Food culture and land use in ancient times

Taqyuddin ◽  
N. Susanti
Land Use ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 263-264

Creighton Connolly (2017) Landscape political ecologies of urban ‘swiftlet farming’ in George Town, Malaysia. cultural geographies 24(3): 421–439. DOI: 10.1177/1474474016684128. The journal would like to make the following correction: Endnotes 45-69 should be revised as follows: 45. Geografia, George Town Land Use and Population Survey. 46. Following Malaysian independence in 1957, the new Malay government renamed all streets in Malaysia’s colonial enclaves such as George Town. However, many of the old names are still commonly used by residents, hence my reference to both. 47. This attitude on behalf of government officials in Malaysia has also been documented by other scholars, see K.Mulligan, S.J.Elliott and C.Shuster-Wallace, ‘The Place of Health and the Health of Place: Dengue Fever and Urban Governance in Putrajaya, Malaysia’, Health & Place, 18, 2012, pp. 613–20. 48. On a more recent visit to George Town in August, 2016, EYS still had hundreds of swiftlets flying in and out, nearly 3 years after the deadline for closure of swiftlet farms inside the WHS. Given the political and economic influence of the EYS company, it is conceivable that they will be able to continue operating the swiftlet farm for the foreseeable future. 49. According to George Town’s Special Area Plan (2011), category II buildings are those ‘of special interest that warrants every effort being made to preserve them’. See State Government of Penang (SGP), Draft Special Area Plan, George Town: Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca (Penang: SGP, 2010). 50. This incident was (allegedly) triggered by the export of fake birds’ nests with dangerous nitrite levels to China from Malaysia, and resulted in the near collapse of the swiftlet farming industry, given that China has always been the primary market for EBNs. This episode demonstrated how the physical landscape in one place can be dramatically influenced by political-economic changes elsewhere. See Connolly, ‘A Landscape Political Ecology of ‘Swiftlet Farming’ in Malaysian Cities’, chapter 4; C.Thorburn, ‘The Edible Birds’ Nest Boom in Indonesia and South-East Asia’, Food, Culture and Society, 17, 2014, 535–53. 51. MBPP (Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang), ‘Laporan Industri Dan Premis Burung Walit Di Dalam Tapak Warisan Dunia George Town’ (George Town, Penang, Jabatan Warisan, 2013), np. 52. George Town World Heritage Incorporated (GTWHI), Draft Guidelines for Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) World Heritage Cities of Melaka and George Town (Penang, 2010), pp. 76–7, < > 53. Note, this excludes Penang and Malacca, where heritage was the largest concern, due to the UNESCO World Heritage listing in both cities. 54. On an earlier visit to Taiping, I came across a hotel which operated a swiftlet house on the top story, while the bottom three stories were rented out to human occupants (!) 55. J.Lepawsky and R.C.Jubilado, ‘Globalizing Kuala Lumpur and Rationalizing the Street’, In S.G.Yeoh (ed.), The Other Kuala Lumpur (London: Routledge, 2014), pp. 22–37. 56. T.K.Ho, ‘Swiftlet Rearing in Town a Health Threat’, The Star, 6 February 2009, p. N49. 57. Quoted in anonymous, ‘Chow: Swiftlet farms being phased out’, The Star, 14 April 2013, n.p. 58. Mulligan et al., ‘The Place of Health and the Health of Place’. 59. Duckett-Wilkinson, correspondence, 15 December 2010. 60. Duckett-Wilkinson, correspondence, 5 May 2011. 61. Indeed, Duckett-Wilkinson has spoken to several local doctors in George Town about this issue, who have verbally confirmed that cases of lung disease are ‘disproportionate’ in Georgetown (Duckett-Wilkinson, interview, 22 October 2013). 62. Duckett-Wilkinson, Open Letter, 20 June 2010; citing M.L.DeWitt, ‘cryptococcus’, < > 63. Anonymous, ‘A health hazard not many are aware of’, New Straits Times, 9 September 2009, n.p., print. 64. In: R.Nathan, ‘“More Seminars” Plan for Bird’s Nest Farmers’ The Star, 6 June 2003, p. 13. 65. See Mulligan et al., ‘The Place of Health and the Health of Place’; T.Bunnell, ‘Re-Viewing the Entrapment Controversy: Megaprojection, (Mis)Representation and Postcolonial Performance’, GeoJournal, 59, 2004, pp. 297–305. 66. Carpiano, ‘Come Take a Walk with Me’. 67. M.Gandy, ‘Marginalia: Aesthetics, Ecology and Urban Wastelands’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(6), 2013, pp. 1301–16; A.Loftus, ‘Working the Socio-Natural Relations of the Urban Waterscape in South Africa’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 31(1), 2007, pp. 41–59; E.Swyngedouw, ‘The City as a Hybrid – On Nature, Society and Cyborg Urbanization’, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 7(2), 1996, pp. 65–80. 68. See, for example, Mitchell, The Lie of the Land; D.Matless, Landscape and Englishness (London: Reaktion Books, 1998). 69. See, for example, P.Y.Hung, Tea Production, Land Use Politics, and Ethnic Minorities: Struggling over Dilemmas on China’s Southwest Frontier (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015); Neumann, ‘Political Ecology III’; Walker and Fortmann, ‘Whose Landscape?’.

Эльза Венеровна Мигранова

Целью данной статьи является рассмотрение отражения в паремическом наследии башкирского народа такой важной составляющей системы жизнеобеспечения, как традиционная пищевая культура, а также прошлых хозяйственных занятий народа. Многие башкирские пословицы дошли до нас из глубокой древности, некоторые появились несколько позднее, иные — даже ближе к нашему времени. В качестве основного источника нами использованы башкирские пословицы в переводе на русский язык из 7-го тома свода «Башкирское народное творчество» (Уфа, 1993); оригиналы пословиц на башкирском языке содержатся в издании «Башkорт халыk ижады» (Уфа, 1980). Значительный вклад в сбор и изучение паремического наследия башкир внесли дореволюционные и советские исследователи башкирского края, а также современные ученые-фольклористы. Среди них особо следует выделить доктора филологических наук Ф. А. Надршину, сфера научных интересов которой, в числе прочих вопросов, касалась и изучения паремического наследия башкирского народа. Из пословиц можно получить представление и о древнейших, допроизводственных видах хозяйственной деятельности башкир (охота, рыболовство, собирательство, в том числе собирательство меда диких пчел — бортничество), и о производящих — скотоводство, птицеводство, земледелие, садоводство и огородничество. Продукты питания, о которых упоминается в башкирских пословицах, можно условно разделить на несколько категорий — это продукты животного происхождения (мясо, молоко, яйца, рыба); растительная пища (крупы, злаки, овощи, дикие коренья и травы); а также мед, специи и т. д. Большое внимание в пословицах уделялось качеству продуктов; в них отображен и порядок приема пищи; гостеприимство народа, традиционные башкирские праздники и обряды, а также пища, приготовляемая к ним; пищевые табу, соблюдение которых было обязательным в башкирском обществе и т. д. Так, например, осуждалось пьянство; водка считалась причиной многих болезней и даже смерти. В народной среде было принято бережное, рачительное отношение к продуктам питания, что также нашло отражение в пословицах и поговорках. В далеком прошлом у башкир, как у многих других язычников, с пищей были связаны определенные культы и поверья. К тому же, сохранившиеся в народной памяти отголоски неурожайных голодных лет, дали значительный материал для появления пословиц о необходимости ценить еду. Исходя из анализа имеющихся материалов, можно еще раз подтвердить, что пословицы — это ценный источник для изучения истории башкирского народа, его духовной и материальной культуры. The purpose of this article is to consider the reflection in the paremic heritage of the Bashkir people of such an important component of the life support system as traditional food culture, as well as the past economic activities of the people. Many Bashkir proverbs originated come down to us from ancient times, some appeared a little later, others-even closer to our time. As the main source, we used Bashkir proverbs translated into Russian from volume 7 of the series “Bashkir folk Art” (Ufa, 1993); The originals of proverbs in the Bashkir language are contained in the publication “Bashkort Halyk Izhady” (Ufa, 1980). A significant contribution to the collection and study of the Bashkir paremic heritage was made by pre-revolutionary and Soviet researchers of the Bashkir territory, as well as modern folklore scientists. Among them, it is particularly necessary to highlight F. A. Nadrshina, whose sphere of scientific interests, among other issues, concerned the study of the paremic heritage of the Bashkir people. The food products mentioned in Bashkir proverbs can be divided into several categories: animal products (meat, milk, eggs); vegetable food (cereals, vegetables, wild roots and herbs); fish, honey, spices, as well as dishes prepared from them. Much attention was paid to the quality of products in the paremias; they also reflect the order of eating; the hospitality of the people, traditional Bashkir holidays and rituals, as well as food prepared for them; food taboos, the observance of which was mandatory in Bashkir society, etc. For example, drunkenness was condemned; vodka was considered the cause of many diseases and even death. Among the people, a careful, prudent attitude to food was promoted, which was also reflected in proverbs and sayings. In the distant past, the Bashkirs, like many other pagans, had certain cults and beliefs associated with food. In addition, the echoes of the lean famine years preserved in the people's memory also provided significant material for the appearance of proverbs about the need to appreciate food. Based on the analysis of the available materials, we can conclude that proverbs are a valuable source for studying the ethnography of Bashkirs, its spiritual and material culture.


A noção de paisagem acompanha a existência humana desde o início, uma vez que a sobrevivência dos seres humanos sempre dependeu de sua relação com o meio. Entretanto, a formulação de um conceito de paisagem ocorreu ao longo de muito tempo, começando a se manifestar mais claramente a partir das observações de pintores, artistas e poetas, tanto do Oriente quanto no Ocidente. Na Antigüidade o ambiente fora do controle humano era olhado com desconfiança e entendido como elemento hostil, daí serem construídos jardins fechados para lazer, contemplação ou plantio de algumas espécies. No Ocidente, a partir de Humboldt, iniciam estudos mais sistemáticos que levariam à compreensão de paisagem como resultante de um complexo de interações entre elementos naturais e humanos. Contudo, ainda haveria discussões sobre o conceito e o método de abordagem da paisagem, passando por ênfases nos aspectos geomorfológicos, biológico ou ocupação humana de um espaço. Em meio a tendências à especialização da década de 60, Bertrand, geógrafo francês, descartou que paisagem fosse uma simples junção de elementos geográficos; antes definiu-a como “combinação dinâmica, instável, dos elementos físicos, biológicos e antrópicos.” Na Geografia ocidental contemporânea paisagem é entendida como produto visual de interações entre elementos naturais e sociais que, por ocupar um espaço, pode ser cartografada em escala macro ou de detalhe, e classificada de acordo com um método ou elemento que a compõe. Paisagem não é o mesmo que espaço, mas parte dele; algo como um parâmetro ou medida multidimensional de análise espacial. Considerations about landscape concept Abstract Conceptions about landscape come together in human life, since mankind’s existence has always depended on his relationship with nature. However, the expression of a landscape concept took some time, and its first concrete manifestation came through arts, both in Eastern and Western civilization. In ancient times, an environment out of human control was seen as a hostile element, so, there were closed gardens, built to enjoy plants, birds and leisure time. In the West, ideas and systematic studies started with Humboldt, who considered landscape to be a result of complex interactions between natural and human elements. Discussions would continue about the concept and evolving method for landscape studies, with an emphasis on geomorphology, or on vegetation, or on land use, or another aspect. There was a trend toward specialisation in the 60’s research, and Bertrand defined landscape as a dynamic and unstable combination of physical, biological and anthropic factors. In contemporary western geography, landscape is a visual product of interaction between natural and social elements. As landscape occupies space, it can be mapped by different scales and classified according to a particular method or an element of its totality. Landscape is not the same as space, but part of it; something like a parameter or multidimensional measure of spatial analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 274 ◽  
pp. 01014
Stepan Novikov ◽  
Eliza Gimazutdinova

Growth of population affects the increase in demand for development of new areas. The article discusses current problems and trends in the development of vertical cities of the future. The last decade has seen the consolidation of the urban environment and the transition of urban planning from horizontal to vertical. The structure of future vertical cities minimizes land use and contributes to solving environmental problems and de-urbanization. The authors analyze the origin of «utopia» word and its meaning in the concepts of utopian cities since ancient times. The formation of a comfortable vertical city is a utopia aimed at turning it into the reality of the future. A general analysis of space-planning and architectural solutions of modern concepts helped to formulate the basic principles of creating a vertical city. The identified criteria of the architectural space will allow humanity to live in a comfortable environment, including the period of forced critical conditions. During the research, we presented a hypothesis of the emergence of vertical cities in the world and in Russia. The study can become the basis for forecasting the processes of urbanization and deurbanization, also as a concept creation for the development of a sustainable model of the future vertical city.

10.1029/wm011 ◽  
1985 ◽  
Roy C. Sidle ◽  
Andrew J. Pearce ◽  
Colin L. O'Loughlin
Land Use ◽  

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