scholarly journals Criminal Justice and Digital Technology: Compatibility Issue

Lex Russica ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 91-104 ◽  
L. A. Voskobitova

The paper discusses individual advantages and benefits that the digitalization of criminal procedures can provide. The forms of positive use of digital technologies in practice and the possibility of expanding their use are shown. It is proposed to do this by experimental implementation: a) to introduce them in parallel, along with the traditional ones, or b) to use them completely for different stages of the procedure that are most suitable for formalization and programming. There are three groups of criteria that need to be taken into account: objective characteristics of the nature of criminal procedural relations; the possibility/impossibility of formalization of requirements and procedures; the ability to strengthen, rather than reduce the guarantees of human rights, the reliability of the results of knowledge and justice of law enforcement acts. For a systematic transition to these technologies, it is impossible not to take into account that «human abilities» in criminal procedure can not always be formalized to the extent of their replacement by digital technologies.

Martin Hannibal ◽  
Lisa Mountford

This introductory chapter briefly sets out the volume’s purpose, which is to explain the legal, procedural and evidential rules governing how cases are dealt with by the criminal justice system. It then explains the philosophy of the text and its unique features; introduces the key personnel and organisations within the criminal justice system; introduces the Criminal Procedure Rules; explains the classification of offences according to their trial venue; summarizes the jurisdiction of the criminal courts; stresses the importance of the pervasive issue of human rights; and highlights professional conduct considerations in the context of criminal litigation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 165
Deassy J. A. Hehanussa ◽  
Koesno Adi ◽  
Masruchin Ruba’i ◽  
Pridja Djatmika

Law enforcement implementation of fisheries criminal act especially for investigation based on Article 73 (1) of Law No. 45 of 2009 is executed by Fishery Civil Servant Investigator (PPNS), Investigator of Indonesian Navy officer and/or Investigator of Indonesian National Police. This investigation authority is called as attribution authority meaning that the authority is granted by the order of law. This regulation grants the same authority to these three institutions to investigate and submit their investigation report to public prosecutor without any cohesive system in its implementation. If it is linked to Law No. 8 of 1981 as an illustration of criminal justice system of Indonesia which is referred as the basis of common and specific criminal law enforcement, it emerges juridical weakness as a consequence of regulation inconsistency including conflict of norm between Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) and Fisheries Act. This inconsistency emerges conflict of authority among those investigators and emerges law indeterminacy. Hence, reformulate investigation authority of fisheries criminal act needs to be conducted along with paying attention on waters territory of Indonesia upon Law No. 6 of 1996 about Waters Territory of Indonesia despite law enforcement mechanism which had to be enforced corporately. This study result concludes that inconsistency of investigation authority formulation in fisheries criminal act in criminal justice system not only emerges fuzziness of norm but also conflict of norm between Law No. 8 of 1981 about Criminal Procedure Code and Law No. 45 of 2009. This emerges because there is an overlapping of investigation authority among 3 institutions, i.e., Fishery Civil Servant, Indonesian Navy and the Police. Formation team of Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board (Bakorkamla) only has an authority as coordinating function. Hence, to maximize the law enforcement in the ocean, function of Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board should be improved as a coordinator of law enforcement in ocean territory of Indonesia.

V. I. Przhilenskiy ◽  
I. B. Przhilenskaya

The interaction of individuals, structures and collectives in the course of digitalization of the criminal process is analyzed. The goals of various participants in the process of introducing digital technologies into criminal proceedings are considered. It is concluded that it is necessary to timely identify all the stakeholders of digitalization and other actors involved in this process, the thesis is substantiated that it is expedient to take into account and agree on strategies in order to give consistency, predictability and controllability to the digitalization process of the criminal procedural sphere of law enforcement. Thus, the readiness of the criminal justice system for the planned and actually ongoing digitalization is being tested.

A. Saiful Aziz

ABSTRAK            Asas praduga tak bersalah dianggap  hanya  untuk  dan  berlaku bagi kegiatan yang berkaitan  dengan  proses  peradilan pidana. Sehingga terjadi ketidakpedulian masyarakat terhadap asas tersebut. Asas  praduga tak bersalah  di  Indonesia  dulu terdapat  di  dalam  Pasal 8 Undang-Undang No. 14 Tahun 1970 tentang Ketentuan-Ketentuan Pokok Kekuasaan Kehakiman. Meskipun tidak secara eksplisit menyatakan hal yang sama, asas tersebut  diutarakan  di  dalam  Pasal 66 Undang-Undang No.8 Tahun 1981 tentang Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP).Penegakkan hukum merupakan salah satu upaya untuk menciptakan tata tertib, keamanan dan ketentraman dalam masyarakat, baik itu merupakan usaha pencegahan maupun merupakan pemberantasan atau penindakan setelah terjadinya pelanggaran hukum. Untuk mencapai sasaran tersebut maka peraturan perundang-undangan menjadi dasar hukum bagi langkah dan tindakan dari penegak hukum harus sesuai dengan dasar falsafah negara dan pandangan hidup Bangsa Indonesia yaitu Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 (UUD 1945). Dengan demikian, Perlunya rekonseptualisasi atas tafsir asas praduga tidak bersalah (presumption of innocence) yang selama ini dianut KUHAP.        Kata kunci: Tafsir, Asas, Praduga tidak Bersalah.                                               AbstractThe principle of innocence presumption is presumed only for and applicable to activities relating to the criminal justice process. So there is a lack of concern for the community towards the principle. The principle of innocence presumption in Indonesia was previously contained in Article 8 of Law no. 14 of 1970 on the Basic Provisions of Judicial Power. Although it does not explicitly state the same, the principle was articulated in Article 66 of Law No.8 Year 1981 on the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP).Law enforcement is one of the efforts to create order, security and peace in society, whether it is a preventive effort or is the eradication or repression after the violation of law. To achieve these targets, the legislation should be the legal basis for the actions and actions of law enforcers to be in accordance with the basic philosophy of the state and the Indonesian life view of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution (1945 Constitution). Thus, the need for a reconceptualization of the interpretation of the presumption of innocence principle adopted by the Criminal Procedure Code.Keywords: Tafsir, Principle, Presumption Presumption of Innocence

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dodik Hartono ◽  
Maryanto Maryanto

ABSTRAK�Penelitian dengan judul Peranan Dan Fungsi Praperadilan Dalam Menegakkan Hukum Pidana di Polda Jateng. Berdasarkan uraian dalam Tesis ini, permasalahan yang akan yang akan di teliti adalah: 1) Bagaimanakah fungsi dan peran praperadilan dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku? 2) Apa hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran pra peradilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng? 3) Bagaimanakah solusi dari hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran pra peradilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng?Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa : 1) Maksud dan tujuan utama yang hendak ditegakkan dan dilindungi, dalam proses praperadilan yaitu tegaknya hukum dan perlindungan hak asasi tersangka dalam tingkat pemeriksaan penyidikan dan penuntutan. Pasal 1 butir 10 KUHAP dipertegas dalam Pasal 77 KUHAP yang menyebutkan Pengadilan Negeri berwenang untuk memeriksa dan memutus, sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam undang-undang. Wewenang pengadilan untuk mengadili dalam praperadilan dijelaskan dalam Pasal 95 KUHAP. 2) Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran praperadilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng meliputi : a. hakim lebih banyak memperhatikan perihal dipenuhi atau tidaknya syarat-syarat formil penangkapan dan penahanan, atau ada tidaknya perintah penahanan dan sama sekali tidak menguji dan menilai syarat materilnya. b. setiap pelaksanaan upaya paksa selalu ada perenggutan HAM. c. pemeriksaan untuk melakukan penahanan, masih ada penyalahgunaan dalam tahap penyidikan oleh Polisi dan penuntutan oleh jaksa. d. selain luasnya kewenangan penyidikan dalam menentukan bukti permulaan yang cukup, pengawasan terhadap kewenangan tersebut juga lemah. 3) Solusi dari hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran praperadilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng meliputi : ����������� a. Diperlukan upaya kontrol terhadap setiap aparat penegak hukum pada lembaganya masing-masing secara vertikal. b. KUHAP perlu direvisi khususnya mengenai mekanisme saling mengawasi antara penegak hukum dan lembaga dalam subsistem peradilan. c. diperlukan peran aktif hakim dalam menggunakan kewenangannya pada saat pemeriksaan pokok perkara untuk mempertimbangkan penyidikan atau penuntutan yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum acara atau yang melawan hukum guna menghindari penyalahgunaan HAM. d. dalam tahap ajudikasi, hakim seharusnya berkonsentrasi untuk menentukan hasil pembuktian di persidangan dan dalam tahap ini, hakim dapat menilai apa yang terjadi dalam tahap praajudikasi.Kata Kunci : Peranan dan Fungsi, Praperadilan, Penegakan Hukum Pidana�ABSTRACT�Research with the title Role And Practice Function In Enforcing Criminal Law in Central Java Regional Police. Based on the description in this Thesis, the issues that will be examined are: 1) How is the function and role of pretrial in law enforcement in Indonesia based on the prevailing laws and regulations? 2) What are the obstacles in the implementation of pre-justice functions and roles in law enforcement in the Central Java Regional Police? 3) How is the solution of the obstacles in the implementation of functions and the role of pre-judiciary in law enforcement in Central Java Regional Police?The results of the study conclude that: 1) The main purpose and objectives to be upheld and protected, in the pre-trial process, namely the enforcement of the law and the protection of human rights of suspects in the level of investigation and prosecution investigation. Article 1 point 10 of the Criminal Procedure Code is affirmed in Article 77 of KUHAP stating that the District Court has the authority to examine and decide upon, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in law. The jurisdiction of the courts to adjudicate in pre-trial is described in Article 95 of the Criminal Procedure Code. 2) Obstacles in the implementation of functions and the role of pretrial in law enforcement in Central Java Police include: a. judges pay more attention to whether or not the formal conditions for arrest and detention, or whether there is a detention order and not test and judge material requirements at all. b. every execution of forced efforts is always a rush of human rights. c. checks for detention, there is still abuse in the investigation stage by the Police and prosecution by the prosecutor. d. besides the extent of investigative authority in determining sufficient preliminary evidence, the oversight of the authority is also weak. 3) Solutions from obstacles in the implementation of functions and pretrial roles in law enforcement in Central Java Police include: a. Control of each law enforcement apparatus is required on each institution vertically. b. The Criminal Procedure Code needs to be revised, especially regarding the mechanism of mutual supervision between law enforcement and institutions within the judicial system. c. an active role of the judge in the use of authority at the time of examination of the principal matter to consider investigations or prosecutions that are not in accordance with the provisions of procedural law or against the law in order to avoid abuse of human rights. d. in the stage of adjudication, the judge should concentrate on determining the results of the evidence in the hearing and in this stage the judge can judge what happened in the pre-certification stage.Keywords: Roles and Functions, Pretrial, Criminal Law Enforcement

Lyudmila Mil'tonovna Volodina

The object of this research is the relations on protection of human rights in criminal procedure justice in under the conditions of pandemic. The subject of this research is analysis of the activity of law enforcement and judicial systems in the country’s current situation. The proliferation of coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation generated pervasive problems in this area. Recommendations contained in the Decisions of the Presidium of the Supreme Court and the Presidium of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation of March 18, 2020 and April 8, 2020 did not clarify the law enforcement practice, which led to ambiguity in the interpretation of certain provisions of these documents. The situation that formed in the country as a result of COVID-19 pandemic requires rationalization of a number of issues on the protection of human rights in nonstandard conditions of the work of judicial and law enforcement systems. Information from the open sources published on the Internet served as the foundation for this research. The conducted analysis is valuable for understanding the current situation, as well as for making appropriate decisions that are instrumental for the future. Based on the acquired results, the makes recommendations aimed at improvement of separate institutions of criminal law and criminal procedure law, namely Institution of the statute of limitations, institution of the suspension of proceedings in a criminal case. The scientific novelty consists in the exact wording of indicated recommendations on amending the current criminal procedure legislation.

Sugeng Sutrisno

Law enforcement in the Military Court System in the settlement of criminal cases committed by TNI soldiers is seen as not yet fully guaranteeing legal protection for the rights of suspects, this is due to the absence of a control agency that oversees the actions of law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties and authorities as is the case in the system. General Court. This condition should not drag on indefinitely, because it will affect the law enforcement process and harm the suspect to fight for his rights to obtain justice which results in human rights violations (TNI soldiers). The purpose of the establishment of the Pretrial Institution is as stated in the Elucidation of Article 80 of the Criminal Procedure Code which states that this article intends to uphold law, justice, and truth through horizontal supervision. Settlement of criminal cases in Indonesia in addition to the Code of Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) which applies to civil society, we also recognize the existence of the Military Criminal Procedure Code which is regulated in Law Number 31 of 1997 concerning Military Courts, namely the law that regulates the procedure for resolving criminal cases. a criminal case committed by a TNI soldier. The Law on Military Courts includes the provisions of the litigation process (Military Criminal Procedure Law) starting from the investigation stage, submission of cases, the examination process at trial to the implementation of decisions. 31 of 1997 does not regulate pretrial. In several cases in the Military Court where a suspect was detained without a warrant for detention or was late in obtaining a warrant for detention, therefore such actions may conflict with the principles applicable in the provisions of criminal law so that they do not respect the position of the suspect as a creature created by God, even the act can lead to human rights violators. Therefore, in the military justice system in Indonesia, pretrial institutions are needed as a form of horizontal external supervision.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Le Lan Chi

The court exercises the judicial power, thereby plays an important role in protecting human rights. However, such role varies across nations and models of criminal procedure. Vietnam, the country has been following the model of crime control, has its corresponding approach to the role of the court in protecting human rights. Notwithstanding, the current context of improving the rule of law and human rights has posed challenges and raised questions of changing the approach. Keywords The Court, adjudication, human rights, model, due-process, crime-control, the accused References [1] Herbert L. Packer, Two models of the criminal process, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1964, 1 ( [2] Joycelyn M. Pollock, Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice, Cengage Learning, Boston, 2015, p.116 [3] [4] Fairchild, E. and Dammer, H. R., Comparative Criminal Justice System, 2nd ed. Belmont, Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2001, p. 146 [5] Fairchild, E. and Dammer, H. R., Comparative Criminal Justice System, 2nd ed. Belmont, Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2001, p. 148 [6] Đào Trí Úc, Hệ thống những nguyên tắc cơ bản của tố tụng hình sự Việt Nam theo Bộ luật tố tụng hình sự năm 2015 (in trong sách chuyên khảo “Những nội dung mới trong Bộ luật tố tụng hình sự năm 2015”, Nguyễn Hoà Bình (chủ biên), Nxb. Chính trị quốc gia – Sự thật, Hà Nội, 2016, trang 59.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-42
Tyrone Kirchengast ◽  
Tatiana Badaró ◽  
Lucas Pardini

In Brazil, minor to mid-level criminal offences are dealt with through an inventive community problem-solving paradigm that sees a shift from traditional court engagement between the accused and state towards a therapeutic process that involves all participants in the justice process. This article considers the work of the Domestic Violence and Special Justice Courts of Brazil, by examining their use of a mixed and hybrid adversarial-inquisitorial criminal procedure that supports a participatory model of community and problem-solving justice in a human rights context. The article argues that this hybrid and mixed approach to criminal justice allows for the mainstreaming of problem-centred and community justice through the adoption of human rights measures that afford justice to all participants in the criminal justice process. This approach sees the forging of relationships between traditional and non-traditional justice stakeholders, specifically victims, police, the judiciary, defendants, the community and service providers, as a central rather than alternative pathway to justice. Importantly, this innovative criminal procedure as a standard response to crime provides for longer-term community building by engaging victims and the accused through a range of informal processes that support admonishment of wrongdoing and conciliation between the victim, offender and community, albeit more serious matters invariably proceed directly to trial. Lessons from this mixed and hybrid model for adversarial jurisdictions attempting to better integrate problem-solving justice follow.

Martin Hannibal ◽  
Lisa Mountford

This introductory chapter briefly sets out the volume’s purpose, which is to explain the legal, procedural and evidential rules governing how cases are dealt with by the criminal justice system. It then explains the philosophy of the text and its unique features; introduces the key personnel and organisations within the criminal justice system; introduces the Criminal Procedure Rules; explains the classification of offences according to their trial venue; summarizes the jurisdiction of the criminal courts; stresses the importance of the pervasive issue of human rights; and highlights professional conduct considerations in the context of criminal litigation.

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