Initial Clinical Validation of a Rapid, Low-Cost, Paper-Based Diagnostic Test for Sickle Cell Anemia As a Tool to Facilitate Newborn Screening in Resource-Limited Settings

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 979-979
Nathaniel Z. Piety ◽  
Alex George ◽  
Sonia Serrano ◽  
Maria Rosa Lanzi ◽  
Palka R. Patel ◽  

Abstract Newborn screening for sickle cell disease (SCD) in developing countries is limited by the cost and technical complexity of current screening methodologies and the delayed availability of screening results. We have recently developed a rapid diagnostic test for SCD that can quickly and inexpensively identify blood samples containing hemoglobin S. We hypothesized that our rapid test would be practical for use in a resource-limited setting in Cabinda, Angola, and that screening mothers or neonates for the presence of hemoglobin S in blood samples would be an effective means of identifying neonates at high risk of having sickle cell disease prior to more definitive testing. After informed consent, we collected blood samples heel-stick from neonates and by finger-stick from mothers at the primary obstetric hospital in Cabinda. We then tested these samples by the rapid SCD test and scored them by visual assessment of staining patterns. Neonates were scored as positive (HbS detected) or negative (no HbS detected) and mothers as AA, AS (sickle trait), or SS (sickle cell disease). Neonatal samples were subsequently tested by isoelectric focusing (IEF) electrophoresis to determine exact sickle cell status. In a cohort of 133 mother-neonate pairs, we used rapid testing on maternal samples to categorize neonates as high-risk (mother positive for HbS) or low-risk (mother negative for HbS). The rapid test was highly accurate in identifying neonates who could be excluded from IEF testing, with a negative predictive value of 93% (Figure 1). In a cohort of 95 neonates similarly triaged by rapid testing on neonatal samples, the negative predictive value of the test was 96% (Figure 2). In both cohorts, the one neonate with HbSS disease was successfully triaged into the high-risk group. Maternal screening with the rapid test would have reduced the proportion of neonates requiring confirmatory IEF testing to 19%, while neonatal screening would have reduced this proportion to 26%. These results indicate the potential utility of the rapid diagnostic test as a screening tool prior to more definitive testing. Used in combination with confirmatory IEF, our rapid test could significantly decrease the cost of newborn screening for SCD and increase its clinical utility by permitting more rapid identification of affected infants. Disclosures Piety: Halcyon Biomedical: Patents & Royalties: Mr. Piety is a co-inventor on a utility PCT application, "Paper-based diagnostic test" (PCT/US2012/064856, 11/13/2012), claiming priority benefit of U.S. 61/692,994 (8/24/2012) and U.S. 61/558,009 (11/10/2011). . Shevkoplyas:Halcyon Biomedical: Equity Ownership, Patents & Royalties: Co-inventor on a utility PCT application, "Paper-based diagnostic test" (PCT/US2012/064856, 11/13/2012), claiming priority benefit of U.S. 61/692,994 (8/24/2012) and U.S. 61/558,009 (11/10/2011). Part-owner of Halcyon Biomedical Inc.,.

2020 ◽  
Claudy D’Costa ◽  
Oshin Sharma ◽  
Riddha Manna ◽  
Minakshi Singh ◽  
Samrat ◽  

AbstractDifferentiating between homozygous (disease) and heterozygous (trait) sickle cell patients is the key to ensuring appropriate long-term disease management. Well-equipped labs needed to perform confirmatory diagnostic tests are not available in endemic areas of most low- and medium-income countries. As a consequence of hemoglobin polymerization, red blood cells (RBCs) become sickle shaped and stiff under hypoxic conditions in sickle cell anemia patients. A simple test such as microscopy, using RBC shape as a biophysical marker, cannot conclusively differentiate between homozygous (disease) and heterozygous (trait) sickle blood. Here, we establish a new paradigm of microscopic diagnosis of sickle cell disease by exploiting differential polymerization of hemoglobin in disease and trait RBCs under controlled, chemically-induced hypoxia in a microfluidic chip. We use a portable smartphone microscope to compare the RBC shape distributions in blood treated with high and low concentrations of the hypoxia-inducing agent to correctly identify 35 blood samples as healthy, sickle cell disease or trait. Finally, we demonstrate our test in remote field locations to enable fast and confirmed diagnosis of sickle cell anemia in resource-limited areas.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Mohammad Ali ◽  
Lina Okar ◽  
Nabil E. Omar ◽  
Jabeed Parengal ◽  
Ashraf Soliman ◽  

Despite the widespread of coronavirus disease-19 (CO­VID-19) infection around the world, there are very scarce reported literature about the care of patients with a known diagnosis of hemoglobin disorders such as sickle cell disease (SCD) or thalassemia and confirmed COVID-19 infection. Thalassemia International Federation issued a position statement to include patients with thalassemia and SCD among the high-risk groups of patients. Here, we present an interesting case of a 42-year-old patient know to have SCD presenting with Vaso-occlusive (VOC) pain episode in the absence of COVID-19 signs and symptoms, who tested positive for COVID-19 infection and had a smooth recovery. This case highlights the importance of screening SCD patients presenting with VOC-related events even in the absence of COVID-19 signs and symptoms.

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 68-68 ◽  
Janet L. Kwiatkowski ◽  
Julie Kanter ◽  
Heather J. Fullerton ◽  
Jenifer Voeks ◽  
Ellen Debenham ◽  

Abstract Background: The Stroke Prevention Trial in Sickle Cell Anemia (STOP) and Optimizing Primary Stroke Prevention in Sickle Cell Anemia (STOP 2) established routine transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) screening with indefinite chronic red cell transfusions (CRCT) for children with abnormal TCD as standard of care. To identify children at high-risk of stroke, annual TCD screening is recommended from ages 2 to 16 years, with more frequent monitoring if the result is not normal. A reduction in stroke incidence in children with SCD has been reported in several clinical series and analyses utilizing large hospital databases when comparing rates before and after the publication of the STOP study in 1998. We sought to determine the rate of first ischemic stroke in a multicenter cohort of children who had previously participated in the STOP and/or STOP 2 trials and to determine whether these strokes were screening or treatment failures. Subjects and Methods: Between 1995 and 2005, STOP and STOP 2 (STOP/2) were conducted at 26 sites in the US and Canada. These studies included 3,835 children, ages 2 to 16 y with SCD type SS or S-beta-0-thalassemia. Participation in STOP/2 ranged from a single screening TCD to randomization. STOP 2 also had an observational arm for children on CRCT for abnormal TCD whose TCD had not reverted to normal. The Post-STOP study was designed to follow-up the outcomes of children who participated in one or both trials. 19 of the 26 original study sites participated in Post-STOP, contributing a total of 3,539 (92%) of the STOP/2 subjects. After exit from STOP/2, these children received TCD screening and treatment according to local practices. Data abstractors visited each clinical site and obtained retrospective data from STOP/2 study exit to 2012-2014 (depending on site) including follow-up TCD and brain imaging results, clinical information, and laboratory results. Two vascular neurologists, blinded to STOP/2 status and prior TCD and neuroimaging results, reviewed source records to confirm all ischemic strokes, defined as a symptomatic cerebral infarction; discordant opinions were resolved through discussion. For the first Post-STOP ischemic stroke, prior TCD result and treatment history subsequently were analyzed. Results: Of the 3,539 subjects, follow-up data were available for 2,850 (81%). Twelve children who had a stroke during STOP or STOP2 were excluded from these analyses resulting in data on 2,838 subjects. The mean age at the start of Post-STOP was 10.5 y and mean duration of follow-up after exiting STOP/2 was 9.1 y. A total of 69 first ischemic strokes occurred in the Post-STOP observation period (incidence 0.27 per 100 pt years). The mean age at time of stroke was 14.4±6.2 (median 13.8, range 3.5-28.9) y. Twenty-five of the 69 patients (36%) had documented abnormal TCD (STOP/2 or Post-STOP) prior to the stroke; 15 (60%) were receiving CRCT and 9 (36%) were not (treatment data not available for 1 subject). Among the 44 subjects without documented abnormal TCD, 29 (66%) had not had TCD re-screen in the Post-STOP period prior to the event; 7 of these 29 (24%) were 16 y or older at the start of Post-STOP, which is beyond the recommended screening age. Four of the 44 (9%) patients had inadequate TCD in Post-STOP (1 to 10.7 y prior to event). Six (14%) had normal TCD more than a year before the event (1.2 - 4 y); all but one of these children were younger than 16 y at the time of that TCD. Only 5 (11%) had a documented normal TCD less than 1 year prior to the event. Conclusions: In the Post-STOP era, the rate of first ischemic stroke was substantially lower than that reported in the Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease, prior to implementation of TCD screening. Many (39%) of the Post-STOP ischemic strokes were associated with a failure to re-screen according to current guidelines, while only 11% occurred in children who had had recent low-risk TCD. Among those known to be at high risk prior to stroke, treatment refusal or inadequate treatment may have contributed. While TCD screening and treatment are effective at reducing ischemic stroke in clinical practice, significant gaps in screening and treatment, even at sites experienced in the STOP protocol, remain to be addressed. Closing these gaps should provide yet further reduction of ischemic stroke in SCD. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 136 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 15-16
Sharjeel Syed ◽  
Jihad Aljabban ◽  
Jonathan Trujillo ◽  
Saad Syed ◽  
Robert Cameron ◽  

Background: The pathogenesis of sickle cell disease (SCD) and its complications have been well characterized down to the molecular level. However, there remains a relative dearth of disease modifying therapies that reduce the frequency and number of vas-occlusive crises, hospitalizations, and deaths. Recent advancements in utilizing hydroxyurea and L-glutamine, which both impact unique disease pathways, should pave way for the identification of other molecular pathways as ideal drug targets. In this regard, our meta-analysis serves to identify key genes and associated pathways that are differentially expressed in SC patients. Methods: We employed our STARGEO platform to tag samples from the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus and performed meta-analysis to compare SC and healthy control transcriptomes. For the meta-analysis, we tagged 285 peripheral blood samples from SC patients and 86 samples from healthy subjects as a control. We then analyzed the signature in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis to elucidate top disease functions from our analysis. Results: From our meta-analysis, we identified iron homeostasis signaling, NRF2-mediated oxidative stress response, cell senescence, and pyrimidine interconversion/biosynthesis as top canonical pathways that were upregulated in the peripheral blood samples from SC patients. Top upstream regulators included membrane associated protein and transporter ABCB6, non-coding RNY3, and erythroid maturation transcription factors GATA1, KLF1, and HIPK2 (with predicted activation). The most upregulated genes included inflammatory modulators RNF182 and IFI27, the latter of which has been shown to inhibit vascular endothelial growth and repair. Several membrane-associated protein coding genes such as GYPA, RAP1GAP, and PAQR9 were also upregulated in the SC samples. RAP1GAP is known to modulate neutrophil cell adhesion and homing while PAQR9 has roles in regulating protein quality control: a role also seen in similarly upregulated YOD1, a deubiquitinating enzyme involved in trafficking of misfolded proteins. Expectedly, also upregulated were HBBP1 and SOX6, which regulate globin genes and have been shown to silence γ-globin expression. Lastly, SLC6A19, the neutral amino acid transporter mutated in Hartnup disease, was also upregulated. Of the downregulated genes, WASF3, a member of the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein family, has been linked to poor survival in many malignancies, including AML and CMML, but has not previously been linked to SCD pathogenesis. ENKUR was also downregulated and has been annotated as a tethering protein to cation channels as well as linked to pathways involving vascular leakage. SIGLEC10, which binds to vascular adhesion proteins, is a key suppressor of inflammatory responses to damage; it's downregulation along with ELAPOR1, a transmembrane protein involved in cellular response to stress, was also observed. Finally, based off the focus genes in our analysis we identified several networks with most being involved in amino acid metabolism, cellular assembly, function, and maintenance, hematological disease, and organismal injury. The top pathway is illustrated in Figure 1. Conclusions: Our study illustrates differentially expressed gene activity in SCD consistent with known pathophysiology such as immune response, endothelial damage and adherence, heme metabolism, and globin regulation. We also showed evidence of genes not previously studied in SCD, which may have novel roles such as those part of the ubiquitin-proteasome system like YOD1 and RNF182. Additionally, while some genes in our analysis like EKLF and GAT1 have been shown to enhance δ-globin expression, paving way for possible drug therapies for B-hemoglobinopathies, others like IFI27, PAQR9, RAP1GAP, ENKUR, SIGLEC10, WASF3, and SOX9 have yet to be studied as mediators of disease pathogenesis in SCD. A target to SOX9, a known suppressor of γ-globin, or ABCB6, a known modulator of erythroid cell shape and hydration, have particularly promising potential as disease modifying therapies. Finally, HIPK2, HBBP1, and SLC6A19 have previously been shown to have intriguing effects on hydroxyurea dosing and responsivity in SC patients and may also be candidate target molecules to enhance existing therapies. These data identify potential candidate pathways for mechanistic studies seeking to confirm a causative role in the pathogenesis of sickle cell disease. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

1989 ◽  
Vol 83 (5) ◽  
pp. 903-905
Sandra Hernandez

The ultimate objective of newborn screening for sickle cell disease should be twofold. The first essential step is the identification of the infants at risk. This has been effectively done in New York state as of 1975 through the New York State Newborn Screening Program. However, identifying these children is not enough. Second is the much more complicated task of providing comprehensive follow-up care for families whose children are affected by the disease, including the much needed psychosocial services. This area continues to be sorely neglected. The increased risk of death due to overwhelming infection in the first 3 years of life for children with sickle cell disease has been noted in the literature. When there is no specialized care, 15% to 20% do not survive. Therefore, it is essential for knowledgeable staff to make contact and begin to develop a trusting relationship as soon as possible with parents of infants born with sickle cell disease. Prophylactic penicillin and pneumococcal vaccination can reduce mortality during the early years. Family involvement with a consistent, available team of health care providers is pivotal in understanding this chronic illness and coping effectively with this extraordinary stress. Our staff is available by telephone for consultations with patients or other medical staff during clinic and emergency room visits and hospitalizations. One element that is clear in our experience at the St Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Sickle Cell Center in New York City is that adjustment to this chronic illness is a lifelong process. One or two counseling sessions at the time of diagnosis are not sufficient to enable families to fully understand the information given or to realize the impact of having a child with a chronic illness.

1988 ◽  
Vol 81 (6) ◽  
pp. 749-755
Elliott Vichinsky ◽  
Deborah Hurst ◽  
Ann Earles ◽  
Klara Kleman ◽  
Bertram Lubin

Newborn screening for sickle cell disease has been recommended as a method of decreasing patient mortality. However, its effectiveness in accomplishing this has not been reliably measured. To help determine the effectiveness, 10 years of experience in newborn screening have been summarized. The effects of early patient enrollment in a comprehensive treatment program on long-term morbidity and mortality are reported. From 1975 to 1985, 84,663 newborns were screened regardless of race or ethnic background. Bart's hemoglobin was present in 5%, hemoglobin AS in 2.6%, and hemoglobin AC in 0.75%. Excluding Bart's, approximately 3.6% of all newborns were carriers for hemoglobinopathy. Sickle cell disease occurred in 1:951 births (58 hemoglobin SS, 25 hemoglobin FSC, three hemoglobin S-β+-thalassemia, and three hemoglobin S-β°-thalassemia). In addition, one in every 4,233 newborns had a clinically significant thalassemia syndrome (eight hemoglobin FE, ten hemoglobin F only, two hemoglobin H). Compared with other newborn screening programs in California, (congenital hypothyroidism, 1:3,849; phenylketonuria 1:22,474, galactosemia 1:74,103), hemoglobinopathies are the most prevalent congenital disease. Eighty-one newborns with sickle cell disease were followed for 7.2 years. Patients experienced 513 hospitalizations, including 13 episodes of sepsis with or without meningitis and ten acute sequestration crises. The overall mortality rate for patients with sickle cell anemia diagnosed in the newborn period was 1.8%. In comparison, the clinical course of 64 patients with sickle cell anemia diagnosed after 3 months of age and followed for an average of 9.4 years was analyzed. Five of these patients died. In two of these, sickle cell anemia was diagnosed at the time of the death. Overall mortality rate in this group was 8%. In summary, the data indicate that newborn screening, when coupled with extensive follow-up and education, will significantly decrease patient mortality.

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