In-Home Passive Sensor Data Collection and Its Implications for Social Media Research: Perspectives of Community Women in Rural South Africa

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 97-107 ◽  
Alastair van Heerden ◽  
Doug Wassenaar ◽  
Zaynab Essack ◽  
Khanya Vilakazi ◽  
Brandon A. Kohrt

There has been a recent increase in debates on the ethics of social media research, passive sensor data collection, and big data analytics. However, little evidence exists to describe how people experience and understand these applications of technology. This study aimed to passively collect data from mobile phone sensors, lapel cameras, and Bluetooth beacons to assess people’s understanding and acceptance of these technologies. Seven households were purposefully sampled and data collected for 10 days. The study generated 48 hr of audio data and 30,000 images. After participant review, the data were destroyed and in-depth interviews conducted. Participants found the data collected acceptable and reported willingness to participate in similar studies. Key risks included that the camera could capture nudity and sex acts, but family review of footage before sharing helped reduce concerns. The Emanuel et al. ethics framework was found to accommodate the concerns and perspectives of study participants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Widya Tri Utomo ◽  
Andhika Djalu Sembada ◽  
Ricky Santoso Muharam

The research aims to analyze students' modesty in Indonesian on social media, so that students pay more attention to the modesty in Indonesian through social media. Research uses qualitative descriptive methods to describe complex social realities by describing, classifying, analyzing, and interpreting data according to its natural condition. Data collection techniques take from student conversation screenshoots from social media WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram.The results showed, 1) there is still an ambiguous use of the word in written communication, 2) the use of the word "Sorry" to start a conversation on social media, 3) displeasure in giving greetings to lecturers, 4) the use of casual language (disrespectful) to lecturers, 5) indifference in word selection to lecturers through social media, and 6) insensitivity in giving opening greetings.Lecturers give direction to students through personal writing communication and provide examples of polite communication when chatting with students. The student's response after being given direction by the lecturer, has a positive impact. Students pay more attention to the civility of language when communicating with lecturers, either through written communication, or oral communication.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-49 ◽  
Christian Fuchs

This essay argues for a paradigm shift in the study of the Internet and digital/social media. Big data analytics is the dominant paradigm. It receives large amounts of funding, is administrative and a form of digital positivism. Critical social media research is an alternative approach that combines critical social media theory, critical digital methods and critical-realist social media research ethics. Strengthening the second approach is a material question of power in academia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 136787792110035
Mari Lehto ◽  
Susanna Paasonen

This article investigates the affective power of social media by analysing everyday encounters with parenting content among mothers. Drawing on data composed of diaries of social media use and follow-up interviews with six women, we ask how our study participants make sense of their experiences of parenting content and the affective intensities connected to it. Despite the negativity involved in reading and participating in parenting discussions, the participants find themselves wanting to maintain the very connections that irritate them, or even evoke a sense of failure, as these also yield pleasure, joy and recognition. We suggest that the ambiguities addressed in our research data speak of something broader than the specific experiences of the women in question. We argue that they point to the necessity of focusing on, and working through affective ambiguity in social media research in order to gain fuller understanding the complex appeal of platforms and exchanges.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 452-454 ◽  
G. Samuel ◽  
W. Ahmed ◽  
H. Kara ◽  
C. Jessop ◽  
S. Quinton ◽  

This article reports on a U.K. workshop on social media research ethics held in May 2018. There were 10 expert speakers and an audience of researchers, research ethics committee members, and research institution representatives. Participants reviewed the current state of social media ethics, discussing well-rehearsed questions such as what needs consent in social media research, and how the public/private divide differs between virtual and real-life environments. The lack of answers to such questions was noted, along with the difficulties posed for ethical governance structures in general and the work of research ethics committees in particular. Discussions of these issues enabled the creation of two recommendations. The first is for research ethics committees and journal editors to add the category of ‘data subject research’ to the existing categories of ‘text research’ and ‘human subject research’. This would reflect the fact that social media research does not fall into either of the existing categories and so needs a category of its own. The second is that ethical issues should be considered at all stages of social media research, up to and including aftercare. This acknowledges that social media research throws up a large number of ethical issues throughout the process which, under current arrangements for ethical research governance, risks remaining unaddressed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 205395171880773 ◽  
Cheryl Cooky ◽  
Jasmine R Linabary ◽  
Danielle J Corple

Social media offers an attractive site for Big Data research. Access to big social media data, however, is controlled by companies that privilege corporate, governmental, and private research firms. Additionally, Institutional Review Boards’ regulative practices and slow adaptation to emerging ethical dilemmas in online contexts creates challenges for Big Data researchers. We examine these challenges in the context of a feminist qualitative Big Data analysis of the hashtag event #WhyIStayed. We argue power, context, and subjugated knowledges must each be central considerations in conducting Big Data social media research. In doing so, this paper offers a feminist practice of holistic reflexivity in order to help social media researchers navigate and negotiate this terrain.

2021 ◽  
Richard Hartman ◽  
Tereza Simova

In 2018 Facebook blocked a public Application Programming Interfaces (API) that could be used to download data from Facebook and Instagram. Much uncertainty still exists about the effect on social media research due to changes in Instagram API conditions. The presented paper provides an overview of the Instagram domain in terms of a research area. The main focus of this research is on the comparison of the key topics before and after the change of the Instagram API terms (comparing Instagram's research domain before and after 2018). A partial goal was to find out how the change in the conditions of the Instagram API has changed the number of social media research itself. We used a bibliometric approach to map the domain of Instagram. The paper has identified key topics in the domain of Instagram. Between the years 2010 and 2018 the key topics were gender, behavior on social media, dissemination of information, and platform selection. After the change of Instagram API conditions, after 2018, the key topics were gratifications, body image, dissatisfaction, and basic Instagram topics. The paper has found that generally, there was no change in research topics, nor the number of papers published after the Instagram API condition. Further study should focus on establish the relationships between Instagram use and psychological well-being; investigate the motives for Instagram use a study the effect of Instagram API on research with the use of different methods; gaining a better understanding of social media consumer activity; establish whatever our key topics are relevant to other social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter or Tiktok); study Instagram domain on different citation databases (e.g., in Scopus). This paper has also raised important questions about whether the Instagram API should be or should not be open for research purposes.

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