Agricultural science and practice
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Published By Co. Ltd. Ukrinformnauka

2312-3389, 2312-3370

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-48
A. Zelya ◽  
L. Janse ◽  
J. Janse ◽  
S. Ghoghoberidze ◽  
G. Zelya ◽  

Aim. To determine the occurrence and persistence of Synchytrium endobioticum, resting spore contamination in a small survey of (known infested) potato plots in Ukraine and Georgia; to compare the detection efficiency for resting spores (winter sporangia) of S. endobioticum using an extraction method, routinely applied in Ukraine, based on the use of sodium iodide (NaI) and an extraction method largely based on EPPO Standard PM 7/28(2) (2017), using kaolin and calcium chloride (CaCl2) for extraction. Methods. The examination of fields, aimed at detecting of S. endobioticum in 22 infested plots in Georgia, was conducted following the standard European Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) phytosanitary procedure PM 3/59(3) (2017), and in Ukraine in 11 plots according to the Ukrainian Standard ‘Methodological recommendations on sampling during quarantine inspection and evaluation’ (Omeluta V P et al, 1996). Resting spores were extracted using kaolin and CaCl2 (following largely EPPO Standard PM 7/28(2) 2017), and floatation in a solution of NaI (Zelya et al, 2005), respectively. The content of soil organic matter (SOM), collected in potato wart infested plots in Ukraine and Georgia, was determined according to the ‘Method of laboratory determination of the content of organic matter’, largely following the method of Tyurin to determine total soil organic carbon (Jankauskas B et al, 2006). The persistence or decline of potato wart in infested plots was evaluated, based on our own observations and the data of the national phytosanitary services (; The results of the study were subjected to statistical analysis, using Statistica 5 software. Results. It was found that under a low up to high level of organic matter in soil samples (2.0–2.7 and 3.1–3.9 %, respectively) and a moderate to high level of inoculum in soil (3–15 up to 41–65 resting spores/g soil, respectively) there were no significant differences in the efficiency of two extraction methods under consideration: the floatation in a solution of NaI and the application of kaolin and CaCl2. However, at a low number of resting spores present in soil (1–2 resting spores/g soil), the efficiency of the method using NaI decreased statistically significant by 20–30 % as opposed to the method using kaolin/CaCl2. A relatively high level of soil contamination with resting spores was found in 11 investigated plots of 4 Ukrainian regions: 41–46 resting spores/g soil in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, 49 in the Lviv Region, 40–65 in the Zakarpattia and 52–65 Chernivtsi Regions. The majority of the 22 investigated Georgian plots showed a low inoculum level (1–7 resting spores/g soil) and only in one village their level amounted to 15 resting spores/g soil (Uchguli village, Mestia municipality). Conclusions. The method applying sodium iodide was found to be comparable to the method applying kaolin and CaCl2 under conditions of moderate to high inoculum levels (15–65 resting spores/g soil) but the latter method was more efficient under conditions of high content of organic matter and very low inoculum level (

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-35
T. Mamenko ◽  
S. Kots ◽  
V. Patyka

Aim. The elaboration of efficient legume-rhizobial symbiosis systems, involving active strains of nodule bacteria, in the combination with fungicide seed treatment may be an alternative method of providing ecologically friendly nitrogen sources to plants and promoting their tolerance to the external factors, which is relevant for preservation and restoration of envi- ronmental quality. Therefore, the aim of our study was to determine the impact of pre-sowing seed treatment with fungi- cides, which differ in the action spectrum of active substances – Standak Top (fipronil, 250 g/l, thiophanate-methyl, 225 g/l, pyraclostrobin, 25 g/l) and Maxim XL (fludioxonyl, 25 g/l, metalaxyl, 10 g/l), on the intensity of the development of lipid peroxidation processes, the activity of antioxidant enzyme ascorbate peroxidase and nitrogen fixation activity in soybeans on the early stages of forming legume-rhizobial symbiosis. Methods. Microbiological (cultivation of a bacterial culture, seed inoculation), physiological (vegetative experiment), biochemical (spectrophotometric determination of the content of lipid peroxidation products and the activity of ascorbate peroxidase; measuring the nitrogen-fixation activity using a gas chro- matography). Results. It was found that pre-sowing fungicide treatment of soybean seeds and subsequent inoculation with active rhizobia of strain 634b did not result in the change in the content of TBA-active products in roots and root nodules (the values of indices were within the experiment deviation). At the same time, after seed inoculation using rhizobia and treat- ment with Maxim XL, there was an increase in the activity of ascorbate peroxidase in the roots from 20.3 to 30.8 %, and with Standak Top – from 20.0 to 29.8 % during the early stages of ontogenesis till the formation of the third ternate leaf. Here, the activity of the enzyme in root nodules increased by 24.7–40.3 % at the fungicidal effect. Our data demonstrate that the combination of fungicide seed treatment and inoculation with active rhizobia does not induce lipid peroxidation processes, but promotes the initiation of protective antioxidant properties in soybeans. It is accompanied with efficient functioning of the symbiotic apparatus, which is manifested in the increase in nitrogen-fixing activity of nodule bacteria, formed by active rhizobia of strain 634b after the seed treatment with Standak Top – by 98.3 and 78.1 % and after Maxim XL – by 78.6 and 196.2 % respectively, during the stages of the second and third ternate leaves. Conclusions. The pre-sowing soybean seed treatment with fungicides Standak Top and Maxim XL and the subsequent inoculation with active rhizobia of strain 634b does not induce the development of lipid peroxidation processes, but increases the activity of the antioxidant enzyme, ascor- bate peroxidase, in the roots and root nodules, which is accompanied with the efficient work of the symbiotic apparatus on the early stages of determining legume-rhizobial symbiosis. This method of seed treatment may be a novel measure, to use in the technologies of cultivating soybeans to enhance the realization of the symbiotic potential and meet the needs of plants in ecologically friendly nitrogen, and to promote the formation of their tolerance to the corresponding cultivation conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-74
L. Vecherska ◽  
V. Liubych ◽  
L. Relina ◽  
O. Golik ◽  
V. Suchkova ◽  

Aim. To explore sources of high groats properties among the genetic diversity of emmer and related species. Methods. Biochemical: The protein content was determined by Kjeldahl digestion; the starch content – by infrared spectroscopy. Technological: the vitreousness was determined by cutting 100 caryopses and expressed as percent- ages. The hull content, expressed in percent, was estimated as the ratio of hulled caryopses to the total of fully threshed ones. The gluten content and quality were assessed by manual washing-out. The hardness was determined on a YPD-300 hardness tester (Ltpm China) as the force in newtons required for caryopsis destruction. Emmer groats were obtained on a laboratory peeler UShZ-1. The groats properties were evaluated according to the method described in a utility model patent No. 129205. Statistical: the significance of differences between accessions was assessed using the Mann-Whitney test for small samples with unknown distribution. Two-factor analysis of vari- ance considered 2 factors – genotype and year conditions. Pearson’s test was used in the correlation analysis. The variability of traits was assessed by the coefficient of variation (CV). Results. The yields of emmer and durum wheat accessions and varieties as well as lines derived from emmer-wheat hybrids were measured and analyzed in 2016–2019. The yields of most emmer accessions (except for T. timopheevii) were similar to that of the check em- mer variety Holikovska (286 ± 15 g/m2). The highest contents of protein and gluten were found in T. timopheevii (18.1 ± 0.4 % and 40.5 ± 1.8 %, respectively), Triticum durum Desf. var. falcatomelanopus Jakubz. & Filat. (17.5 ± ± 1.0 % and 40.4 ± 1.4 %), autochthonous variety Polba 3 (16.8 ± 0.1 % and 36.9 ± 1.1 %), and line 10–139 (14.8 ± 0.8 % and 29.0 ± 2.4 %). The gluten quality of most lines, derived from crossing spring emmer with durum wheat, corresponds to quality group I (good), and the gluten deformation index (GDI) is 50–75 units. T. timopheevii and T. durum var. falcatomelanopus were noticeable for vitreousness (99 ± 1 % and 75 ± 5 %, respec- tively). The grain hardness of the accessions under investigation varied from 151 ± 15 N in variety Romanivska to 286 ± ± 3 N in T. timopheevii. Lines 10–79 (255 ± 6 N), 10–65 (220 ± 10 N) and T. durum var. falcatomelanopus (268 ± 6 N) were characterized by high hardness, which exceeded that of durum wheat variety Spadshchyna (152 ± ± 13 N). High outputs of groats were intrinsic to line 10–139 (96.2 ± 0.8 %), line 10–79 (90.6 ± 0.8 %), T. timopheevii (92.0 ± 0.1 %), and durum wheat Spadshchyna (91.4 ± 0.5 %). All the studied accessions showed low variability (

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-15
H. Tkalenko ◽  
Ya. Gadzalo ◽  
O. Borzykh ◽  
S. Horal

Aim. To isolate, identify, and evaluate in vitro the predacious ability of nematophagous fungi strains, to determine their eligibility for mass production under submerged cultivation; to select the most efficient isolates of predacious nematopha- gous fungi as promising producers of the biopreparation to control plant-parasitic nematodes. Methods. Microbiological, microscopical, cultural-morphological, statistical. Results. The screening to determine the presence of predacious nema- tophagous fungi in different soils from different regions has been conducted for the first time in Ukraine. Out of 75 soil samples, isolated in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Volyn and Odesa regions, 88 isolates of predacious nematophagous fungi were obtained which belong to 11 genera by their cultural-morphological characteristics: Arthrobotrys oligospo- ra – 39 isolates, A. musiformis – 25, A. conoides – 11, Drechslerella dactyloides – 3, A. artrobotryoides –2, A. superba – 2, A. megalospora – 2, A. sphaeroides –1, A. flagrans – 1, A. amerospora – 1, A. thaumasia – 1. High nematophagous activity in vitro (90–100 % trapping) regarding free-living nematodes (Rhabditis spp). was demonstrated by 4 isolates of A. oligospora, 18 isolates of A. musiformis, 5 isolates of A. conoides, 3 isolates of D. dactyloides, and one isolate of A. megalospora. Among the 47 most active isolates, 4 isolates of predacious fungi formed chlamydospores under submerged cultivation on two types of liquid media – wort medium and corn-molasses medium: A. musiformis-711, A. musiformis-911, A. conoides-90, D. dactyloides-19. It was found that isolate A. musiformis-911 and A. conoides-90 could form conidia in the submerged culture. Further experiments in determining the character of development for two latter isolates in different types of media under submerged cultivation established that the largest number of chlamydo- spores and conidia were formed by the isolates of A. conoides 90 and A. musiformis 911 on potato dextrose medium, 7.6·105 and 6.5·105 spores/ml respectively. In the wort medium, the productivity of spore formation for the isolate of A. conoides 90 was 35 times lower, amounting to 2.2·104 spores/ml, and in peptone-glucose medium – 90 times lower (8.5·103 spores/ml). The isolate of A. musiformis 911 in the wort medium produced 325 times fewer spores (2.0× ×103 spores/ml) than in potato-dextrose medium, while no chlamydospores and conidia were formed in the peptone- glucose medium. More detailed study of the ratio between isolates-producers and different sources of nutrition as the basis for the optimization of liquid media is required. Conclusions. According to the results of determining nematoph- agous activity regarding free-living nematodes, isolated from different soils in Ukraine and evaluating the character of development under submerged cultivation, two isolates of predacious fungi were selected – Arthrobotrys conoides-90 and A. musiformis-911, which are promising producers of a biological preparation eventually to be used in the biocon- trol of plant-parasitic nematodes. Conidia formation of the two isolates in liquid culture under mass production condi- tions was observed for the first time and could also contribute to their suitability for mass production and biocontrol.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-23
N. Rudova ◽  
O. Lymanska ◽  
B. Stegniy ◽  
V. Bolotin ◽  
O. Solodiankin ◽  

To date, there is no information regarding the occurrence of porcine circovirus type 3 (PCV-3) in pigs in Ukraine. Aim. The aim of this work was to study the probable occurrence of the little-studied PCV-3 in pigs with different health status in Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kyiv, and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine. Methods. Blood, semen, liver, spleen, lung samples and nasal swabs of sows and boars of different ages and with different health status, belonging to farms from Dnipro, Donetsk, Kyiv, and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine, were used for the study. PCV-3 genomic material was detected by the standard polymerase chain reaction using specific primers, flanking a fragment of the rep gene of the virus with the length of 418 bp. To visualize the amplicons, horizontal gel electrophoresis was used and ethidium bromide staining after electrophoresis, followed by photographing the gels using Image Lab 5.2.1 software. Results. DNA of PCV-3 was found in two liver samples and four nasal swabs in two different farms, obtained from clinically healthy pigs, which suggests the possibility of the circulation of this infectious agent at the subclinical level of infection at the farm under investigation. No PCV-3 coinfection with the causative agents of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), Aujeszky’s disease, PCV-2, and mycoplasmas was found at this farm. Conclusions. Porcine circovirus type 3 (PCV-3) – (a little-studied causative agent of swine disease) was detected in 6 out of 61 samples, originating from two farms in the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions, obtained from clinically healthy animals) for the first time in Ukraine. This indicates possible circulation of the pathogen among pig farms in Ukraine and demonstrates the need to create and implement a target risk analysis, an extensive survey, as well as to develop control measures of the disease spreading (both organizational and technical preventive). Molecular genetic surveying and subsequent monitoring of PCV-3 among domestic and wild animals, which can cross the borders, will give a possibility to determine the risks of its spreading and related economic and epidemiological consequences. The whole-genome DNA sequencing of the detected virus isolates is planned to determine the relation of Ukrainian strains of the virus to other strains circulating in Europe and other parts of the world. Better understanding the risks, epidemiology and pathology, associated with this new virus for the Ukrainian pig breeding industry, will help to prevent and control its further spread and harmful effects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-74
L. Vecherska ◽  
V. Liubych ◽  
L. Relina ◽  
O. Golik ◽  
V. Suchkova ◽  

Aim. To explore sources of high groats properties among the genetic diversity of emmer and related species. Methods. Biochemical: The protein content was determined by Kjeldahl digestion; the starch content – by infrared spectroscopy. Technological: the vitreousness was determined by cutting 100 caryopses and expressed as percent- ages. The hull content, expressed in percent, was estimated as the ratio of hulled caryopses to the total of fully threshed ones. The gluten content and quality were assessed by manual washing-out. The hardness was determined on a YPD-300 hardness tester (Ltpm China) as the force in newtons required for caryopsis destruction. Emmer groats were obtained on a laboratory peeler UShZ-1. The groats properties were evaluated according to the method described in a utility model patent No. 129205. Statistical: the significance of differences between accessions was assessed using the Mann-Whitney test for small samples with unknown distribution. Two-factor analysis of vari- ance considered 2 factors – genotype and year conditions. Pearson’s test was used in the correlation analysis. The variability of traits was assessed by the coefficient of variation (CV). Results. The yields of emmer and durum wheat accessions and varieties as well as lines derived from emmer-wheat hybrids were measured and analyzed in 2016–2019. The yields of most emmer accessions (except for T. timopheevii) were similar to that of the check em- mer variety Holikovska (286 ± 15 g/m2). The highest contents of protein and gluten were found in T. timopheevii (18.1 ± 0.4 % and 40.5 ± 1.8 %, respectively), Triticum durum Desf. var. falcatomelanopus Jakubz. & Filat. (17.5 ± ± 1.0 % and 40.4 ± 1.4 %), autochthonous variety Polba 3 (16.8 ± 0.1 % and 36.9 ± 1.1 %), and line 10–139 (14.8 ± 0.8 % and 29.0 ± 2.4 %). The gluten quality of most lines, derived from crossing spring emmer with durum wheat, corresponds to quality group I (good), and the gluten deformation index (GDI) is 50–75 units. T. timopheevii and T. durum var. falcatomelanopus were noticeable for vitreousness (99 ± 1 % and 75 ± 5 %, respec- tively). The grain hardness of the accessions under investigation varied from 151 ± 15 N in variety Romanivska to 286 ± ± 3 N in T. timopheevii. Lines 10–79 (255 ± 6 N), 10–65 (220 ± 10 N) and T. durum var. falcatomelanopus (268 ± 6 N) were characterized by high hardness, which exceeded that of durum wheat variety Spadshchyna (152 ± ± 13 N). High outputs of groats were intrinsic to line 10–139 (96.2 ± 0.8 %), line 10–79 (90.6 ± 0.8 %), T. timopheevii (92.0 ± 0.1 %), and durum wheat Spadshchyna (91.4 ± 0.5 %). All the studied accessions showed low variability (

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-57
O. Rybalka ◽  
V. Katrii ◽  
S. Polishchuk ◽  
B. Morgun

Aim. The purpose of the research, presented in this paper, is to develop (as the first one in Ukraine) hull-less barley breeding material with ultra-low gluten, combining three hordein-deficient mutations, derived from Risø56, Risø1508, and R118, with black grain color as an indication of bioactive pigments content, enhancing the functional status of grain as a food product. Methods. We used electrophoretic analysis of proteins in polyacrylamide gel, DNA isolation by the CTAB method, polymerase chain reaction with DNA-markers, restriction analysis and electrophoretic separa tion of DNA in agarose gel. Results. The article presents the results of the first stage of combining target hordeindefi cient mutations by binary crosses. The F2/3 and F3/4 populations were derived from binary crosses of Risø56 × Risø1508 (reciprocal Risø1508 × Risø56) and R118 × hull-less barley Achilles. The new PCR protocol was optimized. Markers B1hor, 3a5F and Dhor-m were selected to identify mutations in B, C and D hordeins. Conclusions. Several barley genotypes with one or two target hordein-deficient mutations and black grain color were isolated. The genotypes obtained will be used in a further backcrosses program, aimed at developing of a black hull-less barley variety with ultra-low gluten content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-28
O. Dubrovna ◽  
G. Priadkina ◽  
S. Mykhalska ◽  
A. Komisarenko

Aim. To determine water deficiency tolerance of genetically modified common wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L., cv Zymoyarka), containing the heterologous ornithine-δ-aminotransferase gene, based on the analysis of grain productivity and physiological and biochemical characteristics in transgenic and non-transgenic genotypes. Methods. Biochemical spectrophotometric assays: the enzyme ornithine-δ-aminotransferase activity, the free L-proline content, and the photosynthetic pigments content; biotechnological: Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in planta; physiological: morphometric traits and elements of grain productivity; mathematical statistics. Results. It was established that the presence of an additional copy of the ornithine-δ-aminotransferase gene in transgenic plants leads to higher activity of the ornithine-δ- aminotransferase enzyme: by 1.6 times higher on average for all lines as compared to the non-transgenic plants at 70 % of fi eld capacity and by 1.5 – at 30 % fi eld capacity. However, transgenic plants did not differ significantly from the original variety in the free L-proline content either under optimal water conditions or under soil drought. The increase in the total chlorophyll (a + b) content in flag leaves of transgenic plants was established under conditions of both optimal water supply and drought, as compared with the original genotype (increase by 5–7 % and 8–11 %, respectively). The enhanced expression of the orni- thine-δ-aminotransferase gene in the transgenic plants stimulated root growth both under optimal and stressful conditions: the root length of the transformed plants exceeded that of the original variety by 3.4–3.9 cm in the variant with optimal water supply, and by 4.2–4.6 cm – under drought. They were also characterized by a more developed root system. Dry root weight of the transgenic plants exceeded the original variety both in the control (by 23–27 %), and under drought (by 37– 44 %). Under drought, the root dry weight decreased by 29 % in the plants of the original variety, compared 70 % fi eld capacity, and by 11–15 % in the lines. Under 30 % field capacity, the transgenic lines also exceeded non-transformed plants in the number of grains from the whole plant (on average for 3 lines by 26 %) and in the grain weight (by 22 %). Transgenic plants are characterized by the formation of a higher productive shoots number: from 3.2 to 3.4 compared with 2.5 in non-transgenic plants at 70 % fi eld capacity and 2.7–3.1 vs 2.2 at 30 % field capacity it was found. Conclusions. Thus, the analysis of genetically modified common wheat plants cv. Zymoyarka, containing the heterologous alfalfa ornithine-δ- aminotransferase gene, by yield structure elements, morphometric parameters and photosynthetic pigment content showed their better tolerance to soil drought as compared to non-transgenic plants. We explain the improvement of grain productivity of the whole plant in transgenic wheat lines with an additional copy of ornithine-δ-aminotransferase gene by the fact that they have a better developed root system (dry root weight of the transgenic plants exceeded the original variety both in the control by 23–27 %, and under drought by 37–44 %) and a higher (on average for 3 lines – 3.3 compared to 2.5 in non- transgenic plants at 70 % fi eld capacity and 2.9 vs 2.2 at 30 % fi eld capacity) number of productive shoots than in the origi- nal variety both under optimal and insuffi cient water supply.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
V. Dzitsiuk ◽  
H. Typylo ◽  
I. Mitiohlo

Aim. To study the activity of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in different Ukrainian cattle breeds in terms of their apparent activity status in silver stain and possible relation with milk productivity. Methods. Chromosome prepara- tions using lymphocytes from the peripheral blood of 90 cows of different breeds were used in the study. NOR activity was determined by visual evaluation of concentrations of silver precipitation on NORs in individual chromosomes. A 50 % silver nitrate solution was used to stain chromosome preparations. NORs were detected as dark spots on telomeres of the corresponding chromosomes. Results. The cytological analysis of chromosome preparations from lymphocytes of first lactation cows detected NOR polymorphism in Ukrainian Red-and-Motley dairy cattle (URM), Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed (UBW), and hybrid cows, obtained by crossing Ukrainian Red-and-Motley dairy breed and Montbeliarde bulls (URM × M). First lactation cows of URM and UBM had higher or the same inci- dence of cells with four (29.8 and 30 %) and five (17.1 and 19.5 %) NORs, while in URM × M cows the incidence of cells with the same number of NORs was almost twice lower; cells with 7 and 8 NORs exceeded a similar index for other investigated breeds almost twice (2.5 against 4.5 % and 2.0 against 4.2 %). The highest level of chromosomal aberrations (CA) was observed in the group of animals with medium number (2 to 3 NORs per cell), and the lowest – in the group with a high number of NORs (from 6 to 7) with a reliable intergroup difference (p < 0.01). NOR activity was the highest in the group of animals of local origin (URM × M) with a milk yield over 7,000 kg in 305 days of the first lactation and the lowest in the UBW cows with a milk yield of 4–5,000 kg during the first lactation. Conclusions. We determined the differences in the activity of nucleolar organizers between the investigated groups of cows of dairy breed. URM × M hybrids reliably (р ≤ 0.05) exceeded dairy UBW cows by this index. No statistically significant different was found between other investigated groups of animals by this trait. Higher dairy productivity was found in the animals with higher frequency of NORs in the chromosomes of metaphase cells. In our opinion, the number of active NORs demonstrates relative variability between their number and the rate of protein synthesis, required to implement the productivity traits of the investigated animals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-46
A. Veretsun ◽  
B. Stegniy ◽  
O. Rula ◽  
V. Bolotin ◽  
A. Stegniy ◽  

Aim. To conduct a virological, PCR, PCR-RFLP and sequencing study of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) isolates obtained from sick and dead chickens at industrial and backyard poultry farms in the eastern region of Ukraine collected over the years 2010–2019 and to establish their pathotype and relationship with internationally occurring strains. Methods. Material for virological studies was collected in the framework of research program of the NSC IEСVM during 2010-2019 in the poultry farms in the North-Eastern region of Ukraine, where the birds with the respiratory clinical signs were found. In total, 28 poultry farms were observed. ILTV isolates were obtained with conventional methods, using 10–12-day-old chicken embryos. A 0,2 ml of 10–20 % suspension of pathological material in PBS was used for inoculation. For in-depth studies, we used 4 isolates of ILTV obtained from sick and dead chickens from industrial and backyard poultry farms in Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, and Sumy regions from 2010–2019. The identification of ILTV isolates was performed via conventional PCR. The pathotype of ILTV strains was determined using PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction – restriction fragment length polymorphism) analysis. The PCR-RFLP was performed at Royal GD, the Netherlands. The (partial) sequencing of the US8 gene was performed using Sanger sequencing method. The phylogenetic analysis, using sequences of 2 Ukrainian strains (MZ323228, MZ333273) and 17 international gene sequences present in GenBank, was performed using the Maximum Likelihood method. For comparative analysis, sequences of vaccine ILT virus strains were used. Results. Over the years 2010-2019, 7 isolates of ILTV were obtained from sick and dead poultry with typical clinical signs and internal lesions at industrial and backyard farms of the Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk and Sumy regions, and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Other avian respiratory viral and bacterial pathogens were not detected. Five isolates were obtained from poultry of industrial holdings where vaccination against ILT is carried out. Using PCR-RFLP analysis of 4 isolates, we found that three of them (Sumy 6-11/19, A 04-12, B 2-10) to belong to vaccine-type ILTV strains and only one, B 59-11strain, belongs to wild-type ILTV. Vaccine-type ILTV strains circulated and possibly still circulate in Ukraine in industrial and backyard poultry farms among both vaccinated and non- vaccinated poultry. An ILTV wild-type strain was obtained from non-vaccinated chickens from a backyard farm, which may indicate an important role of backyard farms in maintaining the circulation of the virus. After partial sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the ILTV US8 gene the two Ukrainian strains studied were placed into two different clusters: The vaccine-type B 2-10 strain, obtained from sick vaccinated chickens from an industrial farm, was close to vaccine-type strains circulating in, China, Italy and the USA. The wild-type B 59-11strain, obtained from sick non-vaccinated backyard chickens, was located in another cluster and closest to a the wild-type B 59-11 ILTV strain from Brazil. Conclusions. In this article we describe for the first time the characterization of vaccine-type and wild-type isolates of ILTV in industrial and backyard poultry farms, proving their relevance for the poultry production in Ukraine. The results obtained show the need and prospects for further monitoring of ILTV circulation in small backyard poultry farms and in industrial poultry farms, especially following the frequent use for vaccination of live attenuated wild-type ILTV strains in Ukraine. Further molecular, phylogenetic and epidemiological characterization of the strains obtained should be performed in the near future to further precise their attributes, epidemiology and origin.

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