Acute and chronic effects of a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist on pituitary and testicular function in monkeys

1985 ◽  
Vol 104 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-354 ◽  
F. Bint Akhtar ◽  
G. F. Weinbauer ◽  
E. Nieschlag

ABSTRACT The effects of a potent gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist, (N-Ac-d-p-Cl-Phe1,2,d-Trp3,d-Arg6,d-Ala10)-GnRH (Org 30276), on pituitary and testicular function of adult macaque monkeys were investigated. After a study to find the correct dose in castrated monkeys, five intact adult male animals were treated with daily s.c. injections of 5 mg antagonist for 9 weeks. The treatment resulted in an immediate decline in serum LH and testosterone in three out of five animals. The two hormones remained suppressed during the 9-week treatment period. Testosterone and LH responses to a bolus injection of GnRH (50 μg i.v.) were blunted or abolished during the antagonist treatment. Testicular volumes decreased markedly and ejaculates obtained at the end of treatment were azoospermic or contained only few dead sperm. Histological examination of the testes showed complete disruption of seminiferous epithelium in these animals. A decrease of body weight was observed in the treated animals. When the treatment was ceased, all inhibitory effects of GnRH antagonists were reversible. In the other two animals no consistent suppression of pituitary or testicular function could be observed during this period, nor was a doubling of the treatment dose for a further 8 weeks capable of fully suppressing endocrine and seminal parameters in these monkeys. It is concluded that GnRH antagonist treatment is capable of rapidly decreasing serum LH and testosterone and disrupting spermatogenesis in this primate species. Suppression effected by antagonist treatment is more rapid than that caused by GnRH agonists. The individual responses to the tested doses, however, vary markedly. J. Endocr. (1985) 104, 345–354

1989 ◽  
Vol 122 (2) ◽  
pp. 519-526 ◽  
K.-L. Kolho ◽  
I. Huhtaniemi

ABSTRACT Suppression of neonatal rat pituitary-testis function by gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists results in delayed sexual maturation and infertility. Since the mechanism is not understood, the acute effects of a GnRH antagonist on gonadotrophin secretion in neonatal male rats has been studied in more detail. Treatment with a GnRH antagonist analogue, N-Ac-d-Nal(2)1,d-p-Cl-Phe2,d-Trp3,d-hArg(ET2)6,d-Ala10-GnRH (2 mg/kg per day) on days 1–10 of life had prolonged effects on gonadotrophin secretion; serum LH and FSH recovered in 1 week, but the pituitary content took 2 weeks to recover. Likewise, LH and FSH responses to acute in-vivo stimulation with a GnRH agonist were still suppressed 1 week after the treatment. Interestingly, a rebound (86% increase) in basal serum FSH was found 16 days after treatment with the antagonist. Whether testis factors influence gonadotrophin secretion during treatment with the GnRH antagonist and/or in the subsequent recovery period was also assessed. Neonatal rats were castrated on days 1, 5 or 10 of the 10-day period of antagonist treatment. Orchidectomy on days 1 and 5 only marginally affected gonadotrophin secretion. When orchidectomy was performed at the beginning of the recovery period, no effects on pituitary recovery were seen within 1 week of castration. After 16 days, serum LH and FSH in the antagonist-treated and control castrated rats were equally increased but the pituitary contents of the antagonist-treated rats were still suppressed. Finally, the effect of testosterone treatment on the recovery of gonadotrophin secretion after antagonist suppression was studied in intact and orchidectomized animals. The rats were implanted with testosterone capsules for 7 days after treatment with the GnRH antagonist in the neonatal period. Testosterone suppressed pituitary LH contents similarly in all groups of animals, but had no effects on serum LH. Paradoxically, serum FSH was suppressed 50% by testosterone in intact and castrated antagonist-treated rats and in castrated controls but not in intact controls. These findings suggest that suppression of FSH by testosterone is only seen in neonatal animals with low endogenous levels of this androgen, whether due to GnRH antagonist treatment or castration. It is concluded that neonatal treatment with a GnRH antagonist results in prolonged suppression of LH and FSH secretion, that testis factors play only a minor role in pituitary modulation during the antagonist suppression and that more disturbances are observed in the post-treatment recovery of FSH secretion than in that of LH. Journal of Endocrinology (1989) 122, 519–526

1989 ◽  
Vol 123 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-91 ◽  
K.-L. Kolho ◽  
I. Huhtaniemi

ABSTRACT The acute and long-term effects of pituitary-testis suppression with a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist, d-Ser(But)6des-Gly10-GnRH N-ethylamide (buserelin; 0·02, 0·1, 1·0 or 10 mg/kg body weight per day s.c.) or antagonist, N-Ac-d-Nal(2)1,d-p-Cl-Phe2,d-Trp3,d-hArg(Et2)6,d-Ala10-GnRH (RS 68439; 2 mg/kg body weight per day s.c.) were studied in male rats treated on days 1–15 of life. The animals were killed on day 16 (acute effects) or as adults (130–160 days; long-term effects). Acutely, the lowest dose of the agonist decreased pituitary FSH content and testicular LH receptors, but with increasing doses pituitary and serum LH concentrations, intratesticular testosterone content and weights of testes were also suppressed (P< 0·05–0·01). No decrease was found in serum FSH or in weights of accessory sex organs even with the highest dose of the agonist, the latter finding indicating continuing secretion of androgens. The GnRH antagonist treatment suppressed pituitary LH and FSH contents and serum LH (P< 0·05–0·01) but, as with the agonist, serum FSH remained unaltered. Testicular testosterone and testis weights were decreased (P <0·01) but testicular LH receptors remained unchanged. Moreover, the seminal vesicle and ventral prostate weights were reduced, in contrast to the effects of the agonists. Pituitary LH and FSH contents had recovered in all adult rats treated neonatally with agonist and there was no effect on serum LH and testosterone concentrations or on fertility. In contrast, in adult rats treated neonatally with antagonist, weights of testis and accessory sex organs remained decreased (P <0·01–0·05) but hormone secretion from the pituitary and testis had returned to normal except that serum FSH was increased by 80% (P <0·01). Interestingly, 90% of the antagonist-treated animals were infertile. It is concluded that treatment with a GnRH agonist during the neonatal period does not have a chronic effect on pituitary-gonadal function. In contrast, GnRH antagonist treatment neonatally permanently inhibits the development of the testis and accessory sex organs and results in infertility. Interestingly, despite the decline of pituitary FSH neonatally, neither of the GnRH analogues was able to suppress serum FSH values and this differs from the concomitant changes in LH and from the effects of similar treatments in adult rats. Journal of Endocrinology (1989) 123, 83–91

1986 ◽  
Vol 110 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-150 ◽  
G. R. Marshall ◽  
F. Bint Akhtar ◽  
G. F. Weinbauer ◽  
E. Nieschlag

ABSTRACT If the suppressive effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists on gonadotrophin secretion are mediated through GnRH-receptor occupancy alone, it should be possible to restore serum gonadotrophin levels by displacing the antagonist with exogenous GnRH. To test this hypothesis, eight adult crab-eating macaques (Macaca fascicularis), weight 4·7–7·6 kg, were subjected to the following treatment regimens. A GnRH-stimulation test was performed before and 4, 12 and 24 h after a single s.c. injection of the GnRH antagonist (N-Ac-d-p-Cl-Phe1,2,d-Trp3,d-Arg6,d-Ala10)-GnRH (ORG 30276). The stimulation tests were performed with 0·5, 5·0 or 50 μg GnRH given as a single i.v. bolus. Blood was taken before and 15, 30 and 60 min after each bolus for analysis of bioactive LH and testosterone. The GnRH-challenging doses were given as follows: 0·5 μg GnRH was injected at 0 and 4 h, followed by 5·0 μg after 12 h and 50 μg after 24 h. One week later, 5·0 μg GnRH were given at 0 and 4 h, followed by 50 μg after 12 h and 0·5 μg after 24 h. Finally, after another week, the GnRH challenges began with 50 μg at 0 and 4 h, followed by 0·5 μg at 12 h and 5·0 μg at 24 h. This design permitted comparison of the LH and testosterone responses with respect to the dose of GnRH and the time after administration of GnRH antagonist. The areas under the response curves were measured and statistical evaluation was carried out by means of non-parametric two-way analysis of variance followed by the multiple comparisons of Wilcoxon and Wilcox. Four hours after the antagonist was injected, the LH and testosterone responses to all three doses of GnRH were suppressed. At the lowest dose of GnRH (0·5 μg) the responses remained reduced even after 24 h, whereas the higher doses of GnRH elicited an LH and testosterone response at 12 and 24 h which was not significantly different from that at 0 h. These data demonstrate that the suppression of LH secretion by a GnRH antagonist in vivo can be overcome by exogenously administered GnRH in a dose- and time-dependent manner, thus strongly supporting the contention that GnRH antagonists prevent gonadotrophin secretion by GnRH-receptor occupancy. J. Endocr. (1986) 110, 145–150

1986 ◽  
Vol 111 (2) ◽  
pp. 228-234 ◽  
Alessandro Mongioi ◽  
Grazia Maugeri ◽  
Maria Macchi ◽  
Aldo Calogero ◽  
Enzo Vicari ◽  

Abstract. A gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue, D-Ser[TBU]LRH-EA10, (GnRH-A), at a dose of 200 μg was given daily for 2 months to 6 women with polycystic ovarian disease (PCO). Prior to therapy the patients presented elevated LH, testosterone (T), oestrone (E1) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the circulation. In response to GnRH-A, these subjects exhibited a marked decrease in circulating T, DHT and androstenedione (A) levels as measured 24 h after GnRH-A injection, by 4 weeks and onwards (P < 0.05). After 2 weeks of daily administration, the serum LH profile, evaluated by sampling at 2, 4. 7 and 24 h after injection of GnRH-A, was not different from baseline, whereas after 4, 6 and 8 weeks the levels were significantly lower (*P < 0.01). The profile of serum T levels was unmodified at the second week, but significantly decreased thereafter (*P <0.01). At the end of treatment, the E1 concentrations, elevated in pre-injection condition, were markedly decreased. These data demonstrate that in PCO subjects, GnRH-A significantly lowered the elevated levels of androgens commonly found in these patients. The close correlation observed between reduced serum LH and androgen concentrations suggests that pituitary desensitization could be responsible for the reduction in androgen levels, and may be evidence for a gonadotrophin dependence of the elevated concentrations of T in these patients.

1991 ◽  
Vol 129 (3) ◽  
pp. 363-370 ◽  
S. Khurshid ◽  
G. F. Weinbauer ◽  
E. Nieschlag

ABSTRACT The aim of the present investigation was to investigate the effects of testosterone on basal and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-stimulated gonadotrophin secretion in the presence and absence of a GnRH antagonist in a non-human primate model (Macaca fascicularis). Orchidectomized animals were used in order to avoid interference by testicular products other than testosterone involved in gonadotrophin feedback. Concomitant and delayed administration of testosterone at doses that provided serum levels either within the intact range (study 1) or markedly above that range (study 2) did not influence the suppression of basal gonadotrophin release induced by the GnRH antagonist during a 15-day period. To assess the possible effects of testosterone treatment at the pituitary level (study 3) GnRH stimulation tests (500 μg) were performed before and on days 8 and 15 of treatment with high-dose testosterone and GnRH antagonist alone or in combination. Testosterone alone abolished the gonadotrophin responses to exogenous GnRH observed under pretreatment conditions. With GnRH antagonist alone, an increased responsiveness (P <0·05) to GnRH was seen on day 8 and a similar response compared with pretreatment on day 15. Following combined treatment with GnRH antagonist and testosterone, GnRH-induced gonadotrophin secretion was consistently lower compared with that after GnRH antagonist alone (P <0·05), but was increased compared with that after testosterone alone (P<0·05). Thus, in the presence of a GnRH antagonist the feedback action of testosterone on LH and FSH was diminished. The present work in GnRH antagonist-treated orchidectomized monkeys demonstrates that (I) unlike in rats, testosterone fails to stimulate FSH secretion selectively, (II) the negative feedback action of testosterone on GnRH-stimulated LH and FSH secretion is altered in the presence of a GnRH antagonist and (III) GnRH antagonists induce a transient period of increased responsiveness of gonadotrophic hormone release to exogenous GnRH. The observation that a GnRH antagonist reduced the feedback effects of testosterone suggests that testosterone action on pituitary gonadotrophin release, at least in part, is mediated via hypothalamic GnRH. Journal of Endocrinology (1991) 129, 363–370

1994 ◽  
Vol 142 (3) ◽  
pp. 485-495 ◽  
G F Weinbauer ◽  
A Limberger ◽  
H M Behre ◽  
E Nieschlag

Abstract The combination of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist and delayed testosterone substitution provides a promising approach towards male contraception. However, the GnRH antagonists used clinically so far cause side-effects and have to be administered continuously. We therefore used the non-human primate model to see whether the GnRH antagonist cetrorelix (which exhibits a favourable benefit-to-risk ratio in terms of anti-gonadotrophic action in normal men) induces complete and reversible suppression of spermatogenesis and whether GnRH antagonist-induced suppression of spermatogenesis can be maintained by testosterone alone. Four groups of adult cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis; five per group) were injected daily with 450 μg cetrorelix/kg ([N-acetyl-d-2-naphthyl-Ala1, d-4-chloro-Phe2, d-pyridyl-Ala3, d-Cit6, d-Ala10]-GnRH). Group 1 received the GnRH antagonist for 7 weeks followed by vehicle administration for another 11 weeks; group 2 was treated with GnRH antagonist for the entire 18 weeks with each animal receiving a single testosterone implant during weeks 11–18 to restore the ejaculatory response to electrostimulation; group 3 received the GnRH antagonist for 18 weeks and testosterone buciclate (TB) was injected during week 6 of GnRH antagonist treatment; group 4 was subjected to GnRH antagonist administration for 7 weeks and received TB (200 mg/animal) during week 6. Under GnRH antagonist treatment alone serum concentrations of testosterone were suppressed. TB maintained testosterone levels two- to fourfold above baseline levels in groups 3 and 4 and prevented the recovery of LH secretion for about 20 weeks after GnRH antagonist withdrawal, whereas inhibin levels increased significantly from week 8 onwards. Group 2 animals were azoospermic during weeks 12–18 of GnRH antagonist administration. The TB-replaced groups developed azoospermia or became severely oligozoospermic. Quantitation of cell numbers by flow cytometry during weeks 6 and 18 revealed that TB (groups 3 and 4) had prevented a further decline of germ cell production compared with group 2 but had maintained the spermatogenic status present at week 6 (onset of TB substitution). All inhibitory effects of cetrorelix and/or TB were reversible after cessation of treatment. These findings demonstrate that cetrorelix reversibly inhibits spermatogenesis in a non-human primate model. Although TB maintained the GnRH antagonist-induced suppression of spermatogenesis, azoospermia was not achieved. This latter effect may reflect either a direct spermatogenesis-supporting effect of the high dose of TB or the partial recovery of inhibin secretion (indirectly reflecting FSH secretion) or a combination of both. Thus, maintenance of GnRH antagonist-induced spermatogenic inhibition by testosterone alone appears theoretically possible. Whether this regimen will, however, permit the induction of sustained azoospermia remains to be seen, preferably in human studies. Journal of Endocrinology (1994) 142, 485–495

1983 ◽  
Vol 103 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-171 ◽  
Ilop T. Huhtaniemi ◽  
Dwight D. Warren ◽  
Kevin J. Catt

Abstract. The purpose of the present study was to compare the inhibitory effects of oestrogen and a gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist analogue (GnRH-A) on the pituitary-testicular function of adult rats. Animals were treated with sc injections of oestrogen (diethylstilboestrol, DES, 5 or 50 μg/kg body weight/day) or a gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist analogue. [(D-Ser-(tBu)6)des-Gly10-GnRH N-ethylamide, GnRH-A, 0.4 or 4 μg/kg/day] up to 12 days. Serum LH (24 h after the last hormone injection) decreased by 83% in 3 days with DES, but was unchanged during 12 days of GnRH-A treatment. Serum testosterone (T) decreased by 98% during DES treatment, and also clearly but less profoundly, by 89%, with GnRH-A. Maximal decrease in the weights of the ventral prostate and seminal vesicles were 73–78% with DES-treatment, but clearly slower, and to a lesser extent, with GnRH-A (33–41%). Testicular weights decreased consistently (up to 41%) with GnRH-A treatment only. DES decreased the content of testicular LH receptors by 40% in 12 days whereas GnRH-A caused a loss of 97% in LH binding. Testicular lactogen receptors decreased to similar extents (by 68–78%) with both treatments. A clear increase in serum progesterone/T ratio was observed with both types of treatment, suggesting blockade of steroidogenesis at the C21 steroid level. These findings suggest that the antigonadal actions of oestrogen in the intact animal are largely due to a decrease of circulating gonadotrophin levels, and that those of GnRH-A are predominately due to Leydig cell LH-receptor down-regulation and steroidogenic lesions, induced by transiently elevated gonadotrophin levels. The inhibitory effects of oestrogen on testicular function appeared to be faster and more complete that those of GnRH-A in the present short-term experiments.

1977 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-26 ◽  
A. H. PAYNE ◽  
R. P. KELCH ◽  
E. P. MURONO ◽  

SUMMARY Hypothalamic content of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), serum LH and FSH, capacity of the testis to synthesize testosterone in vitro, and testicular 5-ene-3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-isomerase and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase were measured in groups of rats at approximately 5 day intervals from birth to day 64 and at days 74 and 89. The capacity of the testes to synthesize testosterone in vitro was measured in the presence of a saturating dose of rat LH. Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone increased steadily from 0·17 ng per hypothalamus at birth to a maximum of 7 ng at day 52 and then remained constant. LH concentrations were highly variable and often exceeded adult values between days 10 and 32. After day 32 a steady rise was observed which reached adult values between days 37 and 42. FSH concentrations markedly increased from 255 ng/ml observed at birth and day 10 to a peak value of 1000 ng/ml at day 32. Subsequently there was a steady decline in FSH values until day 74 when the concentration returned to values found at birth. 5-ene-3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-isomerase activity exhibited a rapid increase between days 12 and 19 followed by an even greater rate of increase between days 19 and 32 when adult levels were attained. 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was very low between birth and day 22. Enzyme activity began to increase at day 22 with a rapid increase in activity observed between days 37 and 58. The increase in capacity to synthesize testosterone closely followed the increase in 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity. The study demonstrates that during sexual maturation in the male rat, changes in serum LH and FSH do not reflect changes in hypothalamic GnRH. The appearance of Leydig cells as monitored by 5-ene-3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-isomerase activity precedes by approximately 20 days the increase in testicular capacity to synthesize testosterone in vitro. The latter coincides with the increase in 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity. These results suggest that 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase is a limiting factor in the ability of the testis to respond to LH stimulation.

1992 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 249-258 ◽  
I. S. Scott ◽  
M. K. Bennett ◽  
A. E. Porter-Goff ◽  
C. J. Harrison ◽  
B. S. Cox ◽  

ABSTRACT Hypogonadal (hpg) mutant mice, with a congenital deficiency of hypothalamic gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), and testicular feminized (tfm) mice, which lack a functional androgen receptor, were used to study the effects of the potent GnRH agonist 'Zoladex' (ICI 118630; d-Ser (But)6, Azgly10-GnRH) on pituitary and gonadal function. Zoladex (0.5 mg) in a sustained-release lactide—glycolide copolymer depot was administered subcutaneously under anaesthesia and was left in place for 7 days, after which time the effects of the drug upon pituitary and serum gonadotrophin concentrations, glycoprotein hormone subunit mRNAs and testicular morphology were investigated. At the pituitary level, Zoladex treatment resulted in a substantial reduction in LH content in normal males, and LH content was depressed in hpg mice even below the basal levels normally found in these mutants. Pituitary LH content in the Zoladex-treated animals was depressed in the tfm groups, but not to the same levels as those found in the normal and castrated normal mice. Zoladex treatment at the time of castration prevented the post-operative elevation in serum LH associated with castration alone. In the androgen-deficient tfm mouse, Zoladex did not depress the normally elevated serum LH levels. Serum LH in the hpg animals was, in all cases, below the limit of detection of the assay. Pituitary FSH content was depressed into the hpg range in both the normal and castrated animals, but there was no further depression in the hpg mice. The pituitary content was reduced in the tfm mice, again the effects not being as dramatic as in the normal and castrated animals. Serum FSH content, as measured by radioimmunoassay, was depressed by 50% in normal mice; there was no reduction in the hpg mice, however. With regard to pituitary gonadotrophic hormone gene expression, Zoladex administration to normal mice caused a dramatic reduction in LHβ mRNA content, to a level approximating that found in untreated hpg mice. The drug also depressed LHβ mRNA in the castrated group to the hpg range when given at the time of castration, whereas in untreated castrated mice there was a significant increase in LHβ mRNA. In the tfm mouse, which can be considered as a model for long-term failure of androgen feedback, Zoladex again induced a fall in LHβ mRNA, but not to the same extent as in the normal and normal castrated group. Zoladex had no effect on the already low levels of LHβ mRNA found in hpg mice. Pituitary FSHβ mRNA levels were not significantly altered by Zoladex in any of the treatment groups, whereas the drug induced a substantial rise in the common α-subunit mRNA in normal and hpg mice, to a level equalling that found in castrated tfm mice. In the latter two groups, Zoladex treatment did not result in a further increase in α-subunit mRNA above that found after castration alone, or in the untreated tfm mutant. Treatment for 7 days with Zoladex resulted in a significant increase in testis weight, with spermatogenesis advancing beyond the first meiotic division with many round spermatids found within the seminiferous tubules. However, the interstitial cells remained atrophic and there was evidence of seminal vesicle growth. Nevertheless, there was a small but significant increase in testicular androgen content. Administration of the agonist to hypophysectomized hpg mice did not stimulate testicular or seminal vesicle growth, suggesting that the drug does not stimulate steroidogenesis via a direct action upon the testis. Overall, the pharmacological effects of the drug appear to have turned off the transcription of the LHβ gene, with a consequent reduction in LH synthesis and probably also secretion in the longer term. With FSHβ, gene transcription was apparently unchanged and, with a substantial increase in the common α-subunit message, it would appear that the pituitary gland of Zoladex-treated animals may be predominantly biased towards FSH secretion. Although the circulating FSH levels as measured by radioimmunoassay were unaltered by Zoladex, there are several reports that GnRH agonists increase serum levels of bioactive hormones, perhaps by altering glycosylation of the FSH dimer glycoprotein.

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