scholarly journals In vivo development of voltage-dependent ionic currents in embryonic Xenopus spinal neurons

1993 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 2575-2581 ◽  
MG Desarmenien ◽  
B Clendening ◽  
NC Spitzer
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 4260
Ming-Huan Chan ◽  
Hwei-Hsien Chen ◽  
Yi-Ching Lo ◽  
Sheng-Nan Wu

Background: Honokiol (HNK), a dimer of allylphenol obtained from the bark of Magnolia officinalis was demonstrated to exert an array of biological actions in different excitable cell types. However, whether or how this compound can lead to any perturbations on surface–membrane ionic currents remains largely unknown. Methods: We used the patch clamp method and found that addition of HNK effectively depressed the density of macroscopic hyperpolarization-activated cation currents (Ih) in pituitary GH3 cells in a concentration-, time- and voltage-dependent manner. By the use of a two-step voltage protocol, the presence of HNK (10 μM) shifted the steady-state activation curve of Ih density along the voltage axis to a more negative potential by approximately 11 mV, together with no noteworthy modification in the gating charge of the current. Results: The voltage-dependent hysteresis of Ih density elicited by long-lasting triangular ramp pulse was attenuated by the presence of HNK. The HNK addition also diminished the magnitude of deactivating Ih density elicited by ramp-up depolarization with varying durations. The effective half-maximal concentration (IC50) value needed to inhibit the density of Ih or delayed rectifier K+ current identified in GH3 cells was estimated to be 2.1 or 6.8 μM, respectively. In cell-attached current recordings, HNK decreased the frequency of spontaneous action currents. In Rolf B1.T olfactory sensory neurons, HNK was also observed to decrease Ih density in a concentration-dependent manner. Conclusions: The present study highlights the evidence revealing that HNK has the propensity to perturb these ionic currents and that the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channel is proposed to be a potential target for the in vivo actions of HNK and its structurally similar compounds.

2015 ◽  
Vol 114 (6) ◽  
pp. 3339-3350 ◽  
Avraham M. Libster ◽  
Ben Title ◽  
Yosef Yarom

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is a neuromodulator closely associated with stress responses. It is synthesized and released in the central nervous system by various neurons, including neurons of the inferior olive. The targets of inferior olivary neurons, the cerebellar Purkinje neurons (PNs), are endowed with CRF receptors. CRF increases the excitability of PNs in vivo, but the biophysical mechanism is not clear. Here we examine the effect of CRF on the firing properties of PNs using acute rat cerebellar slices. CRF increased the PN firing rate, regardless of whether they were firing tonically or switching between firing and quiescent periods. Current- and voltage-clamp experiments showed that the increase in firing rate was associated with a voltage shift of the activation curve of the persistent sodium current and hyperpolarizing-activated current, as well as activation of voltage-dependent potassium current. The multiple effects on various ionic currents, which are in agreement with the possibility that activation of CRF receptors triggers several intracellular pathways, are manifested as an increase excitability of PN.

1995 ◽  
Vol 268 (2) ◽  
pp. L201-L206 ◽  
C. Vannier ◽  
T. L. Croxton ◽  
L. S. Farley ◽  
C. A. Hirshman

Hypoxia dilates airways in vivo and reduces active tension of airway smooth muscle in vitro. To determine whether hypoxia impairs Ca2+ entry through voltage-dependent channels (VDC), we tested the ability of dihydropyridines to modulate hypoxia-induced relaxation of KCl- and carbamyl choline (carbachol)-contracted porcine bronchi. Carbachol- or KCl-contracted bronchial rings were exposed to progressive hypoxia in the presence or absence of 1 microM BAY K 8644 (an L-type-channel agonist). In separate experiments, rings were contracted with carbachol or KCl, treated with nifedipine (a VDC antagonist), and finally exposed to hypoxia. BAY K 8644 prevented hypoxia-induced relaxation in KCl-contracted bronchi. Nifedipine (10(-5) M) totally relaxed KCl- contracted bronchi. Carbachol-contracted bronchi were only partially relaxed by nifedipine but were completely relaxed when the O2 concentration of the gas was reduced from 95 to 0%. These data indicate that hypoxia can reduce airway smooth muscle tone by limiting entry of Ca2+ through a dihydropyridine-sensitive pathway, but that other mechanisms also contribute to hypoxia-induced relaxation of carbachol-contracted bronchi.

2013 ◽  
Vol 110 (5) ◽  
pp. 1227-1245 ◽  
Arij Daou ◽  
Matthew T. Ross ◽  
Frank Johnson ◽  
Richard L. Hyson ◽  
Richard Bertram

The nucleus HVC (proper name) within the avian analog of mammal premotor cortex produces stereotyped instructions through the motor pathway leading to precise, learned vocalization by songbirds. Electrophysiological characterization of component HVC neurons is an important requirement in building a model to understand HVC function. The HVC contains three neural populations: neurons that project to the RA (robust nucleus of arcopallium), neurons that project to Area X (of the avian basal ganglia), and interneurons. These three populations are interconnected with specific patterns of excitatory and inhibitory connectivity, and they fire with characteristic patterns both in vivo and in vitro. We performed whole cell current-clamp recordings on HVC neurons within brain slices to examine their intrinsic firing properties and determine which ionic currents are responsible for their characteristic firing patterns. We also developed conductance-based models for the different neurons and calibrated the models using data from our brain slice work. These models were then used to generate predictions about the makeup of the ionic currents that are responsible for the different responses to stimuli. These predictions were then tested and verified in the slice using pharmacological manipulations. The model and the slice work highlight roles of a hyperpolarization-activated inward current ( Ih), a low-threshold T-type Ca2+ current ( ICa-T), an A-type K+ current ( IA), a Ca2+-activated K+ current ( ISK), and a Na+-dependent K+ current ( IKNa) in driving the characteristic neural patterns observed in the three HVC neuronal populations. The result is an improved characterization of the HVC neurons responsible for song production in the songbird.

2000 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. 1010-1018 ◽  
Gabriela J. Greif ◽  
Deborah L. Sodickson ◽  
Bruce P. Bean ◽  
Eva J. Neer ◽  
Ulrike Mende

To examine the role of Go in modulation of ion channels by neurotransmitter receptors, we characterized modulation of ionic currents in hippocampal CA3 neurons from mice lacking both isoforms of Gαo. In CA3 neurons from Gαo −/− mice, 2-chloro-adenosine and the GABAB-receptor agonist baclofen activated inwardly rectifying K+ currents and inhibited voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents just as effectively as in Gαo +/+ littermates. However, the kinetics of transmitter action were dramatically altered in Gαo −/− mice in that recovery on washout of agonist was much slower. For example, recovery from 2-chloro-adenosine inhibition of calcium current was more than fourfold slower in neurons from Gαo −/− mice [time constant of 12.0 ± 0.8 (SE) s] than in neurons from Gαo +/+ mice (time constant of 2.6 ± 0.2 s). Recovery from baclofen effects was affected similarly. In neurons from control mice, effects of both baclofen and 2-chloro-adenosine on Ca2+ currents and K+currents were abolished by brief exposure to external N-ethyl-maleimide (NEM). In neurons lacking Gαo, some inhibition of Ca2+ currents by baclofen remained after NEM treatment, whereas baclofen activation of K+ currents and both effects of 2-chloro-adenosine were abolished. These results show that modulation of Ca2+ and K+ currents by G protein-coupled receptors in hippocampal neurons does not have an absolute requirement for Gαo. However, modulation is changed in the absence of Gαo in having much slower recovery kinetics. A likely possibility is that the very abundant Gαo is normally used but, when absent, can readily be replaced by G proteins with different properties.

1985 ◽  
Vol 86 (5) ◽  
pp. 739-762 ◽  
G K Wang ◽  
G Strichartz

The effects of a neurotoxin, purified from the venom of the scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus, on the ionic currents of toad single myelinated fibers were studied under voltage-clamp conditions. Unlike previous investigations using crude scorpion venom, purified Leiurus toxin II alpha at high concentrations (200-400 nM) did not affect the K currents, nor did it reduce the peak Na current in the early stages of treatment. The activation of the Na channel was unaffected by the toxin, the activation time course remained unchanged, and the peak Na current vs. voltage relationship was not altered. In contrast, Na channel inactivation was considerably slowed and became incomplete. As a result, a steady state Na current was maintained during prolonged depolarizations of several seconds. These steady state Na currents had a different voltage dependence from peak Na currents and appeared to result from the opening of previously inactivated Na channels. The opening kinetics of the steady state current were exponential and had rates approximately 100-fold slower than the normal activation processes described for transitions from the resting state to the open state. In addition, the dependence of the peak Na current on the potential of preceding conditioning pulses was also dramatically altered by toxin treatment; this parameter reached a minimal value near a membrane potential of -50 mV and then increased continuously to a "plateau" value at potentials greater than +50 mV. The amplitude of this plateau was dependent on toxin concentration, reaching a maximum value equal to approximately 50% of the peak current; voltage-dependent reversal of the toxin's action limits the amplitude of the plateauing effect. The measured plateau effect was half-maximum at a toxin concentration of 12 nM, a value quite similar to the concentration producing half of the maximum slowing of Na channel inactivation. The results of Hill plots for these actions suggest that one toxin molecule binds to one Na channel. Thus, the binding of a single toxin molecule probably both produces the steady state currents and slows the Na channel inactivation. We propose that Leiurus toxin inhibits the conversion of the open state to inactivated states in a voltage-dependent manner, and thereby permits a fraction of the total Na permeability to remain at membrane potentials where inactivation is normally complete.

2006 ◽  
Vol 95 (5) ◽  
pp. 3113-3128 ◽  
Carl Gold ◽  
Darrell A. Henze ◽  
Christof Koch ◽  
György Buzsáki

Although extracellular unit recording is typically used for the detection of spike occurrences, it also has the theoretical ability to report about what are typically considered intracellular features of the action potential. We address this theoretical ability by developing a model system that captures features of experimentally recorded simultaneous intracellular and extracellular recordings of CA1 pyramidal neurons. We use the line source approximation method of Holt and Koch to model the extracellular action potential (EAP) voltage resulting from the spiking activity of individual neurons. We compare the simultaneous intracellular and extracellular recordings of CA1 pyramidal neurons recorded in vivo with model predictions for the same cells reconstructed and simulated with compartmental models. The model accurately reproduces both the waveform and the amplitude of the EAPs, although it was difficult to achieve simultaneous good matches on both the intracellular and extracellular waveforms. This suggests that accounting for the EAP waveform provides a considerable constraint on the overall model. The developed model explains how and why the waveform varies with electrode position relative to the recorded cell. Interestingly, each cell's dendritic morphology had very little impact on the EAP waveform. The model also demonstrates that the varied composition of ionic currents in different cells is reflected in the features of the EAP.

1982 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 1321-1335 ◽  
M. J. Gutnick ◽  
B. W. Connors ◽  
D. A. Prince

1. The cellular mechanisms underlying interictal epileptogenesis have been examined in an in vitro slice preparation of guinea pig neocortex. Penicillin or bicuculline was applied to the tissue, and intracellular recordings were obtained from neurons and glia. 2. Following convulsant application, stimulation could elicit a short-latency excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) and a large, longer latency depolarization shift (DS) in single neurons. DSs in neurons of the slice were very similar to those evoked in neurons of neocortex in vivo in that they displayed an all-or-none character, large shifts in latency during repetitive stimuli, long afterpotentials, and a prolonged refractory period. In contrast to epileptogenesis produced by penicillin in intact cortex, neither spontaneous DSs nor ictal episodes were observed in neocortical slices. 3. In simultaneous recordings from pairs of neurons within the same cortical column, DS generation and latency shifts were invariably synchronous. DS generation in neurons was also coincident with large, paroxysmal increases of extracellular [K+], as indicated by simultaneous recordings from glia. 4. When polarizing currents were applied to neurons injected with the local anesthetic QX-314, the DS amplitude varied monotonically and had an extrapolated reversal potential near 0 mV. In neurons injected with the K+-current blocker Cs+, large displacements of membrane potential were possible, and both the short-latency EPSP and the peak of the DS diminished completely at about 0 mV. At potentials positive to this, the short-latency EPSP was reversed, and the DS was replaced by a paroxysmal hyperpolarization whose rise time and peak latency were prolonged compared to the DS evoked at resting potential. The paroxysmal hyperpolarization probably represents the prolonged activation of the impaled neuron by EPSPs. 5. Voltage-dependent components, including slow spikes, appeared to contribute to generation of the DS at resting potential in Cs+-filled cells, and these components were blocked during large depolarizations. 6. The results suggest that DS generation in single neocortical neurons occurs during synchronous synaptic activation of a large group of cells. DS onset in a given neuron is determined by the timing of a variable-latency excitatory input that differs from the short-latency EPSP. The DS slow envelope appears to be generated by long-duration excitatory synaptic currents and may be modulated by intrinsic voltage-dependent membrane conductances. 7. We present a hypothesis for the initiation of the DS, based on the anatomical and physiological organization of the intrinsic neocortical circuits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Jan M. Schulz ◽  
Jim W. Kay ◽  
Josef Bischofberger ◽  
Matthew E. Larkum

Synergistic interactions between independent synaptic input streams may fundamentally change the action potential (AP) output. Using partial information decomposition, we demonstrate here a substantial contribution of synergy between somatic and apical dendritic inputs to the information in the AP output of L5b pyramidal neurons. Activation of dendritic GABAB receptors (GABABRs), known to decrease APs in vivo, potently decreased synergy and increased somatic control of AP output. Synergy was the result of the voltage-dependence of the transfer resistance between dendrite and soma, which showed a two-fold increase per 28.7 mV dendritic depolarization. GIRK channels activated by dendritic GABABRs decreased voltage-dependent transfer resistances and AP output. In contrast, inhibition of dendritic L-type Ca2+ channels prevented high-frequency bursts of APs, but did not affect dendro-somatic synergy. Finally, we show that NDNF-positive neurogliaform cells effectively control somatic AP via synaptic activation of dendritic GIRK channels. These results uncover a novel inhibitory mechanism that powerfully gates cellular information flow in the cortex.

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