2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Ayuningtyas Indrawati ◽  
Isa Nagib Edrus ◽  
Tri Aryono Hadi

Perairan karang Taman Nasional Komodo merupakan wilayah penangkapan ikan dan daerah tujuan wisata laut. Kondisi tutupan karang pada umumnya sudah di bawah 50%, namun dampak yang akan muncul terhadap ikan karang belum diteliti dan hal ini dibutuhkan bagi pengelolaan kawasan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan karakteristik struktur komunitas ikan karang, meliputi komposisi, sebaran, kepadatan stok, dan biomassa ikan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2019 dengan mengunakan metode sensus bawah air pada transek garis permanen untuk masing-masing stasiun penelitian. Sensus visual mendapatkan 128 spesies ikan target dari 21 suku dan 30 spesies ikan indikator dari suku Chaetodontidae. Rata-rata kepadatan stok ikan target dan ikan indikator adalah masing-masing 182 ± 67 individu/350m2 dan 35 ± 15 individu/350m2. Ukuran panjang ikan terbanyak antara 15 cm – 30 cm. Biomassa ikan target sebesar 1.174 ± 617 kg/hektar. Ikan karang target dan ikan indikator yang memiliki sebaran luas masing-masing 13 spesies dan 2 spesies . Komposisi kehadiran jenis ikan target di lokasi penelitian hanya 3% yang berdistribusi sangat tinggi, 7% berdistribusi tinggi, 18% berdistribusi sedang, 21% berdistribusi rendah dan 51% berdistribusi sangat rendah. Sementara jenis-jenis ikan indikator yang intensitas distribusinya sangat tinggi dan tinggi hanya 7%, dan lainnya tergolong sedang (23%), rendah (40%) sampai sangat rendah (23%). Kondisi sebaran spesies diduga menyebabkan keanekaragaman ikan karang pada keseluruhan lokasi penelitian terhitung tinggi, tetapi rendah untuk masing-masing lokasi penelitian. Semua lokasi di dalam kawasan taman nasional maupun diluar taman diperlukan pemantauan dengan porsi yang sama dan dilakukan secara berkala.Coral Reef Waters of Komodo National Park are fishing grounds and marine tourism destinations. The last condition of coral cover percentages of the regions have sustained below of 50%, however, their future potential impacts on fishes have not been studied and these will be needed in other to manage the regions. The study aimed to update reef fishes data in terms of some features of a community reef fish structure including composition, distribution, density, and biomass. A study was carried out in June, 2019 by using an underwater census visual at a permanent transect belt in the respective study sites. A total of 128 target fish species were recorded belonging to 21 families and 30 indicator fish species of Cahetodontidae were succesfully identified. The density mean of target and indicator fishes are 182 ± 67 individual/350m2 and 35 ± 15 individual/350m2, respectively. Most of fish sizes ranged from 15 cm to 30 cm. The biomass mean of target fishes are 1,174 ± 617 kg/hectare. Only for 13 species of target fishes that have high distribution in overall the study sites and 2 species of indicator fishes, as well. Composition present of target reef fishes in the distribution area given were in levels of 3% very high, 7% high, 18% fair, 21% low,and 51% veri low. Meanwhile, those for indicator fishes were in levels of 7% very high and high, 23% fair, 40% low, and 23% veri low. There was mayor significant diversity of reef fishes for overall study sites, however those was minor for respective study sites.The whole locations weather in-side or out-side of Komodo National Park need the equal portion for priodical monitoring.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Fakhrizal Setiawan ◽  
Janny D Kusen ◽  
Georis JF Kaligis

In order to look at changes in coral and reef fish communities during the period of 2006 to 2013, this research was carried out at Bunaken National Park (BNP) with 26 observation sites. The existing data and information of reef fish communities in the park generally could not be used as representative for describing the whole region. Percentage of coral cover and fish abundance during the study period shows that Bunaken Island is more similar to other locations. Reef fish community structure as seen from ecological index (H' at all sites being categorized, E category labile and low category C) shows the condition of the reef fish community is still good. Changes in the structure of reef fish communities showed declining conditions compared to 2006, and coral cover continued to decrease compared to 1998 and 2007. Good overall reef fish and coral cover have decreased; it is thought to be related to the pressure in BNP. Some of the pressures in the region were (i) increasing numbers of domestic as well as foreign visitors, (ii) increasing number of residents in the region, as well as the burden of waste and trash from the Bay of Manado. Penelitian dilakukan di Taman Nasional Bunaken (Utara dan Selatan)   pada 26 lokasi  pengamatan untuk menganalisis perubahan struktur komunitas ikan karang melalui kajian dari suatu time series data dari beberapa penelitian sebelumnya. Data primer mengenai ikan-ikan karang diperoleh melalui visual sensus bawah air yang bersamaan dengan observasi terumbu karang menggunakan point intercept transect. Nilai persentase tutupan karang dan kelimpahan ikan menunjukkan bahwa pada lokasi pengamatan Pulau Bunaken paling baik dibandingan lokasi lainnya. Struktur komunitas ikan karang yang dianalisis dengan indeks ekologi menunjukkan indeks keanekaragaman (H’) di semua site masuk kategori sedang, indeks kesamaan (E) kategori labil dan indeks Dominansi (C) kategori rendah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi komunitas ikan karang masih baik, sekalipun  perubahan struktur komunitas ikan karang menunjukkan kondisi yang menurun dibandingkan tahun 2006, begitu juga tutupan karang yang terus turun dibandingkan tahun 1998 dan 2007. Secara keseluruhan baik ikan karang maupun tutupan karang mengalami penurunan, hal ini diduga terkait dengan tekanan yang dialami kawasan TN. Bunaken. Salah satu tekanan terhadap kawasan adalah jumlah turis dari dalam maupun luar negeri yang semakin meningkat tiap tahunnya, penambahan jumlah penduduk di dalam kawasan, serta beban limbah dan sampah dari Teluk Manado.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Frederieke J. Kroon ◽  
Carine D. Lefèvre ◽  
Jason R. Doyle ◽  
Frances Patel ◽  
Grant Milton ◽  

Abstract The corallivorous Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (CoTS, Acanthaster spp.) has been linked with the widespread loss of scleractinian coral cover on Indo-Pacific reefs during periodic population outbreaks. Here, we re-examine CoTS consumption by coral reef fish species by using new DNA technologies to detect Pacific Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) in fish faecal and gut content samples. CoTS DNA was detected in samples from 18 different coral reef fish species collected on reefs at various stages of CoTS outbreaks in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, nine of which had not been previously reported to feed on CoTS. A comprehensive set of negative and positive control samples confirmed that our collection, processing and analysis procedures were robust, although food web transfer of CoTS DNA cannot be ruled out for some fish species. Our results, combined with the (i) presence of CoTS spines in some samples, (ii) reported predation on CoTS gametes, larvae and settled individuals, and (iii) known diet information for fish species examined, strongly indicate that direct fish predation on CoTS may well be more common than is currently appreciated. We provide recommendations for specific management approaches to enhance predation on CoTS by coral reef fishes, and to support the mitigation of CoTS outbreaks and reverse declines in hard coral cover.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 204 ◽  
Luke T. Barrett ◽  
Arthur de Lima ◽  
Jordan S. Goetze

Namena is Fiji’s oldest and second largest no-take marine reserve, and has relatively high abundance and biomass of targeted fishes within its boundaries due to a high level of protection since its creation in 1997 (formalised in 2005). Following anecdotal reports of exceptionally high fish abundance at the Grand Central Station dive site within Namena, we conducted a 500-m meandering diver-operated video transect along the main reef formation, to obtain abundance, length and biomass estimates for fish species targeted by local fishers. Our census revealed extremely high diversity, abundance and biomass (11436kgha−1) of targeted fishes. While demersal reef fishes were present at higher densities than on typical fished reefs in the region, they were dwarfed by aggregations of reef-associated pelagics, namely the barracuda Sphyraena forsteri (5540kgha−1) and the trevally Caranx sexfasciatus (4448kgha−1). These estimates are comparable to those of historically unfished or ‘pristine’ locations, an unexpected finding given the historical fishing pressure within the reserve before its establishment and ongoing pressure in surrounding fished areas. This finding presents Grand Central Station as a useful reference site for ecologists and managers, and highlights the ability of protected coral reefs to support or attract very high densities of fish.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Laurentius T. X. Lalamentik ◽  
Unstain N. W. J. Rembet ◽  
Adnan S. Wantasen

A comprehensive research effort was directed to increase the ecological role of Putus-Putus island coral reefs. This study was an implementation of artificial reef technology as fish colonization locality. The artificial reefs were made of 20x20x100 cm-concrete blocks placed in 6 levels and located at the depth of 8-10 m. Reef fish observations were done three times in two locations. Environmental parameters, such as temperature, salinity and visibility, were also measured. Environmental parameters (temperature, salinity a. Water temperature (29.65oC and 29.64oC) supported the coral growth as well. Salinity distribution  was not significantly different among the study sites.  This study also found 37 reef fish species belonging to 18 families. Number of species varied with observed time and localities. Total number of individuals increased with number of fish species. Mean number of individuals and species of reef fish in locality B were higher than those in locality A. Moreover, the reef fish colonization rate in the study site followed the model y = 4.3801e0.5249x with R2= 0.9297 in the strait and y = 5.0397e0.5493x  with R2= 0.9297 for the Bay. Keywords: Artificial reefs, reef fish. Abstrak Suatu upaya penelitian yang komprehensif diarahkan untuk peningkatan fungsi ekologi terumbu karang Pulau Putus-Putus. Penelitian ini berupa penerapan teknologi terumbu buatan sebagai tempat hunian ikan. Terumbu buatan terbuat dari balok cor beton berukuran 20x20x100 cm bersusun 6 dan ditempatkan pada kedalaman 8-10 m. Pengamatan ikan karang dilakukan 3 kali di 2 lokasi berbeda. Parameter lingkungan, seperti suhu, salinitas, dan kecerahan, juga diukur.    Hasil pengukuran yang diperoleh (29,65 oC dan 29,64 oC) termasuk suhu yang optimal untuk pertumbuhan karang. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan 37 spesies yang masuk dalam 18 famili ikan karang. Jumlah spesies yang ditemukan bervariasi pada setiap waktu dan lokasi pengamatan. Pengambilan spesies ikan karang dilakukan pada 2 lokasi dengan masing-masing lokasi dilakukan 3 kali pengambilan sampel. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh (tabel 03) dapat dilihat bahwa jumlah individu bertambah seiring dengan banyaknya jumlah spesies ikan karang yang didapat. Rata-rata jumlah individu dan jumlah spesies ikan karang pada lokasi B lebih banyak. Laju hunian ikan karang di lokasi penelitian mengikuti model y = 4.3801e0.5249x dengan R2= 0,9297 untuk lokasi Selat dan y = 5.0397e0.5493x  dengan R2= 0,9297 untuk lokasi Teluk. Kata kunci : Terumbu buatan, ikan karang

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Fakhrizal Setiawan ◽  
Sonny Tasidjawa ◽  
Efra Wantah ◽  
Hendri Johanis

<p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p><em>There are </em><em>some marine sanctuaries (DPL) which are managed together by its societies in North Minahasa regency. From 19 villages with DPL, we conducted surveys using point intercept transect in 14 villages both inside and outside DPL in the subdistrict West Likupang and East Likupang, North Minahasa. Result showed that l</em><em>ive coral cover was in general in moderate to excellent conditions both inside and outside DPL. Reef fish recorded in the study areas consisted of 267 reef fish species which categorized into 40 families. Bahoi village had the highest abundance and biomass within the DPL due to a very good condition of coral reef ecosystemn (&gt;75% coral cover) both inside and outside DPL. Biomass of reef fish outside DPL of Bahoi was small but its abundance was the highest. This conditions indicated that the size of reef fish outside of Bahoi DPL was small and this gave a positive perspective to supply fishes into the outside region of Bahoi DPL. Overall, marine sanctuary in North Minahasa contained reef fish community structure in good condition, moderate diversity, relatively labile of evenness index, and low dominance. </em><em>Grouping</em><em> by similarity, reef fish species were generally similar in all locations. The separation of DPL locations produced some different fishes group due to its different location, oceanographic conditions, and characters.</em><em></em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Marine sanctuary, reef fish community, North Minahasa.</em></p>

2007 ◽  
Vol 58 (12) ◽  
pp. 1069 ◽  
Alejandro Pérez-Matus ◽  
Lara A. Ferry-Graham ◽  
Alfredo Cea ◽  
Julio A. Vásquez

An important aim of fish ecology is to understand and predict patterns of distribution and abundance in marine communities. Such patterns were examined at four kelp-dominated sites along the northern coast of Chile (19° through 30° S) over 1 year. Fish species richness, diversity and abundance estimates obtained via observational and destructive sampling methods were compared among sites as were habitat and environmental variables that characterised the sites; including sea water temperature below the surface, nutrients, productivity, visibility, density of macroalgae stands, and percentage cover of observed microhabitats (including understorey algae and faunal assemblages). In total, 19 fish species belonging to 14 families were observed from all sites. Species richness and diversity were highest in sites where kelp canopy was composed of two species and where kelp was densest, although only species diversity was significantly different among sites. The sites with high kelp density, in turn, sustained abundant habitat-forming species in the kelp understorey. Principal coordinate analysis indicated that the composition and structure of the fish assemblages varied significantly with depth at all study sites. The depth distribution of fishes was correlated with the arrangement of site-specific biological microhabitats, defined by the algae or invertebrate species that form the microhabitat. Temperature, productivity, and nutrients did not vary consistently across study sites, but did vary within individual sites. We suggest that kelp cover and composition strongly affects the diversity and distribution of fishes at shallow coastal habitats in northern Chile through the availability of microhabitats.

PeerJ ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. e2475 ◽  
Richard L. Pyle ◽  
Raymond Boland ◽  
Holly Bolick ◽  
Brian W. Bowen ◽  
Christina J. Bradley ◽  

Although the existence of coral-reef habitats at depths to 165 m in tropical regions has been known for decades, the richness, diversity, and ecological importance of mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) has only recently become widely acknowledged. During an interdisciplinary effort spanning more than two decades, we characterized the most expansive MCEs ever recorded, with vast macroalgal communities and areas of 100% coral cover between depths of 50–90 m extending for tens of km2in the Hawaiian Archipelago. We used a variety of sensors and techniques to establish geophysical characteristics. Biodiversity patterns were established from visual and video observations and collected specimens obtained from submersible, remotely operated vehicles and mixed-gas SCUBA and rebreather dives. Population dynamics based on age, growth and fecundity estimates of selected fish species were obtained from laser-videogrammetry, specimens, and otolith preparations. Trophic dynamics were determined using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic analyses on more than 750 reef fishes. MCEs are associated with clear water and suitable substrate. In comparison to shallow reefs in the Hawaiian Archipelago, inhabitants of MCEs have lower total diversity, harbor new and unique species, and have higher rates of endemism in fishes. Fish species present in shallow and mesophotic depths have similar population and trophic (except benthic invertivores) structures and high genetic connectivity with lower fecundity at mesophotic depths. MCEs in Hawai‘i are widespread but associated with specific geophysical characteristics. High genetic, ecological and trophic connectivity establish the potential for MCEs to serve as refugia for some species, but our results question the premise that MCEs are more resilient than shallow reefs. We found that endemism within MCEs increases with depth, and our results do not support suggestions of a global faunal break at 60 m. Our findings enhance the scientific foundations for conservation and management of MCEs, and provide a template for future interdisciplinary research on MCEs worldwide.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Fakhrizal Setiawan ◽  
Janny D Kusen ◽  
Georis JF Kaligis

Penelitian ini dilakukan di area Taman Nasional Bunaken (TNB) pada 6 lokasi dengan 26 tapak pe­ngamatan. Ke 6 lokasi tersebut adalah Pesisir Selatan TNB, Pesisir Utara TNB, Pulau Bunaken, Pulau Manado Tua, Pulau Mantehage dan Pulau Nain. Penelitian ini mencatat adanya total 368 spesies yang berasal dari 46 famili ikan karang. Pengelompokan berdasarkan kategori ikan karang ikan indikator dijumpai dari famili Chaeto­dontidae sebanyak 30 spesies, ikan mayor grup dari 32 famili sebanyak 238 spesies dan ikan target dari 15 famili sebanyak 100 spesies. Nilai persentase tutupan karang dan kelimpahan ikan menunjukkan Pulau Bunaken paling baik dibandingkan lokasi lainnya. Struktur komunitas, dilihat dari indeks ekologi keanekara­gaman (H’) yang berkategori sedang, kemerataan (E) yang berkategori labil dan dominansi (C) yang berkategori rendah) menunjukkan kondisi komunitas ikan karang masih baik. Perbandingan antar lokasi menunjukkan tingkat kesamaan spesies ikan karang mengelompok di lokasi Pesisir Selatan TN Bunaken berbeda dengan lokasi lainnya. Kata kunci: Taman Nasional Bunaken, terumbu karang, struktur komunitas ikan karang, Sulawesi Utara   This study was conducted in Bunaken National Park (TNB) area on six locations with 26 observation sites. The locations were Southern shore of TNB, Northern shore of TNB, Bunaken island, Manado Tua island, Mantehage island and Nain island. As many as 368 species of 46 families of coral reef fish were recorded in this study. Grouping into categories, those fish were 30 species indicator fish from Chaetodontidae family, 238 major group fish species from 32 families and 100 target fish species from 15 families. The coral co­verage percentage and fish abundance showed that Bunaken Island has the best condition compared to other locations. Based on the characteristics ecological indices such as medium diversity (H'), labile evenness (E) and low dominance, the condition of reef fish communities could be considered is good. Based on the similarity index, the group of fish species in the south shore of TNB was different from other locations. Keywords: Bunaken National Park, coral reef, reef fish community structure, North Sulawesi

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-71 ◽  
Fakhrizal Setiawan ◽  
Sonny Tasidjawa ◽  
Efra Wantah ◽  
Hendri Johanis

ABSTRACTThere are some marine sanctuaries (DPL) which are managed together by its societies in North Minahasa regency. From 19 villages with DPL, we conducted surveys using point intercept transect in 14 villages both inside and outside DPL in the subdistrict West Likupang and East Likupang, North Minahasa. Result showed that live coral cover was in general in moderate to excellent conditions both inside and outside DPL. Reef fish recorded in the study areas consisted of 267 reef fish species which categorized into 40 families. Bahoi village had the highest abundance and biomass within the DPL due to a very good condition of coral reef ecosystemn (>75% coral cover) both inside and outside DPL. Biomass of reef fish outside DPL of Bahoi was small but its abundance was the highest. This conditions indicated that the size of reef fish outside of Bahoi DPL was small and this gave a positive perspective to supply fishes into the outside region of Bahoi DPL. Overall, marine sanctuary in North Minahasa contained reef fish community structure in good condition, moderate diversity, relatively labile of evenness index, and low dominance. Grouping by similarity, reef fish species were generally similar in all locations. The separation of DPL locations produced some different fishes group due to its different location, oceanographic conditions, and characters. Keywords: Marine sanctuary, reef fish community, North Minahasa.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Ernik Yuliana ◽  
Mennofatria Boer ◽  
Achmad Fahrudin ◽  
M. Mukhlis Kamal

<p><em>Karimunjawa National Park (KNP) has a high diversity of coral reef and fish. This study is aimed to analyze the biodiversity of reef fish in KNP. Field survey was conducted in KNP, District of Jepara, Central Java, in April-Juni 2015. Primary data was obtained by using survey and observation method,   includes the number of reef fish individuals per family, coral cover, turbidity, total nitrogen (N), and PO<sub>4</sub>. Secondary data were obtained from KNP authority. Belt transect method was used for counting the number of reef fish individuals, while coral cover was measured using line intercept transect (LIT) method. Abundance and biomass of reef fishes were analyzed descriptively, followed by cluster analysis. The results indicated that the average of coral cover in 2015 was 44.70%. The highest coral cover was in Taka Malang with 65.65% and the lowest was in Nirwana with 35.45%. The reef fish’s abundance in 2015 was dominated by Pomacentridae (60.46%) with an abundance of 14,850 </em><em>no</em><em>/ha, the second position was Caesionidae (11.77%) with an abundance of 2,892 </em><em>no</em><em>/ha, the third was Scaridae (6.27%) with an abundance of 1,540 </em><em>no</em><em>/ha. The highest biomass in 2015 was Scaridae (122.33 kg/ha), the second order was Caesionidae (104.91 kg/ha), and the third was Serranidae (50.80 kg/ha). Reef fish biodiversity in KNP is considering properly maintained, as demonstrated by high abundance and biomass of fish families. </em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: biodiversity, reef fish, Karimunjawa, marine protected area</em>

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