A Consumer Expenditure Approach to Estimating the Size of the Underground Economy

1986 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-60 ◽  
Kevin F. McCrohan ◽  
James D. Smith

This research was designed to reveal the magnitude of consumer use of informal suppliers, in order to determine the level of unmeasured or “underground” economic activity in the U.S. economy. The results of this study are based on a national probability sample of households which reported their purchases across 15 broad categories of goods and services. The authors conclude that consumers' use of suppliers in the underground economy accounts for a very minor portion of consumer expenditures.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-56 ◽  
Sri Juli Asdiyanti Samuda

This paper estimates the size of underground economic activity in Indonesia. Underground economy covers market production of goods and services, legal and illegal, which are sold or purchased illegally. Using monetary approach, this paper concludes the average size of the underground economy in Indonesia during 2001-2013 was 8.33 percent of GDP. Consequently, the average size of potential tax loss was Rp. 11,172.86 billion or about one percent of GDP.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Aloysius Hari Kristianto ◽  
Dedy ◽  
Bona Fentura

This article aims to describe the activities of underground economic actors. This article is a literature review of several empirical studies in Indonesia and the world in examining or resolving the impact of the existence of these economic activities. There are several terms used in each country from the underground economy, such as black economy, shadow economy and unofficial economy. Every country, both developed and developing countries, have experienced underground economic activity that continues to increase so that biased measurement often occurs, which is caused by indicators of underground economy that cannot be measured clearly and this economic activity can harm state revenues. The driving force of the underground economy is an increase in the tax burden (directly or indirectly), combined with labor market regulations and the quality of public goods and services, as well as properly measured economic conditions. The need for systematic oversight to reduce the number of corruption by providing convenience to the community through the E-Government program as a direction for the creation of Good Governance..

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 421-429
Robert N. McCauley

Abstract Since the late 1950s, the rest of the world has come to use the dollar to an extent that justifies speaking of the dollar’s global domain. The rest of the world denominates much debt in U.S. dollars, extending U.S. monetary policy’s sway. In addition, in outstanding foreign exchange deals, the rest of the world has undertaken to pay still more in U.S. dollars: off-balance-sheet dollar debts buried in footnotes. Consistent with the scale of dollar debt, most of the world economic activity takes place in countries with currencies tied to or relatively stable against the dollar, forming a dollar zone much larger than the euro zone. Even though the dollar assets of the world (minus the United States) exceed dollar liabilities, corporate sector dollar debts seem to make dollar appreciation akin to a global tightening of credit. Since the 1960s, claims that the dollar’s global role suffers from instability and confers great benefits on the U.S. economy have attracted much support. However, evidence that demand for dollars from official reserve managers forces unsustainable U.S. current account or fiscal deficits is not strong. The so-called exorbitant privilege is small or shared. In 2008 and again in 2020, the Federal Reserve demonstrated a willingness and capacity to backstop the global domain of the dollar. Politics could constrain the Fed’s ability to backstop the growing share of the domain of the dollar accounted for by countries that are not on such friendly terms with the U.S.

1915 ◽  
Laura Erhard ◽  
Brett McBride ◽  
Adam safir

As part of the implementation of its strategic plan, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has increasingly studied the issue of using alternative data to improve both the quality of its data and the process by which those data are collected. The plan includes the goal of integrating alternative data into BLS programs. This article describes the framework used by the BLS Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE) program and the potential these data hold for complementing data collected in traditional formats. It also addresses some of the challenges BLS faces when using alternative data and the complementary role that alternative data play in improving the quality of data currently collected. Alternative data can substitute for what is presently being collected from respondents and provide additional information to supplement the variables the CE program produces or to adjust the CE program’s processing and weighting procedures.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
John Casey

The growth of the nonprofit sector in the last decades and its greater salience in the delivery of public goods and services has been accompanied by the development of new institutions and processes for managing the relations between nonprofits and governments. This article documents a number of recent initiatives to strengthen government-nonprofit relations in the U.S. and analyzes the policy agendas that are driving them.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-99
Arzoo Rafiqi ◽  
Jens Peter Frølund Thomsen

Socialpsykologer forfægter den såkaldte kontakthypotese, hvis påstand er, at majoritetsmedlemmer bliver mere imødekommende over for etniske minoritetsmedlemmer, når de kommer i personlig kontakt med dem. Denne hypotese efterprøves på baggrund af den mest omfattende danske spørgeskemaundersøgelse nogensinde vedrørende dette emne (N = 1.928). I modsætning til tidligere internationale undersøgelser, hvori betydningen af venskaber mellem etniske grupper understreges, fremhæver denne artikel betydningen af kontakt mellem majoritetsmedlemmer og minoritetsmedlemmer i nabolaget og på arbejdspladsen. Disse to typer kontakt tilvejebringer en mere overbevisende test af kontakthypotesen, eftersom de rummer mindre selvselektion. Naboskab og kontakt på arbejdspladsen dækker samtidig langt flere sociale relationer end venskaber, som primært vedrører en snæver privatsfære. Artiklen bidrager til den socialpsykologiske litteratur om kontakteffekter med tre hovedkonklusioner. For det første rummer kontakt i nabolaget og på arbejdspladsen mere meningsfuld samtale, end fagfolk hidtil har antaget. For det andet øger begge former for kontakt den etniske tolerance. For det tredje er det samtale og meningsudvekslinger, som delvis forklarer, hvorfor kontakt gør majoritetsmedlemmer mere tolerante over for minoritetsmedlemmer. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Arzoo Rafiqi and Jens Peter Frølund Thomsen: When the Ethnic Majority Meets Ethnic Minority Members This paper examines the so-called intergroup contact hypothesis by redirecting focus away from the friendship measure preferred by social psychologists. Although theoretically important, the friendship measure is infected by self-selection biases, and its social coverage is too limited, at least in a European context. Instead, this paper focuses on workplace contact and residential contact. It examines how these relate to ethnic tolerance, as reflected in support for various rights of ethnic minority members. These two types of intergroup contact provide a stronger test of the key hypothesis (contact has a positive influence on tolerance) as they do not meet all the ideal conditions. The analysis shows that although residential contact and workplace contact are more superficial (in terms of self-disclosure), they are both positively related to ethnic tolerance. In fact, both types of contact are as strongly related to ethnic tolerance as intimate cross-group friendship. We conclude that intergroup contact effects are robust as they are capable of occurring in unfavorable circumstances. The analyses are performed on the basis of a Danish national probability sample from 2009. Keywords: intergroup contact, ethnic tolerance, cross-group friendship, residential contact, workplace contact.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (38) ◽  
Luiz Carlos Buchain

 Intervenção do estado na economia e direito da concorrência Intervention of the state in the economy and competition law Luiz Carlos Buchain *  REFERÊNCIA BUCHAIN, Luiz Carlos. Intervenção do estado na economia e direito da concorrência. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFRGS, Porto Alegre, n. 38, p. 178-198, ago. 2018. RESUMOABSTRACTO texto trata da intervenção do Estado na ordem econômica. Considerando-se que o mercado perfeito é uma hipótese teórica e que o mercado apresenta “falhas no mercado”, o legislador constitucional autoriza a intervenção do Estado na economia. De um lado o Estado poderá ser agente econômico e explorar diretamente a economia, sempre que essa atividade seja necessária aos “imperativos de segurança nacional” e, de outro, o Estado intervém indiretamente na economia como agente normativo e regulador da atividade econômica. Analisa-se a possibilidade de intervenção do Estado na econômica em face dos princípios de livre iniciativa e livre concorrência. Enquanto a livre iniciativa representa a liberdade de produção e distribuição de bens e serviços, a livre concorrência representa um “princípio econômico”, segundo o qual a produção e os preços das mercadorias e serviços não devem resultar de atos cogentes da autoridade, mas sim do livre mercado. Entretanto, seja como agente regulador, seja como empresário, ao Estado compete garantir a eficácia da livre iniciativa e defesa da ordem concorrencial. A intervenção regulamentar do Estado na economia não o autoriza a agir contra o livre exercício da atividade econômica ou com desrespeito aos princípios da livre iniciativa e legalidade. Mesmo nas hipóteses em que a lei concede ao Estado liberdade aos seus atos, este está submetido ao fundamento da livre iniciativa e ao princípio da livre concorrência, sob pena de responsabilidade civil objetiva. The paper deals with the intervention of the State in the economic order. Considering that the perfect market is a theoretical hypothesis and that the market presents "market failures", the constitutional legislator authorizes the intervention of the State in the economy. On the one hand, the State can be an economic agent and act on the economy directly whenever this activity is necessary to the "imperatives of national security" and, on the other hand, the State intervenes indirectly in the economy as a normative agent and regulator of economic activity. It analyzes the possibility of state intervention in the economy in the face of the principles of free initiative and free competition. While free enterprise represents the freedom to produce and distribute goods and services, free competition represents an "economic principle" according to which the production and prices of goods and services should not be the result of acts of binding authority but of the free market. However, whether as a regulatory agent or as an entrepreneur, the State is responsible for guaranteeing the effectiveness of free initiative and the defense of the competitive order. The State's regulatory intervention in the economy does not authorize it to act against the free exercise of economic activity or with disrespect to the principles of free initiative and rule of law. Even in cases where the law grants the State freedom to act, it is subject to the principle of free initiative and to the principle of free competition, under penalty of objective civil liability.PALAVRAS-CHAVEKEYWORDSLivre iniciativa. Livre concorrência. Intervenção do Estado na economia. Responsabilidade civil objetiva.Free initiative. Free competition. State intervention in the economy. Objective civil liability.* Professora adjunto da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Doutorado em Direito Econômico na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Advogado.

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