scholarly journals Ruffier test model taking into account an age of the patient

І. П. Заневський ◽  
Л. Г. Заневська

There are presented the results of the comparative analysis of the existing methods of correcting the values of Ruffier index for the children teenagers. The model of the correction of the value of Ruffier index and the model of the correction of the gradation of the estimations of Ruffier test taking into account an age of the patient are proposed. It is shown that the parameter of the correction of the value of Ruffier index and gradations of the estimations of the corresponding test must be a relationship of the standard pulse rate in the state of calmness, accepted for the age class of patient, to the standard pulse rate of adult person. The corresponding model of the estimation of the functional state of the cardiovascular system of persons of school age showed a statistically significal (p < 0,001) correction of the value of Ruffier index and the gradation of the levels of health relatively to the conventional model for the adult, which is recommended. The quantitative assessment of the consequences of correction in the distribution of students on levels and groups of health is represented. 

1964 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 919-927 ◽  
Loring B. Rowell ◽  
Henry L. Taylor ◽  
Yang Wang

The predictability of maximal O2 intake (max Vo2) was studied in four groups of normal men, 18–24 years of age. Prediction of max Vo2 was made from pulse rate and Vo2 at a single submaximal workload at an ambient temperature of 78 F by use of the nomogram of Åstrand and Ryhming (1954) and underestimated actual max Vo2 by 27 ± 7% and 14 ± 7% in a sedentary group, before and after 2frac12–3 months of physical training, and by 5.6 ȁ 4% in a group of ten endurance athletes. Accuracy of prediction in all groups varied with approximation of pulse rate to 128 beats/min at 50% of max Vo2. Nonspecific stresses increased predictive errors in all groups. Constants b (slope) and A (intercept) in the regression equation Vo2 = bP – A (where P is pulse rate), were determined from Vo2 and pulse measured at four submaximal workloads requiring 13–28 ml O2/kg min. Prediction of max Vo2 by extrapolation of the slope to maximal pulse rate resulted in underestimation of 700–800 ml O2/min. Removal of 14% of circulating hemoglobin decreased max Vo2 by 4% but there was no change in pulse rates or predicted max Vo2. The relationship of RQ to V22 during work provided no reliable basis for prediction of max Vo2. exercise pulse rate, oxygen intake, relationship; pulse rate, oxygen intake relationship in exercise; metabolic rate, maximal aerobic prediction of; aerobic metabolic rate, maximal, prediction of; phlebotomy, effect on maximal oxygen intake, pulse rate; blood loss, effect on maximal oxygen intake, pulse rate; training, effect on maximal oxygen intake, pulse rates; physical conditioning, effect on maximal oxygen intake, pulse rates Submitted on October 4, 1963

Sumitra Kirtania ◽  
Pintulal Mondal ◽  
Mahesh Sawata Khetmalis

<div><p><em>The aim of this study is to identify the Anthropometric and profiles of sub-Junior National level Boxers and also to find out the relationship of Anthropometric profiles and psychomotor abilities of the sub-Junior National level Boxers.</em><em> </em><em>A total 22 female Boxers (11 medalists and 11 non-medalists) age range between 12<sup>th</sup> to 16<sup>th</sup> years will be select from SAI, SAG, Imphal centers. Selected Anthropometric variables (Body composition) will be taken on each Boxer. Total Psychomotor ability scores (Speed, Agility, Differentiation, Orientation, Balance, Rhythm Ability) will be taken. For interpretation of data a comparative analysis of the selected variable, the “t” test was applied. The data of both groups were collected separately for all the variables. Statistic such as mean and standard deviation was computed. The level of significance was set at 0.05. It was found that in BMI, BMR do not have significant deference between the Manipur and West Bengal female Boxers and significant deference was found on Speed, Agility, Differentiation, Orientation, Balance, Rhythm Ability.</em></p></div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 137 (4) ◽  
pp. 1078-1100
Ulrich Wandruszka

Abstract French is a heavily postdetermining iambic language. This also implies that, in contrast to German, the subject-predicate sequence is dominant even though this is not a relationship of determination in the strict sense of the term. Despite the predominant iambic intonation pattern, postposition of rhematic subjects is only possible under certain conditions in modern French. This contrasts with Italian or Spanish in cases like Domani viene Maria/Mañana llega María. A French equivalent Demain vient Marie instead of Marie vient demain or also Demain Marie vient is no longer common today for reasons to be discussed. The central question to be answered is “By which means does French resolve the conflict of linearisation arising from the tension between the dominant rising intonation pattern and the ‘phobia’ of subject inversion even when the subject is rhematic?” A comparative analysis of translations is a viable method for discovering how French marks rhematic subjects when simple postposition is not a possible strategy. This approach shows how constructions with the subject in postposition, for instance in Italian, are rendered in their French translation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-74

The article deals with the issue of studying the emotional sphere of athletes-swimmers of primary school age. The features of their emotional sphere caused by socialization of the individual and sports are revealed. The features of anxiety and aggressiveness in the conditions of training and interaction with peers are determined. Special attention is paid to the program of psychological support of sports activities of athletes-swimmers of primary school age. A comparative analysis of the indicators of aggressiveness and anxiety after the implementation of the program is presented. The necessity of carrying out this type of work with young athletes is justified.

Мархат Увайсовна Яхьяева

В статье предпринята попытка соотношения таких юридических категорий, как «уголовное преследование» и «функция обвинения». Проводится компаративный анализ обвинения и подозрения как неотъемлемых элементов деятельности органов, осуществляющих уголовное преследование. The article attempts to correlate such legal categories as “criminal prosecution” and “function of accusation”. A comparative analysis of charges and suspicions as integral elements of the activities of bodies carrying out criminal prosecution is carried out.

2020 ◽  
pp. 41-58
Владимир Викторович Бельский

Цель исследования - раскрытие особенностей взаимосвязи видения «одежд первосвященника Иисуса» (Зах. 3, 1-7) с описаниями поставления первосвященника в Пятикнижии (Исх. 28-29 и Лев. 8). В рамках сравнения в статье показана тенденция реинтерпретации пророком Захарией жреческой традиции. В этом переосмыслении пророк задействует образы и мотивы как пророческой традиции,так и предания, зафиксированные в хокмической литературе. Использование этих текстов, по мнению автора исследования, позволяет пророку избежать сугубо ритуального понимания текста Зах. 3, 1-7. Автор статьи предпринимает попытку осмыслить место видения первосвященника Иисуса, сына Иоседекова, в композиции изначально существовавшего текста цикла видений пророка (Зах. 1-6). The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the relationship of the vision of «the garments of the high priest of Joshua» (Zech. 3, 1-7) with descriptions of the investiture of the high priest in the Pentateuch (Ex. 28-29 and Lev. 8). As part of the comparison indicated in the article, the tendency of the reinterpretation of the priestly tradition by the prophet Zechariah is shown. In this rethinking, the prophet uses the images and motives of both the prophetic tradition and the traditions recorded in literature of Wisdom. The use of these texts, according to the author of the study, allows the prophet to avoid a purely ritual understanding of the text of Zech. 3, 1-7. The author of the article makes an attempt to comprehend the place of vision of the high priest Joshua ben-Yehozadak, in the composition of the originally existing text of the cycle of visions of the prophet (Zech. 1-6).

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