The Use of Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization for Treatment of Hemorrhoid Disease at a Single Institution
Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD) is a relatively new, minimally invasive approach for the treatment of hemorrhoid disease. Despite increasing use of this procedure, there remains scarce United States-based data on the perioperative variables affected by this surgical technique. This article details the experience with THD at a single institution. This is a single-institution study that includes consecutive patients that underwent THD at George Washington University from November 2011 to April 2014. After Institutional Review Board approval, retrospective chart review was performed. Patient demographic information, preoperative management of hemorrhoid disease, and quality of life indicators after THD were collected for all patients. A total of 96 patients underwent THD during the period of investigation. A majority of the patients were male and all patients had grade II or III hemorrhoids. Most patients who underwent THD presented with rectal bleeding. Four patients required postoperative admission to the hospital for pain control, eight patients experienced constipation postoperatively, and one patient had recurrence of their hemorrhoid disease at 30-day follow-up. No patients required admission to the hospital for postoperative hemorrhage and none experienced urinary retention or incontinence of flatus or stool. THD is a feasible alternative to Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy for the surgical treatment of grade II and III hemorrhoidal disease. Future prospective studies are needed to help improve patient selection for each respective surgical approach.