scholarly journals The Legal Analysis of the Right to Reparation for the Victims of the Human Rights Violations in the European, Inter-American and African Human Rights Protection Systems

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Aslan Khuseinovich Abashidze
Tilman Rodenhäuser

Chapter 5 adds to the contemporary discourse on human rights obligations of non-state armed groups by showing that in many situations, there is a clear legal need for these obligations. This chapter first engages in the debate on whether and to what extent certain human rights treaties address armed groups directly. Second, it shows that under the law of state responsibility, states are generally not responsible for human rights violations committed by non-state entities. Third, it recalls that under international human rights law, states have an obligation to protect human rights against violations committed by armed groups. However, it argues that because this cannot be a strict obligation but is one that depends on states’ capacities and the particular circumstances, often this framework cannot adequately protect individuals against human rights violations by armed groups. The result is a legal and practical need for human rights obligations of non-state armed groups.

2021 ◽  

Regional human rights mechanism are now in place covering nearly all five continents with the notable exception of Australia. Regional and international human rights protection are not meant to thwart each other. On the contrary, the regional protection of human rights is intended to back up and strengthen the international one by translating human rights into local languages and supporting them with additional protective mechanisms like commissions and courts that enforce regional human rights documents. In this volume, five experts from various continents will introduce regional human rights protection systems in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and Australia providing an overview of the regional protections vis-à-vis the international one and then contextualising it in specific country context.

Siuzanna Mnatsakanian

Conceptual approaches to defining the nature and the scope of interim measures implementation as an instrument of human rights protection at international and national level are analyzed. The widespread use of interim measures as international standard of urgent respond to alleged violations of human rights has not led to the implementation of the legal institute concerned at the national level. Accordingly, this analysis aimed at defining the grounds of interim measures as human rights protection instrument application to be used by the state as an immediate response to human rights violations and possible violations. European Court of Human Rights has a great practice of interim measures granting. Interim measures are granted by the Court only in clearly defined conditions, namely where there is a risk that serious violations of the Convention might occur. A high proportion of requests for interim measures are inappropriate and are therefore refused. Besides, interim measures are applied upon request of the applicant claiming about alleged violations of his or her human rights. At the national level interim measures should/may be granted upon request of the applicant or by the duty-bearer’s initiative to prevent possible human rights violations. The grounds of interim measures granting should also be defined – the best international practice should be used taking into account the Ukrainian context. Another core issue analyzed is defining duty-bearers – subjects enforced to grant interim to prevent abuse in the sphere concerned. It is obvious that court shall be the only authority to resolve the substantive case of alleged human rights violation. However, public and local authorities shall be enabled to grant interim measures to prevent the possible violations. With this, the scope and the sphere of its application at the national level shall be broader in comparison with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-67
Antonia Baraggia ◽  
Maria Elena Gennusa

Abstract International and constitutional law, originally distinct realms with limited areas of intersection, are getting closer and closer, particularly in the European landscape within the human rights protection field, where these mere contacts between the two systems have become intersections and overlaps. The present article will try to shed light on the still unsolved and problematic issues to which overlapping human rights protection systems give rise, by focusing on an analysis of the heterologous in vitro fertilization case, where both the Strasbourg Court and the Italian Constitutional Court delivered relevant judgments on very similar matters (ECtHR’s S.H. Judgment; Judgment No. 162/2014 from the Italian CC). Such analysis revealed useful in highlighting connections and disconnections between the different levels of protection of rights, and led us to argue that the development of a multilevel protection of rights is also, at least partially, a tale of Courts, each competing to have the last word on human rights adjudication.

Jorge Ernesto ROA ROA

LABURPENA: Kasuen ikerketa-metodologia erabiliz, Santo Domingo vs. Kolonbia epaiari buruzko iruzkinean, nagusiki, inter-amerikar esparruko giza eskubideen babesari lotutako egiturazko alderdiak aipatzen dira; besteak beste, eta bereziki: nola erabiltzen duen Inter-amerikar Auzitegiak Nazioarteko Zuzenbide Humanitarioa barne-gatazka armatuetako egoeretan; zer erlazio dagoen zigor-jurisdikzio militarraren eta Indar Armatuetako kideek egindako giza eskubideen urraketen ikerketaren artean; zein diren Estatuaren erantzukizuna aitortzeko egintzetarako baldintzak, eta zer elkarreragin dagoen nazioetako eta nazioarteko instantzia judizialen artean giza eskubideen urraketen ordainaz den bezainbatean. Egokiera-arrazoiengatik, alde batera utziko da Kolonbiako Estatuak urratu zituen Amerikar Konbentzioko eskubideetako bakoitzari buruz Giza Eskubideetarako Nazioarteko Auzitegiak erabakitakoaren azterketa. RESUMEN: Mediante la aplicación de la metodología de estudio de caso, el comentario a la Sentencia Santo Domingo vs. Colombia se centra en aspectos estructurales sobre la protección de los derechos humanos en el ámbito interamericano, en especial, el uso que la Corte Interamericana hace del Derecho Internacional Humanitario en situaciones que se producen en contextos de conflictos armados internos, la relación entre la jurisdicción penal militar y la investigación de las violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas por miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas, los requisitos de los actos de reconocimiento de la responsabilidad del Estado y la interacción entre las instancias judiciales nacionales e internacionales en materia de reparación de violaciones a los derechos humanos. Por razones de oportunidad, se prescinde del análisis del pronunciamiento de la Corte IDH sobre cada uno de los derechos de la Convención Americana que fueron violados por el Estado de Colombia. ABSTRACT: By means of the problem based learning methodology, the analysis of the judgment Santo Domingo vs. Colombia focuses on structural features of the human rights protection within the Inter-American area, specially, the use made by the Inter-American Court of International Humanitarian Law in situations within contexts of internal military conflict, the relationship between military criminal jurisdiction and the investigation of human rights violations committed by Army forces, the requirements of the acts of recognition of the State responsibility and the interaction between the national and international judicial instances regarding the redress for human rights violations. For reasons of practical expediency, we will not analyze the judgment by the Inter-American Court on each of the rights of the American Convention breached by the State of Colombia.

AJIL Unbound ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 113 ◽  
pp. 331-335
Jimena Reyes

Until recently, the United Nations and regional systems of human rights protection had shown considerable reluctance to address human rights violations resulting from corruption. Instead, these actors would underline the negative impacts of corruption on human rights without identifying corruption itself as a violation of human rights. Since 2017, however, this has begun to shift. The UN, regional human rights institutions, and civil society have begun to devise concrete ways for human rights institutions and instruments to better contribute to the fight against corruption. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (“the Court”), in particular, has taken preliminary steps to establish a legal link between corruption and human rights violations.

2020 ◽  
pp. 71-96
Екатерина Вячеславовна Киселева ◽  
Ольга Сергеевна Кажаева

В настоящем исследовании дается сравнительно-правовой анализ подхода к пониманию содержания и взаимного положения некоторых прав человека, связанных с искусственным прерыванием беременности, понимания, отраженного на универсальном уровне международно- правового сотрудничества государств в актах договорных органов защиты прав человека. Если по существу факт искусственного прерывания беременности поднимает правозащитные вопросы в отношении трёх субъектов (женщины, вынашивающей ребёнка, нерожденного ребёнка и врача, осуществляющего аборт или отказывающегося от проведения такового), то со стороны защиты прав человека речь ведётся почти исключительно о женщине, чья жизнь и материалистически понимаемые интересы приоритизируются над всеми остальными правозащитными аспектами. В настоящей работе сравнению подвергаются именно права различных субъектов, оказывающихся связанными через аборт, объем и защищенность этих прав международным правом. В качестве международно-правовой основы для сравнения взят Международный билль о правах человека. Тезисы авторов иллюстрируются двумя делами в отношении врачей, отказавшихся проводить процедуру аборта исходя из христианских убеждений в Польше и Аргентине, соответственно. Статья подготовлена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 18-011- 00292. This study provides a comparative legal analysis of the understanding of the content and mutual position of some human rights associated with artificial termination of pregnancy, the understanding reflected at the universal level of international legal inter-state cooperation in the acts of human rights treaty bodies. While, in essence, the fact of artificial termination of pregnancy raises human rights questions in relation to three subjects (a woman carrying a child, an unborn child and a doctor who performs an abortion or refuses to perform it), from the point of human rights protection, it is almost exclusively about a woman, whose life and materialistically understood interests are prioritized over all other human rights aspects. In this work, it is the rights of various subjects who find themselves bound through abortion, the scope and protection of these rights by international law, limited to the International Bill of Human Rights as an international legal basis for comparison are subjected to comparison. The authors illustrate their theses with two cases against the doctors who refused to carry out an abortion procedure for reasons of conscience in accordance with their Christian beliefs in Poland and Argentina, correspondingly. The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of research project № 18-011-00292.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Dr.Sc. Jorida Xhafaj

identity is the way in which a person is self-identified with a gender category, as for example to be female or male, or in some cases intersex, which is none of the distinguishable biological sexes. In principal, intersex persons are part of the society with their rights and obligations, which are not the same with those of the other members of society, in special areas of life.This paper aims to treat the right of intersex persons to marriage and to establish a family. The paper begins with an overview of definition of intersex persons, their rights, and focuses primarily on the right to establish a family.The right for a family life has found protection in the Albanian national legislation. The Constitution of theRepublicofAlbaniaof 1998 in its Article 53 stipulates that "everyone has the right to marry and have a family" establishing the principle of equality before the law, closely linked to the principle of non-discrimination. The legal provisions set a controversial position on the right to get married and to establish family relationships of the intersex persons, which is based on different arguments.For the purposes of the research, we aim also to compare the national legislation with the European principles and practice of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter referred as ECHR). The paper also includes the opinions and recommendations of Albanian institutions, as well as those of foreign ones, mainly European, in the area of human rights protection, and especially regarding the rights of the intersex persons.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Sigit Somadiyono ◽  
Nella Octaviany Siregar

This research specifically discusses the human rights of prisoners as prisoners in prison, which in their daily lives must be respected, upheld and protected by the state, the law (in this case the Penitentiary Act to be in line with the Human Rights Act), the government through the apparatus is correctional officers and fellow inmates. Prisoners in their daily life can make mistakes and lives that are in contact with human rights violations. The object of this research is the human rights of inmates as prisoners in prison (WBP). The formulation of the problems in this study are (1) How are the human rights protection arrangements for prisoners in prison according to Law Number 12 of 1995; and (2) How is the implementation of human rights protection for narcotics prisoners in prison in East Tanjung Jabung Regency. This study uses Law Number 12 of 1995 Concerning Corrections and other derivative regulations. The results showed that there were differences in the implementation of human rights protection for prisoners with Law Number 12 of 1995 Concerning Corrections. 

Janilce Silva Praseres ◽  
Marcelo Ramos Saldanha

Abstract: human rights are a set of ethical values whose purpose is to protect and enable the realization of human dignity in its various dimensions and also prevent the reduction of the individual to the condition of object or, above all, the reduction of his condition as subject of rights, such as the right to life, freedom, security, equality. The universal character of human rights protection demonstrates some weaknesses, especially in the transposition into concrete legal systems, so what we propose is a brief analysis of human rights from Hannah Arendt.Uma Breve Análise Acerca dos Direitos Humanos a partir da Crítica de Hannah ArendtResumo: os direitos humanos são um conjunto de valores éticos que têm por finalidade proteger e possibilitar a realização da dignidade humana em suas várias dimensões e, ainda, impedir a redução do indivíduo à condição de objeto ou, sobretudo, a diminuição da sua condição na qualidade de sujeito de direitos, a exemplo o direito à vida, à liberdade, à segurança, à igualdade. O caráter universal de proteção aos direitos humanos demonstra algumas fragilidades, principalmente, na transposição para ordenamentos jurídicos concretos, assim, o que propomos é uma breve análise acerca dos direitos humanos a partir de Hannah Arendt.

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