Factors Contributing to Phoneme Recognition Ability of Users of the 22-Channel Cochlear Implant System

1992 ◽  
Vol 101 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-37 ◽  
Kiyoshi Honda ◽  
Kumiko Yukawa ◽  
Masae Shiroma ◽  
Noboru Yamanaka ◽  
Kozo Kumakawa ◽  

A study was carried out to determine which factors contributed to the vowel and consonant recognition ability of recipients of the 22-channel cochlear implant system. On the basis of the statistical analysis, no isolated factor showed a strong correlation with vowel recognition score. On the other hand, negative correlations were found between patients' consonant recognition scores and postoperative psychophysical percepts such as threshold levels and maximum comfortable loudness levels. However, multiple regression analysis also showed that the combination of lower threshold levels, a larger number of usable electrodes, and wider dynamic ranges contributed to higher consonant recognition scores.

2007 ◽  
Vol 18 (09) ◽  
pp. 777-793 ◽  
Laura K. Holden ◽  
Margaret W. Skinner ◽  
Marios S. Fourakis ◽  
Timothy A. Holden

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the increased instantaneous input dynamic range (IIDR) in the Nucleus Freedom cochlear implant (CI) system on recipients' ability to perceive soft speech and speech in noise. Ten adult Freedom CI recipients participated. Two maps differing in IIDR were placed on each subject's processor at initial activation. The IIDR was set to 30 dB for one map and 40 dB for the other. Subjects used both maps for at least one month prior to speech perception testing. Results revealed significantly higher scores for words (50 dB SPL), for sentences in background babble (65 dB SPL), and significantly lower sound field threshold levels with the 40 compared to the 30 dB IIDR map. Ceiling effects may have contributed to non-significant findings for sentences in quiet (50 dB SPL). The Freedom's increased IIDR allows better perception of soft speech and speech in noise. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del rango dinámico aumentado instantáneo de ingreso (IIDR) en el sistema de implante coclear (IC) Nucleus Freedom, sobre la capacidad de sujetos implantados para percibir lenguaje a bajo volumen y lenguaje en ruido. Diez sujetos implantados con el IC Freedom participaron. En la activación inicial, dos mapas con una diferencia en cuanto al IIDR se colocaron en el procesador de cada sujeto. El IIDR fue ajustado a 30 dB para un mapa y a 40 dB para el otro. Los sujetos utilizaron ambos mapas por al menos un mes, antes de una evaluación de percepción del lenguaje. Los resultados revelaron puntajes significativamente más altos para palabras (50 dB SPL), para frases en balbuceo de fondo (65 dB SPL), y niveles umbrales en campo libre significativamente más bajos con el mapa de IIDR de 40 comparado con el de 30. Efectos tope pueden haber contribuido a los hallazgos no significativos para frases en silencio (50 dB SPL). El IIDR aumentado para Freedom permite mejor percepción para el lenguaje a bajo volumen y el lenguaje en medio de ruido.

1994 ◽  
Vol 87 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-183
Koichi OMORI ◽  
Hisayoshi KOJIMA ◽  
Kazuhiko SHOJI ◽  
Yosaku SHIOMI ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Gabriela Diamante

Introduction: In the present work, a review is conducted on hearing loss, its origin, the consequences of the lack of a timely treatment, the possibilities and benefits provided by the access to a cochlear implant and the corresponding auditory rehabilitation. Materials and Methods: The methods used in the present work were Ling Test, Vowel Recognition, Consonant Recognition, Two-syllable Word Test, and Open-set Sentence Recognition. Results: By means of a descriptive study of a population that received a cochlear implant and after one year of use, we can observe high rates of auditory discrimination in all the variables presented and their levels of requirement and complexity, showing a close relationship between an appropriate and timely approach and a successful auditory rehabilitation. Conclusion: In all of the cases in this sample, the cochlear implant led to an improved quality of life for both the patients and their family members, allowing children to develop the language and improve their performance in school activities, and adults to appropriately reintegrate into society.

2006 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 195-208 ◽  
L.L. Pretorius ◽  
J.J. Hanekom ◽  
A. Van Wieringen ◽  
J. Wouters

This article describes analytical tests developed to investigate the extent to which Afrikaans- and Englishspeaking South African cochlear implant users recognize phonemes. Vowel stimuli (in a /pVOWELt/ context) and consonant stimuli (in an /aCONSONANTa/ context), uttered by male and female speakers, were recorded and acoustically analysed. Vowel and consonant recognition abilities of respectively nine and eleven local cochlear implant users were subsequently investigated. Typical confusions experienced by cochlear implant users were determined and explained in terms of the acoustic properties of the stimuli. General observations are that implant users find vowels that are identified by spectral characteristics difficult to recognise, while the recognition of temporal properties is better. During consonant recognition, place of articulation is particularly difficult to identify. Results support observations from similar studies conducted for other language groups. These analytical tests may be valuable for creating individualised speech processor settings and monitoring new implant users’ progress in speech recognition ability.

1995 ◽  
Vol 74 (05) ◽  
pp. 1271-1275 ◽  
C M A Henkens ◽  
V J J Bom ◽  
W van der Schaaf ◽  
P M Pelsma ◽  
C Th Smit Sibinga ◽  

SummaryWe measured total and free protein S (PS), protein C (PC) and factor X (FX) in 393 healthy blood donors to assess differences in relation to sex, hormonal state and age. All measured proteins were lower in women as compared to men, as were levels in premenopausal women as compared to postmenopausal women. Multiple regression analysis showed that both age and subgroup (men, pre- and postmenopausal women) were of significance for the levels of total and free PS and PC, the subgroup effect being caused by the differences between the premenopausal women and the other groups. This indicates a role of sex-hormones, most likely estrogens, in the regulation of levels of pro- and anticoagulant factors under physiologic conditions. These differences should be taken into account in daily clinical practice and may necessitate different normal ranges for men, pre- and postmenopausal women.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Frederich Oscar Lontoh

This research is titled " The influence of sermon, church music and church facilities on the level of attendance”. The purpose of research is to identify and analyze whether sermon, church music and church facilities have influence on the the level of attendance. The target population in this study is a Christian church members who live in the city of Surabaya.. Sample required is equal to 47 respondents. Through sampling stratified Random techniques.These influence was measured using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis, t-test and analysis of variance. Descriptive  analysis  were taken to analyze the level of attendance according to demographic groups.The hypothesis in this study are the sermon, church music and church facilities have positive and significant on the level of attendance. The results showed that collectively, there are positive and significant correlation among the sermon, church music and church facilities on the level of attendance  96,2%. It means that 96,2 % of level of attendance influenced by sermon, church music and church facilities and the other 28,9% by others. All of the variable partially have significant correlation to level of attendance.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-215
Yoiz Shofwa Shafrani

Perkembangan dunia perbankan syariah tidak lepas dari peran para nasabah yang memberikan kepercayaan terhadap pihak perbankan untuk penyimpanan asset keuangannya. Faktanya banyak kelompok nasabah yang memutuskan untuk menjadi nasabah di perbankan syariah karena faktor religiusitasnya. Faktor lain yang dapat ikut mempengaruhi keputusan nasabah adalah kualitas produk. Di mana kualitas produk merupakan karakteristik yang melekat dari suatu produk. Kemungkinan yang terjadi bahwa kebanyakan nasabah pada perbankan syariah juga masih merupakan nasabah perbankan konvensional.Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk dan tingkat religiusitas nasabah terhadap keputusan nasabah untuk menyimpan dananya atau tidak di BSM Cabang Purwokerto. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, dengan jumlah sampel 100 nasabah. Diperoleh hasil Y = 5,046 + 0,101X1 + 0,218X2. Berdasarkan uji F yang sudah dilakukan maka dapat diketahui bahwa variabel kualitas produk dan religiusitas secara bersama – sama berpengaruh terhadap keputusan nasabah untuk menyimpan dananya di BSM Cabang Purwokerto. Berdasarkan uji t yang sudah dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa secara partial baik variabel kualitas produk maupun variabel religiusitas berpengaruh terhadap keputusan nasabah untuk menyimpan dananya di BSM Cabang Purwokerto. The progress of the Islamic bank cannot be separated from the role of its customers who give trust to the bank to deposit their financial assets. It is a fact many groups of customers decide to be the customers of the Islamic bank because of their religiosity. The other influences factor of a customer’s decision is the quality of the product. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of product quality and level of customers’ religiosity towards customers’ decision whether to keep their funds in Syariah Mandiri Bank, Branch of Purwokerto, or not. The analytical tool used was multiple linear regression analysis, with a sample of 100 customers. The results indicate Y = 5,046 + 0,101X1 + 0,218X2. Based on F, it can be seen that both variables of product quality and religiosity simultanously affect the customers’ decision to keep theirfunds in BSM Branch of Purwokerto. Based on t test, it can be seen that independently, either variable of product quality or variables of religiosityinfluences the customers’ decision to keep their funds in BSM Branch of Purwokerto.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107755952199417
Katherine R. Brendli ◽  
Michael D. Broda ◽  
Ruth Brown

It is a common assumption that children with disabilities are more likely to experience victimization than their peers without disabilities. However, there is a paucity of robust research supporting this assumption in the current literature. In response to this need, we conducted a logistic regression analysis using a national dataset of responses from 26,572 parents/caregivers to children with and without disabilities across all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia. The purpose of our study was to acquire a greater understanding of the odds of victimization among children with and without intellectual disability (ID), while controlling for several child and parent/adult demographic correlates. Most notably, our study revealed that children with ID have 2.84 times greater odds of experiencing victimization than children without disabilities, after adjusting for the other predictors in the model. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

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