scholarly journals Phytomass and production components of colored cotton under salt stress in different phenological stages

Lauriane A. dos A. Soares ◽  
Pedro D. Fernandes ◽  
Geovani S. de Lima ◽  
Saulo S. da Silva ◽  
Rômulo C. L. Moreira ◽  

ABSTRACT Scarcity of good quality water is a limiting factor for irrigated agriculture, especially in semi-arid regions, which induces the use of waters with high salt concentration in crop irrigation. In view of the above, the objective of this study was to evaluate the phytomass accumulation and production components of colored cotton genotypes during the different development stages, under conditions of high salinity, with plants grown in lysimeters under greenhouse conditions, at the Center for Technology and Natural Resources of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil. Three cotton genotypes (‘BRS Rubi’, ‘BRS Topázio’ and ‘BRS Safira’) irrigated with salinized water (9 dS m-1) during the three stages of crop development (vegetative, flowering and fruiting) were evaluated. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with three repetitions and three plants per plot, in drainage lysimeters filled with 24.5 kg of an Oxisol, with sandy loam texture. Irrigation with salinized water during the vegetative stage promoted greater phytomass accumulation in the genotypes of naturally colored cotton. In the initial stages of the cotton development, irrigation with saline water can be used with the lowest losses in production components, which are negatively affected when saline water is applied in the fruiting stage. Among the genotypes, ‘BRS Topázio’ is the most tolerant to irrigation water salinity in terms of seed cotton weight and lint cotton weight, regardless of the development stage.

Geovani Soares de Lima ◽  
Adaan Sudario Dias ◽  
Leandro De Pádua Souza ◽  
Francisco Vanies da Silva Sá ◽  
Hans Raj Gheyi ◽  

Due to the scarcity of water in the semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil, in both quantitative and qualitative terms, the use of saline water in agriculture should be considered as one alternative for irrigated agriculture. This study therefore aimed to evaluate the photosynthetic pigments, growth and production of West Indian Cherry as a function of irrigation using waters with different salinity levels and potassium (K) fertilization, after grafting. The study was carried out in drainage lysimeters under greenhouse conditions, in a eutrophic Regolithic Neosol with sandy loam texture, in the municipality of Campina Grande, PB. The experiment was set in a randomized block design, to test two levels of irrigation water electrical conductivity - ECw (0.8 and 3.8 dS m-1) and four K2O doses - KD (50, 75, 100 and 125% of recommendation), with three replicates. The dose relative to 100% corresponded to 79.2 mg K2O kg-1 of soil. Irrigation with high salinity water stimulated the biosynthesis of chlorophyll b and carotenoids, while the chlorophyll a content and the growth of the cherry were reduced markedly in the post-grafting phase. The harmful effects of salinity on the total number of fruit and fresh mass of West Indian Cherry fruit were minimized with potassium fertilization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. e0801 ◽  
Marcos E. B. Brito ◽  
Lauriane A. A. Soares ◽  
Walter S. Soares Filho ◽  
Pedro D. Fernandes ◽  
Elaine C. B. Silva ◽  

The scarcity of good quality water is a limiting factor for irrigated agriculture, especially in arid and semiarid regions, where water sources generally contain high concentrations of ions. In such conditions, it is essential to cultivate genotypes with economic potential and tolerance to salinity. Considering the importance of citrus and the need to identify genetic materials that adapt to saline stress, this study evaluates the salinity tolerance of 10 genotypes with rootstock potential. For the irrigation water, five levels of electrical conductivity (ECw: 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2 and 4.0 dS/m at 25 °C) were used in a randomized block design with three replications, and seed germination and growth variables, as well as physiological plant parameters, were evaluated. The germination rate of the hybrid TSKC × CTARG – 019 was the best under salt conditions, as it was the genotype with the highest tolerance to salinity in the germination stage. Salinity reduced the growth of the citrus genotypes, with the possibility of using water with EC of up to 1.6 dS/m in the rootstock formation stage. Salt stress affected the photosynthetic rate of the genotypes ‘San Diego’ citrandarin and TSKC × CTSW – 018 by reducing the stomatal conductance, restricting the diffusion of CO2 into the substomatal camera. The genotypes TSKC × CTARG – 019, TSKC × CTTR – 012 and TSKC × TRBK – 007 have the greatest potential for growth and photosynthetic apparatus efficiency when subjected to salinity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 719-729 ◽  

ABSTRACT The semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil is vulnerable to problems of water scarcity and salinity, resulting in low-quality irrigation water and the need to adopt cultivation strategies that make the production system viable. Given the above, this study aimed to evaluate emergence, growth, and production of colored cotton subjected to increasing levels of irrigation water salinity and organic matter doses. The experiment was carried out in a eutrophic Regolithic Neosol with a sandy loam texture in a greenhouse in the municipality of Campina Grande - PB, Brazil. A randomized block design was used in a 4 x 4 factorial scheme with three replicates, and the treatments corresponded to four levels of electrical conductivity of water - ECw (1.7, 3.4, 5.1, and 6.8 dS m-1) and four doses of organic matter - OM (0, 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5% based on soil volume). Increasing irrigation water salinity with ECw values above 1.7 dS m-1 reduced emergence, growth, and production of colored cotton, and the cotton seed weight was the variable most affected by salinity. Organic matter addition led to increased cotton growth and production, especially in terms of seed weight. Increasing doses of organic matter attenuated the effect of irrigation water salinity on the number of bolls in ‘BRS Jady’ cotton.

Geovani S. de Lima ◽  
Francisco W. A. Pinheiro ◽  
Adaan S. Dias ◽  
Hans R. Gheyi ◽  
Lauriane A. dos A. Soares ◽  

ABSTRACT Due to water limitations in terms of both quantity and quality in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil, the use of waters with high concentrations of salts become necessary in irrigated agriculture. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the growth and production of grafted West Indian cherry under saline water irrigation and potassium fertilization. The experiment was carried out in drainage lysimeters under protected environment conditions, using a Regolithic Neosol with sandy loam texture. Treatments resulted from the combination of two levels of electrical conductivity - ECw (0.8 and 3.8 dS m-1) of irrigation water and four doses of potassium (50, 75, 100 and 125% of the recommendation of Musser), arranged in a randomized block design, with three replicates. Irrigation water salinity of 3.8 dS m-1 markedly inhibited the growth in stem diameter and mean fruit weight of West Indian cherry. Potassium fertilization mitigated the deleterious effects of salt stress on the relative growth in stem diameter of the rootstock, total number of fruits and total fresh mass of fruits of West Indian cherry, with highest values in plants irrigated with water of lowest level of salinity associated with the highest dose of K2O.

Irriga ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 656-662
Lauriane Almeida dos Anjos Soares ◽  

ESTRATÉGIAS DE MANEJO DO DÉFICIT HÍDRICO EM FASES FENOLÓGICAS DO ALGODOEIRO COLORIDO     LAURIANE ALMEIDA DOS ANJOS SOARES1; KAROLINE MARIA MENDES DIAS2; HEMILE MACHADO NASCIMENTO3; GEOVANI SOARES DE LIMA4; KELDER JOSÉ ALVES DE OLIVEIRA5 E SAULO SOARES DA SILVA6   1 Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Rua Jario Vieira Feitosa, 1770, Bairro dos Pereiros, Pombal, PB, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Rua Jario Vieira Feitosa, 1770, Bairro dos Pereiros, Pombal, PB, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]. 3 Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Rua Jario Vieira Feitosa, 1770, Bairro dos Pereiros, Pombal, PB, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 4 Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Rua Aprígio Veloso, 882 -Universitário, Campina Grande, PB, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 5 Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Rua Jario Vieira Feitosa, 1770, Bairro dos Pereiros, Pombal, PB, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 6 Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Rua Aprígio Veloso, 882 -Universitário, Campina Grande, PB, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]     1 RESUMO   A escassez hídrica é um fator limitante para a agricultura irrigada, principalmente em algumas fases do algodoeiro, afetando os processos fisiológicos e consequentemente a produtividade. Neste contexto, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a fitomassa e os componentes de produção de genótipos de algodoeiro colorido sob déficit hídrico nas diferentes fases de fenológicas da planta. As plantas foram conduzidas em lisímetros sob condições de campo, no Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia Agroalimentar pertencente à Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, na cidade de Pombal-PB. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, sendo três genótipos de algodão de fibra colorida (BRS Rubi, BRS Topázio e BRS Safira) irrigados sob déficit hídrico durante as três fases de desenvolvimento da cultura (vegetativa, floração e frutificação). A relação raiz/parte aérea é mais sensível aos efeitos do déficit hídrico na fase de floração e formação dos capulhos. Dentre os genótipos o BRS Topázio é o mais tolerante ao déficit hídrico (40% da ETr) durante a fase vegetativa para o número de sementes totais. O déficit hídrico na fase de frutificação do algodoeiro colorido pode ser utilizado no cultivo do algodoeiro com as menores perdas no peso de 100 sementes.   Palavras-chave: Gossypium hirsutum L., fitomassa, produção     SOARES, L. A. dos A.; DIAS, K. M. M.; NASCIMENTO, H. M.; LIMA, G. S. de OLIVEIRA, K. J. A. de; SILVA, S. S. da STRATEGIES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF WATER DEFICIT IN PHENOLOGICAL PHASES OF COLORED COTTON   2 ABSTRACT   Water scarcity is a limiting factor for irrigated agriculture, mainly in some phases of cotton, affecting physiological processes and consequently productivity. In this context, this work aimed to evaluate the phytomass and production components of colored cotton genotypes under water deficit in different phenological phases of the plant. The plants were conducted in lysimeters under field conditions, at the Center for Science and Agrifood Technology belonging to the Federal University of Campina Grande, in the city of Pombal-PB. The design used was in a randomized block in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme, with three colored fiber cotton genotypes (BRS Rubi, BRS Topázio and BRS Safira) irrigated under water deficit during the three stages of crop development (vegetative, flowering and fruiting). The root/shoot ratio is more sensitive to the effects of water deficit during flowering and boll formation. Among the genotypes, BRS Topázio is the most tolerant to water deficit (40% of ETr) during the vegetative phase for the number of total seeds. The water deficit in the fruiting stage of colored cotton can be used in the cultivation of cotton with the lowest losses in the weight of 100 seeds.   Keywords: Gossypium hirsutum L., phytomass, production

Aline D. A. de L. Marcelino ◽  
Pedro D. Fernandes ◽  
Jean P. C. Ramos ◽  
Wellison F. Dutra ◽  
José J. V. Cavalcanti ◽  

ABSTRACT Two multivariate methods were adopted to classify salt-tolerant cotton genotypes based on their growth and physiological traits. The genotypes were cultivated in a greenhouse and subjected to 45 days of irrigation with saline water from the V4 phase onwards. Irrigation was performed with saline water with electrical conductivity (ECw) of 6.0 dS m-1. A factorial-randomized block design was adopted with nine cultivars, two treatments of ECw (0.6 as the control, and 6.0 dS m-1), and four replicates. Plants were evaluated for growth, gas exchange, and photosynthesis. The data were statistically analyzed using univariate and multivariate methods. For the latter, non-hierarchical (principal component, PC) and hierarchical (UPGMA) models were used for the classification of cultivars. Significant differences were found between cultivars based on univariate analyses, and the traits that differed statistically were used for multivariate analyses. Four groups were identified with the same composition in both the PC and UPGMA methods. Among them, one contained the cultivars BRS Seridó, BRS 286, FMT 705, and BRS Rubi, which were tolerant to salt stress imposed on the plants. Photosynthesis, transpiration, and stomatal conductance data were the main contributors to the classification of cultivars using the principal component method.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 513 ◽  
Geovani Soares de Lima ◽  
João Batista dos Santos ◽  
Lauriane Almeida dos Anjos Soares ◽  
Hans Raj Gheyi ◽  
Reginaldo Gomes Nobre ◽  

It is proposed in this study the evaluation of the growth and yield of ‘All Big’ sweet pepper under foliar application of proline and irrigation with saline water. The research was conducted in pots adapted as drainage lisimeters under greenhouse conditions, using an Eutrophic Entisol with sandy-loam texture in the municipality of Campina Grande, PB, Brazil. A randomized block design was used testing two levels of electrical conductivity of irrigation water - ECw (0.6 and 3.0 dS m-1) associated to four proline levels (0, 10, 20 and 30 mmol L-1). Irrigation with water with ECw= 3.0 dS m-1 negatively affected the ‘All Big’pepper growth and the stem dry mass, being the most sensitive variable; the highest values for fresh mass, number and average weight of pepper fruits were obtained when water with ECw=0.6 dS m-1 was used, with proline doses of 12.17 and 0 mmol L-1, respectively; increasing proline doses did not mitigate the deleterious effects caused by irrigation water salinity of 3.0 dS m-1 on growth and yield of ‘All Big ‘ sweet pepper.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 488-498
Leandro de Pádua Souza ◽  
Reginaldo Gomes Nobre ◽  
Hans Raj Gheyi ◽  
Reynaldo Teodoro de Fatima ◽  
Joicy Lima Barbosa

The scarcity of good quality water and the occurrence of long dry periods are limiting factors for irrigated agriculture, especially in semiarid regions, which induces the use of saline water and technologies that enable its use in agriculture. In this context, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of exogenous application of proline on growth and phytomass of BRS 226 Planalto precocious dwarf cashew rootstock irrigated with water of different levels of salinity. The study was performed in a greenhouse, in the municipality of Pombal - PB, in a protected environment, using a randomized block design in a 5 x 4 factorial scheme. The treatments consisted of different levels of electrical conductivities of irrigation water – ECw (0.3; 1.0; 1.7; 2.4 and 3.1 dS m-1) associated with foliar application of proline - P (0, 4, 8 and 12 mM), with three repetitions and two plants per plot. The irrigation with saline water of up to 0.85 dS m-1 can be used for the production of BRS 266 cashew rootstck. Proline concentration of 8 mM promoted largest dry phytomass of the BRS 226 Planalto cashew rootstock. The increase in proline concentration up to 12 mM applied via leaf does not attenuate the deleterious effects of salinity on the absolute growth rate of plant height and on the fresh and dry leaf phytomass of the BRS 226 Planalto cashew rootstock.

Cassiano N. de Lacerda ◽  
Geovani S. de Lima ◽  
Evandro M. da Silva ◽  
Reginaldo G. Nobre ◽  
Hans R. Gheyi ◽  

ABSTRACT The presence of waters with high salt concentration stands out as a limiting factor for the quality of agricultural production. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the fruit quality of West Indian cherry cv. Flor Branca, subjected to irrigation with water of different salinity levels and combinations of nitrogen-potassium fertilization, between 630 and 750 days after transplanting in the field. A randomized block design was used in a 5 × 4 factorial arrangement, with three replicates, whose treatments consisted of five values of electrical conductivies of irrigation water - ECw (0.3, 1.3, 2.3, 3.3 and 4.3 dS m-1) and four combinations of nitrogen and potassium fertilization (70-50, 100-75, 130-100 and 160-125% of recommendation of N and K2O, respectively). Electrical conductivity of irrigation water above 0.3 dS m-1 reduces the polar and equatorial diameters, hydrogen potential and flavonoid concentration and increases titratable acidity in West Indian cherry fruits. N-K2O combination of 70/50% of fertilizer recommendation reduces the effect of salt stress of irrigation water on the anthocyanin concentration in the fruits at ECw of 1.3 dS m-1 and ascorbic acid at ECw of 3.3 and 4.3 dS m-1.

Geovani S. de Lima ◽  
Adaan S. Dias ◽  
Lauriane A. dos A. Soares ◽  
Hans R. Gheyi ◽  
Reginaldo G. Nobre ◽  

ABSTRACT This research was conducted in order to evaluate the growth and production of colored-fiber cotton, cv. ‘BRS Rubi’, irrigated with water of different salinities and nitrogen (N) doses. The experiment was carried out in drainage lysimeters filled with soil material from an eutrophic Regolithic Neosol with sandy-loam texture under greenhouse conditions in Campina Grande, PB. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design and the treatments consisted of five levels of irrigation water salinity with the following electrical conductivities - ECw (5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.1 and 9.1 dS m-1), combined with five N doses - ND (65; 100; 135; 170; 205 mg of N kg-1 of soil), distributed in a 5 x 5 factorial scheme with three replicates. The growth of the cotton cv. ‘BRS Rubi’ was negatively affected by irrigation with saline water, and the leaf area was the most sensitive variable; the highest production of seed cotton and number of bolls per plant were obtained using water of 5.1 dS m-1 and N dose of 170 mg kg-1.

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