the actualization ofIslamic teaching.

2020 ◽  
putri asifa ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

This article discusses the administration of school and community relation. The existence of schools is driven by the needs of the community, because educational responsibilities are governed by the responsibilities of the community, family, and government. Based on these relationships, the relationship is always enhanced. But something is seen. Changes in nature, goals, and methods of teaching relationships. On the other hand, the community also demands the change in education. In Indonesia, the relationship between schools and the community has been established. This is good progress.Therefore, Husemas is a process of communication between schools and the community to increase community understanding of educational needs and activities and encourage community interest and cooperation in school improvement and development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 681-693
Ariel Furstenberg

AbstractThis article proposes to narrow the gap between the space of reasons and the space of causes. By articulating the standard phenomenology of reasons and causes, we investigate the cases in which the clear-cut divide between reasons and causes starts to break down. Thus, substituting the simple picture of the relationship between the space of reasons and the space of causes with an inverted and complex one, in which reasons can have a causal-like phenomenology and causes can have a reason-like phenomenology. This is attained by focusing on “swift reasoned actions” on the one hand, and on “causal noisy brain mechanisms” on the other hand. In the final part of the article, I show how an analogous move, that of narrowing the gap between one’s normative framework and the space of reasons, can be seen as an extension of narrowing the gap between the space of causes and the space of reasons.

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