scholarly journals Mixtures Created for Artificial Meadow-Pasture Areas According to the Animal Type to Graze and the Effect of Organic Fertilization on Botanical Composition

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 180-186
Rabiya Koyuncu ◽  
Mehmet Ali Avcı
2020 ◽  
pp. 160-168
I. Senyk

Botanical composition of grasses is one of the most important indicators the biological value and quality of the obtained hay and pasture forage, the longevity of hayfi elds and pastures depend on. The issue of changing the botanical composition of agrophytocenoses is especially important in the context of global climate change, which in recent decades is also manifested in the territory of Ukraine, as it is possible to establish the most adapted species of legumes and cereals to adverse weather conditions and to identify eff ective technological methods of managing these processes for maximum conservation economically valuable species in the herbage. The purpose of the research is to establish the infl uence of diff erent ways of sowing of clover and alfalfa cereal crops agrophytocenoses on the formation of their botanical composition. Field studies have established diff erent eff ects of conventional in-line, cross-section and cross-sectional methods of sowing on the formation of botanical composition of grass mixtures of clover meadow (Trifolium pratense) varieties Sparta and Pavlyna with timothy meadow (Phleum pratense) and fenugreek multifl oral (Lolium multifl orum) and of agrophytocenoses of alfalfa of Sinyukha and Seraphima sowing varieties with reed fire (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) and middle wheatgrass (Elytrigia intermedia). For the average of four years of life of clover and alfalfa cereal crops agrophytocenoses, the highest proportion of legume component was observed with split-cross sowing – 51.6 % for Sparta, 53.1 % for Pavlyna, 60.3 % for Seraphima and 61.6 % for the Sinyukha variety. In the fourth year of life (the third year of use) of sowed leguminous-cereals agrophytocenoses, the preservation of the legume component was 14.6–15.5 % in clover-cereals grass mixtures with the Sparta variety and 16.0–16.8 % with the Pavlyna variety. In alfalfa grasslands, these indicators were 54.0–55.1 % with Seraphim and 55.0–56.2 % with Sinyukha. Among the studied varieties of clover meadow and alfalfa sowing proved better in the conditions of the Forest Steppe of western Pavlyna and Sinyukha. Cross-sectional and divided cross-sectional sowing of legumes and cereals mixtures proved to be better compared to conventional row crops in terms of conservation of economically valuable grass species. Key words: agrophytocenosis, botanical composition, clover meadow, alfalfa sowing, sowing methods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-51 ◽  
O. Demydenko ◽  
Yu. Zapasna ◽  
V. Velychko

Aim. To substantiate the agroecological estimation of the performance of a short crop rotation in conditions of intense and organic system of fertilization on the basis of restoring normative parameters of emission and se- questration of С-СО 2 circulation while using by-products as organic fertilizers in conditions of modern climatic system of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, statistical, laboratory. Results of Investigations. The performance of short crop rotations is determined by the capacity of С-СО 2 balance. Strong inverse correla- tion was found between the capacity of N and the ratio between C and N in the agrocenosis, which demon- strated that enhancing the humifi cation processes (ratio constriction) led to the increase in the capacity of С org balance and the decrease in the capacity level of С-СО 2 balance (enhancing mineralization), related to the reduction in the performance of crops in the agrocenosis of a crop rotation compared to the organic system of fertilization. The capacity of С-СО 2 and С org balance correlates at the medium level of inverse direction, and the yield of the main products, feed units and digestible protein correlates at the level of strong direct correlation. Conclusions. General mineralization of by-products and humus in the agrocenosis and humifi cation processes are antagonists, so extending the ratio between С and N at the intense fertilization system stimulates the in- crease in performance and reducing С to N similar to the organic fertilization system enhances the humifi cation process due to binding of С org into humus and limits mineralization which leads to the reduction in agrocenosis performance at the organic fertilization system.

2009 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-203 ◽  
T. Sinkovč

The botanical composition of grasslands determines the agronomic and natural values of swards. Good grassland management usually improves herbage value, but on the other hand it frequently decreases the plant diversity and species richness in the swards. In 1999 a field trial in a split-plot design with four replicates was therefore established on the Arrhenatherion type of vegetation in Ljubljana marsh meadows in order to investigate this relationship. Cutting regimes (2 cuts — with normal and delayed first cut, 3 cuts and 4 cuts per year) were allocated to the main plots and fertiliser treatments (zero fertiliser — control, PK and NPK with 2 or 3 N rates) were allocated to the sub-plots. The results at the 1 st cutting in the 5 th trial year were as follows: Fertilising either with PK or NPK had no significant negative effect on plant diversity in any of the cutting regimes. In most treatments the plant number even increased slightly compared to the control. On average, 20 species were listed on both unfertilised and fertilised swards. At this low to moderate level of exploitation intensity, the increased number of cuts had no significant negative effect on plant diversity either (19 species at 2 cuts vs. 20 species at 3 or 4 cuts). PK fertilisation increased the proportion of legumes in the herbage in the case of 2 or 3 cuts. The proportion of grasses in the herbage increased in all the fertilisation treatments with an increased numbers of cuts. Fertiliser treatment considerably reduced the proportion of marsh horsetail ( Equisetum palustre ) in the herbage of the meadows. This effect was even more pronounced at higher cut numbers. The proportion of Equisetum palustre in the herbage was the highest in the unfertilised sward with 2 cuts (26.4 %) and the lowest in the NPK-fertilised sward with 4 cuts (1.4%).

2013 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-162
György Heltai ◽  
Attila Anton ◽  
Sándor Hoffmann ◽  
Tibor Szili-Kovács ◽  
Katalin Berecz ◽  

A Keszthelyen 1963-ban beállított „Szerves- és műtrágyák hatását összehasonlító tartamkísérlet” kiválasztott kezeléseiből vett talajokkal beállított tenyészedénykísérletben és ezzel párhuzamosan a szegélyparcellákból kiemelt bolygatatlan talajoszlopokban vizsgáltuk az ásványi- és istállótrágyák, valamint a talajba bedolgozott növényi szerves anyag hatását a talajlevegőben a tenyészidő folyamán felhalmozódó CO2és N2O gázok képződésének dinamikájára.A CO2-koncentráció a tenyészidő folyamán a kezdeti stagnálás után egy, vagy több maximum elérése után a kezdeti szintre csökkent mindkét kísérleti rendszerben, s a változás jó korrelációt mutatott a napi középhőmérséklet változásával.A N2O képződésének időbeli változása a talajoszlopokban nem mutatott egyértelmű tendenciát, míg a tenyészedényekben csak a vetést követő 6. napig mértünk koncentrációnövekedést.A bolygatatlan talajoszlopokban a felszíntől 40 cm mélységig a CO2-koncentráció szignifikánsan növekedett, 40–60 cm között már nem változott számottevően. Ugyanez a tendencia mutatkozott a N2O-koncentráció mélység szerinti változásában, de a nagyobb mérési bizonytalanság miatt kevésbé egyértelműen. A tenyészedényekben a 20 cm mélyen elhelyezett csapdákban mért CO2-koncentráció értékek nagyságrendileg megegyeztek a talajoszlopban 20 cm mélyen mért értékekkel. A trágyázatlan kezelésekben a növények jelenléte mind a talajoszlopban, mind a tenyészedényekben növelte a CO2- és a N2O-produkciót. A trágyázási kezelések hatására a talajoszlopokban csökkent mindkét gáz produkciója. Szerves trágya alkalmazásakor növény jelenlétében ez a csökkenés kisebb mértékű volt, mint ásványi trágya esetében. A trágyázási kezelések hatására a tenyészedényekben növények jelenlétében növekedett a talajban a CO2és N2O produkciója. A növekedés a trágyakezelések termésnövelő hatása sorrendjében istállótrágya < ásványi trágya < (istállótrágya+ásványi trágya) fokozódott.Összegezve megállapítható, hogy a CO2és N2O gázképződés és a talajból történő kilépés feltételei a bolygatatlan és a művelt talajban eltérnek, s e folyamatra jelentős hatással van a növények jelenléte és anyagcseréje. Kísérleteink eredményeként létrehoztunk egy olyan adatbázist, amelyre alapozva megfelelő matematikai modellek alkalmazásával reálisan becsülhető a mezőgazdasági talajok CO2 és N2O emissziója különböző tápanyagellátási és művelési módok esetén.

N. I. Kasatkina ◽  
Zh. S. Nelyubina

The biological properties of plants, their mutual relations under different growth conditions and at different periods of their life, must be known for obtaining highly productive agrophytocenoses with participation of a meadow clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Botanical composition and fodder productivity of perennial grasses in agrocenoses with participation of meadow tetraploid clover Kudesnik were studied in 2014-2017. It was revealed that in the first and second years of use the agrophytocenosis, the yield of green mass was formed due to meadow tetraploid clover, the share of its participation in the first mowing was at level of 71-87% and 64-97% respectively. Specific weight of clover in multispecies agrocenoses considerably decreased by the third year of use: in the first mowing up to 32-68%, in the second - up to 8-52%. At the same time, the percentage of long-term herbaceous grasses increased: meadow timothy (Phleum pratense L.) - up to 34-54%, eastern galega (Galéga orientális Lam.) - up to 33%, changeable alfalfa (Medicago x varia Martyn) - up to 22-54%, lotus corniculatus (Lotus corniculatus L.) - up to 14-19%. The proportion of weed admixture in single-species clover planting was 12%, in agrocenoses - 2-14%. The grass mixtures clover + timothy and clover + alfalfa + timothy were less infested by weeds. High yield of dry weight of single-species sowing of meadow tetraploid clover was obtained in the first two years of use - 7.8 and 6.5 tons / ha, respectively. By the third year of use, the productivity of clover has decreased to 2.9 t / ha. On average, for three years of use, the highest yield (6.2-6.3 t / ha) was formed by agrocenoses meadow tetraploid clover + meadow timothy and meadow tetraploid clover + changeable alfalfa + meadow timothy.

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