scholarly journals Corporate identity vs. corporate image in the eyes of professionals: an interview-based study

2019 ◽  
pp. 109-125
Emilia Wąsikiewicz-Firlej

Contrary to subsequent studies focused on the construction of corporate identity, this article aims to examine the stakeholder’s perception of corporate identity projected to the public through language and visual manifestations on corporate “About us” pages. A qualitative, data-driven approach has been taken in the study. The results, based on data collected from in-depth, semi-structured interviews with twenty professionals, demonstrate the interviewees’ deep scepticism towards corporate narrations, which are interpreted as persuasive and serving corporate ends. Thus, online projections of corporate identities do always match actual images held by stakeholders. The interviewees have emerged as critical readers of corporate communications and active constructors of corporate image.

2010 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 98-114
Jelena Konieczna

Šiandien vargu ar atsirastų organizacija, abejojanti korporatyvinės reputacijos svarba. Tačiau iki šiol nėra bendro korporatyvinės reputacijos apibrėžimo. Požiūrių įvairovė turi savo pranašumų ir trūkumų: viena, tai leidžia korporatyvinės reputacijos sąvoką interpretuoti savaip, kita, tampa sudėtinga susigaudyti esamos informacijos kiekyje. Reputacija dažniausiai siejama ir / ar tapatinama su korporatyviniu įvaizdžiu ir korporatyviniu identitetu. Straipsnyje analizuojama korporatyvinio identiteto, korporatyvinio įvaizdžio ir korporatyvinės reputacijos sąvokos, jų panašumai ir skirtumai. Remiantis atlikta mokslinės literatūros analize, įvairių autorių pastabomis ir apibrėžimais, šiame darbe korporatyvinė reputacija suprantama kaip per tam tikrą laiką tarp suinteresuotojų susiformavusi, nusistovėjusi ir viešai perduodama nuomonė apie organizacijos veiklą, bruožus, rezultatus, vertybes, savybes ir pan., nusakanti galimą organizacijos elgseną ateityje ir parodanti organizacijos patikimumo, pripažinimo, pagarbos ir palankumo jai lygį. Kiekviena organizacija, neatsižvelgiant į jos profilį, tipą, sektorių ir dydį, privalo rūpintis savo suinteresuotaisiais ir palaikyti efektyvią komunikaciją su jais. Korporatyvinės reputacijos formavimas – ilgalaikis procesas, kuris duoda daug naudos organizacijai, tačiau dėl netinkamo elgesio gali būti sužlugdytas per labai trumpą laiką. Pagrindiniai teigiamos korporatyvinės reputacijos pranašumai ir nauda organizacijai yra pristatomi straipsnyje.Šio straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti viešojo sektoriaus organizacijų korporatyvinės reputacijos formavimo principus. Išanalizavus ir apibendrinus įvairių autorių siūlomus korporatyvinės reputacijos formavimo elementus ir modelius, darbe išskiriami esminiai korporatyvinės reputacijos formavimo elementai – korporatyvinis identitetas ir korporatyvinis įvaizdis. Svarbu pabrėžti, kad, be šių elementų, organizacijos turi kreipti dėmesį į politinę, ekonominę, socialinę ir technologinę aplinką bei teikti kokybiškas paslaugas. Taip galima pelnyti suinteresuotųjų pasitikėjimą.Korporatyvinės reputacijos formavimo principai straipsnyje išsamiai aprašyti ir pristatyti. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į pasikeitusį organizacijos suinteresuotųjų, kurie ir suformuoja teigiamą arba neigiamą korporatyvinę reputaciją, vaidmenį. Corporate Reputation Formation Principles: Public SectorJelena Konieczna SummaryThere has been a growing research interest in the area of corporate reputation. This topic has been studied in almost all business issues and not so much in public sector organizations. Corporate reputation as a valuable intangible asset needs to be managed by all types of organizations, especially by those service knowledge-based. The article focuses on the topic of corporate reputation formation within the epublic sector. The purpose of the article is to present corporate reputation formation principles for public sector organizations. There are three main objectives of the article: first, to explore the concept of corporate reputation; second, to discuss the benefits of positive corporate reputation for the public sector; and, finally, to identify and analyse corporate identity and corporate image as the main elements of public sector organization’s corporate reputation formation.Key words: public sector, corporate identity, corporate image, corporate reputation, corporate communication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Juha Kämäräinen

FM Juha Kämäräisen informaatiotutkimuksen alaan kuuluva väitöskirja Tiedonkäytön ilmiöitä ammattikorkeakoulujen opinnäytetöissä. Aineistolähtöinen tarkastelu ja käsitteellinen mallinnus (Information use phenomena in bachelor theses at the Finnish universities of applied sciences. Qualitative data driven approach toward a conceptual model) tarkastettiin 13.1.2018 Oulun yliopiston humanistisessa tiedekunnassa. Vastaväittäjinä toimivat ylikirjastonhoitaja, dosentti Kimmo Tuominen (Helsingin yliopisto) ja dosentti Seppo Raiski (Tampereen yliopisto) ja kustoksena kirjastonjohtaja, dosentti Jarmo Saarti (Itä-Suomen yliopisto). Väitöskirja on julkaistu sarjassa Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. B, Humaniora ja se on luettavissa myös Oulun yliopiston Jultika-julkaisuarkistossa osoitteessa

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-76 ◽  
Tim Klaus ◽  
J. Ellis Blanton ◽  
Stephen C. Wingreen

Information Technology (IT) is often used in organizations as a tool to enable change. However, as organizations switch to different vendors, upgrade their systems, or implement new systems, widespread user resistance is often encountered. Resistant behaviors often occur in these large-scale system implementations because the implementation transforms the jobs of employees and mandates system use. In order to understand resistant behaviors better as well as management strategies to minimize these behaviors, this study uses a focus group and qualitative semi-structured interviews. Based on the data collection, this study first creates a resistant behavior framework and a management strategy framework using a data-driven approach. The findings from the user resistance behaviors are classified into four categories. Also, eight preferred management strategies are identified by users, which are grouped into three categories. Then, the Framework-based Theory of User Resistance is proposed, which examines the causes and moderating forces that affect resistant behaviors. The practical implications of these frameworks also are described.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Marwa Tourky ◽  
Pantea Foroudi ◽  
Suraksha Gupta ◽  
Ahmed Shaalan

Purpose This study aims to revisits the meaning of corporate identity (CI) in practice to identify its key dimensions and the interrelationships between them and to provide insights on how to operationalize the construct. Design/methodology/approach This study is based on a comprehensive literature review and qualitative research consisting of 22 semi-structured interviews with senior managers from 11 UK-leading companies, and three in-depth interviews with corporate brand consultants who worked closely with these firms in cognate areas. Findings The study identifies the following six key dimensions of CI in the UK industry: communication, visual identity, behavior, organizational culture, stakeholder management and founder value-based leadership. Research limitations/implications The focus on UK leading companies limits the generalizability of the results. Further studies should be conducted in other sectors and country settings to examine the relationships identified in the current study. Originality/value This study identifies the salient dimensions of CI and, for the first time, the role of founder transformational leadership, employee identification and top management behavioral leadership as key dimensions and sub-dimensions of CI. The study also provides novel insights about the measurements for these dimensions. Additionally, this study introduces a model for the interrelationships between CI dimensions and their influence on corporate image, based on rigorous theoretical underpinnings, which lays the foundation for future empirical testing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 103 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-157
Fabia Hultin Morger

Satire has been present in various different media throughout the centuries. With the rise of television, satire has made its way onto TV screens via various outlets including news parodies. As these TV shows began using social media, new forms of satire have appeared, among them satirical Internet Memes commenting on political events. The objects of interest in this study are Memes published by two German news parodies Heute Show and Extra 3 on the platform Facebook that thematise the G-20 summit, which took place in Hamburg in 2017. My data set consists of 27 Memes from the platforms Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as the public Facebook comments published alongside these Memes. Using an empirical, data-driven approach to my investigation, I broach questions regarding the way Memes make use of satire and how they interact with the Internet as a medium, and in particular, their affordances on the platform Facebook.

2021 ◽  
Cristina Pérez-Guillén ◽  
Martin Hendrick ◽  
Frank Techel ◽  
Alec van Herwijnen ◽  
Michele Volpi ◽  

<p>Avalanche forecasting implies predicting current and future snow instability in time and space. In Switzerland, avalanche bulletins are issued daily during the winter season to warn the public about the avalanche hazard, described by region with one of five danger levels. Assessing avalanche danger is by large a data-driven, yet experience-based decision-making process. It involves analysing a multitude of data diverse in scale – time and space, and concluding by expert judgment on the avalanche scenario. Numerous statistical models were developed in the past, but rarely applied due to limited usefulness in operational forecasting. Modern machine learning techniques open up new possibilities for developing support tools for operational avalanche forecasting. With this aim, we developed a data-driven approach based on the supervised Random Forest (RF) classifier to automatically predict the danger level for dry-snow avalanche conditions in the Swiss Alps. A large database of more than 20 years of meteorological data and modelled snow stratigraphy data obtained with the numerical snow cover model SNOWPACK were used to train the RF algorithm. We optimized the model and selected the best set of input features that combine meteorological variables and features extracted from the simulated profiles, resampled at the same daily resolution as the forecasts. Our target variable was the regional danger level forecast in the public bulletin. We evaluated the predictive performance of the RF model with an independent test set with data of two winter seasons (2018-2019 and 2019-2020). The test set accuracy was 72 %, which is slightly lower than the accuracy estimate of the public forecasts (about 76 %). Given this uncertainty in our target variable, we trained an optimized RF model on a subset containing so-called verified avalanche danger levels. The test set accuracy then increased to 80 %. During the winter season 2020-2021, both RF models were tested in operational setting and automatically predicted a ‘nowcast’ and a ‘forecast’ in real-time.  In parallel, we also tested a deep recurrent neural network model, which used a 7-days time series with 3-hours time resolution as input and also predicted the avalanche danger level. We present a comparison of the performance of the three models. This is one of the first times that a data-driven approach is tested in real-time as a feasible tool for operational avalanche forecasting.</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-58
Aina Strode

Students' Independent Professional Activity in Pedagogical PracticeThe topicality of the research is determined by the need for changes in higher education concerned with implementing the principles of sustainable education. The article focuses on teacher training, highlighting the teacher's profession as an attractive choice of one's career that permits to ensure the development of general and professional skills and an opportunity for new specialists to align with the labour market. The empirical study of students' understanding of their professional activity and of the conditions for its formation is conducted by applying structured interviews (of practice supervisors, students, academic staff); students and experts' questionnaire. Comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative data and triangulation were used in case studies. As a result, a framework of pedagogical practice organisation has been created in order to form students' independent professional activity. The criteria and indicators of independent professional activity have been formulated and suggestions for designers of study programmes and organisers of the study process have been provided.

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