scholarly journals They Need More Than Technology-Equipped Schools: Teachers’ Practice of Fostering Students’ Digital Protective Skills

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-147 ◽  
Priscila Berger ◽  
Jens Wolling

The intense use of digital media among children and adolescents raises concerns about online risks. In response, digital literacy frameworks for formal education usually include a set of protective skills. Considering that teachers have the responsibility to implement such frameworks, this study investigates factors associated with teachers’ practices of fostering students’ digital protective skills. Therefore, data from a survey conducted with 315 teachers in the state of Thuringia, Germany, was analyzed. The findings indicate positive associations between the importance teachers attribute to digital protective skills, the knowledge they have about guidelines for media education, their formal media training, and their media and technology use in class. Besides, the analysis revealed associations with school type, subject taught, and teacher age. Conversely, the factors of human and technological resources did not yield significant effects in the regression model. The final model explained 48% of the variance in the teachers’ practices of fostering protective skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Simona Ferrari ◽  
Serena Triacca ◽  
Gianluca Braga

Abstract Many educational agents offer paths that allow school to turn itself into a ‘third space’. Caritas Ambrosiana, based on a ‘pedagogy of facts’, proposes interventions to promote soft skills in schools. This non-formal education agency committed Research Center about Media Education, Innovation and Technology (CREMIT) of Catholic University for a project to improve their school programme and training effectiveness. We chose the participatory action research paradigm to verify how to design an educational path by applying third-space principles in the school context and how digital media can be embedded into the practice to enable a more porous exchange of experiences and expertise between students, educators and the school curriculum. The accompanying plan was designed on the basis of the initial questionnaire data analysis: sociomateriality was the main focus because it was considered by Caritas educators as one of the least important elements to include in the design process. The second reason is the need to rethink on-site training formats to face the challenges of the Covid-19 emergency. As expected, after the training intervention, sociomateriality had a significant growth in the design practices. The other third-space pedagogy elements (peering, experiential orientation, motivation, pleasure of making together) are maintained and reinforced, thanks to digital literacy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ana Carla Amaro ◽  
Lidia Oliveira ◽  
Ana Isabel Veloso

This study is anchored on two fundamental ideas: i) promoting intergenerational solidarity, relations and communication is a key factor for social development in an aging world; and ii) understand how different generations interact with and around digital media and technology is crucial to reconfigure design methods, so we may enhance intergenerational communication, learning and understanding. In particular, we aim to study how tablet’s devices and applications are jointly and collaboratively used by older adults/grandparents and (grand)children and the perceived impact that those interactions may have on: i) intergenerational relationships; ii) children and older adult’s digital literacy; and iii) attitude towards the other. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews and exploratory studies will be conducted, in the context of which «Joint Media Engagement» (Takeuchi & Stevens, 2011) sessions between selected cases of older adults and children (with and without parental relations) will be promoted, in order to observe, describe and characterize their «in-medium» (Takeuchi & Stevens, 2011) and «in-room» (Stevens, Satwicz & McCarthy, 2008) activities and interactions. We expect to be able to propose a set of guidelines for the design of contents for tablets, intended for intergenerational and collaborative use by older adults and/or grandparents and children and/or grandchildren.

Nuriyatul Hamidah

Many questions have aroused in terms of media and technology used and its implication for language teaching and learning. The focus is on how students can be critically aware of media, especially digital media, for their learning. Thus, the use of media in education impacts educational creativity development, such as digital technology applications. In terms of learning, digital literacy is the competency in understanding and using digital technologies effectively for learning. Research has already explored the need for digital literacy in the classroom. This recent paper tries to figure out how digital literacy is implemented in the teaching of ESP students. Furthermore, the method used to describe the idea of this paper is a conceptual paper in which the writer tries to figure out how digital learning is implemented for learning. The writer used literature review from some journal articles and books written by the experts to gather the data. In conclusion, applying digital literacy must be well prepared on the way how it is used. It must relate to their competence, learning objectives, and language skills being taught. Indeed, once the students are familiar with the technology being used, they significantly improve their skills.

Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Norhafizah Sahril ◽  
Noor Ani Ahmad ◽  
Idayu Badilla Idris ◽  
Rajini Sooryanarayana ◽  
Mohamad Aznuddin Abd Razak

Mental health problems are a major public health issue, particularly among children. They impair children’s development, academic achievement, and ability to live a productive life. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with mental health problems among children aged 5 to 15 years old in Malaysia. Data from the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2015 were analyzed. A validated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was used. The overall prevalence of mental health problems among children in Malaysia was 11.1%. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that for every year increment in age, mental health problems decreased by 5%. Further analysis found that children who had fathers with a non-formal education and worked in the private sector, had parents who were widowed or divorced, and had either parent with mental health problems were more likely to have mental health problems themselves. Children from the lower socioeconomic group and who had either parent with mental health problems had higher odds of having mental health problems in Malaysia.

Зоя Гаркавенко

У статті презентовані результати емпіричного вивчення проблеми адаптації професійної освіти до онлайн-режиму в ситуації вимушеного карантину. Мета дослідження полягала в створенні моделі компетенцій викладача / тренера для забезпечення освітньої діяльності онлайн. Обставини гостро актуалізували нагальну потребу забезпечення безперервності освітньої діяльності в нових умовах, показали реальний стан психологічної готовності фахівців освітянської галузі до діяльності в умовах невизначеності. Ключовими ознаками цього стану можна вважати певну фахову та психологічну дезорієнтацію, яка поставила під загрозу якість і сталість результатів освітньої діяльності. Фахівці формальної й неформальної освіти були змушені швидко адаптуватися до нових умов, в основі яких – цифрова трансформація. Фокус уваги нашого дослідження зосереджено на фахівцях, які працюють у сфері післядипломної освіти. Важливим аспектом досліджуваного питання є певна плутанина щодо сутності онлайн-навчання. Це стосується різнотлумачення у середовищі фахівців поняття «дистанційне навчання», зокрема розрізнення синхронного (в режимі реального часу) і асинхронного (у відкладеному часі) режимів освітнього процесу. Принципові відмінності у підходах до методів та психологічних технологій їх застосування вимагають особливої підготовки відповідних фахівців. Результати презентованого дослідження розкривають ряд психологічних труднощів, з якими зіткнулись фахівці післядипломної освіти в ситуації необхідності переведення діяльності в онлайн-режим. В першу чергу, це навчальна діяльність із питань підвищення кваліфікації, проведення навчальних курсів для дорослої аудиторії. Важливим завданням для викладачів / тренерів постало збереження сутнісних ознак і результатів такого навчання: інформація, інструментарій і досвід, які наявні в офлайн-режимі навчання. Основним результатом дослідження можна вважати визначення ключових напрямів психологічної підготовки фахівців до роботи в онлайн: психологічна готовність до управління груповою динамікою та обмеженими комунікаційними інструментами, цифрова компетентність – володіння специфічними цифровими навичками (платформи, програми, окремі інструменти роботи в онлайн), методична компетентність – здатність добирати та поєднувати прийоми й техніки роботи з інформацією, адаптовані до онлайн-середовища. Література Василенко, О.В. (2014). Розвиток системи неформальної освіти дорослих в умовах соціально-економічної кризи. Актуальні проблеми професійної орієнтації та професійного навчання в умовах соціально-економічної нестабільності, 2(2), 138– Ващенко, Л.І. (2019). Підготовка фахівців для роботи з дорослими у сфері неформальної освіти. Імідж сучасного педагога, 4(187), 24– Корбут, О.Г. (2017). Дистанційне навчання: моделі, технології, перспективи. Режим доступу: http://confesp. fl. kpi. ua/ru/node/1123. Плинокос, Д.Д., & Коваленко, М.О. (2016). Неформальна освіта: теоретичні аспекти і наукові підходи. Наукові праці Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Економічні науки, 29, 53–60. Сисоєва, С.О., & Осадча, К.П. (2019). Стан, технології та перспективи дистанційного навчання у вищій освіті України. Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання: електронне наукове фахове видання, 70(2), 271– Harasim, L. (2000). Shift happens: Online education as a new paradigm in learning. The Internet and higher education, 3(1-2), 41– Iordache, C., Mariën, I., & Baelden, D. (2017). Developing digital skills and competences: A quick-scan analysis of 13 digital literacy models. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(1), 6– Kebritchi, M., Lipschuetz, A., & Santiague, L. (2017). Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(1), 4– Latchem, C. (2014). Informal learning and non-formal education for development. Journal of Learning for Development, 1(1). Sun, A., & Chen, X. (2016). Online education and its effective practice: A research review. Journal of Information Technology Education, 15, 157– Lischewski, J., Seeber, S., Wuttke, E., & Rosemann, T. (2020). What influences participation in non-formal and informal modes of Continuous Vocational Education and Training? An analysis of individual and institutional influencing factors. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 2821. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.534485 Rodríguez, M.U., Cantabrana, J.L.L., & Cervera, M.G. (2020). Validation of a tool for self-evaluating teacher digital competence. Educación XX1, 24(1), 353–373. doi: 10.5944/educXX1.27080 Perez-Lopez, E., Atochero, A.V., & Rivero, S.C. (2020). Distance Education in COVID-19: An Analysis from the perspective of university students. Ried-revista iberoamericana de educacion a distancia, 24(1), 331–350. doi: 10.5944/ried.24.1.27855

2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 306-314 ◽  
Edson Theodoro dos S. Neto ◽  
Eliana Zandonade ◽  
Adauto Oliveira Emmerich

OBJECTIVE To analyze the factors associated with breastfeeding duration by two statistical models. METHODS A population-based cohort study was conducted with 86 mothers and newborns from two areas primary covered by the National Health System, with high rates of infant mortality in Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil. During 30 months, 67 (78%) children and mothers were visited seven times at home by trained interviewers, who filled out survey forms. Data on food and sucking habits, socioeconomic and maternal characteristics were collected. Variables were analyzed by Cox regression models, considering duration of breastfeeding as the dependent variable, and logistic regression (dependent variables, was the presence of a breastfeeding child in different post-natal ages). RESULTS In the logistic regression model, the pacifier sucking (adjusted Odds Ratio: 3.4; 95%CI 1.2-9.55) and bottle feeding (adjusted Odds Ratio: 4.4; 95%CI 1.6-12.1) increased the chance of weaning a child before one year of age. Variables associated to breastfeeding duration in the Cox regression model were: pacifier sucking (adjusted Hazard Ratio 2.0; 95%CI 1.2-3.3) and bottle feeding (adjusted Hazard Ratio 2.0; 95%CI 1.2-3.5). However, protective factors (maternal age and family income) differed between both models. CONCLUSIONS Risk and protective factors associated with cessation of breastfeeding may be analyzed by different models of statistical regression. Cox Regression Models are adequate to analyze such factors in longitudinal studies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Edson Dos Santos Farias ◽  
Josivana Pontes dos Santos ◽  
Maísa Maia Soares ◽  
Katia Fernanda Alves Moreira ◽  
Ivanice Fernandes Barcellos Gemelli ◽  

Introduction: Overweight has been reported as a public health problem. Consequently, this suggests epidemiological studies for nutritional surveillance.Objective:  To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with overweight among high school students in Capital of the Brazilian Western Amazon.Methods: cross-sectional study of 2694 adolescents from public and private schools. They collected demographic, socioeconomic and sedentary behavior through self-responded questionnaire. Overweight rating followed the recommendations of the World Health Organization (2007). The prevalence rates were calculated, odds ratio and their confidence intervals were calculated at 95%. They identified the factors associated with excess weight by multiple binary logistic regression.Results: The overall prevalence of overweight was 24.2% and 26.3% for males and 22.4% for females. After adjustment factors associated with overweight were economic class A / B (OR = 1.30, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.45), private school type (OR = 1.21, 95% CI 1,02-1.46) and poor health perception (OR = 1.27, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.58). It was concluded that excess weight showed high prevalence in economy class adolescents and B and private schools in Porto Velho, RO, Brazil.Conclusion: Therefore, the practice of physical activity associated with a diet should be encouraged, in addition to reducing sedentary behavior, to prevent the development of overweight and obesity.

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