scholarly journals Morpho-anatomical structure and development of fruit in Asyneuma canescens (Саmpanulaceae)

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 513-519
R. R. Andreychuk ◽  
V. P. Kolomiychuk ◽  
A. V. Odintsova

The most usual fruit type in the family Саmpanulaсеае is an inferior multi-seeded capsule. In Саmpanula and related genera, A. Kolakovsky determined a new type of capsule, characterized by a specialized organ, axicorn. Some types of axicorn capsules were determined depending on the way of dehiscence. In Campanula, capsule dehiscence is called axicorn-fissuricidal mode, while in Asyneuma – axicorn-valvate mode with scaliformis valves. The precise differences between slit and valve so far have not been identified. In this connection, we performed the study of the inner fruit structure and dehiscence in Asyneuma canescens intending to compare the results with those for Саmpanula species. Anatomical fruit structure was studied under a light microscope on temporary preparations of transversal and longitudinal sections. For the first time, the obtained data provide precise characteristics of the inner fruit morphology, the anatomy of the fruit wall, and dehiscence mode in A. canescens. The survey revealed predominance in the ovary of a synascidiate zone with axile placentation. In the anatomical structure of the fruit wall, there we found a parenchymatous mesocarpium, non-lignified exo- and endocarpium, and lignified elements of fruit – axicorns, located in the small upper part of the septa. Fruit dehiscence in A. canescens occurs in two steps. First, during early flower development, narrow-oval dips are formed on the septum radii; during the fruiting period, a hippocrepiform slit at the lower margin of each dip develops. At this time axicorns detach from the central column of the ovary following a curved direction, meaning the formation of the septifragal slit. During the second stage, the longitudinal slits are formed from the lowest point of the hippocrepiform slit to the fruit base. These slits facilitate seed release from the capsule. Fruit in A. canescens we define as an inferior trilocular syncarpous capsule with two-stage, hippocrepiform and laminar dehiscence. Our study confirms resemblance of anatomical structure and dehiscence mode of fruit in A. canescens and species of the section Rapunculus of the genus Cаmpanula with erect capsules. We consider it inexpedient to accept the new fruit type for A. canescens, because differences compared with species of Cаmpanula are derivative and concern the small size of the axicorn slit and the appearance of additional slits only.

2003 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 217 ◽  
Guadalupe Peter ◽  
Liliana Katinas

The anatomical structure of the leaves and stems of the 13 species of Isostigma (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) has been examined by using light microscopy. All species of Isostigma have Kranz anatomy in their leaves, containing one or more Kranz units (=KU, the unit constituted by the vascular bundle/s, the parenchyma sheath and the surrounding mesophyll). It is demonstrated that there are the following two different types of Kranz anatomy in leaves of Isostigma: (1) Eryngiophyllum type, with one KU per leaf and with sclerenchyma tissue (I.�brasiliense, I. cordobense, I. crithmifolium, I. dissitifolium, I. peucedanifolium, I. riedelii, I. simplicifolium and I.�speciosum); and (2) Isostigma type, with more than one KU per leaf, without sclerenchyma tissue (I. acaule, I.�herzogii, I. hoffmannii, I. molfinianum and I. scorzoneraefolium). The stems of all 13 species of Isostigma show also Kranz anatomy, without variation among species. Until the present, the Eryngiophyllum and the Atriplicoid types were the only reported for Asteraceae. The Isostigma type is a new type for the family, characteristic of plants growing in humid places. The following evolutionary sequence of Kranz anatomy is hypothesised: Atriplicoid–Isostigma–Eryngiophyllum where numerous KUs become continuous to reach a unique, compound KU.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-266
Michelle L. Wilson

Initially, Oliver Twist (1839) might seem representative of the archetypal male social plot, following an orphan and finding him a place by discovering the father and settling the boy within his inheritance. But Agnes Fleming haunts this narrative, undoing its neat, linear transmission. This reconsideration of maternal inheritance and plot in the novel occurs against the backdrop of legal and social change. I extend the critical consideration of the novel's relationship to the New Poor Law by thinking about its reflection on the bastardy clauses. And here, of course, is where the mother enters. Under the bastardy clauses, the responsibility for economic maintenance of bastard children was, for the first time, legally assigned to the mother, relieving the father of any and all obligation. Oliver Twist manages to critique the bastardy clauses for their release of the father, while simultaneously embracing the placement of the mother at the head of the family line. Both Oliver and the novel thus suggest that it is the mother's story that matters, her name through which we find our own. And by containing both plots – that of the father and the mother – Oliver Twist reveals the violence implicit in traditional modes of inheritance in the novel and under the law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-255
Maria Magdalena Setyaningsih ◽  
Emy Sutiyarsih

Kehamilan remaja adalah kehamilan yang terjadi pada remaja berusia kurang dari 20 tahunan. Kehamilan remaja memberikan banyak kerugian bagi kesehatan, mental dan psikologis, kesejahteraan ekonomi dan peluang karier, kemiskinan dan prospek kehidupan masa depan remaja. Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi faktor determinan yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya kehamilan remaja. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian analitik kategorik jenis survei kuantitatif dengan desain case control. Populasi semua perempuan yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah dusun Wonosari, Sukosari, dan Krajan Pandansari dan pernah/sedang hamil pertama kali pada usia kurang dari 20 tahun. Teknik pengambilan sampel cluster random sampling besar sampel 73. Berdasarkan hasil model akhir analisis multivariat, diketahui bahwa variabel pendidikan, riwayat kehamilan remaja pada keluarga dan usia menikah merupakan variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kehamilan remaja setelah dikontrol oleh variabel akses informasi, responden berpendidikan rendah memiliki peluang 20,8 kali lebih tinggi, responden yang memiliki riwayat kehamilan remaja pada keluarga memiliki peluang 14,9 kali lebih tinggi, responden yang menikah pada usia <20 tahun memiliki peluang 12,1 kali lebih tinggi, responden dengan pemahaman yang kurang baik terkait penggunaan kondom memiliki peluang 5,9 kali lebih tinggi untuk terjadi kehamilan remaja. Oleh karena itu perlu dibangun karakter buiding, sosial karakter suport untuk para ibu remaja dan keluarga sehingga terbangun interaksi yang baik dalam keluarga yang dilandasi dengan pendidikan dan pemahaman yang baik tentang Pendidikan seksualitas. Teen pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs in adolescents aged less than 20 years old. Teen pregnancy provides many disadvantages for health, mental, psychological, economic well-being, career opportunities, poverty, and the future life. The aim of the study was to identify the determinants underlying teen pregnancy incidence. This study was a quantitative study with categorical analytic method. The study design used a case control with two comparison groups. The groups were control group and case group. The population in this study was all women who lived in the Wonosari, Sukosari, and Krajan Pandansari district and had or were pregnant for the first time at the age of less than 20 years old. Seventy three respondents were recruited using cluster sampling technique. The case group consists of women who were or had pregnant for the first time at the age of less than 20 years old and their children are currently aged ≤ 1 years old. The control group consists of women who were pregnant for the first time at the age of > 20 years old. The data was collected using a questionnaire. The findings showed that education, history of teen pregnancy in family and the age of marriage were related to the incidence of teen pregnancy after being controlled by information access. Low-educated respondents had 20.8 times higher chance of experiencing teen pregnancy; respondents with a history of teen pregnancy in the family had 4.9 times higher chance of experiencing teen pregnancy; respondents who were married at the age of < 20 years old had 12.1 times higher chance of experiencing teen pregnancy; respondents with poor understanding of condom use had 5.9 times higher chance of teenage pregnancy. In conclusion, the findings suggest to build good interactions in the family based on education and a good understanding of sex education.

2013 ◽  
Vol 47 ◽  
pp. 135-142
E. S. Popov

Three rare species of discomycetes in the family Hyaloscyphaceae are reported from Central Russia (Oryol and Bryansk Regions). Proliferodiscus tricolor is recorded for the first time in Russia. Comments are made on Aeruginoscyphus sericeus and Eriopezia caesia previously reported only from Moscow Region and North Caucasus respectively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-73
N. V. Evseeva

The revision of the herbarium material, collected in the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk in 1965–1966 and stored in VNIRO, allowed to expand the taxonomic list of macrophyte algae of the coastal zone of this area. The locations of discovery of 24 previously unmentioned species are described. Myrionema balticum, Ulvella repens, Syncoryne reinkei, Acrochaetium arcuatum were found in the Sea of Okhotsk for the first time. Most species new for the Sea of Okhotsk is represented by epiphytes of the family Ulvellaceae (Chlorophyta). The final taxonomic list of this region, including literature data, consists of 169 species.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 256-263 ◽  
O. A. Kataeva

Ramalina sekika Asahina is reported for the first time from Russia from Sakhalin. It refers to the number of rare and poorly investigated species of the genus. Until now it was considered to be endemic to northeastern China. The original description and the location in the Far East are given, as well as the data on anatomical and morphological study of the Russian specimen. The differences in the anatomical structure of its thallus are discussed. A comparison of anatomical and morphological characters of R. sekika, R. pollinaria (Westr.) Ach. (European material), R. yasudae Räsänen has been made; the author considers them as independent species.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-247
A.N. Zinovjeva

Twenty seven species of the true bugs from the families Anthocoridae, Reduviidae, Miridae (Cimicomorpha), Coreidae, Thyreocoridae, Acanthosomatidae, and Pentatomidae (Pentatomomorpha) are recorded from the Northeast of European Russia for the first time. The family Thyreocoridae is for the first time reported from the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
Shabana Bibi ◽  
Ayesha Sarfraz ◽  
Ghazala Mustafa ◽  
Zeeshan Ahmed ◽  
Muhammad Aurang Zeb ◽  

Background: Coronavirus Disease-2019 belongs to the family of viruses which cause a serious pneumonia along with fever, breathing issues and infection of lungs for the first time in China and later spread worldwide. Objective: Several studies and clinical trials have been conducted to identify potential drugs and vaccines for Coronavirus Disease-2019. The present study listed natural secondary metabolites identified from plant sources with antiviral properties and could be safer and tolerable treatment for Coronavirus Disease-2019. Methods: A comprehensive search on the reported studies was conducted using different search engine such as Google scholar, SciFinder, Sciencedirect, Medline PubMed, and Scopus for the collection of research articles based on plantderived secondary metabolites, herbal extracts, and traditional medicine for coronavirus infections. Results: Status of COVID-19 worldwide and information of important molecular targets involved in COVID-19 is described and through literature search, is highlighted that numerous plant species and their extracts possess antiviral properties and studied with respect to Coronavirus treatments. Chemical information, plant source, test system type with mechanism of action for each secondary metabolite is also mentioned in this review paper. Conclusion: The present review has listed plants that have presented antiviral potential in the previous coronavirus pandemics and their secondary metabolites which could be significant for the development of novel and a safer drug which could prevent and cure coronavirus infection worldwide.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
D.G. Shah ◽  
D.N. Mehta ◽  
R.V. Gujar

Bryophytes are the second largest group of land plants and are also known as the amphibians of the plant kingdom. 67 species of bryophytes have been reported from select locations across the state of Gujrat. The status of family fissidentaceae which is a large moss family is being presented in this paper. Globally the family consists of 10 genera but only one genus, Fissidens Hedw. has been collected from Gujarat. Fissidens is characterized by a unique leaf structure and shows the presence of three distinct lamina, the dorsal, the ventral and the vaginant lamina. A total of 8 species of Fissidens have been reported from the state based on vegetative characters as no sporophyte stages were collected earlier. Species reported from the neighboring states also showed the absence of sporophytes. The identification of different species was difficult due to substantial overlap in vegetative characters. Hence a detailed study on the diversity of members of Fissidentaceae in Gujarat was carried out between November 2013 and February 2015. In present study 8 distinct species of Fissidens have been collected from different parts of the state. Three species Fissidens splachnobryoides Broth., Fissidens zollingerii Mont. and Fissidens curvato-involutus Dixon. have been identified while the other five are still to be identified. Fissidens zollingerii Mont. and Fissidens xiphoides M. Fleisch., which have been reported as distinct species are actually synonyms according to TROPICOS database. The presence of sexual reproductive structures and sporophytes for several Fissidens species are also being reported for the first time from the state.

Zootaxa ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 1645 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45 ◽  

The family Tischeriidae is recorded from Madagascar for the first time. Coptotriche alavelona Lees and Stonis, sp. n., is described from high elevation tropical moist forest of Madagascar, and its proposed generic placement discussed. DNA of this species has been extracted and conserved for future phylogenetic or barcoding studies. The external features and male genitalia are figured and described. An updated checklist and a distribution map for all 13 Tischeriidae species currently recorded from the Afrotropics are provided.

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