The homeodomain protein CePHOX2/CEH-17 controls antero-posterior axonal growth in C. elegans

Development ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 127 (15) ◽  
pp. 3361-3371 ◽  
N. Pujol ◽  
P. Torregrossa ◽  
J.J. Ewbank ◽  
J.F. Brunet

An essential aspect of a neuron's identity is the pattern of its axonal projections. In C. elegans, axons extend either longitudinally or circumferentially in response to distinct molecular cues, some of which have been identified. It is currently unclear, however, how the differential capacity to respond to these cues is transcriptionally implemented in distinct neuronal subtypes. Here, we characterise a C. elegans paired-like homeobox gene, CePhox2/ceh-17, expressed in five head neurons, ALA and the 4 SIAs, all of which project axons towards the tail along the lateral and sublateral cords. Abrogation of ceh-17 function, while leaving intact many phenotypic traits of these neurons, disrupts their antero-posterior axonal elongation beyond the mid-body region. Conversely, ectopic expression of ceh-17 in the mechanoreceptors, several of which are known to pioneer their tract, leads to exaggerated longitudinal axonal outgrowth. Thus, ceh-17 is a novel gene involved in fasciculation-independent longitudinal axonal navigation.

Development ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 127 (20) ◽  
pp. 4315-4323 ◽  
T. Tsuji ◽  
A. Sato ◽  
I. Hiratani ◽  
M. Taira ◽  
K. Saigo ◽  

During Drosophila leg development, the distal-most compartment (pretarsus) and its immediate neighbour (tarsal segment 5) are specified by a pretarsus-specific homeobox gene, aristaless, and tarsal-segment-specific Bar homeobox genes, respectively; the pretarsus/tarsal-segment boundary is formed by antagonistic interactions between Bar and pretarsus-specific genes that include aristaless (Kojima, T., Sato, M. and Saigo, K. (2000) Development 127, 769–778). Here, we show that Drosophila Lim1, a homologue of vertebrate Lim1 encoding a LIM-homeodomain protein, is involved in pretarsus specification and boundary formation through its activation of aristaless. Ectopic expression of Lim1 caused aristaless misexpression, while aristaless expression was significantly reduced in Lim1-null mutant clones. Pretarsus Lim1 expression was negatively regulated by Bar and abolished in leg discs lacking aristaless activity, which was associated with strong Bar misexpression in the presumptive pretarsus. No Lim1 misexpression occurred upon aristaless misexpression. The concerted function of Lim1 and aristaless was required to maintain Fasciclin 2 expression in border cells and form a smooth pretarsus/tarsal-segment boundary. Lim1 was also required for femur, coxa and antennal development.

Development ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 116 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-346 ◽  
M. Freeman ◽  
B.E. Kimmel ◽  
G.M. Rubin

In order to identify potential target genes of the rough homeodomain protein, which is known to specify some aspects of the R2/R5 photoreceptor subtype in the Drosophila eye, we have carried out a search for enhancer trap lines whose expression is rough-dependent. We crossed 101 enhancer traps that are expressed in the developing eye into a rough mutant background, and have identified seven lines that have altered expression patterns. One of these putative rough target genes is rhomboid, a gene known to be required for dorsoventral patterning and development of some of the nervous system in the embryo. We have examined the role of rhomboid in eye development and find that, while mutant clones have only a subtle phenotype, ectopic expression of the gene causes the non-neuronal mystery cells to be transformed into photoreceptors. We propose that rhomboid is a part of a partially redundant network of genes that specify photoreceptor cell fate.

Development ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 129 (4) ◽  
pp. 853-862 ◽  
Behrooz Esmaeili ◽  
Jennifer M. Ross ◽  
Cara Neades ◽  
David M. Miller ◽  
Julie Ahringer

Locomotory activity is defined by the specification of motoneurone subtypes. In the nematode, C. elegans, DA and DB motoneurones innervate dorsal muscles and function to induce movement in the backwards or forwards direction, respectively. These two neurone classes express separate sets of genes and extend axons with oppositely directed trajectories; anterior (DA) versus posterior (DB). The DA-specific homeoprotein UNC-4 interacts with UNC-37/Groucho to repress the DB gene, acr-5 (nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit). We show that the C. elegans even-skipped-like homoedomain protein, VAB-7, coordinately regulates different aspects of the DB motoneurone fate, in part by repressing unc-4. Wild-type DB motoneurones express VAB-7, have posteriorly directed axons, express ACR-5 and lack expression of the homeodomain protein UNC-4. In a vab-7 mutant, ectopic UNC-4 represses acr-5 and induces an anteriorly directed DB axon trajectory. Thus, vab-7 indirectly promotes DB-specific gene expression and posteriorly directed axon outgrowth by preventing UNC-4 repression of DB differentiation. Ectopic expression of VAB-7 also induces DB traits in an unc-4-independent manner, suggesting that VAB-7 can act through a parallel pathway. This work supports a model in which a complementary pair of homeodomain transcription factors (VAB-7 and UNC-4) specifies differences between DA and DB neurones through inhibition of the alternative fates. The recent findings that Even-skipped transcriptional repressor activity specifies neurone identity and axon guidance in the mouse and Drosophila motoneurone circuit points to an ancient origin for homeoprotein-dependent mechanisms of neuronal differentiation in the metazoan nerve cord.

Genetics ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 149 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-142
Laura A Johnston ◽  
Bruce D Ostrow ◽  
Christine Jasoni ◽  
Karen Blochlinger

Abstract The cut locus (ct) codes for a homeodomain protein (Cut) and controls the identity of a subset of cells in the peripheral nervous system in Drosophila. During a screen to identify ct-interacting genes, we observed that flies containing a hypomorphic ct mutation and a heterozygous deletion of the Antennapedia complex exhibit a transformation of mouthparts into leg and antennal structures similar to that seen in homozygous proboscipedia (pb) mutants. The same phenotype is produced with all heterozygous pb alleles tested and is fully penetrant in two different ct mutant backgrounds. We show that this phenotype is accompanied by pronounced changes in the expression patterns of both ct and pb in labial discs. Furthermore, a significant proportion of ct mutant flies that are heterozygous for certain Antennapedia (Antp) alleles have thoracic defects that mimic loss-of-function Antp phenotypes, and ectopic expression of Cut in antennal discs results in ectopic Antp expression and a dominant Antp-like phenotype. Our results implicate ct in the regulation of expression and/or function of two homeotic genes and document a new role of ct in the control of segmental identity.

Cell ◽  
1993 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-55 ◽  
Scott G. Clark ◽  
Andrew D. Chisholm ◽  
H.Robert Horvitz

Jingyi Li ◽  
Mi-Ok Lee ◽  
Brian W Davis ◽  
Ping Wu ◽  
Shu-Man Hsieh-Li ◽  

Abstract The Crest mutation in chicken shows incomplete dominance and causes a spectacular phenotype in which the small feathers normally present on the head are replaced by much larger feathers normally present only in dorsal skin. Using whole genome sequencing, we show that the crest phenotype is caused by a 197 bp duplication of an evolutionarily conserved sequence located in the intron of HOXC10 on chromosome 33. A diagnostic test showed that the duplication was present in all 54 crested chickens representing eight breeds and absent from all 433 non-crested chickens representing 214 populations. The mutation causes ectopic expression of at least five closely linked HOXC genes, including HOXC10, in cranial skin of crested chickens. The result is consistent with the interpretation that the crest feathers are caused by an altered body region identity. The upregulated HOXC gene expression is expanded to skull tissue of Polish chickens showing a large crest often associated with cerebral hernia, but not in Silkie chickens characterized by a small crest, both homozygous for the duplication. Thus, the 197 bp duplication is required for the development of a large crest and susceptibility to cerebral hernia because only crested chicken show this malformation. However, this mutation is not sufficient to cause herniation because this malformation is not present in breeds with a small crest, like Silkie chickens.

Development ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 125 (4) ◽  
pp. 655-666 ◽  
H.T. Broihier ◽  
L.A. Moore ◽  
M. Van Doren ◽  
S. Newman ◽  
R. Lehmann

In Drosophila as well as many vertebrate systems, germ cells form extraembryonically and migrate into the embryo before navigating toward gonadal mesodermal cells. How the gonadal mesoderm attracts migratory germ cells is not understood in any system. We have taken a genetic approach to identify genes required for germ cell migration in Drosophila. Here we describe the role of zfh-1 in germ cell migration to the gonadal mesoderm. In zfh-1 mutant embryos, the initial association of germ cells and gonadal mesoderm is blocked. Loss of zfh-1 activity disrupts the development of two distinct mesodermal populations: the caudal visceral mesoderm and the gonadal mesoderm. We demonstrate that the caudal visceral mesoderm facilitates the migration of germ cells from the endoderm to the mesoderm. Zfh-1 is also expressed in the gonadal mesoderm throughout the development of this tissue. Ectopic expression of Zfh-1 is sufficient to induce additional gonadal mesodermal cells and to alter the temporal course of gene expression within these cells. Finally, through analysis of a tinman zfh-1 double mutant, we show that zfh-1 acts in conjunction with tinman, another homeodomain protein, in the specification of lateral mesodermal derivatives, including the gonadal mesoderm.

Development ◽  
1988 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 349-359 ◽  
M. Fibi ◽  
B. Zink ◽  
M. Kessel ◽  
A.M. Colberg-Poley ◽  
S. Labeit ◽  

We have characterized Hox 1.3 (previously described as m2), a murine homeobox-containing gene, which is a member of the Hox 1 cluster located on chromosome 6. A cloned cDNA was isolated from an Okayama-Berg library generated from the chemically transformed cell line MB66 MCA ACL6. The protein sequence of 270 amino acids was deduced from the nucleotide sequence of an open reading frame containing the homeobox. The open reading frame is interrupted at the genomic level by a 960 bp intron and is organized in two exons. The Hox 1.3 protein was found to contain extensive sequence homology with the murine homeodomain protein Hox 2.1, which is encoded on chromosome 11. There are two homology with the regions in the first exon, i.e. a hexapeptide conserved in many homeobox-containing genes and the N-terminal domain, which was found to be homologous only to Hox 2.1. Furthermore, in exon 2 the homologies of the homeodomain regions are extended up to the carboxy terminus of Hox 1.3 and Hox 2.1. During prenatal murine development, maximal expression of Hox 1.3 is observed in 12-day embryonic tissue. The two transcripts carrying the Hox 1.3 homeobox are 1.9 kb and about 4 kb in length. An abundant Hox 1.3-specific 1.9 kb RNA is also found in F9 cells which were induced for parietal endoderm differentiation, whereas F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells do not stably express this specific RNA. Induction of the transcript occurs immediately after retinoic acid/cAMP treatment and the RNA level remains high for 5 days. Thus, the kinetics are different from the previously described homeobox transcripts Hox 1.1 and Hox 3.1. Interestingly, by analogy to the F9 cell system a negative correlation between transformation and Hox 1.3 expression is observed in 3T3 fibroblasts also. Untransformed 3T3 cells carry abundant 1.9 kb Hox 1.3 RNA, whereas the methylcholanthrene-transformed MB66 and LTK- cells or 3T3 cells transformed by the oncogenes src, fos or SV40 T antigen express only low levels.

Genetics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Hana E Littleford ◽  
Karin Kiontke ◽  
David H A Fitch ◽  
Iva Greenwald

Abstract Specialized cells of the somatic gonad primordium of nematodes play important roles in the final form and function of the mature gonad. C. elegans hermaphrodites are somatic females that have a two-armed, U-shaped gonad that connects to the vulva at the midbody. The outgrowth of each gonad arm from the somatic gonad primordium is led by two female Distal Tip Cells (fDTC), while the Anchor Cell (AC) remains stationary and central to coordinate uterine and vulval development. The bHLH protein HLH-2 and its dimerization partners LIN-32 and HLH-12 had previously been shown to be required for fDTC specification. Here, we show that ectopic expression of both HLH-12 and LIN-32 in cells with AC potential transiently transforms them into fDTC-like cells. Furthermore, hlh-12 was known to be required for the fDTCs to sustain gonad arm outgrowth. Here, we show that ectopic expression of HLH-12 in the normally stationary AC causes displacement from its normal position, and that displacement likely results from activation of the leader program of fDTCs because it requires genes necessary for gonad arm outgrowth. Thus, HLH-12 is both necessary and sufficient to promote gonadal regulatory cell migration. As differences in female gonadal morphology of different nematode species reflect differences in the fate or migratory properties of the fDTCs or of the AC, we hypothesized that evolutionary changes in the expression of hlh-12 may underlie evolution of such morphological diversity. However, we were unable to identify an hlh-12 ortholog outside of Caenorhabditis. Instead, by performing a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of all Class II bHLH proteins in multiple nematode species, we found that HLH-12 evolved within the Caenorhabditis clade, possibly by duplicative transposition of hlh-10. Our analysis suggests that control of gene regulatory hierarchies for gonadogenesis can be remarkably plastic during evolution without adverse phenotypic consequence.

Development ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 125 (12) ◽  
pp. 2171-2180 ◽  
J.M. Kalb ◽  
K.K. Lau ◽  
B. Goszczynski ◽  
T. Fukushige ◽  
D. Moons ◽  

The C. elegans Ce-fkh-1 gene has been cloned on the basis of its sequence similarity to the winged-helix DNA binding domain of the Drosophila fork head and mammalian HNF-3alpha, beta, gamma genes, and mutations in the zygotically active pha-4 gene have been shown to block formation of the pharynx (and rectum) at an early stage in embryogenesis. In the present paper, we show that Ce-fkh-1 and pha-4 are the same gene. We show that PHA-4 protein is present in nuclei of essentially all pharyngeal cells, of all five cell types. PHA-4 protein first appears close to the point at which a cell lineage will produce only pharyngeal cells, independently of cell type. We show that PHA-4 binds directly to a ‘pan-pharyngeal enhancer element’ previously identified in the promoter of the pharyngeal myosin myo-2 gene; in transgenic embryos, ectopic PHA-4 activates ectopic myo-2 expression. We also show that ectopic PHA-4 can activate ectopic expression of the ceh-22 gene, a pharyngeal-specific NK-2-type homeodomain protein previously shown to bind a muscle-specific enhancer near the PHA-4 binding site in the myo-2 promoter. We propose that it is the combination of pha-4 and regulatory molecules such as ceh-22 that produces the specific gene expression patterns during pharynx development. Overall, pha-4 can be described as an ‘organ identity factor’, completely necessary for organ formation, present in all cells of the organ from the earliest stages, capable of integrating upstream developmental pathways (in this case, the two distinct pathways that produce the anterior and posterior pharynx) and participating directly in the transcriptional regulation of organ specific genes. Finally, we note that the distribution of PHA-4 protein in C. elegans embryos is remarkably similar to the distribution of the fork head protein in Drosophila embryos: high levels in the foregut/pharynx and hindgut/rectum; low levels in the gut proper. Moreover, we show that pha-4 expression in the C. elegans gut is regulated by elt-2, a C. elegans gut-specific GATA-factor and possible homolog of the Drosophila gene serpent, which influences fork head expression in the fly gut. Overall, our results provide evidence for a highly conserved pathway regulating formation of the digestive tract in all (triploblastic) metazoa.

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