scholarly journals The Procedure for the Official Publishing of Regulatory Legal Acts as a Source of Russian Law

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-17
Olesya Kazantseva

The article is aimed at the study of the procedure for publishing of regulatory legal acts in accordance with Russian legislation. Normative legal acts affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen are the most important source of Russian law and should be officially published. It is with this fact that the law connects their entry into force. Given that there are no legal definitions of a regulatory legal act, official text, publication, problems arise in law enforcement practice. In addition, the diversity of normative acts by the level of their adoption indicates the diversity of sources of their official publication. This scientific article has been delivered in order to determine the rules for the publishing of laws and other regulations, national and international documents. The author concludes that it is necessary to improve legislation in field and the legal definition of the concepts under study.

Наталья Алексеевна Макарова

В статье анализируется правовая природа юридических коллизий, систематизируются предложенные в юридической литературе последних лет определения понятия «юридическая коллизия», выделяются достоинства и недостатки исследуемых подходов, формулируется авторское определение данного понятия. Под юридической коллизией предлагается понимать противоречие между нормами права, а равно нормами права и (или) положениями правоприменительных и интерпретационных правовых актов, потенциально или практически порождающее трудности в реализации права. Коллизии в праве (юридические коллизии) рассматриваются в их соотношении с другой разновидностью правовой неопределенности - пробелами в праве. Автор статьи приходит к выводу о том, что, хотя оба этих явления имеют негативное влияние на развитие правовой системы государства и юридическую практику, именно юридические коллизии создают наиболее серьезные трудности в ходе правоприменительного процесса. Если причины возникновения пробелов в праве носят смешанный объективно-субъективный характер, зачастую с уклоном в сторону объективных причин (нормы права объективно не всегда оперативно подлежат формальному закреплению вследствие очень высоких темпов развития общественных отношений), то причины возникновения юридических коллизий преимущественно субъективны. Любая юридическая коллизия, так или иначе, представляет собой ошибку правотворца, правоприменителя или интерпретатора. Сделан вывод о том, что для предотвращения «разрастания» коллизионности в российском праве требуется снизить темпы правотворческого процесса, четко определить границы законотворчества и подзаконного правотворчества, но прежде всего - ужесточить профессиональные требования к субъектам правоприменительной, интерпретационной и особенно правотворческой юридической практики. The article analyzes the legal nature of legal collisions, the definitions of the concept of «legal collisions» proposed in the legal literature of recent years are systematized, the advantages and disadvantages of the investigated approaches are highlighted, the author's definition of the concept is formulated. It is proposed to understand a legal collision as a contradiction between the norms of law, the norms of law and the provisions of law enforcement and interpretive legal acts, potentially or practically giving rise to difficulties in the implementation of the law. The legal collisions are considered in their relation to another kind of legal uncertainty - gaps in law. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that, although both of these phenomena have a negative impact on the development of the legal system of the state, legal collisions create the most serious difficulties in the course of the law enforcement process. The reasons for the appearance of gaps are rightfully objective, and the nature of legal collisions is predominantly subjective. Any legal collision is, in one way or another, an error. It is concluded that, in order to prevent the "growth" of collision in Russian law, it is necessary to reduce the pace of the lawmaking process, to clearly define the boundaries of lawmaking and bylaw lawmaking, toughen professional requirements for subjects of legal practice.

1987 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-58 ◽  
V.E. Bishop

This paper explores the definitional problems of visual handicaps, especially in terms of the legal definition of blindness. A brief history is given of the laws concerning visually handicapped people, and a discussion of case law describes legal precedent. A final section presents suggestions for strengthening the legal position of visually handicapped people in future litigation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 13030
Igor Bashlakov-Nikolaev ◽  
Sergey Maximov

The Russian competition law does not include the definition of the concept of collective dominance, and the notion of this institution itself contains many gaps. The indicated disadvantages of statutory regulation and simplified approaches of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which became possible due to the formal approach, have led to the formation of controversial law enforcement practice by the antimonopoly authority and courts. The article presents the analysis of legal regulation, as well as the law enforcement practice, and proposition on solutions to the stated problems.

2019 ◽  
pp. 61-65
Yu.V. Harust ◽  
S.Yu. Kalyta

In Ukraine, there are qualitative changes in the reform of law enforcement agencies in order to more effectively ensure the rule of law in the country, protect human rights and freedoms and increase public confidence in these bodies. Undoubtedly, it is important to create a National Police, which plays an important role in the domestic law enforcement system. Since the first days of its operation, the police have received support from citizens, who argue with various sociological surveys, because this law enforcement agency is open enough in its activity, there is contact with the population. The article is devoted to the activity of a component of the domestic law enforcement system – the National Police. The National Police of Ukraine (police) is a central executive body that serves society by ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms, combating crime, maintaining public safety and order. This topic is very relevant, as the police are a relatively new subject in the law enforcement system and are on their way. The scientific article investigates which regulatory acts regulate the activity of this law enforcement agency, the structure, main tasks of the police are found out on the basis of the current legislation. The structure of the National Police is quite complex and due to the shortcomings in the legislation, there are problems concerning the interaction between the units. The publication examines the procedure for appointing persons to the post of a police officer and identifies the main problems of selecting candidates to the ranks of the National Police. The importance of introducing in the Law of Ukraine “On National Police” the task of the police is emphasized – to provide within the limits specified by the law services for assistance to persons who, for personal, economic, social reasons or due to emergency situations, need such assistance. Some of the shortcomings of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” have been identified and suggestions for improvement of this legal action have been proposed. Keywords: law enforcement system, National Police of Ukraine, police tasks, police structure, police officer.

Oleh Yemets ◽  
Olha Zlahoda ◽  
Yevhen Shapovalenko

The purpose of the article is to study the genesis of national legislation in the field of operational investigative activities in independent Ukraine, with the subsequent identification of conceptual problems, as well as the development and publication of proposals to address them taking into account the experience of post-Soviet countries. It is established that the process of formation and becoming of the legal basis for the work of operative subdivisions of authorized state bodies is not complete and it must be continued, as there are problems even with definition of conceptual bases of such activity, in particular related to the requirements of current legislation regarding its grounds. It is a question of whether the operative subdivisions should initiate operative-investigative cases and conduct operational investigative activities or send materials about preparations for a crime to the pre-trial investigation body, except for minor gravity, that is, about crimes being prepared, as well as persons preparing crimes. To solve the problem, we propose to discuss amendments to article 6 of the Law of Ukraine «On operational investigative activities», which would exclude from the list of grounds for conducting for operational investigative activities such as the availability of sufficient information obtained in accordance with the law, requiring verification by means of operational investigative measures, about crimes being prepared, as well as persons preparing crimes. At the same time, information about crimes being prepared, as well as persons who are preparing crimes, should be immediately entered into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations, except for minor ones, and preparation for a crime should be investigated immediately by an investigator. This model is more consistent with the work of Western law enforcement agencies, but, as the study showed, is not typical of post-Soviet countries. These proposals, as well as alternative ones, on the harmonization of operational investigative and Criminal procedure legislation require professional discussion, but changes in one form or another are inevitable. The obtained and published results can be used by scientists in further research in this area, as well as law enforcement officers in the conduct of operational investigative activities and crime investigations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 73 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-74
В. М. Давидюк

Some essential aspects of the concept of “special forces of operative and search activity” have been revealed, as well as their structural elements have been outlined. Information to clarify the content of the concept of “special forces of operative and search activity” and its certain components has been systematized. The author has studied the interpretation of the relevant components of this term in the literature, as well as taking into account the practical aspects of the organization of operative and search activities. The relevant international experience has been analyzed. Attention has been paid to the fact that only those persons, who cooperate with law enforcement agencies on a confidential basis are logically treated as special forces of operative and search activity. Some aspects of the application of special forces of operative and search activity have been revealed. Emphasis has been placed on ensuring secrecy and confidentiality in the use of special forces of operative and search activity. It has been emphasized that in case of the fulfillment of the tasks of operative and search activity such forces get a special attitude from the law enforcement agencies. The author has attempted to classify such forces, and has defined the attributes relevant to them. Based on the research, the definition of special forces of operative and search activity has been provided – it is a separate category of forces of operative and search activity, which does not belong to the subjects of operative and search activity, but indirectly and on a confidential basis promotes the fulfillment of tasks of operative and search activity and criminal process. The author has substantiated that disclosing party and anonymous author, who provide information on a confidential basis, belong to special forces of operative and search activity.

Татьяна Геннадьевна Лепина ◽  
Елена Николаевна Шатанкова

Актуальность обусловлена существованием проблемы разграничения в научных исследованиях судебного штрафа и штрафа как уголовного наказания. Предмет. Критерии отграничения судебного штрафа от уголовного наказания в виде штрафа. Цель. Авторы считают необходимым проведение разграничения рассматриваемых мер для повышения эффективности правоприменительной деятельности. Методология. Были использованы статистический, сравнительно-правовой, формально-юридический методы, методы толкования права. Результаты. Сходство судебного штрафа и штрафа как уголовного наказания обусловлено тем, что обе рассматриваемые меры подразумевают денежные выплаты лицом, виновным в совершении преступления. Также исследователи обращают внимание на одинаковый состав участников правоотношений, возникающих при функционировании рассматриваемых институтов: лицо, обязанное уплатить штраф, государство в лице судебного пристава-исполнителя. Сходными являются цели применения рассматриваемых мер. Так, восстановление социальной справедливости присуще и судебному штрафу (так как он предполагает возмещение ущерба и заглаживание вреда). Обоим мерам свойственна направленность на решение превентивных задач. Применение судебного штрафа оказывает воздействие на виновного. Лицо, которому грозила уголовная ответственность, избежавшее наказания, как правило, будет стремиться к недопущению подобных ситуаций в будущем. Наиболее выраженные различия наблюдаются при реализации цели исправления. Применение судебного штрафа свидетельствует о том, что правоприменитель признает конкретное лицо, нарушившее закон, нуждающимся в исправлении в меньшей степени (по отношению к осужденным лицам). Следовательно, при применении судебного штрафа возможно исправление и без применения уголовного наказания. Область применения результатов. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в практической деятельности следственных, судебных органов и учреждений, исполняющих судебные решения; в образовательном процессе при преподавании в высших учебных заведениях. Заключение. Важнейшим отличием между судебным штрафом и штрафом как наказанием является наличие (отсутствие) судимости. Она отсутствует при применении первого института, но имеет место при функционировании второго, как составляющая уголовной ответственности. Однако стоит также отметить отличие, связанное с тем, что судебный штраф не подразумевает необходимость применения наказания для исправления виновного. Напротив, эта мера призвана способствовать законопослушному поведению без использования карательных средств. The relevance of this scientific article is due to the existence of the problem of differentiation in scientific research of a court fine and a fine as a criminal punishment. Subject. Criteria for delimiting a court fine from a criminal penalty in the form of a fine. Purpose. The authors consider it necessary to delimit the measures under consideration in order to increase the effectiveness of law enforcement. Methodology. The following methods were used: statistical, comparative legal, formal legal, methods of interpretation of law. Results. The similarity between the judicial fine and the fine as a criminal punishment is due to the fact that both measures considered imply cash payments to the person guilty of the crime. Researchers also pay attention to the same composition of participants in legal relations arising from the functioning of the institutions in question: the person obligated to pay the fine, the state represented by the bailiff. The objectives of the measures under consideration are similar. Thus, the restoration of social justice is also inherent in judicial fines (since it involves damages and redress). Both measures are characterized by a focus on solving preventive tasks. The application of a judicial fine affects the perpetrator. A person who faces criminal liability who has escaped punishment will tend to prevent such situations in the future. The most pronounced differences are observed when realizing the goal of correction. The application of a judicial fine indicates that the law enforcer recognizes a specific person who has violated the law as being in need of correction to a lesser extent (in relation to convicted persons). Consequently, when applying a judicial fine, corrections are possible without applying criminal penalties. Scope of the results. The results can be used in the practical activities of investigative, judicial authorities and institutions executing judicial decisions; in the educational process when teaching in higher education. Conclusion. The most important difference between a judicial fine and a fine as a punishment is the presence (absence) of a criminal record. It is absent in the application of the first institution, but takes place in the functioning of the second, as a component of criminal liability. However, it is also important to note the difference associated with the fact that a court fine does not imply the need to apply punishment to correct the perpetrator. On the contrary, this measure is designed to promote law-abiding behavior without the use of punitive means.

Lex Russica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (10) ◽  
pp. 91-105
A. G. Malinova

Based on a critical analysis of the doctrinal definitions of the concept of "interest" in sociology, psychology, and law, it is concluded that the prevailing point of view in modern Russian legal theory, i.e. "interest is a conscious need to satisfy a need", is wrongly absolutized. Excessive psychologization of modern legal definitions of interest leads to a direct identification of interests with needs, puts an equal sign between these far from close concepts. It is shown that the widespread use of psychological terminology in legal definitions of interest (In particular, the terms "awareness" and "comprehension"), does not bring any "freshness" in legal knowledge about interests. The vast majority of phenomena, objects, and events in everyday and scientific speech are not considered to be conscious, since the awareness of these phenomena is self-evident. The doctrinal definitions of interests that exist in legal science and highlight their "awareness" as the main feature are practically unsuitable for law enforcement. The author substantiates the conclusion that the widely used legal concept of "interest" needs to be freed from the excessive psychologization of its many meanings, which will, in turn, free itself from the understanding of a conscious need as the only reason for the emergence of interest. It is suggested that the definition of "interest" should be formulated not on specific types or often synonymous meanings of this concept, but on generalizations of a higher order — such as could organically include all currently existing definitions of interest. Only universals can do this. And such a universal is the concept of "well-being".

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 93-120
S. Zimneva ◽  
T. Popova ◽  
H. Siao

The research focus is on concept of force majeure and irresistible force as a reason to release the parties from liability for failure to perform civil obligations. The authors examine theoretical concept and legal definition of “irresistible force” and its characteristics based on legislation, legal literature and judicial practice of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. Also, the authors analyze the civil law jurisdictions on irresistible force, relatively to its ambiguity and situation with the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and come to the conclusion that courts in each specific case should establish irresistible force circumstances. The work uses a linguistic (philological) method, in particular, the method of distributive analysis of the terms “irresistible force” and “force majeure.” The article shows that in modern Russian law the expression “irresistible force circumstances” has more efficient terminological potential. The authors propose implementation of “irresistible force circumstances” concept in the Russian Civil Code, which would more accurately reflect the essence of this concept.

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