scholarly journals Descending mediastinitis: a review

2006 ◽  
Vol 124 (5) ◽  
pp. 285-290 ◽  
Luis Marcelo Inaco Cirino ◽  
Fernando Melhem Elias ◽  
José Luiz Jesus de Almeida

CONTEXT: Mediastinitis is an inflammation of connective tissue that involves mediastinal structures. When the condition has an infectious origin located in the cervical or oral region, it is termed "descending mediastinitis" (DM). DATA SOURCES: The subject was examined in the light of the authors' own experiences and by reviewing the literature available on the subject. The Medline, Lilacs and Cochrane databases were searched for articles, without time limits, screening for the term "descending mediastinitis". The languages used were English and Spanish. DATA SYNTHESIS: There are three main fascial pathways by which oral or cervical infections can reach the mediastinum: pretracheal, lateropharyngeal and retropharyngeal. About 70% of DM cases occur via the retropharyngeal pathway. The mortality rate is about 50%. According to infection extent, as seen using computed tomography, DM can be classified as focal (type I) or diffuse (type II). The clinical manifestations are nonspecific and resemble other systemic infections or septic conditions. The primary treatment for DM consists of antibiotics and surgical drainage. There are several approaches to treating DM; the choice of approach depends on the DM type and the surgeon's experience. In spite of all the improvements in knowledge of the microbiology and physiopathology of the disease, controversies still exist regarding the ideal duration of antibiotic therapy and whether tracheostomy is really a necessary procedure. CONCLUSION: Since DM is a lethal condition if not promptly treated, it must always be considered to represent an emergency situation.

А.Р. Зарипова ◽  
Л.Р. Нургалиева ◽  
А.В. Тюрин ◽  
И.Р. Минниахметов ◽  
Р.И. Хусаинова

Проведено исследование гена интерферон индуцированного трансмембранного белка 5 (IFITM5) у 99 пациентов с несовершенным остеогенезом (НО) из 86 неродственных семей. НО - клинически и генетически гетерогенное наследственное заболевание соединительной ткани, основное клиническое проявление которого - множественные переломы, начиная с неонатального периода жизни, зачастую приводящие к инвалидизации с детского возраста. К основным клиническим признакам НО относятся голубые склеры, потеря слуха, аномалия дентина, повышенная ломкость костей, нарушения роста и осанки с развитием характерных инвалидизирующих деформаций костей и сопутствующих проблем, включающих дыхательные, неврологические, сердечные, почечные нарушения. НО встречается как у мужчин, так и у женщин. До сих пор не определена степень генетической гетерогенности заболевания. На сегодняшний день известно 20 генов, вовлеченных в патогенез НО, и исследователи разных стран продолжают искать новые гены. В последнее десятилетие стало известно, что аутосомно-рецессивные, аутосомно-доминантные и Х-сцепленные мутации в широком спектре генов, кодирующих белки, которые участвуют в синтезе коллагена I типа, его процессинге, секреции и посттрансляционной модификации, а также в белках, которые регулируют дифференцировку и активность костеобразующих клеток, вызывают НО. Мутации в гене IFITM5, также называемом BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), участвующем в формировании остеобластов, приводят к развитию НО типа V. До 5% пациентов имеют НО типа V, который характеризуется образованием гиперпластического каллуса после переломов, кальцификацией межкостной мембраны предплечья и сетчатым рисунком ламелирования, наблюдаемого при гистологическом исследовании кости. В 2012 г. гетерозиготная мутация (c.-14C> T) в 5’-нетранслируемой области (UTR) гена IFITM5 была идентифицирована как основная причина НО V типа. В представленной работе проведен анализ гена IFITM5 и идентифицирована мутация c.-14C>T, возникшая de novo, у одного пациента с НО, которому впоследствии был установлен V тип заболевания. Также выявлены три известных полиморфных варианта: rs57285449; c.80G>C (p.Gly27Ala) и rs2293745; c.187-45C>T и rs755971385 c.279G>A (p.Thr93=) и один ранее не описанный вариант: c.128G>A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC>AAC (S/D), которые не являются патогенными. В статье уделяется внимание особенностям клинических проявлений НО V типа и рекомендуется определение мутации c.-14C>T в гене IFITM5 при подозрении на данную форму заболевания. A study was made of interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5 gene (IFITM5) in 99 patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) from 86 unrelated families and a search for pathogenic gene variants involved in the formation of the disease phenotype. OI is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous hereditary disease of the connective tissue, the main clinical manifestation of which is multiple fractures, starting from the natal period of life, often leading to disability from childhood. The main clinical signs of OI include blue sclera, hearing loss, anomaly of dentin, increased fragility of bones, impaired growth and posture, with the development of characteristic disabling bone deformities and associated problems, including respiratory, neurological, cardiac, and renal disorders. OI occurs in both men and women. The degree of genetic heterogeneity of the disease has not yet been determined. To date, 20 genes are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of OI, and researchers from different countries continue to search for new genes. In the last decade, it has become known that autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant and X-linked mutations in a wide range of genes encoding proteins that are involved in the synthesis of type I collagen, its processing, secretion and post-translational modification, as well as in proteins that regulate the differentiation and activity of bone-forming cells cause OI. Mutations in the IFITM5 gene, also called BRIL (bone-restricted IFITM-like protein), involved in the formation of osteoblasts, lead to the development of OI type V. Up to 5% of patients have OI type V, which is characterized by the formation of a hyperplastic callus after fractures, calcification of the interosseous membrane of the forearm, and a mesh lamellar pattern observed during histological examination of the bone. In 2012, a heterozygous mutation (c.-14C> T) in the 5’-untranslated region (UTR) of the IFITM5 gene was identified as the main cause of OI type V. In the present work, the IFITM5 gene was analyzed and the de novo c.-14C> T mutation was identified in one patient with OI who was subsequently diagnosed with type V of the disease. Three known polymorphic variants were also identified: rs57285449; c.80G> C (p.Gly27Ala) and rs2293745; c.187-45C> T and rs755971385 c.279G> A (p.Thr93 =) and one previously undescribed variant: c.128G> A (p.Ser43Asn) AGC> AAC (S / D), which were not pathogenic. The article focuses on the features of the clinical manifestations of OI type V, and it is recommended to determine the c.-14C> T mutation in the IFITM5 gene if this form of the disease is suspected.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-131
Eric Hartono Tedyanto ◽  
Ni Komang Sri Dewi Untari

ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Secara klinis, leukostasis didiagnosa pada pasien leukemia dengan hasil laboratorium hiperleukositosis (>100.000 u/L) disertai manifestasi respiratorik, neurologis, atau renal. Insidensi hiperleukositosis pada Leukemia Limfoblastik Akut (LLA) usia dewasa 10-30%, jarang pada wanita, dan jarang menyebabkan leukostasis. Laporan Kasus: Seorang wanita berusia 20 tahun dikonsulkan dari bagian penyakit dalam dengan kejang umum tonik-klonik. Hasil laboratorium menunjukkan leukosit 134.500 u/L, hasil EKG menunjukkan iskemik miokardium. Diskusi: Leukostasis jarang terjadi pada pasien leukemia. Leukostasis menyebabkan aliran oksigen dalam darah menuju sel menjadi inadekuat, termasuk salah satunya aliran darah yang menuju sel otak. Hipoksia jaringan otak merupakan salah satu faktor pemicu terjadinya kejang. Kesimpulan: Leukostasis merupakan suatu keadaan emergensi yang dapat meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien. Tujuan tatalaksana penyakit adalah mengurangi mortalitas dini, termasuk tatalaksana kejang, yang merupakan salah satu menifestasi klinis leukostasis. Kata kunci: kejang, leukostasis, leukemia.   ABSTRACT Background: Clinically, leukostasis is diagnosed in patients with leukemia with laboratory results of hyperleukocytosis (> 100,000 u / L) followed by respiratory, neurological, or renal manifestations. The incidence of hyperleukocytosis in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (LLA) is 10-30% of adult age, rare in women, and rarely causes leukostasis. Case Report: A 20th-years-old woman was consulted from an Internal Medicine Department with a tonic-clonic general seizure. Laboratory results showed that leukocytes were 134,500 U / L and ECG results showed an ischemic myocardium. Discussion: Leukostasis rarely occurs in leukemic patients. Leukostasis causes the flow of oxygen in the blood to the cells to be inadequate, including the blood flow to brain cells. Brain tissue hypoxia is one of the trigger factors for seizures. Conclussion: Leukostasis is an emergency situation that can increase patient morbidity and mortality. The aim of disease management is to reduce early mortality, including management of seizures, which is one of the clinical manifestations of leukostasis. Keywords: seizure, leukostasis, leukemia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S836-S837
Juliana Mejia- Mertel ◽  
Juan P Rojas -Hernandez

Abstract Background The Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), affects around ten to twenty million people worldwide, predominantly in intertropical regions (Africa, Japan, Melanesia, Australia, and South America Pacific Coast). The most common disorders associated are T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ALT) and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy (HAM). Studies have reported other clinical manifestations in HTLV-1, still studies are needed in pediatric population to improve diagnosis and treatment of infected patients. Methods Descriptive, retrospective cohort study, conducted in our referral pediatric hospital in Cali, Colombia. Included pediatric patients (1 to 18 years of age) diagnosed with HTLV-1 infection, between January 2017 to March 2020. Results Twelve patients were included, seven males and five females. Eleven patients were from and resided in the Colombian Pacific coast. Ten patients showed nutritional deficiencies. None showed clinical or laboratory signs of ALT, neither neurological symptoms or physical exam suggesting HAM. In terms of associated diseases and opportunistic infections, none had a positive HIV ELISA test, and stool tests were all negative for Strongiloydes. Four presented infective dermatitis, and two showed lesions suggesting scabies. Eight patients presented respiratory symptoms with chest CT scans showing signs of chronic inflammation, bronchiectasis, and subpleural bullae as the major findings. Additional tests were carried out in bronchoalveolar fluid, four had positive galactomannan test,suggesting pulmonary aspergillosis, two exhibited positive gene PCR testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Regarding inflammatory diseases, one patient presented with symptoms of Inflammatory Bowl Disease, with biopsy confirming Crohn’s disease. Another patient presente abrupt vision loss, diagnosed with Vogt Koyanagi Hadara Syndrome after ophthalmological evaluation. Summary features HTLV-1 patients Ground-glass opacity diffusely distributed in both lungs with multiple bronchiectasis involving predominantly lung bases. Cystic images diffusely distributed in both lungs, some subpleural and other centrilobular. Conclusion It is important to consider alternative manifestations of HTLV-1 infection in the pediatric population, including pulmonary disease, opportunistic co-infections, and inflammatory disorders. It is crucial to diagnose this disease in childhood to reach a better control of this neglected infection that affects predominantly vulnerable population in low-income countries. Disclosures All Authors: No reported disclosures

Ana Paula Nogueira Godoi ◽  
Gilcelia Correia Santos Bernardes ◽  
Leilismara Sousa Nogueira ◽  
Patrícia Nessralla Alpoim ◽  
Melina de Barros Pinheiro

Abstract Objective Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which usually leads to non-specific respiratory symptoms. Although pregnant women are considered at risk for respiratory infections by other viruses, such as SARS and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), little is known about their vulnerability to SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, this study aims to identify and present the main studies on the topic, including the postpartum period. Methods In this narrative review, articles were searched in various databases, organizations, and health entities using keywords compatible with medical subject headings (MeSH), such as: COVID-19, pregnancy, vertical transmission, coronavirus 2019, and SARS-CoV-2. Results The review of the scientific literature on the subject revealed that pregnant women with COVID-19 did not present clinical manifestations significantly different from those of non-pregnant women; however, there are contraindicated therapies. Regarding fetuses, studies were identified that reported that infection by SARS-CoV-2 in pregnant women can cause fetal distress, breathing difficulties and premature birth, but there is no substantial evidence of vertical transmission. Conclusion Due to the lack of adequate information and the limitations of the analyzed studies, it is necessary to provide detailed clinical data on pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2 and on the maternal-fetal repercussions caused by this infection. Thus, this review may contribute to expand the knowledge of professionals working in the area as well as to guide more advanced studies on the risk related to pregnant women and their newborns. Meanwhile, monitoring of confirmed or suspected pregnant women with COVID-19 is essential, including in the postpartum period.

G. Scarlato ◽  
G. Pellegrini ◽  
C. Cerri ◽  
G. Meola ◽  
A. Veicsteinas

SUMMARY:Two cases of systemic carnitine deficiency are described. In both patients, carnitine concentration was lower than normal in serum and muscle tissue. In the first case, the illness began at age 35; the clinical manifestations were only muscular. In the second case, the illness began in childhood; there were intermittent episodes of hepatic enlargement and coma. An excessive lipid content was present in muscle tissue, especially in type I fibers, of both cases, and in the liver of the second patient. Ultrastructural studies of muscle tissue revealed important changes of mitochondria.During muscular exercise, aerobic and anaerobic metabolism were in vestigated. For a given relative work intensity, these patients showed abnormally high blood lactic acid concentration and lactic acid/pyruvic acid ratios. These data, together with the morphological alterations observed in mitochondria, suggest an impaired function of the respiratory chain, leading to a shift of the red/ox potential of the tissue towards a non reduced state.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-40
Faiha Fairouz ◽  
Rumana Rashid ◽  
Abdullah Abu Sayeed

Background: Snakebite is an old health problem in rural areas. In Bangladesh, the snakebite issue is included in school syllabus, in curriculum since long time, so that people can take/get immediate first aid treatment and can prevent snakebite. The success of snakebite treatment depends more on providing first aid treatment immediately after snakebite by learning and by sending the patients quickly to hospital. Snakebite is a preventable health problem indeed. If it can be prevented the rate of snakebite will also decrease. In the recently published snake bite management Guideline by WHO it has been targeted to reduce 50% of mortality & disability due to snakebite by 2030.1 Methods: a. The snakebite topic or issue has been thoroughly reviewed in the secondary and higher secondary school books. b. National Guidelines on snakebite in providing/ giving first aid treatment has been reviewed.2 c. The correlation between the topic to learn the subject and the national guidelines have been reviewed and given taken into account. d. The similarity or correlation between the national guidelines and the topic in the prevention of snakebite in the book have been observed & reviewed. It was a descriptive/narrative research study. Results: In the book of class IV in Primary and Secondary level students, ‘Elementary Science, (‘Prathomiik Bigghan’) page no. 86 and in book of class VIII Home Science (‘Gharjhastha Biggan’) page no. 16 the Snakebite issue/topic is mentioned.2,3 There are 22 information on the first aid/primary treatment of Snakebite among which 5 (five) are nonscientific rather harmful. (Table & Picture) Bangladesh J Medicine Jan 2020; 31(1) : 39-40

Konstantin Robertovich Gulyabin

There has been a recent obvious trend towards the increased prevalence of chronic rhinitis – 10-20% of the population experiences this disorder. Vasomotor rhinitis, sometimes also called idiopathic rhinitis, is the indisputable leader among various chronic rhinitis forms (allergic, infectious, atrophic, catarrhal and hypertrophic). The term of vasomotor rhinitis has been the subject of experts' repeated criticism because neurovisceral innervation disorders that underlie this condition are found in almost every form of chronic rhinitis. The main clinical manifestations of vasomotor rhinitis include a feeling of nasal congestion and nasal respiratory obstruction, regular abundant discharge of clear mucus and a feeling of its trickling down the posterior pharyngeal wall. A past respiratory viral infection treated by excessive quantities of vasoconstrictor drops triggers the vasomotor rhinitis onset in most cases.

1963 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 599-609
Geoffrey Edsall

Passive immunization has existed for over 70 years, ever since Von Behring and Kitasato demonstrated its effectiveness in neutralizing diphtheria toxin. In fact, at first glance one might think that there was little new to say on this subject. However, the very fact that its concepts and practices have been so long accepted and–in the minds of many–have fallen into the pattern of purely routine procedures, is in itself sufficient justification to re-examine the subject. In addition, moreover, there have been a number of changes in the range of diseases for which passive immunization may be employed, the type of antiserum used, and the guiding principles for use of such preparations. Therefore, it may be timely to deal with some of the present considerations that apply to passive immunization, its prospects, its scope, and its limitations. At the risk of repeating old and familiar cliches it appears desirable to summarize, at first, the guiding principles which apply to the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of passive immunization. First of all, it is well established that some techniques of passive immunization are highly effective–e.g., diphtheria prophylaxis with antitoxin; some are very useful but fall short of the ideal of routine success with the purpose intended–e.g., the use of gamma-globulin for the modification of measles; whereas others are of relatively uncertain value so that their usefulness in medical practice still continues to be debated–e.g., gas gangrene antitoxin. The reasons for such great disparity in the efficacy of different antisera cannot easily be put into generalizations, but surely the varied pathogenesis of the diseases in question must be a major factor, as well as the fact that high antibody titers can readily be obtained for some such sera, whereas they are difficult or impossible to achieve with others.

Genes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Tatyana Markova ◽  
Vladimir Kenis ◽  
Evgeniy Melchenko ◽  
Darya Osipova ◽  
Tatyana Nagornova ◽  

The significant variability in the clinical manifestations of COL2A1-associated skeletal dysplasias makes it necessary to conduct a clinical and genetic analysis of individual nosological variants, which will contribute to improving our understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms and prognosis. We presented the clinical and genetic characteristics of 60 Russian pediatric patients with type II collagenopathies caused by previously described and newly identified variants in the COL2A1 gene. Diagnosis confirmation was carried out by new generation sequencing of the target panel with subsequent validation of the identified variants using automated Sanger sequencing. It has been shown that clinical forms of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasias predominate in childhood, both with more severe clinical manifestations (58%) and with unusual phenotypes of mild forms with normal growth (25%). However, Stickler syndrome, type I was less common (17%). In the COL2A1 gene, 28 novel variants were identified, and a total of 63% of the variants were found in the triple helix region resulted in glycine substitution in Gly-XY repeats, which were identified in patients with clinical manifestations of congenital spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia with varying severity, and were not found in Stickler syndrome, type I and Kniest dysplasia. In the C-propeptide region, five novel variants leading to the development of unusual phenotypes of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia have been identified.

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