Chronology of Major Political Events

Blazing Cane ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. xxv-xxvi
2017 ◽  
Vol 47 (188) ◽  
pp. 487-494
Daniel Mullis

In recent years, political and social conditions have changed dramatically. Many analyses help to capture these dynamics. However, they produce political pessimism: on the one hand there is the image of regression and on the other, a direct link is made between socio-economic decline and the rise of the far-right. To counter these aspects, this article argues that current political events are to be understood less as ‘regression’ but rather as a moment of movement and the return of deep political struggles. Referring to Jacques Ranciere’s political thought, the current conditions can be captured as the ‘end of post-democracy’. This approach changes the perspective on current social dynamics in a productive way. It allows for an emphasis on movement and the recognition of the windows of opportunity for emancipatory struggles.

I. Tsyperdiuk

<div><p><em>The milestones of the activity of the Ukrainian editorial office of Vatican Radio during its 80-year history are considered in the article. The reasons for the creation of the Ukrainian editorial office, the peculiarities of its work under the pressure of Soviet propaganda during the Cold War are analyzed. It was found that the broadcast of the Ukrainian editorial office of Vatican Radio was intended to help the faithful preserve unity with the church in the conditions of the destruction of the UGCC and the total onset of militant atheism. It was demonstrated that the work of the Ukrainian editorial office of Vatican radio was still aimed at defending the truth, although it was much easier to conduct evangelization in the conditions of confrontation between the USSR and the West. Rapid information and communication development of society has allowed everyone to speak publicly. At the same time, it made it possible to manipulate public opinion and to disseminate disinformation instantly and in the end contributed to the emergence of a post-truth phenomenon that not only replaced traditional propaganda but also made it part of it. The appeal to the foundations of the Christian being in a changing world distinguishes programs of the Ukrainian editorial office from materials of other broadcasters, the main focus of which is on socio-political events.</em> <em>The reform of the information system implemented by the Vatican has shown that there has been a shift from preaching in the conditions of aggressive propaganda during the confrontation between the two systems to counteracting post-truth, which destroys the objective perception of the world. It is shown that the main task of the editorial office is to unite Ukrainians around Christian values, to preserve and promote the key principles of human existence in the conditions of spreading populism, disinformation, secularization, and relativism of modern society. In its programs, the Ukrainian editorial office of Vatican Radio encourages the audience to cultivate faith, to rely on Christian values and beliefs, emphasizing its unchanging purpose of serving God, people, and the church.</em></p></div><p><strong><em>Key words: </em></strong><em>the Ukrainian editorial office of Vatican Radio, Vatican News, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, post-truth, Christian values.</em></p>

Amer Hassan Thabit

The Arab Gulf region in particular, and with it the entire Arab region in general, is witnessing multiple challenges and conflicts, escalating, in a way that reflects the presence of overlapping in the dimensions: internal, regional and international, which imposes important effects on Iraq. Iraq is part of the Arab Gulf region, and it interferes with it: historically, geographically, ethnically, and politically. It cannot be overlooked that Iraq was in historical stages that was considered the dominant force in this region, especially in the stage of the civilization’s dominance before the role of Iraq and its place in civilization declines. Today, the region is witnessing multiple challenges, which began with the escalation of regional sectarian political events associated with the event of the occupation of Iraq, with a tendency to disturb the regional balance due to the dismantling of the capabilities of Iraq, and the matter came to the loosening of regional conflicts due to what the region is going through, and the perspective of the active forces in it, which has overcome the perspective The struggle for cooperation. The entry or presence of the international worker in the regional conflicts in the Arab Gulf region caused the intensity of the conflicts to multiply instead of settling them, and Iran has presented on more than one occasion that it has the capabilities to implement the option of closing the Strait of Hormuz or impeding the freedom and safety of maritime navigation in international waters in the Arabian Gulf, And the matter was not related to the US sanctions regime on Iran in the year 2018 and beyond, but it is before it.     The Iranian threat to close the Strait of Hormuz at the very least, or any development in the regional conflict in the region, can damage the interests of Iraq and its security, for two reasons: First, most of Iraq’s trade passes through the waters of the Persian Gulf, and the second is that there is an overlap between Iraq and peoples and countries The region, and just as sectarianism moved from Iraq to the region after 2003, the Gulf conflict and tension can move into Iraq or affect Iraq’s policy. Iraq should search for political alternatives that help it in dealing with the developments of the conflict in the Arab Gulf region. Perhaps this research presents some of the options and alternatives that can help the Iraqi decision-maker, if there is an important development in the Gulf-Western conflict with Iran

1991 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-99
Ziaul Haque

After thirteen long years of military dictatorship, national elections on the basis of adult franchise were held in Pakistan in December 1970. The Awami League, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and the Pakistan Peoples Party, under Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, emerged as the two majority political parties in East Pakistan and West Pakistan respectively. The political party commanding a majority in one wing of the country had almost no following in the other. This ended in a political and constitutional deadlock, since this split mandate and political exclusiveness gradually led to the parting of ways and political polarization. Power was not transferred to the majority party (that is, the Awami League) within the legally prescribed time; instead, in the wake of the political/ constitutional crisis, a civil war broke out in East Pakistan which soon led to an open war between India and Pakistan in December 1971. This ultimately resulted in the dismemberment of Pakistan, and in the creation of Bangladesh as a sovereign country. The book under review is a political study of the causes and consequences of this crisis and the war, based on a reconstruction of the real facts, historical events, political processes and developments. It candidly recapitulates the respective roles of the political elites (both of India and Pakistan), their leaders and governments, and assesses their perceptions of the real situation. It is an absorbing narrative of almost thirteen months, from 7 December, 1970, when elections were held in Pakistan, to 17 December, 1971 when the war ended after the Pakistani army's surrender to the Indian army in Dhaka (on December 16, 1971). The authors, who are trained political scientists, give fresh interpretations of these historical events and processes and relate them to the broader regional and global issues, thus assessing the crisis in a broader perspective. This change of perspective enhances our understanding of the problems the authors discuss. Their focus on the problems under discussion is sharp, cogent, enlightening, and circumspect, whether or not the reader agrees with their conclusions. The grasp of the source material is masterly; their narration of fast-moving political events is superbly anchored in their scientific methodology and political philosophy.

Tikhon Sergeyevich Yarovoy

The article is devoted to the research of goals and functions of lobbying activity. The author has processed the ideas of domestic and foreign scientists, proposed his own approaches to the definition of goals and functions of lobbying activities through the prism of public administration. As a result, a generalized vision of the goals and functions of lobbying activities as interrelated elements of the lobbying system was proposed, and a forecast for further evolution of the goals and functions of domestic lobbying was provided. The analysis of lobbying functions allowed us to notice the tendencies in shifting the goals of this activity. If the objectives were fully covered by functions such as mediation between citizens and the state, the information function and the function of organizing plurality of public interests, then the role of strengthening the self-organization of civil society and the function of compromise become increasingly important in the process of formation in the developed countries of civil society and the development of telecommunication technologies. Ukrainian lobbyism will not be left to the side of this process. Already, politicians of the highest level, leaders of financial and industrial groups have to act, adjust their goals (even if they are — declared), taking into account the reaction of the public. In the future, this trend will only increase. The analysis of current research and political events provides all grounds for believing that, while proper regulatory legislation is being formed in Ukraine, the goals and functions of domestic lobbying will essentially shift towards a compromise with the public. It is noted that in spite of the existence of a basic direction of action, lobbying may have several ramified goals. Guided by the goals set, lobbyism can manifest itself in various spheres of the political system of society, combining the closely intertwined interests of various actors in the lobbying process, or even — contrasting them.

2002 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Claire M. O'Neill

Токтобек Рыскулов

Аннотация. В статье очерчено геополитическое и геостратегическое положение ЦА. Охарактеризована внешнеполитическая ситуация в ЦА в контексте новых тенденций в мировой политике. Показаны основные интересы и политические тренды РФ, США, КНР по отношения к государствам ЦА. Отмечено, что современная Центральная Азия, притягивает к себе все большее внимание внешних игроков. Объяснение кроется в том, что Центральная Азия обладает не только удобным геополитическим и выгодным геостратегическим положением, но и большим количеством природных ресурсов. Анализируя современные российско-китайские отношения приходим к мысли, что не все так безоблачно во взаимоотношениях двух государств, ведь еще никто не опроверг постулат о постоянных интересах государств и о непостоянстве друзей. В недалеком будущем конкуренция за энергоресурсы (газ, нефть) ЦА приведет к обострению отношений, к конфликту интересов России и Китая, практически это политическая аксиома. Готовы ли государства ЦА и России к такому сценарию политических событий? Ключевые слова: Центральна Азия, геополитика и геостратегия. Большая Игра, РФ, США, КНР. ЕАЭС, Большая Центральная Азия, ТНК, терроризм, экстремизм. Аннотация. Макалада геосаясий жана геостратегиялык абалдары чийилген. Борбордук Азиядагы тышкы саясий кырдаал дүйнөлүк саясаттагы жаңы тенденциялардын контекстинде мүнөздөлдү. БА мамлекеттеринин мамилелери боюнча РФ, АКШ, КЭР негизги кызыкчылыктары жана саясий тренддери көрсөтүлдү. Учурдагы Борбордук Азия тышкы оюнчулардын көбүрөөк көңүлүн өзүнө тартып жаткандыгы байкалган. Түшүндүрмө берүү, Борбордук Азия ыңгайлуу геосаясий жана пайдалуу геостратегиялык абалга гана ээ болбостон, көптөгөн жаратылыш ресурстарына ээ. Анализируя заманбап российско-кытай мамилелери приходим карата ойлорун, бул эмес баары эле безоблачно өз ара мамилелеринде эки мамлекеттин, анткени дагы эч ким опроверг постулат жөнүндө туруктуу кызыкчылыгында мамлекеттердин жөнүндө жана непостоянстве досторунун. Жакынкы келечекте ба энергия ресурстары үчүн атаандаштык (газ, мунай) Россия жана Кытайдын таламдарынын кагылышына, мамилелердин күчөшүнө алып келет, бул иш жүзүндө саясий аксиома. Борбордук Азия жана Орусия мамлекеттери мындай жагдайды саясий окуяларга даярбы? Түйүндүү сөздөр: Борбор Азия, геополитика жана геостратегия. Чоң оюн, РФ, АКШ, КЭР. ЕАЭС, Чоң Борбордук Азия, ТНК, терроризм, экстремизм. Annotation. The article outlines the geopolitical and geostrategic position of Central Asia. The article describes the foreign policy situation in Central Asia in the context of new trends in world politics. The main interests and political trends of the Russian Federation, the USA, China in relation to the Central Asian States are shown. It is noted that modern Central Asia attracts more and more attention of external players. The explanation lies in the fact that Central Asia has not only a convenient geopolitical and advantageous geostrategic position, but also a large number of natural resources. Analyzing the current Russian-Chinese relations, we come to the conclusion that not everything is so cloudless in the relations between the two States, because no one has yet refuted the postulate about the permanent interests of States and the impermanence of friends. In the near future, competition for energy resources (gas, oil) in Central Asia will lead to an aggravation of relations, to a conflict of interests between Russia and China, this is practically a political axiom. Are the Central Asian and Russian States ready for such a scenario of political events? Key words: Central Asia, geopolitics & geostrategy. Big Game, the RF, the USA, the CPR. EAEC, Big Central Asia, Transnational Corporation, terrorism, extremism

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