scholarly journals The ethical primacy of advertising rhetoric

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 360-375 ◽  
Paulo Barroso

What is the relationship between advertising and morals (this one as an object of ethical reflection)? Advertising does not depend on morality, but it can be moral or immoral. If advertising uses speech power to become effective, it is a rhetorical or a persuasive speech art requiring an ethical caution, because the goals are determined and do not justify the means. Advertising takes an ethical dimension, especially when it follows a cunning, fallacious or deceptive strategy. The topic of ethics is, sic et simpliciter, rational, dialectical and reflexive. Ethical issues are, as a rule, aporias. Thus, this paper focuses on a critical analysis of ethics in advertising and communication. The methodology is reflected in the conceptualization and questioning of advertising ethics as an aesthetic of rhetorical speech.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (spe2) ◽  
pp. 148-154
Paula Renata Miranda dos Santos ◽  
Elisangela Cerencovich ◽  
Laura Filomena Santos de Araújo ◽  
Roseney Bellato ◽  
Sonia Ayako Tao Maruyama

This study discusses ethical issues in research involving human beings and seeks to understand the relationship between qualitative research and the ethical care guidelines for Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) circles based on Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health of Brazil. This is documentary research, which analyzed Resolution 466/12 and ICT circles seeking to make a connection between the ethical guidelines contained in both. The analysis of the corpus was directed toward the construction of the following results: the person's perception, cultural diversity and community. It also brings in consideration of the influence of the ethical dimension of the ICT circles on qualitative research. We conclude that ICT circles are innovative in the sense of the diversity of participants and respect for cultural and social differences. Thus, ICT circles promote acquisition of quality information for social research as well as compliance with the ethical guidelines outlined in Resolution No. 466/12.

2016 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
Viviana Daloiso ◽  
Antonio G. Spagnolo

Nell’ambito delle tecnologie emergenti, le nanotecnologie e le neurotecnologie si sono dimostrate tecnologie singolari sia con riguardo alle possibili applicazioni che da esse possono scaturire, sia con riguardo alle problematicità etiche che queste sono in grado di generare. Con riguardo proprio alla dimensione etica il dibattito si pone per entrambe le tecnologie in un duplice senso. Il primo attiene alla necessaria riflessione etica in questi campi di indagine, soprattutto con riguardo alle loro possibili applicazioni sull’essere umano. Il secondo, alla novità etica delle applicazioni nano e neuro-tecnologiche e dunque con riguardo alla questione se dalle nanotecnologie e dalle neurotecnologie nascano nuove questioni bioetiche o invece se esse siano ricollegabili a questioni già ampiamente dibattute in tema di tecnologia e salute umana. ---------- Within emerging technologies, nanotechnologies and neurotechnologies are peculiar both with regards to the scientific and technological applications and possibilities and with regards to the ethical dimension. With regard to this last one, the debate concerns a double meaning: the first one concern the necessity of the ethical reflection in these contexts especially when there are possible applications on the human being. The second, concern the novelty of the ethical issues generated by these technologies.

EMJ Radiology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Filippo Pesapane

Radiomics is a science that investigates a large number of features from medical images using data-characterisation algorithms, with the aim to analyse disease characteristics that are indistinguishable to the naked eye. Radiogenomics attempts to establish and examine the relationship between tumour genomic characteristics and their radiologic appearance. Although there is certainly a lot to learn from these relationships, one could ask the question: what is the practical significance of radiogenomic discoveries? This increasing interest in such applications inevitably raises numerous legal and ethical questions. In an environment such as the technology field, which changes quickly and unpredictably, regulations need to be timely in order to be relevant.  In this paper, issues that must be solved to make the future applications of this innovative technology safe and useful are analysed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
Alex McKeown ◽  
Miranda Mourby ◽  
Paul Harrison ◽  
Sophie Walker ◽  
Mark Sheehan ◽  

AbstractData platforms represent a new paradigm for carrying out health research. In the platform model, datasets are pooled for remote access and analysis, so novel insights for developing better stratified and/or personalised medicine approaches can be derived from their integration. If the integration of diverse datasets enables development of more accurate risk indicators, prognostic factors, or better treatments and interventions, this obviates the need for the sharing and reuse of data; and a platform-based approach is an appropriate model for facilitating this. Platform-based approaches thus require new thinking about consent. Here we defend an approach to meeting this challenge within the data platform model, grounded in: the notion of ‘reasonable expectations’ for the reuse of data; Waldron’s account of ‘integrity’ as a heuristic for managing disagreement about the ethical permissibility of the approach; and the element of the social contract that emphasises the importance of public engagement in embedding new norms of research consistent with changing technological realities. While a social contract approach may sound appealing, however, it is incoherent in the context at hand. We defend a way forward guided by that part of the social contract which requires public approval for the proposal and argue that we have moral reasons to endorse a wider presumption of data reuse. However, we show that the relationship in question is not recognisably contractual and that the social contract approach is therefore misleading in this context. We conclude stating four requirements on which the legitimacy of our proposal rests.

Kathryn Strong Hansen

AbstractGreater emphasis on ethical issues is needed in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. The fiction for specific purposes (FSP) approach, using optimistic science fiction texts, offers a way to focus on ethical reflection that capitalizes on role models rather than negative examples. This article discusses the benefits of using FSP in STEM education more broadly, and then explains how using optimistic fictions in particular encourages students to think in ethically constructive ways. Using examples of science fiction texts with hopeful perspectives, example discussion questions are given to model how to help keep students focused on the ethical issues in a text. Sample writing prompts to elicit ethical reflection are also provided as models of how to guide students to contemplate and analyze ethical issues that are important in their field of study. The article concludes that the use of optimistic fictions, framed through the lens of professional ethics guidelines and reinforced through ethical reflection, can help students to have beneficial ethical models.

2020 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-274
Katrin Felgenhauer

AbstractThe contemporary realist turn in philosophy can be seen as a reaction to a merely constructivist understanding of being. The formulation of a realist ontology was already the central concern of Nicolai Hartmann’s philosophy. Hartmann argues that in order to pose the ontological question critically, a realist analysis of the cognitive relation must precede posing the question of being. From the critical analysis, it follows that the cognitive relation is embedded in the relationship of being. Thus, the epistemic relation becomes understandable in the sense of beings encountering and touching one another. In this respect, some proponents of the contemporary realist turn emphasize that there is a philosophically relevant experience of being that can be understood as resistance. Beyond this statement, Hartmann’s analysis of the encounter with being is able to take into account the fact that different kinds of being touch us differently.


La interdicción de la arbitrariedad y las obligaciones de motivar y justificar las decisiones se han erigido en pilares claves del control judicial de la actividad administrativa. Sin embargo, siguen subsistiendo problemas, tanto conceptuales como de aplicación, que presentan un indudable interés: se discute la naturaleza formal o sustantiva de la motivación; las relaciones entre motivación y justificación siguen siendo complejas y controvertidas; no existe acuerdo sobre la obligación o no de motivar resoluciones administrativas que aplican conceptos jurídicos indeterminados; el principio de la autorrestricción judicial en el control de la motivación cede en algunos sectores mientras se mantiene de forma más que discutible en otros; y las últimas líneas jurisprudenciales evidencian que la determinación del alcance legítimo del control judicial sigue siendo conflictiva. El presente trabajo lleva a cabo una valoración crítica de las últimas orientaciones tanto en la doctrina científica como jurisprudencial, al mismo tiempo que ofrece propuestas conceptuales e interpretativas para contribuir a una adecuada evolución de estos aspectos oscuros del control judicial de la Administración. rbitrariotasunaren debekua eta erabakiak arrazoitzeko eta justifikatzeko betebeharrak oinarrizko zutabe bihurtu dira administrazio-jardueraren kontrol judizialean. Hala ere, oraindik arazo batzuk diraute, direla kontzeptualak, direla aplikaziokoak, eta interes ukaezina dute horiek guztiek: arrazoiketaren izatasun formala edo substantiboa eztabaidatzen da; arrazoiketaren eta justifikazioaren arteko harremanak konplexuak eta eztabaidagarriak dira oraindik; ez dago adostasunik kontzeptu juridiko zehaztugabeak aplikatzen dituzten administrazio-ebazpenak arrazoitu edo ez arrazoitu beharraz; arrazoiketaren kontroleko automurrizketa judizialak atzera egin du sektore batzuetan, eta beste batzuetan, aldiz, modu aski eztabaidagarrian mantendu da, eta azkeneko lerro jurisprudentzialek erakusten dute kontrol judizialaren irismen zilegia gatazkatsua dela oraindik. Honako lan honek balioespen kritiko bat egiten du doktrina zientifikoan zein jurisdikzionalean dauden azken jarraibideetan, eta era berean proposamen kontzeptual eta interpretatibo batzuk eskaintzen ditu, Administrazioaren kontrol judizialaren alderdi ilun horien bilakaera egokiari laguntzeko. The prohibition of arbitrariness, the duty to give reasons and the duty to justify decisions have become principles of main relevance in the judicial control of administrative discretion. However, there still remain important and interesting theoretical and practical problems: the formal or substantive nature of motivation is controversial; the relationship between motivation and justification is difficult and unclear; there is no agreement over the duty to motivate decisions that apply opentexture concepts; our tribunals leave the doctrine of self-restriction in some cases at the same time that they strongly maintained it in others without a clear justification; and the last judicial resolutions that determine the scope of the duty to give reasons show that this is still a difficult issue. This article approaches a critical analysis of the recent trends in these fields with the purpose to offer theoretical and interpretative proposals that should contribute to an adequate evolution of these problematic aspects of the judicial control of the Administration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 156-160 ◽  
Rosalind J McDougall

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being developed for use in medicine, including for diagnosis and in treatment decision making. The use of AI in medical treatment raises many ethical issues that are yet to be explored in depth by bioethicists. In this paper, I focus specifically on the relationship between the ethical ideal of shared decision making and AI systems that generate treatment recommendations, using the example of IBM’s Watson for Oncology. I argue that use of this type of system creates both important risks and significant opportunities for promoting shared decision making. If value judgements are fixed and covert in AI systems, then we risk a shift back to more paternalistic medical care. However, if designed and used in an ethically informed way, AI could offer a potentially powerful way of supporting shared decision making. It could be used to incorporate explicit value reflection, promoting patient autonomy. In the context of medical treatment, we need value-flexible AI that can both respond to the values and treatment goals of individual patients and support clinicians to engage in shared decision making.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17 ◽  
Neil McBride

This paper examines three approaches to ethics and focuses on the development of character and the practice of virtue in business intelligence (BI). The paper describes BI as a tool for mediating the relationships between pairs of stakeholders such as management and customer. Three aspects of the relationship which benefit ethically from the practice of virtues are discussed: the purpose of the BI, the prejudices behind the BI and the power of the stakeholders. The connection between the ethics of BI and the corporate ethics is discussed. Without the practice of virtues, BI may be recruited to support corporate vices of exploitation, exposure, exclusion, coercion, control and concealment. The paper seeks to highlight the importance of ethical issues in BI practice and suggests the development of an ethical balanced scorecard as a vehicle for developing ethical senstitivity.

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