scholarly journals Peranan Dan Fungsi Praperadilan Dalam Penegakan Hukum Pidana Di Polda Jateng

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Dodik Hartono ◽  
Maryanto Maryanto

ABSTRAK�Penelitian dengan judul Peranan Dan Fungsi Praperadilan Dalam Menegakkan Hukum Pidana di Polda Jateng. Berdasarkan uraian dalam Tesis ini, permasalahan yang akan yang akan di teliti adalah: 1) Bagaimanakah fungsi dan peran praperadilan dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku? 2) Apa hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran pra peradilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng? 3) Bagaimanakah solusi dari hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran pra peradilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng?Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa : 1) Maksud dan tujuan utama yang hendak ditegakkan dan dilindungi, dalam proses praperadilan yaitu tegaknya hukum dan perlindungan hak asasi tersangka dalam tingkat pemeriksaan penyidikan dan penuntutan. Pasal 1 butir 10 KUHAP dipertegas dalam Pasal 77 KUHAP yang menyebutkan Pengadilan Negeri berwenang untuk memeriksa dan memutus, sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam undang-undang. Wewenang pengadilan untuk mengadili dalam praperadilan dijelaskan dalam Pasal 95 KUHAP. 2) Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran praperadilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng meliputi : a. hakim lebih banyak memperhatikan perihal dipenuhi atau tidaknya syarat-syarat formil penangkapan dan penahanan, atau ada tidaknya perintah penahanan dan sama sekali tidak menguji dan menilai syarat materilnya. b. setiap pelaksanaan upaya paksa selalu ada perenggutan HAM. c. pemeriksaan untuk melakukan penahanan, masih ada penyalahgunaan dalam tahap penyidikan oleh Polisi dan penuntutan oleh jaksa. d. selain luasnya kewenangan penyidikan dalam menentukan bukti permulaan yang cukup, pengawasan terhadap kewenangan tersebut juga lemah. 3) Solusi dari hambatan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi dan peran praperadilan dalam penegakan hukum di Polda Jateng meliputi : ����������� a. Diperlukan upaya kontrol terhadap setiap aparat penegak hukum pada lembaganya masing-masing secara vertikal. b. KUHAP perlu direvisi khususnya mengenai mekanisme saling mengawasi antara penegak hukum dan lembaga dalam subsistem peradilan. c. diperlukan peran aktif hakim dalam menggunakan kewenangannya pada saat pemeriksaan pokok perkara untuk mempertimbangkan penyidikan atau penuntutan yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum acara atau yang melawan hukum guna menghindari penyalahgunaan HAM. d. dalam tahap ajudikasi, hakim seharusnya berkonsentrasi untuk menentukan hasil pembuktian di persidangan dan dalam tahap ini, hakim dapat menilai apa yang terjadi dalam tahap praajudikasi.Kata Kunci : Peranan dan Fungsi, Praperadilan, Penegakan Hukum Pidana�ABSTRACT�Research with the title Role And Practice Function In Enforcing Criminal Law in Central Java Regional Police. Based on the description in this Thesis, the issues that will be examined are: 1) How is the function and role of pretrial in law enforcement in Indonesia based on the prevailing laws and regulations? 2) What are the obstacles in the implementation of pre-justice functions and roles in law enforcement in the Central Java Regional Police? 3) How is the solution of the obstacles in the implementation of functions and the role of pre-judiciary in law enforcement in Central Java Regional Police?The results of the study conclude that: 1) The main purpose and objectives to be upheld and protected, in the pre-trial process, namely the enforcement of the law and the protection of human rights of suspects in the level of investigation and prosecution investigation. Article 1 point 10 of the Criminal Procedure Code is affirmed in Article 77 of KUHAP stating that the District Court has the authority to examine and decide upon, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in law. The jurisdiction of the courts to adjudicate in pre-trial is described in Article 95 of the Criminal Procedure Code. 2) Obstacles in the implementation of functions and the role of pretrial in law enforcement in Central Java Police include: a. judges pay more attention to whether or not the formal conditions for arrest and detention, or whether there is a detention order and not test and judge material requirements at all. b. every execution of forced efforts is always a rush of human rights. c. checks for detention, there is still abuse in the investigation stage by the Police and prosecution by the prosecutor. d. besides the extent of investigative authority in determining sufficient preliminary evidence, the oversight of the authority is also weak. 3) Solutions from obstacles in the implementation of functions and pretrial roles in law enforcement in Central Java Police include: a. Control of each law enforcement apparatus is required on each institution vertically. b. The Criminal Procedure Code needs to be revised, especially regarding the mechanism of mutual supervision between law enforcement and institutions within the judicial system. c. an active role of the judge in the use of authority at the time of examination of the principal matter to consider investigations or prosecutions that are not in accordance with the provisions of procedural law or against the law in order to avoid abuse of human rights. d. in the stage of adjudication, the judge should concentrate on determining the results of the evidence in the hearing and in this stage the judge can judge what happened in the pre-certification stage.Keywords: Roles and Functions, Pretrial, Criminal Law Enforcement

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-69
Diah Ratri Oktavriana ◽  
Nasiri Nasiri

This research is a normative research. One of the fulfillment of human rights is justice in equalizing the position of every citizen before the law, as stated in Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The right to equality before the law or what is commonly referred to as equality before the law is a principle that provides recognition and protection of human rights for every individual regardless of one's background. Therefore, it is true that Law Number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid for People Who Are Less Capable to Guarantee Constitutional Rights of Citizens for Justice and Equality before the Law emerged. Legal aid is a legal service provided by advocates to the community seeking justice In the realm of criminal cases, the provision of legal assistance is described in Article 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code which explains that in the interests of defense, a suspect or defendant has the right to receive legal assistance from one or more legal advisers during the time and at each level of examination. The provision of legal assistance must be based on the principle of equality before the law as stated in the explanation of Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning Criminal Procedure Law. From the various analyzes that have been carried out, in the perspective of Islamic criminal law it can be concluded that the principle of equality before the law as described in Article 54 of the Criminal Procedure Code is equivalent to an order to provide legal aid which in Islamic criminal law is spelled out in Surah Al-Maidah verse 2 which states that as a fellow humans are ordered to help each other as a form of horizontal worship to fellow humans (habl minan-nas). In addition there are many more both in the Al Qur'an and the hadith of the prophet regarding the application of the principle of equality before the law.

Sugeng Sutrisno

Law enforcement in the Military Court System in the settlement of criminal cases committed by TNI soldiers is seen as not yet fully guaranteeing legal protection for the rights of suspects, this is due to the absence of a control agency that oversees the actions of law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties and authorities as is the case in the system. General Court. This condition should not drag on indefinitely, because it will affect the law enforcement process and harm the suspect to fight for his rights to obtain justice which results in human rights violations (TNI soldiers). The purpose of the establishment of the Pretrial Institution is as stated in the Elucidation of Article 80 of the Criminal Procedure Code which states that this article intends to uphold law, justice, and truth through horizontal supervision. Settlement of criminal cases in Indonesia in addition to the Code of Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) which applies to civil society, we also recognize the existence of the Military Criminal Procedure Code which is regulated in Law Number 31 of 1997 concerning Military Courts, namely the law that regulates the procedure for resolving criminal cases. a criminal case committed by a TNI soldier. The Law on Military Courts includes the provisions of the litigation process (Military Criminal Procedure Law) starting from the investigation stage, submission of cases, the examination process at trial to the implementation of decisions. 31 of 1997 does not regulate pretrial. In several cases in the Military Court where a suspect was detained without a warrant for detention or was late in obtaining a warrant for detention, therefore such actions may conflict with the principles applicable in the provisions of criminal law so that they do not respect the position of the suspect as a creature created by God, even the act can lead to human rights violators. Therefore, in the military justice system in Indonesia, pretrial institutions are needed as a form of horizontal external supervision.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 141-121
Ibnu Artadi

In line with the identity of "rechstaat" and "the rule of law", the law must recognize and guarantee human rights in order to establish a just order, because justice goes hand in hand with the structure of human rights. The realization of the Criminal Procedure Code which functions to protect human rights comprehensively, in line with the demands of the Convention Against Torture, is a basic requirement towards the era of rule of law. So, the purpose of this article is to analyze the quality of the implementation of law enforcement that is not in accordance with the principles of law regarding the behavior of good law enforcement officials. The method used is qualitative with a sociolegal approach. The conclusion of this article is that one of the authority of legislation is its success in adapting to international conventions recognized by the affected people. The Criminal Procedure Code as an integral part of the national law of the Indonesian state law must be in line with Law No. 5 of 1998 concerning the Ratification of the Convention Against Torture. For this reason, looking at the weaknesses of the Criminal Procedure Code, both substantively and in practice, renovating the Criminal Procedure Code is urgent. The lack of perfection of the legal substance of the Criminal Procedure Code in providing human rights protection in a country that acts as a state of law is disastrous. In accordance with the rule of law, the law must recognize and guarantee human rights in order to establish a just order, because justice goes hand in hand with the structure of human rights.

Media Iuris ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 350
Rendy Ardy Septia Yuristara

Advocates are the most vulnerable professions to be Gatekeepers in money laundering. Indeed, the advocate profession is part of the law enforcement apparatus that can contribute better in preventing money laundering activities to develop. Affirmation about the role of advocate that can suppress the occurrence of money laundering crime, that is with the issuance of PP. 43 of 2015, which places advocates as one of the reporting parties in the agenda of eradicating money laundering crime. However, the substance of the rule draws criticism from some misguided advocates in interpreting the intent and purpose of the arrangement. Moreover there are some advocates who consider that the rule is against the rules that regulate immunity rights in the profession advocate. The misinterpretation of some advocates related to the immunity rights inherent in the profession, causing the work of the advocate profession to be considered irrelevant, and not worthy of being called the nobleprofession (OfficiumNobile), But as a bad profession in integrity and promoting commercialization. In fact, the basic purpose of the arrangement of PP. 43 of 2015, which places the advocate profession as one of the reporting parties on the eradication agenda of money laundering, is a form of respect for the profession of advocate who is a noble profession, by prioritizing his professional responsibilities to the state, society and God, as well as his obligations as part of The legal profession to uphold the law and uphold the value of human rights while on duty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-25
Ni Made Trisna Dewi,Reido Lardiza Fahrial

Abuse in the electronic transaction because it is formed from an electronic process, so the object changes, the goods become electronic data and the evidence is electronic.  Referring to the provisions of positive law in Indonesia, there are several laws and regulations that have set about electronic evidence as legal evidence before the court but there is still debate between the usefulness and function of the electronic evidence itself, from that background in  The following problems can be formulated, How do law enforcement from investigations, prosecutions to criminal case decisions in cybercrimes and How is the use of electronic evidence in criminal case investigations in cybercrimes This research uses normative research methods that are moving from the existence of norm conflicts between the Criminal Procedure Code and  ITE Law Number 19 Year 2016 in the use of evidence.  The law enforcement process of the investigator, the prosecution until the court's decision cannot run in accordance with the provisions of ITE Law Number 19 of 2016, because in interpreting the use of electronic evidence still refers to Article 184 paragraph (1) KUHAP of the Criminal Procedure Code stated that the evidence used  Legitimate are: witness statements, expert statements, letters, instructions and statements of the accused so that the application of the ITE Law cannot be applied effectively The conclusion of this research is that law enforcement using electronic evidence in cyber crime cannot stand alone because the application of the Act  - ITE Law Number 19 Year 2016 still refers to the Criminal Code so that the evidence that is clear before the trial still refers to article 184 paragraph (1) KUHAP of the Criminal Procedure Code and the strength of proof of electronic evidence depends on the law enforcement agencies interpreting it because all electronic evidence is classified into  in evidence in the form of objects as  so there is a need for confidence from the legal apparatus in order to determine the position and truth of the electronic evidence.   Penyalahgunaan didalam transaksi elektronik tersebut karena terbentuk dari suatu proses elektronik, sehingga objeknya pun berubah, barang menjadi data elektronik dan alat buktinya pun bersifat elektronik. Mengacu pada ketentuan hukum positif di Indonesia, ada beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah mengatur mengenai alat bukti elektronik sebagai alat bukti yang sah di muka pengadilan tetapi tetap masih ada perdebatan antara kegunaan dan fungsi dari alat bukti elektronik itu sendiri, dari latar belakang tersebut di atas dapat dirumuskan masalah sebagai berikut, Bagaimana penegakkan hukum dari penyidikan, penuntutan sampai putusan perkara pidana dalam kejahatan cyber dan Bagaimanakah penggunaan bukti elektronik dalam pemeriksaan perkara pidana dalam kejahatan cyber Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yakni beranjak dari adanya konflik norma antara KUHAP dengan Undang-undang ITE Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 dalam penggunaan alat bukti. Proses penegakkan hukum dari penyidik, penuntutan sampai pada putusan pengadilan tidak dapat berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-undang ITE Nomor 19 Tahun 2016, karena dalam melakukan penafsiran terhadap penggunaan alat bukti Elektronik masih mengacu pada Pasal 184 ayat (1) KUHAP disebutkan bahwa alat bukti yang sah adalah: keterangan saksi, keterangan ahli, surat, petunjuk dan keterangan terdakwa. sehingga penerapan Undang-undang ITE tidak dapat diterapkan secara efektiv. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penegakan hukum dengan menggunakan alat bukti elektronik dalam kejahatan cyber tidak bisa berdiri sendiri karena penerapan Undang-Undang ITE Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tetap merujuk kepada KUHP sehingga alat bukti yang sah di muka persidangan tetap mengacu pada pasal 184 ayat (1) KUHAP dan Kekuatan pembuktian alat bukti elektronik tersebut tergantung dari aparat hukum dalam menafsirkannya karena semua alat bukti elektronik tersebut digolongkan ke dalam alat bukti berupa benda sebagai petunjuk sehingga diperlukan juga keyakinan dari aparat hukum agar bisa menentukan posisi dan kebenaran dari alat bukti elektronik tersebut.

2020 ◽  
pp. 377-386
Я. Ю. Конюшенко

The purpose of the article is to define the prosecutor's supervision over investigative (search) actions as a legal guarantee of human rights, as well as problematic issues in its implementation and to make proposals to improve the current criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine. The article defines doctrinal approaches to the concepts of "prosecutor's supervision over compliance with the law during the pre-trial investigation" and "prosecutor's procedural guidance of the pre-trial investigation" in the context of investigative (search) actions. The author came to the conclusion that the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office" and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine in terms of regulating the functions and powers of the prosecutor during the pre-trial investigation. Based on the study, it is proposed to consider procedural guidance as one of the forms of prosecutor's supervision over the pre-trial investigation, which is implemented directly by the prosecutor or a group of prosecutors who are appointed to carry it out in a particular criminal proceeding. The author also emphasizes the existence of forms of supervision of the highest level prosecutor on the legality of these actions, which are implemented through the demand and study of information on the progress and results of pre-trial investigation, criminal proceedings and certified copies of court decisions and study of compliance with criminal procedure. A number of problematic issues during the prosecutor's supervision in pre-trial criminal proceedings are outlined, which relate to the relationship between the prosecutor's supervision and judicial control over the legality of investigative (search) actions; subjects and subject of supervision of the prosecutor in this sphere; providing the prosecutor-procedural manager and prosecutors of the highest level with instructions and instructions during the investigative (search) actions. To address these issues, it is proposed to amend the current criminal procedure legislation of Ukraine. The study of the materials of criminal proceedings and the survey of the subjects of criminal proceedings indicate the existence of a number of problematic issues that exist during the implementation of the prosecutor's procedural guidance of investigative (search) actions in the context of human rights.

2010 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-52
Ben Livings

There are few more controversial, or emotive, debates within the criminal law than that which surrounds the topic of euthanasia, questioning as it does the fundamental role of the law in regulating the most intimate aspects of a person's life and death. The acknowledgement by the courts (notably in the cases of Diane Pretty and Debbie Purdy) that this area engages a person's rights under the European Convention on Human Rights exacerbates the urgency of the problem, and further nuances the debate as to the extent to which the autonomy of the person is impinged upon, and whether this is a function legitimately exercised by the state. In the wake of the announcement of new guidelines for prosecution in cases of assisted suicide, this article examines the state of the law regarding assisted suicide in England and Wales, and the fragile position of euthanasia within the criminal law. It will look to the various, and often rights-based, challenges to the law, and in particular a potential challenge through Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-60
Tri Budi Haryoko

This writing aims to discuss the implementation of the duties and functions of  management of confiscated objects and booty of the state in the Class I Semarang  Sitemap Storage House. One of the core business of the implementation of the  RUPBASAN duties and functions is the function of saving the confiscated objects of the  state that have been mandated in. This paper will see if there is a gap gap when the  function of rescuing confiscated objects mandated by Law No. 8 of 1981 concerning the  Book of Law on Criminal Procedure (KUHAP) and Government Regulation Number 27 of  1983 concerning the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code can work well with  support and commitment. related law enforcement officials. It was also explained that  the storage of confiscated objects and booty of the State in the RUPBASAN aims to  guarantee the protection of the safety and security of confiscated objects for the  purposes of evidence at the level of investigation, prosecution, and examination in court  as well as objects which are otherwise confiscated for the state based on court decisions  which has permanent legal force.This paper uses a qualitative approach. The results of  the discussion indicate that the implementation of confiscated objects in RUPBASAN is in  accordance with the KUHAP mandate. But in its implementation these tasks and  functions have not been optimally supported both from internal institutions and related  law enforcement institutions. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-32
Nicolae Silviu Pana ◽  
Ana Maria Pana

Preventive measures are coercive criminal law enforcement institutions, aimed at the deprivation or restriction of individual liberty, by which the suspect or defendant is prevented from undertaking certain activities that would adversely affect the conduct of the criminal proceedings or the achievement of its purpose. They have been instituted by the legislator for specific purposes, namely: to ensure the proper conduct of criminal proceedings, to prevent the abstraction of the suspect or defendant from trial and to prevent the commission of new offenses (art. 202 para. 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code). Preventive measures are not inherent in any ongoing criminal trial, but are exceptional measures (art. 9 para. 2 of the Criminal Procedure Code), and the court can decide to sease the measure or make use of the measure in the light of the specific circumstances of each case. Of the five preventive measures, three are deprivation of liberty - detention, house arrest and pre-trial detention, and two are non-custodial: judicial control and judicial control on bail. All these measures are only applicable to the natural person. Specific preventive measures may be taken against legal persons, but those are regulated by the provisions of art. 493 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

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