TET2 Favors Mesoderm and Hematopoietic Differentiation in Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Blood ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 118 (21) ◽  
pp. 2418-2418
Barbara da Costa Reis Monte Mor ◽  
Thierry Langlois ◽  
Nathalie Droin ◽  
Elodie Pronier ◽  
Jean-Pierre Le Couédic ◽  

Abstract Abstract 2418 TET2 belongs to the TET family proteins that catalyze 5-methylcytosine (5mc) to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (hmc) and plays an important role in normal and malignant adult hematopoiesis. The role of TET2 in human hematopoietic development remains unknown. Here we show that TET2 is expressed at low level in human embryonic stem (hES) cell lines and that its expression increases during hematopoietic differentiation in three different hES. TET2 knockdown does not modify hmc level and pluripotent properties of ES cells. However TET2 depletion by two different shRNA skewed differentiation into neuroectoderm at the expense of endoderm and mesoderm. This was associated with a decrease or an increase in promoter methylation of neuroectoderm and meso/endoderm genes, respectively during hES specification. Subsequently, we observed a decrease in hematopoietic progenitors (CD34+CD43+) and their cloning capacities due to a marked increase in apoptosis. Alteration of hematopoietic differentiation was coupled with a profound alteration in gene expression with up and down regulated genes including the abnormal expression of neuronal genes in hematopoietic cells. Thus our results suggest that TET2 regulates embryonic development by inhibiting neuroectoderm specification and enabling hematopoietic differentiation in hES cells. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 2789-2789
Igor I. Slukvin ◽  
Maxim A. Vodyanik ◽  
Jack A. Bork ◽  
James A. Thomson

Abstract hES cells provide an unique opportunity to study the earliest stages of hematopoietic commitment which are not easily accessible in the human embryo. To model early hematopoietic development, we cultured H1 and H9 hES cell lines on OP9 stromal cells without the addition of cytokines. On day 2 of co-culture, hES cells up-regulated brachyury expression and began to form mesodermal-like colonies. A transient population of blast colony-forming cells (CFCs) with the potential to differentiate into blood and endothelial cells was detected on days 3–6 of co-culture. CD34+ cells first appeared on day 3–4 of co-culture, which was coincident with induction of the transcription factors GATA-1, GATA-2 and SCL. CD43+ and CD41a+ cells along with CFCs emerged 2 days later within CD34+ population; 3–4 days before the appearance of CD45+ cells. We were able to obtain up to 20% of CD34+ cells from hES/OP9 co-culture and isolate up to 107 CD34+ cells with more than 95% purity from a similar number of initially plated hES cells after 8–9 days of culture. The hES cell-derived CD34+ cells were highly enriched in CFCs, displayed CD90+CD117+CD164+CD38- phenotype of primitive hematopoietic progenitors, and contained ALDHhigh cells as well cells with verapamil-sensitive ability to efflux rhodamine 123. Isolated CD34+ cells differentiated into lymphoid (NK cells) as well as myeloid (neutrophils and macrophages) lineages when cultured on MS-5 stromal cells in the presence of SCF, Flt3-L, IL7 and IL3. These data indicate that hES cell/OP9 co-culture reproduces the major events that are observed during embryonal hematopoietic development, including the formation of lympho-myeloid progenitors. We employed OP9 system for identification of the phenotype of early hematopoietic progenitors in humans and to directly differentiate hES cells into different blood lineages.

2015 ◽  
Vol 112 (17) ◽  
pp. 5437-5442 ◽  
Bilal N. Sheikh ◽  
Natalie L. Downer ◽  
Belinda Phipson ◽  
Hannah K. Vanyai ◽  
Andrew J. Kueh ◽  

Hox genes underlie the specification of body segment identity in the anterior–posterior axis. They are activated during gastrulation and undergo a dynamic shift from a transcriptionally repressed to an active chromatin state in a sequence that reflects their chromosomal location. Nevertheless, the precise role of chromatin modifying complexes during the initial activation phase remains unclear. In the current study, we examined the role of chromatin regulators during Hox gene activation. Using embryonic stem cell lines lacking the transcriptional activator MOZ and the polycomb-family repressor BMI1, we showed that MOZ and BMI1, respectively, promoted and repressed Hox genes during the shift from the transcriptionally repressed to the active state. Strikingly however, MOZ but not BMI1 was required to regulate Hox mRNA levels after the initial activation phase. To determine the interaction of MOZ and BMI1 in vivo, we interrogated their role in regulating Hox genes and body segment identity using Moz;Bmi1 double deficient mice. We found that the homeotic transformations and shifts in Hox gene expression boundaries observed in single Moz and Bmi1 mutant mice were rescued to a wild type identity in Moz;Bmi1 double knockout animals. Together, our findings establish that MOZ and BMI1 play opposing roles during the onset of Hox gene expression in the ES cell model and during body segment identity specification in vivo. We propose that chromatin-modifying complexes have a previously unappreciated role during the initiation phase of Hox gene expression, which is critical for the correct specification of body segment identity.

Blood ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 108 (11) ◽  
pp. 1667-1667
Aimen Shaaban ◽  
Lasya Gaur ◽  
James A. Thomson ◽  
Deepika Rajesh

Abstract Progress toward clinical application of embryonic stem cells (ESC) derived hematopoietic cellular transplantation will require rigorous evaluation in a large animal allogeneic model such as the rhesus macaque. However, in contrast to human ESC’s (hESC’s), efforts to induce conclusive hematopoietic differentiation from rhesus ESC’s (rESC’s) have been unsuccessful. Despite their close phylogenetic relationship, subtle differences exist between the hematopoietic differentiation of rESC’s and hESC’s. We recently reported that although rESC’s have the potential for hematopoietic differentiation; they exhibit an arrest at the hematoendothelial precursor stage of hematopoietic development in culture conditions developed for hESC’s. One possible difference may be in the requirement for fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling. Despite documentation of its contribution to the maintenance ESC’s in an undifferentiated state, the role for FGF-2 in the hematopoietic differentiation of hESC’s and rESC’s has not been similarly examined. Given its critical role for the formation and subsequent hematopoietic differentiation of murine ESC-derived hemangioblasts, we wondered if enhanced hematopoietic differentiation from rESC’s could be achieved by culture supplementation with FGF-2. To answer this question, undifferentiated rESC’s were subjected to embryoid body (EB) differentiation with daily FGF-2 supplementation of the cytokine-rich media. Cultures were analyzed by flow cytometry after 16 days of EB culture. We found that the FGF-2 supplemented cultures appeared more robust with an overall higher numbers of cells. More importantly, a dramatic expansion of hematoendothelial precursors (Flk1hi+ VE-cadherin- CD45−), committed hematopoietic progenitors (CD34+CD45+Lin−), and hematopoietic cells (CD45+) was seen in FGF-2 supplemented cultures when compared to controls. These effects were consistent in two separate lines of rESC’s (R420 and R456). Next we wondered if the observed effect of FGF-2 on hematopoietic development was concentration-dependent. Therefore, we compared serial increases in FGF-2 concentration (0, 10, 50 and 100 ng/ml) of the EB differentiation media and found the effect to be concentration-dependent. From these results, we conclude that FGF-2 appears to play a critical role in the hematopoietic differentiation of rESC’s. Both the development of hematoendothelial precursors and the differentiation of committed hematopoietic cell types are augmented. To study this further, the significance of FGF signaling at various stages of rESC-derived hematopoietic differentiation must be evaluated. A better understanding of the requirements for FGF-2 in EB development will likely lead to improved protocols for the production of human and rhesus ESC-derived hematopoietic progenitors.

Blood ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 124 (21) ◽  
pp. 3846-3846
Ji-Yoon Noh ◽  
Shilpa Gandre-Babbe ◽  
Yuhuan Wang ◽  
Vincent Hayes ◽  
Yu Yao ◽  

Abstract Embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells represent potential sources of megakaryocytes and platelets for transfusion therapy. However, most current ES/iPS cell differentiation protocols are limited by low yields of hematopoietic progeny, including platelet-releasing megakaryocytes. Mutations in the mouse and human genes encoding transcription factor GATA1 cause accumulation of proliferating, developmentally arrested megakaryocytes. Previously, we reported that in vitro differentiation of Gata1-null murine ES cells generated self-renewing hematopoietic progenitors termed G1ME cells that differentiated into erythroblasts and megakaryocytes upon restoration of Gata1 cDNA by retroviral transfer. However, terminal maturation of Gata1-rescued megakaryocytes was aberrant with immature morphology and no proplatelet formation, presumably due to non-physiological expression of GATA1. We now engineered wild type (WT) murine ES cells that express doxycycline (dox)-regulated Gata1 short hairpin (sh) RNAs to develop a strategy for Gata1-blockade that upon its release, restores physiologic GATA1 expression during megakaryopoiesis. In vitro hematopoietic differentiation of control scramble shRNA-expressing ES cells with dox and thrombopoietin (TPO) produced megakaryocytes that underwent senescence after 7 days. Under similar differentiation conditions, Gata1 shRNA-expressing ES cells produced immature hematopoietic progenitors, termed G1ME2 cells, which replicated continuously for more than 40 days, resulting in ~1013-fold expansion (N=4 separate experiments). Upon dox withdrawal with multi-lineage cytokines present (EPO, TPO, SCF, GMCSF and IL3), endogenous GATA1 expression was restored to G1ME2 cells followed by differentiation into erythroblasts and megakaryocytes, but no myeloid cells. In clonal methylcellulose assays, dox-deprived G1ME2 cells produced a mixture of erythroid, megakaryocytic and erythro-megakaryocytic colonies. In liquid culture with TPO alone, dox-deprived G1ME2 cells formed mature megakaryocytes in 5-6 days, as determined by morphology, ultrastructure, acetylcholinesterase staining, upregulated megakaryocytic gene expression (Vwf, Pf4, Gp1ba, Selp, Ppbp), CD42b surface expression, increased DNA ploidy and proplatelet production. Compared to G1ME cells rescued with Gata1 cDNA retrovirus, dox-deprived G1ME2 cells exhibited more robust megakaryocytic maturation, similar to that of megakaryocytes produced from cultured fetal liver. Importantly, G1ME2 cell-derived megakaryocytes generated proplatelets in vitro and functional platelets in vivo (~40 platelets/megakaryocyte with a circulating half life of 5-6 hours). These platelets were actively incorporated into growing arteriolar thrombi at sites of laser injury and subsequently expressed the platelet activation marker p-selectin (N=3-4 separate experiments). Our findings indicate that precise timing and magnitude of a transcription factor is required for proper terminal hematopoiesis. We illustrate this principle using a novel, readily reproducible strategy to expand ES cell-derived megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitors and direct their differentiation into megakaryocytes and then into functional platelets in clinically relevant numbers. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 109 (5) ◽  
pp. 1917-1922 ◽  
Gang-Ming Zou ◽  
Mei-Hua Luo ◽  
April Reed ◽  
Mark R. Kelley ◽  
Mervin C. Yoder

Abstract Ape1 is a molecule with dual functions in DNA repair and redox regulation of transcription factors. In Ape1-deficient mice, embryos do not survive beyond embryonic day 9, indicating that this molecule is required for normal embryo development. Currently, direct evidence of the role of Ape1 in regulating hematopoiesis is lacking. We used the embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation system and an siRNA approach to knockdown Ape1 gene expression to test the role of Ape1 in hematopoiesis. Hemangioblast development from ES cells was reduced 2- to 3-fold when Ape1 gene expression was knocked down by Ape1-specific siRNA, as was primitive and definitive hematopoiesis. Impaired hematopoiesis was not associated with increased apoptosis in siRNA-treated cells. To begin to explore the mechanism whereby Ape1 regulates hematopoiesis, we found that inhibition of the redox activity of Ape1 with E3330, a specific Ape1 redox inhibitor, but not Ape1 DNA repair activity, which was blocked using the small molecule methoxyamine, affected cytokine-mediated hemangioblast development in vitro. In summary, these data indicate Ape1 is required in normal embryonic hematopoiesis and that the redox function, but not the repair endonuclease activity, of Ape1 is critical in normal embryonic hematopoietic development.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (8) ◽  
pp. 1254-1262 ◽  
Helicia Paz ◽  
Maureen R. Lynch ◽  
Clifford W. Bogue ◽  
Judith C. Gasson

Abstract The development and emergence of the hematopoietic stem cell involves a series of tightly regulated molecular events that are not well characterized. The hematopoietically expressed homeobox (Hhex) gene, a member of the homeobox gene family, is an essential regulator of embryogenesis and hematopoietic progenitor development. To investigate the role of Hhex in hematopoiesis we adapted a murine embryonic stem (ES) cell coculture system, in which ES cells can differentiate into CD41+ and CD45+ hematopoietic progenitors in vitro. Our results show that in addition to delayed hemangioblast development, Hhex−/− ES-derived progeny accumulate as CD41+ and CD41+c-kit+ cells, or the earliest definitive hematopoietic progenitors. In addition, Hhex−/− ES-derived progeny display a significantly reduced ability to develop into mature CD45+ hematopoietic cells. The observed reduction in hematopoietic maturation was accompanied by reduced proliferation, because Hhex−/− CD41+CD45−c-kit+ hematopoietic progenitors accumulated in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. Thus, Hhex is a critical regulator of hematopoietic development and is necessary for the maturation and proliferation of the earliest definitive hematopoietic progenitors.

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 1186-1186
Azadeh Zahabi ◽  
Tatsuya Morishima ◽  
Andri Pramono ◽  
Dan Lan ◽  
Lothar Kanz ◽  

Abstract Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying hematopoietic differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells may help to ascertain the optimal conditions for the production of hematopoietic cells as a source for transplantation or experimental use. Previously, we found that patients with congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia (CAMT), who develop pancytopenia early after birth, harbor mutations within the thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor, c-mpl. This knowledge, together with observations in vitro and in animal models in vivo, suggests that TPO/c-mpl signaling promotes early hematopoiesis. However, the downstream mechanisms underlying TPO signaling are not fully elucidated. Here, we describe for the first time a direct connection between the TPO and bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) signaling pathways in the hematopoietic fate decision of ES cells. BMP4 is a classical morphogen and a well-known inducer of early hematopoietic differentiation of ES cells. Treatment of ES cells with TPO induced the autocrine production of BMP4 by ES cells with concomitant upregulation of the BMP receptor, BMPR1A, phosphorylation of Smad1, 5, and 8 and activation of the specific target genes, Id1, 2, and 3, and Msx1 and 2. This was mediated by TPO-dependent binding of the HIF-1α transcription factor to the BMP4 gene promoter, resulting in further activation of the BMP4-autoregulatory loop. Treatment of ES cells with the BMP antagonist noggin substantially reduced TPO-dependent hematopoietic differentiation of ES cell. Taken together, our findings contribute to the understanding the mechanisms of hematopoietic differentiaiton of ES cells and might help to establish new methods for the efficient production of hematopoietic stem cells in vitro. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

1993 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 7971-7976
L M Whyatt ◽  
A Düwel ◽  
A G Smith ◽  
P D Rathjen

Embryonic stem (ES) cells, derived from the inner cell mass of the preimplantation mouse embryo, are used increasingly as an experimental tool for the investigation of early mammalian development. The differentiation of these cells in vitro can be used as an assay for factors that regulate early developmental decisions in the embryo, while the effects of altered gene expression during early embryogenesis can be analyzed in chimeric mice generated from modified ES cells. The experimental versatility of ES cells would be significantly increased by the development of systems which allow precise control of heterologous gene expression. In this paper, we report that ES cells are responsive to alpha and beta interferons (IFNs). This property has been exploited for the development of inducible ES cell expression vectors, using the promoter of the human IFN-inducible gene, 6-16. The properties of these vectors have been analyzed in both transiently and stably transfected ES cells. Expression was minimal or absent in unstimulated ES cells, could be stimulated up to 100-fold by treatment of the cells with IFN, and increased in linear fashion with increasing levels of IFN. High levels of induced expression were maintained for extended periods of time in the continuous presence of the inducing signal or following a 12-h pulse with IFN. Treatment of ES cells with IFN did not affect their growth or differentiation in vitro or compromise their developmental potential. This combination of features makes the 6-16-based expression vectors suitable for the functional analysis of developmental control control genes in ES cells.

2005 ◽  
Vol 280 (16) ◽  
pp. 16484-16498 ◽  
Eduardo Martinez-Ceballos ◽  
Pierre Chambon ◽  
Lorraine J. Gudas

Homeobox (Hox) genes encode a family of transcription factors that regulate embryonic patterning and organogenesis. In embryos, alterations of the normal pattern of Hox gene expression result in homeotic transformations and malformations. Disruption of theHoxa1gene, the most 3′ member of the Hoxa cluster and a retinoic acid (RA) direct target gene, results in abnormal ossification of the skull, hindbrain, and inner ear deficiencies, and neonatal death. We have generated Hoxa1-/-embryonic stem (ES) cells (named Hoxa1-15) from Hoxa1-/-mutant blastocysts to study the Hoxa1 signaling pathway. We have characterized in detail these Hoxa1-/-ES cells by performing microarray analyses, and by this technique we have identified a number of putative Hoxa-1 target genes, including genes involved in bone development (e.g. Col1a1,Postn/Osf2, and the bone sialoprotein gene orBSP), genes that are expressed in the developing brain (e.g. Nnat,Wnt3a,BDNF,RhoB, andGbx2), and genes involved in various cellular processes (e.g. M-RAS,Sox17,Cdkn2b,LamA1,Col4a1,Foxa2,Foxq1,Klf5, andIgf2). Cell proliferation assays and Northern blot analyses of a number of ES cell markers (e.g. Rex1,Oct3/4,Fgf4, andBmp4) suggest that the Hoxa1 protein plays a role in the inhibition of cell proliferation by RA in ES cells. Additionally, Hoxa1-/-ES cells express high levels of various endodermal markers, includingGata4andDab2, and express much lessFgf5after leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) withdrawal. Finally, we propose a model in which the Hoxa1 protein mediates repression of endodermal differentiation while promoting expression of ectodermal and mesodermal characteristics.

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