scholarly journals Modification of microbiological quality and valorization of different ruminants species ruminal content in farm animals feeding

Yamouna BARA ◽  
Rafik ARBOUCHE ◽  
Abdelhamid BAA ◽  

This study is based on the microbiological analysis of a common slaughterhouse by-product which is the rumen content, before and after treatment with HCl 1N, targeting its valorization in domestic animal feeding. A total of 24 rumen content samples were collected in pairs (two series) immediately after slaughter from 12 ruminants (cattle, sheep and goats). The first series was not treated with HCl (N0 = 12), while the second series was treated with HCl 1N (N1 = 12) to adjust its pH to about 2. Then all samples (series 1 and 2) were subject to a group of microbiological analyzes targeting identification and enumeration of total aerobic mesophilic flora; fecal and total coliforms; Clostridium perfringens; Staphylococcus aureus; Salmonella spp. as well as yeasts and molds. The results revealed that after lowering the pH to about 2, the 2nd series samples were considered of satisfactory quality, with reference to Algerian microbiological standards for livestock feeds. The reduction rates of germs in the 2nd series compared to the 1st series were as follows: total aerobic mesophilic flora (86.45%), total coliforms (96.43%), faecal coliforms (70.41). %), Clostridium perfringens (88.4%), yeast and mold (87.75%). The total absence of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. was registered.

1976 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-183 ◽  
J. G. SHOUP ◽  

An evaluation of the microbiological quality of retail ground beef prepared in a centralized operation (which has nearly statewide distribution) and in four local stores was undertaken. Forty retail samples were analyzed for total aerobes (22 C and 35 C), yeasts and molds, Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, total coliforms, Escherichia coli, enterococci, Salmonella, and fat content. Products prepared in the centralized operation exhibited trends toward better microbiological quality than that of traditionally prepared products. Salmonella screening of the samples resulted in the identification of S. infantis in one traditionally prepared sample.

1986 ◽  
Vol 49 (8) ◽  
pp. 634-638 ◽  
K. F. WEISS ◽  

One hundred and twenty samples of a variety of frozen meat pies were collected from 20 manufacturers across Canada and analyzed for aerobic colony count, coliforms, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, and yeasts and molds. Salmonella was not isolated from any of the pies and only low numbers of C. perfringens and S. aureus were found. The highest aerobic colony count, coliforms and yeasts and molds were observed in pies with uncooked pastry. The degree of contamination in these pies was not alarmingly high to warrant establishment of microbiological standards or guidelines for these products.

Бојан Голић ◽  
Драго Недић

Микробиолошки критеријуми у храни за животиње у Босни и Херцеговини(БиХ) дефинисани су Правилником о микробиолошким критеријумима у храниза животиње („Службени гласник БиХ“ број 67/12).Циљ испитивања је процјена здравствене исправности хране за животиње уодносу на дефинисане микробиолошке критеријуме и процјена адекватностилегислативе која се односи на микробиолошке критеријуме у храни за животињеу БиХ и Републици Српској.Као материјал за испитивање кориштени су узорци хране за животињеиспитани у периоду 2014–2016. година, као и важећа легислатива из областихране и хране за животиње у БиХ и Републици Српској.У периоду 2014–2016. године, проценат узорака хране за животиње којије задовољавао микробиолошке критеријуме износио је преко 60%, односнопросјечно 66,34%, док је број незадовољавајућих узорака био испод 40%,односно просјечно 33,66%. Упоредним микробиолошким испитивањем узоракахране за животиње на Salmonella spp. из 25g и 50g узорка, током 2014. године,утврђен је идентичан проценат задовољавајућих, односно незадовољавајућихузорака.Анализом Правилника о микробиолошким критеријумима у храни заживотиње („Службени гласник БиХ“ број 67/12), уочава се постојање већег бројанелогичности и недостатака, како у погледу категорија хране за животиње, такои у вези граничних вриједности, као и метода испитивања. Hису обухваћене свекатегорије хране за животиње нити је прописана минимална количина узорказа испитивање. Правилник о микробиолошким критеријумима у храни за жи-вотиње треба да обухвати све категорије хране за животиње и да узме у обзиртехнолошки процес производње за сваку категорију. Испитивање узорака наClostridium perfringens треба да буде обавезно за све категорије хране за живо-тиње, а и испитивање на токсин Clostridium perfringens и Clostridium botulinum услучају сумње на тровање животиња, и то на захтјев службеног ветеринара иливетеринарског инспектора. Испитивање узорака хране за животиње на коагу-лаза позитивне стафилококе и Staphylococcus aureus не треба да буде обавезно,осим код млијека, млијека у праху и млијечних замјеница намијењених исхранимладих животиња. Код свих осталих врста хране, у случајевима сумње на тро-вање животиња, на захтјев службеног ветеринара или ветеринарског инспекто-ра треба обавезно урадити испитивање на присуство ентеротоксина стафило-кока. Гранична вриједност за Salmonella spp. у храни за животиње треба да буде„одсуство у 25g“, односно маса тест узорка треба да износи 25g. У правилникукоји дефинише микробиолошке критеријуме у храни за животиње потребно једефинисати минималну количину узорка за испитивање, која треба да износиминимално један килограм односно оригинално паковање.

Andressa Barella de Freitas ◽  
Creciana Maria Endres ◽  
Andreia Paula Dal Castel ◽  
Maristela Schleicher Silveira ◽  
Jaqueline Lidorio de Mattia ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-126 ◽  

ABSTRACT Consumption of ready-to-eat fresh vegetables has increased worldwide, with a consequent increase in outbreaks caused by foodborne pathogens. In the Indian subcontinent, raw fresh vegetables are usually consumed without washing or other decontamination procedures, thereby leading to new food safety threats. In this study, the microbiological quality and pathogenic profile of raw salad vegetables was evaluated through standard protocols. In total, 480 samples (60 each of eight different salad vegetables) of cucumber, tomato, carrot, coriander, cabbage, beetroot, radish, and spinach were collected from different locations in Dhanbad, a city famous for its coal fields and often called the “Coal Capital of India.” The samples were analyzed for total plate count, total coliforms, Escherichia coli, E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp. Incidences of pathogens were detected through quantitative PCR subsequent to isolation. Results showed that 46.7% (for total plate counts) and 30% (for total coliforms) of samples were unacceptable for consumption per the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. Pathogenic microorganisms were detected in 3.7% of total samples. E. coli O157:H7 was detected in three samples of spinach (2) and beetroot (1); L. monocytogenes was detected in 14 samples of spinach (8), tomato (3), cucumber (2), and radish (1); and Salmonella spp. were detected in 16 samples of spinach (7), tomato (3), beetroot (2), cucumber (2), carrot (1), and radish (1). Pathogens were not detected in any of the cabbage and coriander samples.

2009 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 197-201 ◽  

A survey of the general microbiological quality of ready-to-eat food served in schools was undertaken across Wales, United Kingdom. Of the 2,351 samples taken, four were identified as containing unsatisfactory counts of Escherichia coli, four contained unsatisfactory counts of Staphylococcus aureus, and one contained an unacceptable count of Bacillus cereus when compared with guidelines for the microbiological quality of ready-to-eat food published by the United Kingdom Public Health Laboratory Service in 2000. No samples contained detectable levels of Salmonella, Listeria species, or Clostridium perfringens. When compared with data on the general microbiological quality of food available in Wales, the food sampled from schools was of relatively better microbiological quality.

1983 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-40 ◽  
E. C. D. TODD ◽  
G. A. JARVIS ◽  
K. F. WEISS ◽  
G. W. RIEDEL ◽  

Ten types of frozen cream-type pies, manufactured in Canada and imported from the United States, were analyzed for aerobic colony counts, yeasts and molds, coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella. The variations in counts depended more on the manufacturer than on the type of pie and the ingredients used. Five of the 465 examined pies had an excess of 105 aerobic colony counts/g, whereas the median value for all the pies examined was between 102 and 103 CFU/g. E. coli and S. aureus were present in few pies, mainly made by one manufacturer, but there was no correlation between high aerobic colony counts and these organisms. Salmonella was not found in any of the pies. Percentage distributions of the estimated ‘population’ of pies available nationally at the time of the survey were statistically determined. These were then compared with suggested national guidelines in the form of a three-class acceptance plan based on United States surveys and desirable manufacturing practices. These indicate that pies should contain aerobic colony counts of <50,000/g, yeast and mold counts of <500/g, S. aureus counts of <100/g, coliform counts of <50/g, E. coli counts of <10/g, and no Salmonella. Three of the six manufacturers would have had an estimated 5.4 to 32.6% of lots in excess of the guidelines at the time of the survey.

Anita Kukułowicz

The aim of the research was to compare the microbiological quality of dairy products derived from organic and conventional farming. The test material consisted of milk and milk products (natural yoghurt, cream, curd cheese, rennet ripening cheese, milk). Investigated products were subjected to microbiological analysis and marked for the number of Enterococcus sp., Staphylococcus aureus, yeast and moulds, Escherichia coli as well as to state the presence of Salmonella sp. in them. All samples were free of Salmonella sp. Escherichia coli occurred in 2 samples of curd cheese from organic production. Products derived from organic and conventional production didn’t differ in the average number of microorganisms depending on the type of dairy product, with the exception of ripening rennet cheese, which showed a significant difference in the amount of Staphylococcus aureus.

2010 ◽  
Vol 56 (11) ◽  
pp. 968-977 ◽  
Benoît Lévesque ◽  
Christine Barthe ◽  
Brent R. Dixon ◽  
Lorna J. Parrington ◽  
Daniel Martin ◽  

This pilot study was aimed at documenting the presence of fecal indicators and enteric pathogens in blue mussels ( Mytilus edulis ) from 6 communities in Nunavik, Quebec. One to four 2 kg samples of mussels were collected at low tide in each community. Samples were investigated by enumeration methods for the fecal indicators enterococci, Escherichia coli , F-specific coliphages, Clostridium perfringens , and by molecular identification for the pathogens norovirus, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni , Campylobacter coli , and Campylobacter lari , verocytotoxin-producing E. coli (particularly serovar O157:H7), Shigella spp., and Yersinia enterocolitica . In 5 communities, the presence of Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. was also tested by microscopy and molecular methods and that of Toxoplasma gondii was tested by molecular methods. Apart from small quantities of Clostridium perfringens in 2 samples, no bacterial or viral pathogens were detected in the mussels. Toxoplasma gondii was also not detected. However, G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. were present in 18% and 73% of the samples investigated for these pathogens, respectively. When considering the indicators and the viral and bacterial pathogens investigated, the mussels examined were of good microbiological quality, but considering the presence of potentially zoonotic protozoa, it should be recommended that consumers cook the molluscs well before eating them.

Food Research ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1351-1356
M.A. Uddin ◽  
T. Jabin ◽  
E.A. Siam ◽  
M.T. Afreen ◽  
S.S. Uddin ◽  

Pathogenic microorganisms have been so far reported to contaminate a wide range of foods triggering food borne infections or intoxications including the enteric complications, abdominal pain, fever, bloodstream infection etc. The current study was attempted to observe the microbiological quality of some popular foods collected from different places of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Conventional cultural, microscopic and biochemical tests were followed for the detection and enumeration of bacterial isolates associated with these food samples. The investigation encompassed detection of total viable bacterial count (TVBC) and presumptive identification of other pathogenic bacteria from these samples. Higher counts of TVBC, coliform, Staphylococcus spp. and fungal load were recorded as 1.46×107 CFU/g (yogurt 1), 4.5×106 CFU/g (yogurt 1), 5.6×105 CFU/g (raw meat) and 2.9×103 CFU/g (sea fish), respectively. Fecal coliform was detected only in one out of ten samples. On the contrary Salmonella spp., Vibrio spp., Shigella spp. and Pseudomonas spp. were completely absent. The antibiogram study showed that all the isolates were sensitive against Kanamycin and Azithromycin. Better sensitivity was also observed against Gentamycin and Ciprofloxacin. Varying degree of antibiotic resistance was also detected against Cefixime, Amikacin and Neomycin. Our study emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring of the various categories of food samples for the safety of public health.

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