2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-17
Andrii Kobetiak

The article analyzes the process of system formation of the structure of Ecumenical Orthodoxy at the current stage. Church life is a dynamic process. The Church is constantly moving forward and has to respond to social demands and problems. It is determined that the institution of autocephaly went through a difficult path of formation, however, even today there is no clear regulated mechanism for the acquisition of autocephalous status by the new Local Church. It has been proven that a number of national churches, such as Montenegro, Macedonia and Belarus, have been defending their own church independence for a long time. However, due to external political-ecclesiastical pressure and the lack of an algorithm for the autocephalization process, they cannot acquire an independent status. In addition, it has been established that such "daughter" churches as Macedonian and Ukrainian are much older than their own kyriarchal patriarchates (Serbian and Moscow). The study found that an obvious violation of canonical rules is the presence of two jurisdictions (two canonical bishops) in the same territory. It has been proven that such a situation exists in a number of countries, such as the United States, where a number of churches in the diaspora of different jurisdictions operate in parallel. A similar situation has already formed in Ukraine. Two significant church organizations operate simultaneously. It has been proven that due to the pressure and reluctance of the mother churches to release the subsidiary churches from the field of influence and their own canonical territory, a similar situation could potentially occur in Montenegro, Macedonia and Belarus. As in Ukraine, some of the parishes will move to the newly created autocephalous church, for example, the Belarusian one, and some will remain loyal to the Russian Orthodox Church. However, it has been established that the coexistence of different mutually recognized Local Churches on the same territory contradicts a number of canons and traditions of the Orthodox Church. The article proves that the Conciliar fullness of the church does not justify such a status of churches, however, in general, the phenomenon of parallel jurisdictions is justified by the time and public demand of the population of different countries, as well as by the political situation. The Grand Council of Crete has not found a compromise solution for an authorized resolving of the problem of the diaspora and "parallel jurisdictions". The article establishes that institutional disputes between Local Churches related to borders and "canonical territory" and the proclamation of new Local Churches in autocephaly status can be resolved only by a conciliar way and with the participation of all Orthodox hierarchs. Existing approaches to solving the "temporary" problem of "parallel jurisdictions" have led to the incorporation of existing non-canonical entities into recognized churches. It has been proved that only the autocephalous system is a unanimously accepted version of the existence of Ecumenical Orthodoxy. Thuse, the striving of a number of national churches for their recognition and independence is just. Therefore, further scientific explorations of autocephalous topics and the canonical work of the holy fathers will complement the study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Maria Avanesová

This text, conceived as an interpretative case study, deals with the role that the Belarusian Orthodox Church plays in the contemporary Belarusian regime. In light of the fact that the Belarusian Orthodox Church is an exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, the author will also look at whether the Belarusian Orthodox Church can actually be considered an instrument of Russian in Belarus. Within the research, the author will show that on the one hand, there are favorable conditions for the development of the Belarusian Orthodox Church. But on the other hand, although the state declares the de facto independence of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, any opposition activity on its part is seen as a threat to the state, which allows the state to interfere with its policy. This leads church organizations in such systems to become significantly weakened within this “cooperation with the state”, even though they have an influence on society and thus a legitimizing potential. As a result, the church is strongly dependent on the state and limited as an actor in civil society within the Belarusian regime. In addition, the author will also conclude in the study that it is difficult to consider the Belarusian Orthodox Church to be a tool of the Kremlin’s influence.

Sergey M. Zinchuk

The author describes in the article some important components and features of Church life in the period initiated by Nikita Khrushchev and known as the parish reform, which, among other things, was aimed at undermining the fi nancial base of the Russian Orthodox Church (hereinafter referred to as the Church) in the USSR. It is noted that Stalin's post-war system of state-Church relations had a serious defect in the form of ineffective legal consolidation: in addition, after the end of the World War II, the question if the Soviet power praised Orthodoxy and other religions stood no longer disappeared. All this allowed Stalin's successors carrying out a number of serious measures aimed at weakening the Church. Khrushchev's religious policy differed from the persecution of the 1920s-1930s, because it included measures aimed at indirect destruction of Orthodoxy, primarily through administrative pressure on the clergy and laity. The parish reform, aimed at depriving deans of fi nancial powers and handing them over to churchwardens, appointed, in fact, by local authorities, which allowed to ruin churches and monasteries with compliance with the formalities of the regime's toleration, can be considered to be a typical manifestation of that trend.

2020 ◽  
pp. 168-178
Питирим Творогов

Основной целью исследования является описание трудов свт. Феофана по учреждению церковного периодического издания «владимирские епархиальные ведомости». Для этого в первую очередь излагается история учреждения и развития «епархиальных ведомостей» в русской православной Церкви в целом, а затем рассматривается подробный план конкретного издания владимирской епархии, каким он виделся зачинателю этого важного дела, раскрывается его роль в жизни епархиального духовенства и паствы, показывается духовно-просветительское значение этого печатного органа. в итоге автор делает вывод, что целью трудов епископа было вовлечение местного духовенства в активную церковную жизнь совместно с паствой. в наше время выпуски данного журнала являются ценнейшим источником сведений об истории владимирской епархии. The main purpose of the study is to describe the writings of St. Theophanes on the establishment of the church periodical «Vladimir diocesan sheets». Primarily I discuss the history and account of the emergence and development of the «Diocesan Vedomosti» that is described in the Russian Orthodox Church as a whole, and then display a detailed plan of the specific publication of the Vladimir diocese, which he saw as the initiator of this important matter. Its role in the life of the diocesan clergy and flock is revealed. The spiritual and educational significance of this printed organ is shown. As a result, the author concludes that the goal of the bishop’s work was to involve the local clergy in active church life together with the flock. Nowadays, the issues of this journal are a valuable source of information about the history of the Vladimir diocese.

2019 ◽  
pp. 78-103
Алексей Константинович Светозарский

В настоящей статье читатель узнает об истории возобновления богословской и духовной жизни Московской духовной академии в стенах Троице-Сергиевой Лавры. Постепенно, шаг за шагом в ведение Церкви были переданы исторические здания Московской духовной академии. Во многом благодаря дипломатическому таланту Святейшего Патриарха Алексия, многочисленные письма с просьбами и ходатайствами в Совет по делам Русской Православной Церкви, возглавляемый Г. Г. Карповым, были удовлетворены. Однако это далось не просто. После встречи трёх иерархов нашей Церкви - митрополитов Сергия (Страгородского), Алексия (Симанского) и Николая (Ярушевича) - с главой правительства СССР И. В. Сталиным начался процесс воссоздания системы духовного образования. Но довольствоваться помещениями Новодевичьего монастыря из-за возрастающего количества студентов долго не получилось. Со временем сложилась благоприятная обстановка для возвращения Московской духовной академии в келью преподобного Сергия. Сложностям процесса передачи исторических зданий и посвящена данная статья. In this article the reader will learn about the history of the resumption of theological and spiritual life of the Moscow Theological Academy within the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Gradually, step by step, the historic buildings of the Moscow Theological Academy were handed over to the Church. Largely due to the diplomatic talent of His Holiness Patriarch Alexis, numerous letters of request and petition to the Council on the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church, headed by G. G. Karpov, were granted. However, this was not easy. After three hierarchs of our Church - Metropolitans Sergii (Stragorodskii), Alexii (Simanskii) and Nikolai (Yarushevich) - met with the head of the USSR government, Stalin, the process of recreating the system of spiritual education began. But it was not possible to be content with the premises of Novodevichy monastery due to the increasing number of students for a long time. Eventually, the conditions were favourable for the return of the Moscow Theological Academy to the cell of the Venerable Sergius. The complexities of the process of transferring the historic buildings are the subject of this article.

Sabornost ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 177-186
Mile Subotić

Metropolitan Theophan Fan Noli was a leader of the Church both in America and his native Albania. He was a pioneer in calling for a united Orthodox Church in America and in the use of English in services. Noli began his life of service in the Church in the United States organizing Albanian parishes. With the Balkan Wars and the independence of Albania, Fan Noli devoted more of his time to the cause of Albania. He was Prime Minister of Albania in 1924. After a change in political climate, Bishop Theophan was forced to leave Albania. He was able to return to the United States in 1932. Upon arriving he retired from politics and resumed his duties as bishop of the Albanian Orthodox Church in America. Bishop Noli considered his Albanian Church as a daughter of the Russian Orthodox Church in America and looked to it for the creation of a single Orthodox Church in America. He continued to lead his flock and to advocate Orthodox unity until his death in 1965.

2020 ◽  
pp. 160-198
Макарий Веретенников

Статья посвящена содержанию, общим принципам построения и характерным особенностям календаря, или месяцеслова, Русской Православной Церкви. Автор использует методы анализа и синтеза. В итоге делаются нижеследующие обобщения. Месяцеслов был принесён на Русь из Византии в достаточно завершённом виде, однако в процессе исторического развития он дополнился особенными русскими праздниками. Календарь-месяцеслов - это грандиозный собор святых, подвизавшихся в разных местах на протяжении веков, единение Церкви Небесной и земной, история святости и история нашей Церкви. Месяцесловным памятям посвящены составленные гимнографами богослужебные тексты, которые поются и читаются в храмах. Традиционно почитается день кончины угодников Божиих, память открытия мощей святых, перенесения их святых мощей или же день канонизации угодников Божиих, реже - день их рождения. Фенологические наблюдения русского народа связаны с повседневной деятельностью и увязаны с месяцесловом, что свидетельствует о его проникновении в повседневную жизнь русского человека. The article is devoted to the content, General principles of construction and characteristic features of the calendar, or mesyatseslov, of the Russian Orthodox Church. The author uses methods of analysis and synthesis. As a result, the following generalizations are made. The mesyatseslov was brought to Russia from Byzantium in a fairly complete form, but in the course of historical development it was supplemented with special Russian holidays. The calendar-mesyatseslov is a grandiose council of saints who have labored in different places over the centuries, the unity of the Church of Heaven and earth, the history of holiness and the history of our Church. Liturgical texts composed by hymnographers, which are sung and read in churches, are dedicated to the mesyatseslovs memory. Traditionally, the day of the death of saints, the memory of the discovery of the relics of saints, the transfer of their Holy relics, or the day of the canonization of saints, less often - the day of their birth are honored. Russian people’s phenological observations are related to their daily activities and are linked to mesyatseslov, which indicates its penetration into the daily life of the Russian people.

2020 ◽  
pp. 269-274
Сергей Забелич

В статье рассказывается об истории создания Синодальной Богослужебной комиссии, основных направлениях ее деятельности, задачах. На заседаниях обсуждаются вопросы и принимаются предварительные решения по сложным календарным вопросам, а также введение новых текстов в богослужебную практику Русской Православной Церкви на основе церковного Устава (Типикона) и литургической традиции Русской Церкви. The article is devoted to the history of establishing the Synodal Liturgical Commission, the main fields of its work and the essential tasks. The Commission raises a number of important liturgical questions, takes preliminary decisions on the complicated calendar issues and introduces the new texts of divine services into the worship practice of the Russian Orthodox Church following the Church statutes (Typikon) and the liturgical tradition of the Russian Church.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 60-64
Evguenia Alexandrovna Belyaeva ◽  
Elena Aleksandrovna Venidiktova ◽  
Dilbar Valievna Shamsutdinova

Purpose: the aim of the undertaken study is to consider the dynamics of the church-state relationship in the context of Russian new cultural tendencies at the turn of the century. Methodology: Thus, The methodological basis of the research was formed by philosophical analysis of the church-state relationship, historicism and comparison principles. The following tasks were being solved: defining the interaction ways between the religious organizations and the state on the modern stage of the Russian society development; pointing out the prospects of consolidation of both the сhurch and the state around the democratic civil society fostering program in XXI century; revealing the need to promote respectful attitude towards human values as an integral part of spiritual culture. Result: The authors achieved the following results within the study: A wider notions of church and state were introduced demonstrating the similarity of some of their functions: offering moral guidance for social well-being; historic doctrinal models “caesaropapism”, “papocaesarism” and “symphony(concordance) of powers” were identified and characterized alongside with their secular counterparts - separation and cooperation models of church-state relationship. In conclusion of the article the urgent need for the transition of church-state relationship from political to social and cultural spheres was justified. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Socio-Cultural Interaction Forms of Church and State on the Example of the Russian Orthodox Church is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner.

2020 ◽  
pp. 71-84
Алексей Черный

The article attempts to reconstruct various pastoral models that appeared in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church over several centuries. The author identifies several "images" of confession, which are very different, among them: the realization of "despotical" power in a "confessional" family of the sixteenth century, the fulfillment of conscription, deeply personal interaction based on mutual trust and the value of a hierarchical aspect, counseling under the guidance of a "parish elder". The state, depending on the circumstances, either embeds the pastor in itself as a necessary part of its own mechanism, or considers the priesthood as a foreign element, or completely distances itself from religious affairs. The author suggests that the “types” of confession presented in the article can be compared with the forms of pastoral self-consciousness to be found in the modern life of the church. This in turn suggests that in the Russian Church today is characterized by the search for pastoral identity, in which the priesthood plays a key role.

Aliaxandr V. Slesarau

The article is devoted to considering the specifics of the administrative and canonical status of the Belarusian Metropolis in the diaspora, during 1946–1956 stayed in the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. The conclusion is drawn about what happened from 1950 to 1956 phasing down the status of the metropolis, which led to the cessation of its existence. One of the most important reasons for the liquidation of the Belarusian Metropolis in the diaspora seems to be the fear of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad bishop about the possible occurrence of disturbances in church life caused by the national question. The liquidation of the Belarusian Metropolis led to a deeper integration of Belarusian emigrants into the cultural environment of the Russian diaspora.

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