Can Community Health Center Funding Enhance Health Services for Native American Tribes and Organizations?

2004 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-205 ◽  
Michael Allison ◽  
Patrick A. Rivers ◽  
Myron D. Fottler
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Santoso Ujang Effendi ◽  
Buyung Keraman ◽  
Edo Darmasyah Putra

Good utilization of Integrated Health Services Post was very influential on monitoring the growth and development of  under five children under five. This study aimed to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitude of mother with the utilization of  Integrated Health Services Post by mothers of under five children in working area Ratu Agung  Community Health Center Bengkulu. The type of this research was Analytical Survey and used Cross Sectional design. The population of  this study  were all mothers who had 7-23 months children amounted 512 mothers. Sampling technique was Proportional Random Sampling. The total samples were  84 samples. Data used in this study are primary data through the distribution of questionnaires given to mothers. Data analiysed by using Chi-Square (χ2) and Contingency Coefficient (C) statistics test. The result of the research were  44 mothers (52,4%) had enough knowledge, 56 mothers (66,7%) had favorable behavior, 53 mothers (63,1%) utilized Integrated Health Services Post, and there was significant relationship  between knowledge and attitude of mothers with the usage of Integrated Health Services Post in the working area of Ratu Agung Community Health Center Bengkulu with medium category. Ratu Agung Community Health Center can increase the knowledge of the community by doing education about the importance of Integrated Health Services Post so that community, especially mothers with under five  children can understand the importance of Integrated Health Services Post and can visit regularly every month.                                                                               Keywords :  attitude, knowledge,  utilization  of   integrated  health  services  post

Y. Gabriel Maniagasi ◽  
Thahir Haning ◽  
Rakhmat Rakhmat ◽  
Nurdin Nara

Puskesmas (Community Health Center) is a public organization that is tasked with providing the best health services to the people who live in 139 villages and 5 sub-districts in Jayapura Regency. In fact, Community Health Center are not optimally performing their duties and functions because they experience delays in their human resources, supporting facilities, poor management of Community Health Center, no clear regulatory support and a lack of budget availability to support Community Health Center operations in their services. The problem in this research is How to Strengthen the Organizational Capacity of Puskesmas in Improving Health Services in Jayapura District? The purpose of this study was to analyze the Strengthening of Public Health Center Organizational Capacity in improving health services in Jayapura Regency. This research is expected to contribute to the Jayapura Regency Government, through the Health Office and in particular for Community Health Center as regional technical implementation units to improve the Organizational Capacity in Improving Health Services in Jayapura Regency. The results showed that the Organizational Capacity of Puskesmas can be improved by strengthening management governance, incentive systems, facilities, leadership, organizational culture, communication, and organizational structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-32
Rizkiyani Istifada ◽  
Etty Rekawati ◽  
Wiwin Wiarsih

Nurses have an important task in the strategy of intervention to reduce of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD)’ incidence. Community health nurses have tried to control the problem of NCD. However, the incidence of NCD has not decreased as expected. The promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases are one of the efforts to control PTM. This study aims to explore the experience of nurses in implementing the strategies of NCD’ promotive and preventive. This study used a qualitative descriptive phenomenological design. A total of 16 community health nurses were selected using purposive sampling. The inclusion criteria of this study were (1) nurses who served at the community health center for a minimum of 6 months, (2) performed individual health services in the community health center and carried out family visits and services in the community. The data were analyzed using Colaizzi's approach. This research was approved by the Committee of Ethics in the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia. This study resulted in five strategies of nurses implementing to NCD’ promotion and prevention, include (1) health education, (2) partnership with community health workers, (3) coordination, (4) stand with the community, (5) monitoring the change of behavior in the community. Nurses’ experience of NCD’s promotion and prevention in the community health center still needs improvement to achieve holistic and comprehensive health services. Nurses should be attention to the preparation of themselves before implementing the promotion and prevention, such as preparation of the topic, communication with colleagues and communities, and doing a partnership with multisectoral.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Sekti Riyantina ◽  
Th Ninuk Sri Hartini ◽  
Idi Setiyobroto

Background : Epidemiological transition stems from a change where a decline in the prevalence of communicable diseases and non- communicable diseases (NCDs) have increased. Report in 2011 there was one billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension and in Indonesia the figure reached 31.7%. Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine the epidemiological of hypertension Gamping I Community Health Center and determine the proportion of hypertension according to age, sex, occupation, education, socio-economic, geographic, demographic and access to health services. Method : The research design was a retrospective cohort. This research was conducted in Gamping I Community Health Center in November 2016. Population and sample in this study were all patients with hypertension in Gamping I Community Health Center in 2013, 2014 and 2015. The independent variables in this study were age, gender, education, employment, social, cultural, demographic population density, geographic and ease of access to health services. While the dependent variable is the proportion of hypertension. Data analysis was performed using Chi Square to know know the proportions of age, gender, education, employment, social, economic, population density, geography, access to health services with hypertension in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Result : Based on the analysis proves the young elderly, women, housewife, secondary education, non-poor families, low-lying area, population density and access to health care were likely to have hypertension with percentages respectively 33%, 66.7%, 44.9%, 70.1%, 76.7% , 71.9%, 37.9% and 82.9%.   Keywords: Hypertension, Epidemiology

2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Dian Ayubi

Perkembangan stuktur sosio-demografi penduduk dan infrastruktur Kota Depok yang pesat berpengaruh terhadap masalah kesehatan yang semakin kom-pleks. Pada era desentralisasi, Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Kota Depok dituntut memberikan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat yang berkualitas antara lain melalui pelayanan kesehatan tingkat primer di puskesmas. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis mutu pelayanan puskesmas dan hubungan struktur dan pro-ses terhadap hasil pelayanan puskesmas, kepuasan pelanggan. Survey di rumah responden dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2004, dalam wilayah kerja enam puskesmas kecamatan di Kota Depok. Populasi adalah semua penduduk yang bermukim di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kecamatan se-Kota Depok. Sampel adalah 300 rumah tangga yang tersebar di setiap kelurahan wilayah kerja masing-masing puskesmas kecamatan dengan responden ibu rumah tangga. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan Structure, Process dan Outcome berdasarkan penilaian pasien. Penelitian ini menemukan nilai median atribut mutu struktur, proses dan kepuasan pelanggan adalah 75; 71,4 dan 75,0. Variasi pada dimensi struktur lebih lebar daripada dimensi proses. Secara bersama-sama, ada hubungan statistik yang bermakna antara struktur dan proses terhadap hasil di puskesmas kecamatan di Kota Depok. Aspek atribut struktur pelayananpuskesmas yang dinilai pelanggan perlu perbaikan adalah kelengkapan sarana, sedangkan untuk atribut proses adalah waktu tunggu pendaftaran. Kata kunci: Model donabedian, kepuasan pelangganAbstractRapid growth of sociodemographic and infrastructure in Depok City has influenced the complexity of health problems. In the decentralization era, one of community health center function is to provide quality primary health care. The aim of this study is to assess quality of health services that was provided by sub-district community health center based on Donabedian Model (Stucture Process Outcome). Survey was conducted in six sub-district community health centers. Data were collected using questionnaires. Respondents were interviewed in their home during March 2004. Samples covered 300 households in six areas. Median of stucture, process and outcome atributes of health services is 75, 71.4 and 75.0. Variation of stucture attribute is wider than process attribute. This study found there is a statistically significant correlation between structure and process attributes to outcome (patient satisfaction) of community health center services. In the structure attribute, equipment or facility aspect of community health center is needed to be improved while for process attribute, it isthe aspect of waiting time in admission. Keywords : Donabedian model, patient satisfaction

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-52
Heni Lestari ◽  
Lolita Sary ◽  
Andoko Andoko

ABSTRACT : ANALYSIS OF IMPORTANT FACTORS ON THE LOW UTILIZATION OF DENTAL POLICE SERVICES AT PUSKESMAS REBANG TANGKAS WAY KANAN Introduction: Dental polyclinic service is one of the types of services in a public health center that provides dental and oral health services in the form of dental and oral health checks, medication and provision of basic dental and oral health medical measures. The results of the pre-survey in the working area of Puskemas Rebang Tangkas, Way Kanan Regency towards 10 respondents, 7 of whom prefer to seek treatment at a dentist or a dental clinic. Meanwhile, 3 of them continued to carry out dental examinations at the health center, with consideration of cheaper payments. Purpose: Therefore, this study aims to determine the enabling factors associated with the use of dental clinic at the Rebang Tangkas Community Health Center, Way Kanan Regency in 2020.Method: This type of research used in this research is quantitative. The research design used in this study was cross sectional. The population in this study were all 118 people in the work area of Puskesmas Rabang Tangkas, Way Kanan Regency. Sampling using purposive sampling.Results: Based on the results of data collection, it is known that the use of dental polyclinic services to respondents in the work area of the Rebang Tangkas Community Health Center, Way Kanan Regency in 2020 with categories that utilize dental polyclinic services as many as 44 respondents (37.3%) and those who do not utilize dental poly services are 74 respondents (62.7%). Based on the results of statistical tests, it was obtained p value 0.014, and 0.038 and or p value <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between facilities and infrastructure factors and the low utilization of dental health services at Puskesmas Rebang Tangkas Way Kanan Regency in 2020.Conclusion: There is a relationship between health facilities and infrastructure and the low utilization of dental poly services at Puskesmas Rebang Tangkas, Way Kanan district. Suggestions from researchers that good service will be obtained if facilities and infrastructure that meet the standards are available in health facilities. This is closely related to procurement management where attention is needed and good implementation of the planning of the facilities and infrastructure required.  Keywords: Facilities, Health Infrastructure, Dental Clinic    INTISARI: ANALISIS FAKTOR PEMUNGKIN TERHADAP RENDAHNYA PEMANFAATAN PELAYANAN POLI GIGI DI PUSKESMAS REBANG TANGKAS KABUPATEN WAY KANAN  Pendahuluan: Pelayanan poli gigi merupakan salah satu dari jenis layanan di puskesmas yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut berupa pemeriksaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut, pengobatan dan pemberian tindakan medis dasar kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Hasil prasurvey diwilayah kerja Puskemas Rebang Tangkas Kabupaten Way Kanan terhadap 10 orang responden, 7 diantaranya lebih memilih berobat kedokter gigi, atau klinik gigi. Sedangkan 3 diantaranya tetap melakukan pemeriksaan gigi di puskesmas, dengan pertimbangan pembayaran yang lebih murah. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor pemungkin yang berhubungan dengan  pemanfaatan poli gigi di Puskesmas Rebang Tangkas Kabupaten Way Kanan Tahun 2020.Metode : Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh masyarakat yang ada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rabang Tangkas Kabupaten Way Kanan sebanyak 118 orang.  Pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purporsive Sampling.Hasil : Berdasarkan hasil dari pengumpulan data diketahui bahwa pemanfaatan pelayanan poli gigi pada responden di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rebang Tangkas Kabupaten Way Kanan Tahun 2020 dengan kategori yang memanfaatkan pelayanan poli gigi sebanyak 44 responden (37,3%)  dan yang tidak memanfaatkan pelayanan poli gigi sebanyak 74 responden (62,7%). Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik, didapatkan p value 0,014, dan 0,038 dan atau p value < 0,05 yang artinya terdapat hubungan antara faktor sarana dan prasarana dengan rendahnta pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan poli gigi di Puskesmas Rebang Tangkas Kabupaten Way Kanan Tahun 2020.Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan antara sarana dan prasarana kesehatan dengan rendahnya pemanfaatan pelayanan poli gigi di Puskesmas Rebang Tangkas Kabupaten Way Kanan. Saran dari peneliti bahwa pelayanan yang baik akan didapatkan jika sarana dan prasarana  yang memenuhi standar tersedia di fasilitas kesehatan. Hal ini berkaitan erat dengan manajamen pengadaan di mana perlunya perhatian dan implementasi yang baik dari perencanaan sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkan.  Kata Kunci     : Sarana, Prasarana Kesehatan, Poli Gigi

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