Эльза Венеровна Мигранова

Целью данной статьи является рассмотрение отражения в паремическом наследии башкирского народа такой важной составляющей системы жизнеобеспечения, как традиционная пищевая культура, а также прошлых хозяйственных занятий народа. Многие башкирские пословицы дошли до нас из глубокой древности, некоторые появились несколько позднее, иные — даже ближе к нашему времени. В качестве основного источника нами использованы башкирские пословицы в переводе на русский язык из 7-го тома свода «Башкирское народное творчество» (Уфа, 1993); оригиналы пословиц на башкирском языке содержатся в издании «Башkорт халыk ижады» (Уфа, 1980). Значительный вклад в сбор и изучение паремического наследия башкир внесли дореволюционные и советские исследователи башкирского края, а также современные ученые-фольклористы. Среди них особо следует выделить доктора филологических наук Ф. А. Надршину, сфера научных интересов которой, в числе прочих вопросов, касалась и изучения паремического наследия башкирского народа. Из пословиц можно получить представление и о древнейших, допроизводственных видах хозяйственной деятельности башкир (охота, рыболовство, собирательство, в том числе собирательство меда диких пчел — бортничество), и о производящих — скотоводство, птицеводство, земледелие, садоводство и огородничество. Продукты питания, о которых упоминается в башкирских пословицах, можно условно разделить на несколько категорий — это продукты животного происхождения (мясо, молоко, яйца, рыба); растительная пища (крупы, злаки, овощи, дикие коренья и травы); а также мед, специи и т. д. Большое внимание в пословицах уделялось качеству продуктов; в них отображен и порядок приема пищи; гостеприимство народа, традиционные башкирские праздники и обряды, а также пища, приготовляемая к ним; пищевые табу, соблюдение которых было обязательным в башкирском обществе и т. д. Так, например, осуждалось пьянство; водка считалась причиной многих болезней и даже смерти. В народной среде было принято бережное, рачительное отношение к продуктам питания, что также нашло отражение в пословицах и поговорках. В далеком прошлом у башкир, как у многих других язычников, с пищей были связаны определенные культы и поверья. К тому же, сохранившиеся в народной памяти отголоски неурожайных голодных лет, дали значительный материал для появления пословиц о необходимости ценить еду. Исходя из анализа имеющихся материалов, можно еще раз подтвердить, что пословицы — это ценный источник для изучения истории башкирского народа, его духовной и материальной культуры. The purpose of this article is to consider the reflection in the paremic heritage of the Bashkir people of such an important component of the life support system as traditional food culture, as well as the past economic activities of the people. Many Bashkir proverbs originated come down to us from ancient times, some appeared a little later, others-even closer to our time. As the main source, we used Bashkir proverbs translated into Russian from volume 7 of the series “Bashkir folk Art” (Ufa, 1993); The originals of proverbs in the Bashkir language are contained in the publication “Bashkort Halyk Izhady” (Ufa, 1980). A significant contribution to the collection and study of the Bashkir paremic heritage was made by pre-revolutionary and Soviet researchers of the Bashkir territory, as well as modern folklore scientists. Among them, it is particularly necessary to highlight F. A. Nadrshina, whose sphere of scientific interests, among other issues, concerned the study of the paremic heritage of the Bashkir people. The food products mentioned in Bashkir proverbs can be divided into several categories: animal products (meat, milk, eggs); vegetable food (cereals, vegetables, wild roots and herbs); fish, honey, spices, as well as dishes prepared from them. Much attention was paid to the quality of products in the paremias; they also reflect the order of eating; the hospitality of the people, traditional Bashkir holidays and rituals, as well as food prepared for them; food taboos, the observance of which was mandatory in Bashkir society, etc. For example, drunkenness was condemned; vodka was considered the cause of many diseases and even death. Among the people, a careful, prudent attitude to food was promoted, which was also reflected in proverbs and sayings. In the distant past, the Bashkirs, like many other pagans, had certain cults and beliefs associated with food. In addition, the echoes of the lean famine years preserved in the people's memory also provided significant material for the appearance of proverbs about the need to appreciate food. Based on the analysis of the available materials, we can conclude that proverbs are a valuable source for studying the ethnography of Bashkirs, its spiritual and material culture.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Elsa Elsa

This paper to see how tourism can provide stimulus to economic growth. In tourism the interaction between tourists and local communities so as to enhance economic activities such as revenues, business opportunities, employment opportunities and reduce unemployment or poverty erodes. So, it can be explained that between the tourism sector and the economy is directly proportional, if the tourism sector increases, people's income also increased. Conversely, if the tourism sector are declining, people's income also declined. Tourism is the engine driving and driving the creation of creativity of the community in an effort to improve the lives. Problems that develop in the tourism sector is the lack of knowledge and understanding on tourism, a reference to incomplete about the tourist places (socialization of local government is still not satisfactory), and stepping are not implemented (safe, orderly, clean, cool, beautiful, welcoming, and memories) in the tourism sector. Therefore, to overcome the problem of tourism is needed awareness by government and the community to develop and explore the potential of tourism as an effort to increase the standard of living and the quality of the people in the area. Efforts are underway to explore the potential of travel may include human resource development, implementation stepping, as well as the improvement of facilities and infrastructures. It can boost the high interest of tourists to visit the tourist destination so that not only the public economy are growing, but the skill and creativity of the community also increased.Keywords: Tourism, Economic Growth.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Damian Konkol ◽  
Konrad Wojnarowski

The demand for protein of animal origin and consumer awareness has been systematically increasing over recent years. This fact obliges breeders to provide animals with the best possible breeding conditions, which will condition the productivity of animals and the quality of products obtained from them. Nowadays, this is especially important because consumers are looking for food that is characterized by prohealth properties, a longer shelf life, and high sensory quality. Good results in improving the composition and quality of products of animal origin bring the use of nanominerals in animal nutrition. The purpose of this work was to collect and systematize knowledge related to the possibility of improving the composition and quality of animal products using minerals in the form of nanoparticles in animal nutrition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-149
Kamlesh Verma ◽  
Vinay Kumar Rai ◽  

All the economic activities for livelihood is called occupation. The people who are involved in various economic activities form the occupational structure of any region. Occupation is an important activity of any population that affects the social, economic, cultural, and demographic characteristics of a region. The proportion of the economically active population in various occupations indicates the economic profile of various groups of the society of that region. This occupational structure varies temporally and spatially which defines the level of development of society and quality of life. The present study is based on Ballia District, lying in the fertile confluence zone of the Ganga and the Ghaghara river. Administratively the district is divided into 17 blocks which are taken as study units. The research aims to compare the working population, occupational structure and its spatial change existing in the district from the period of 2001 to 2011. Data for working population, main and marginal workers along with different occupations are obtained from District Census Handbook of Ballia. Statistical techniques and choropleth maps are used for the representation of occupational structure in the district and consequent changes in the last decade. This comparative analysis will help highlight the spatial variation in different occupations in the study area. This paper deals to analyse the spatial distribution of the working population and change in the occupational structure of Ballia district. The proportion of cultivators and agricultural labourers has decreased from 28.67% to 19.90% and 43.26% to 37.64% level in 2001 to 2011 respectively, while the proportion of household industry workers and other workers have increased from 5.40% to 7.09% and 24.28% to 35.17% level in 2001 to 2011 respectively in Ballia district.

Н. І. Демчук

 У статті визначено, що інвестиційна діяльністьта її стратегічне планування повинні займати провіднемісце в системі соціально-економічної діяльності йрозвитку харчових підприємств у цілому за умов діїчинників невизначеності, циклічності та фінансовихкриз. Обґрунтовано, що це зумовлено необхідністюпошуку джерел інвестування, фінансування підпри-ємств для підтримки або підвищення їх конкуренто-спроможності, інвестиційного забезпечення реструк-туризації як чинника підвищення ефективності, мо-дернізації виробництва і розробки нових зразків про-дукції як відповіді на вимоги та виклики зовнішньогой внутрішнього середовища, продовольчого ринку. It has been determined that the investment activities and its strategic planning must take a leading place in the socio-economic activities and the development of food enterprises in general terms by the action of uncertainties and cyclical financial crises. This is needed to find sources of investment finance companies to maintain or improve their competitiveness, investment restructuring provision as a factor of improving the efficiency, modernization and development of new product samples as a response to the demands and challenges of the external and internal environment of the food market. Investment activity is the key for solving environmental problems and socio-economic problems that accompany the development of the food industry. Investments are needed to improve the quality of products, its standardization and certification.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Nor Iadah Yusop ◽  
Huda Ibrahim ◽  
Shafiz Affendi Mohd Yusof ◽  
Zahurin Mat Aji ◽  
Zulkhairi Md. Dahalin ◽  

Accessing required information via the Internet is becoming significant to improve the quality of life. The purpose of this study is to identify the information needs of rural communities. Fieldworks were carried out involving surveys, interviews and observations. The findings show that the types of information requested by these communities include information about business, career opportunity, education, health and ICT. Regardless of their economic sectors, the information needs can be categorized into two: (i) in association with economic activities; and (ii) in relation with daily life. This information can be included in a portal especially designed for the people from different economic sectors to cater their needs.

1992 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-140 ◽  
A. Ruvinsky ◽  
A. Nezavitin ◽  
L. Ruvinskaya

The Siberian agreement has been set up to unite the efforts of the 17 regions of Siberia in achieving economic growth and improving the living standards of the population. Its major challenge is that of feeding the people. The poor quality of the land, the inhospitable climate and the traditional methods of husbandry result in low yields of arable crops and animal products. The problem is aggravated by inadequate facilities for food processing and storage. However, advances in agricultural technology in the form of plant and animal improvement by breeding programmes and increased availability of fertilizers and other agrochemicals, coupled with better management, should ensure a brighter future for this area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-11
Fitriani Latief ◽  
Muhammad Hidayat ◽  
Dirwan Dirwan

Merebaknya COVID-19 berimbas pada perekonomian masyarakat tidak terkecuali pada Desa Garanta di Kecamatan Ujungloe Kabupaten Bulukumba. Terlebih kegiatan perekonomian masyarakat Desa ini masih memiliki banyak kendala  diantaranya adalah mental wirausaha yang masih lemah, ketidakjelasan usaha, dan kebiasaan masyarakat yang cenderung mengabaikan kualitas termasuk cara-cara pemasaran produk yang masih tradisional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pendampingan kepada Masyarakat agar dapat mengembangkan ide-ide Kreatif dan inovatif serta menumbuhkan minat dan motivasi wirausaha yang akan menjadi modal dalam mempertahankan  serta mengembangkan usaha khususnya pada masa new normal saat ini.  Metode yang digunakan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan ini adalah dengan melakukan seminar, diskusi dan pelatihan atau workshop.  Dari kegiatan penelitian ini masyarakat sudah mendapatkan pemahaman tentang bagaimana meningkatkan kualitas produksi dengan memperhatikan daya kreasi dan inovasi terutama dalam pengembangan variasi produk serta packaging produk sehingga produk yang dihasilkan tampil lebih baik sehingga  siap dan layak untuk dipasarkan   The outbreak of COVID-19 has an impact on the community's economy, including Garanta Village in Ujungloe District, Bulukumba Regency. Moreover, the economic activities of the people of this village still have many obstacles, including a weak entrepreneurial mentality, business ambiguity, and people's habits that tend to ignore quality, including traditional product marketing methods. The purpose of this study is to provide assistance to the community so that they can develop creative and innovative ideas and foster entrepreneurial interest and motivation which will become capital in maintaining and developing businesses, especially during the current new normal. The method used in carrying out this activity is to conduct seminars, discussions and training or workshops. From this research activity, the community has gained an understanding of how to improve the quality of production by paying attention to the power of creativity and innovation, especially in the development of product variations and product packaging so that the resulting product looks better so that it is ready and worthy to be marketed

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (I) ◽  
pp. 103-110
Shabnam Gul ◽  
Aftab Alam ◽  
Zahid Akbar

Sino-Pak Economic ties will be a great development, but if their first and utmost priority is local citizen, poor people and underdeveloped areas. Pakistan being a developing country is facing a high level of socio-economic and governance problems; the corridor can provide a big break to soothe its economic structure. In this connection, the Balochistan seaport will be a home of traders and world economies because of their great geographical location. Pakistan is an agricultural state, and its economic structure is mostly based on agro land, but due to some reason still, it is an unbalanced economy; the passageway will offer a solution to its troubles and will open a new chapter of development by improving socio-economic conditions of the people and elevating their quality of life. Many Special Economic Zones are conceived to be established in all five provinces. This opportunity will also help to improve not only the south Asian region but will make this particular country Pakistan, a hub for socio-economic activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Fitriadi Fitriadi

Water is a basic need that is very important for humans and other living creatures. Drinking water is water whose quality meets health requirements and can drink, it was clean water is water used for daily necessities whose quality meets the requirements of health and can be taken if it has been cooked. The quality of products is one of the most important factors affecting the company's progress, as well as for the water company. In this regard discuss about water quality control if it meets quality standards or not. Quality Control of water in accordance with the standardization and quality standards are allowed very closely related to the level of customer satisfaction. Control of the quality of a product can be done by measuring the different variables that influence it. One way to measure and determine the quality of a product is by using the Taguchi method is done with the design parameters is one of the design phase of a product or process. So hopefully by doing this study water quality PDAM Tirta Meulaboh can be controlled and can be controlled which can certainly improve water services to the people of Aceh Barat.Kata Kunci : Water, Quality Control, Customer Satisfaction, Taguchi. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-31 ◽  
Robert Gąsior ◽  
Krzysztof Wojtycza

Abstract The aim of this article is to examine how the sense of smell and aroma compounds influence the quality of food of animal origin, and to review gas chromatography-olfactometry methods of volatile substances analysis that can help to promote regional animal products. Smell and smell-inducing compounds play an important role in human life. People have made use of aromatic herbs and spices for ages. The classification of smells was developed by, among others, Aristotle, Linnaeus, Zwaardemaker, as well as Amoore, the creator of the stereochemical theory of olfaction. Smell is also of exceptional importance in a consumer’s evaluation of food quality. Achievements in the area of chromatography, mass spectrometry and olfactometry have contributed to the development of tests for the content of volatile compounds in food materials, e.g. milk, cheese or meat. Analysis of these compounds is more and more often applied to regional products that are commonly characterised by different olfactory properties. The study’s results of raw meat of different animal species show that nutria meat and mutton differ the most from others. Apart from genetic factors, meat composition depends on feeding method, quality and type of fodder, method of cutting, meat seasoning, pH and temperature of processing. Chromatographic and olfactometric tests on animal products, in conjunction with chemometrics, can contribute to the development of reliable characteristics and help to identify the products’ origin. These tests are becoming an inseparable part of the policy of promotion of regional products with specific taste and olfactory properties.

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