scholarly journals Alzheimer. Ein "geborener Verbrecher". —Archiv f. Psych. Bd. XXVIII, H. 2. II. Kurella. Fetischismus oder Simulation? Jd. Heft. 3

2020 ◽  
Vol V (1) ◽  
pp. 175-177

These two articles deserve great attention, as a sign of the times: even in such a magazine as Archiv f. Psychiatrie, the question of a congenital criminal is already being discussed; A work has been published here, proving that many criminals are completely incomprehensible either to psychiatry or to criminal law. These two articles, one must think, are only the beginning of a whole series of works, which will radically change the scope and principles of psychiatric examination.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Zarisnov Arafat ◽  
Muhammad Gary Gagarin Akbar

Ekstradisi secara universal hingga saat ini mengalami perubahan yang semakin baik, terutama setelah kehidupan bernegara sudah mulai tampak lebih maju sampai abad 20 ini. Hubungan dan pergaulan internasional menemukan bentuk dan substansinya yang baru dan berbeda dengan zaman sebelum Perjanjian Perdamaian Westphalia tahun 1648. Negara-negara yang berdasarkan atas prinsip kemerdekaan kedaulatan dan kedudukan sederajat mulai menata dirinya masing-masing terutama masalah domestik dengan membentuk dan mengembangkan hukum nasionalnya, yang salah satunya di bidang hukum pidana nasional. Hukum pidana nasional masing-masing negara, terutama jenis-jenis kejahatan atau tindak pidananya, disamping pula ada kesamaan dan perbedaannya. Semakin menguat batas wilayah dan kedaulatan teritorial masing-masing negara, semakin menguat pula penerapan hukum nasionalnya di dalam batas wilayah negara masing-masing. Semakin banyaknya perjanjian-perjanjian yang dibuat oleh negara-negara baik bilateral ataupun multilateral untuk mengatur suatu masalah tertentu yang sudah, sedang, dan akan dihadapi. Dalam pembuatan perjanjian tersebut mulai dilakukan pengkhususan atas substansinya, jadi tidak lagi satu perjanjian mencakup berbagai macam substansi yang berbeda-beda. Di Indonesia peraturan mengenai Ekstradisi dibuat pada tahun 1979, mengingat hingga saat ini belum terjadi perubahan di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1979 padahal PBB telah membuat suatu model pembuatan perjanjian ekstradisi pada tahun 1990, sehingga sudah selayaknya peraturan mengenai ekstradisi di Indonesia harus mengalami pembaharuan ke depan yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Ekstradisi, Politik Hukum, Hukum Pidana.   Abstract Extradition is universally up to now experiencing increasingly good changes, especially after the state of life has begun to appear more advanced until the 20th century. International relations and relationships find new and different forms and substance from the times before the Treaty of Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Countries that are based on the principle of freedom of sovereignty and equal position begin to organize themselves, especially domestic problems by forming and developing national laws, which one of them is in the field of national criminal law. The national criminal law of each country, especially the types of crime or criminal acts, besides there are similarities and differences. The stronger regional boundaries and territorial sovereignty of each country, the stronger the application of national laws within the borders of each country. The increasing number of agreements made by countries both bilaterally and multilaterally to regulate a particular problem that has been, is being, and will be faced. In making these agreements, specialization of the substance began to be carried out, so no more than one agreement covers a variety of different substances. In Indonesia, the Extradition regulation was made in 1979, considering that until now there had been no changes in Law Number 1 of 1979 even though the United Nations had made a model for making an extradition treaty in 1990, so that proper regulations on extradition in Indonesia must undergo reform better future.                                   Keyword: Extradition, Politics of Law, The Criminal Law.                                                                        

2021 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-113
Dmytro Sinyushko ◽  

The article, based on historical and legal analysis, examines the evolutionary development of criminal law support for combating crime in the field of forest resources in modern Ukraine. The author identifies trends in the historical and legal development of criminal law counteraction to forest violations in Ukraine, which were associated with the peculiarities of land ownership, political and socio-economic status of society. The study found that criminal law counteraction to forest violations in independent Ukraine is characterized by the search for an effective model, which should largely include historical experience. Generalizations were made, recommendations were given to improve the fight against crimes in the field of forest resources. The study of historical and legal literature makes it possible to conclude that the history of Ukrainian criminal law in the field of forest protection covers three chronological periods: the first period (pre-revolutionary) – from the times of «Ruska Pravda» and until 1917; second period (Soviet) – from 1917 to 1991; third period (post-Soviet) – since 1991. It is important to note that natural conditions have developed so that the boundary between the forest and the steppe was not clearly expressed. The location of settlements has solved a number of important issues. First, the forest served as an object of crafts, hunting, boarding. Secondly, the trees were cut down, cocturns for expansion of agricultural areas, pastures for grazing livestock, meadows for harvesting hay. Thirdly, in the woods could always be hiding from raids of nomads. So іn addition, can conclude that the historical experience of the formulation of norms regulating the responsibility for criminal offices is now relevant: by introducing in the norm of such elements, which maximally motivate the foresters to hold from criminal encroachments and cause moral condemnation of such acts; use of stimulating the rails to conscientious forest use, even in the case of committing a violation, by reporting it and the inclusion of an enhanced punishment for concealing such a violation; by differentiation of responsibility, depending on the degree of fire hazard in forests; introduction to the signs of a crime committed by destroying or damaging forest plantations, the location of such acts near settlements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2020) ◽  
pp. 319-347
Dorel HERINEAN ◽  

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this article analyses some possibilities provided by the law in order to protect the public health or the health of an individual, respectively the commission of certain actions sanctioned by the criminal law under the incidence of the justification causes, with the consequence of their lack of criminal character. Whether it is the means of retaliation or rescue that can be used by a person facing the transmission of infectious diseases, the actions necessary to prevent or combat the pandemic that the law authorizes or the availability or not of a person's health as a social value, the situations that may appear in the near future in the legal practice have not been previously studied by the doctrine and have an element of novelty. Thus, the article makes, based on some theoretical exercises, a punctual analysis of some problems of application and interpretation that could intervene and for which are offered, most of the times, generic, principled landmarks, but also some concrete solutions on the incidence or exclusion from the application of the justification causes.

having relied on reasonable chastisement in the circumstances. The court concluded that there had been a violation of Art 3 on the basis that existing domestic law on the defence of lawful chastisement had failed to provide the applicant with adequate protection. Whilst the question of whether, in any given case, the treatment suffered by an applicant reached the minimum level of severity necessary to trigger the operation of Art 3 would depend on the circumstances, where the victim was a child the minimum threshold would be more easily attained. It should be noted that, whilst the court accepted that the United Kingdom could not be held responsible for the actions of a private individual, such as the applicant’s stepfather, it was responsible for a system of criminal law that allowed a person inflicting serious harm upon a child to be acquitted on the grounds that the harm was justifiable chastisement. There has been no legislative response to this decision, but the courts have attempted to alleviate the shortcomings of the domestic law by offering guidelines on the availability of the defence; see RvH (Reasonable Chastisement) (2001) The Times, 18 May. Where a parent raises the defence of lawful chastisement the jury ought to be directed to consider: (i) the nature and context of the defendant’s behaviour; (ii) the duration of that behaviour; (iii) the physical and mental consequences in respect of the child; (iv) the age and personal characteristics of the child; (v) the reasons given by the defendant for administering the punishment. Article 7: Non-retrospectivity

1996 ◽  
pp. 90-91


Сфера закупок товаров, работ, услуг для обеспечения государственных и муниципальных нужд в России страдает от широко распространяющихся мошеннических действий. Несмотря на то, что в отдельных странах Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона накоплен богатый опыт законодательного противодействия преступному мошенничеству в сфере публичных закупок, в нашей стране он пока изучен недостаточно. В статье исследуется законотворческий опыт Республики Корея в противодействии преступным проявлениям мошенничества в сфере публичных закупок. Проведён юридический анализ норм отдельных законодательных актов Республики Корея, в которых представлена ответственность за преступные деяния в сфере публичных закупок. Особое внимание уделено преступлению, предусмотренному статьёй 315 Уголовного кодекса Республики Корея «Воспрепятствование проведению аукциона или торгов». Представлены позиции судебных органов Республики Корея в оценке отдельных признаков этого опасного преступления. Выявлена специфика законодательной регламентации ответственности за преступные деяния в сфере публичных закупок. В завершении анализа законотворческого опыта Республики Корея по противодействию мошенничеству при осуществлении закупочной деятельности государственными или муниципальными органами отмечено, что законодательство по борьбе с обозначенными преступными проявлениями развивается в этой стране «в ногу со временем». Сделаны выводы о том, что не все результаты рассмотренной законотвор-ческой деятельности Южной Кореи в силу их своеобразия могут быть распро-странены и использованы при совершенствовании российского законодательства. Однако отдельные приёмы законодательного решения проблем противодействия преступным мошенническим деяниям в сфере публичных закупок, безусловно, небесполезны и для России. В частности, интерес для развития российского законодательства могут представлять отдельные приёмы юридической техники – к примеру, широкое установление законодательного запрета на осуществление разнообразных действий мошеннического характера в сфере закупочной деятельности, вплоть до признания таких действий уголовно-наказуемыми. Авторам представляется любопытным и установление в санкциях законодательных норм Республики Корея строгих видов и размеров наказания за преступное воспрепятствование проведению аукциона или торгов, которые в сочетании с реальным назначением сурового наказания дают возможность эффективно противодействовать мошенническим проявлениям в сфере публичных закупок. Клчевые слова: уголовное законодательство стран Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, законодательство Республики Корея, уголовное право Республики Корея, уголовный кодекс Республики Корея, мошенничество, мошенничество в сфере публичных закупок, публичные закупки, электронные закупки, воспрепятствование торгам, сговор на торгах, подделка документов. The sphere of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs in Russia suffers from widespread fraudulent activities. Despite the fact that some countries of the Asia-Pacific region have accumulated a wealth of experience in legal counteraction to criminal fraud in the field of public procurement, in our country it has not been sufficiently studied yet. The article examines the legislative experience of the Republic of Korea in countering the criminal manifestations of fraud in the field of public procurement. A legal analysis of the norms of certain legislative acts of the Republic of Korea, which presents responsibility for criminal acts in the field of public procurement, is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the crime stipulated by Article 315 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Korea "Obstruction of an auction or auctions." The position of the judicial authorities of the Republic of Korea in the assessment of some of this dangerous crime is presented. The specificity of the legislative regulation of liability for criminal acts in the field of public procurement has been revealed. Analysis of the legislative experience of the Republic of Korea in combating fraud in the imple-mentation of procurement activities by state or municipal authorities is followed by the conclusion that legislation to combat the designated criminal manifestations is developing in this country “in step with the times”. It is concluded that not all results of the considered legislative activity of South Korea, due to their originality, can be disseminated and used in the improvement of Russian legislation. However, certain methods of legislative solution of the problems of combating criminal fraudulent acts in the field of public procurement can be applied in Russia. In particular, certain methods of legal technique may be of interest for the development of Russian legislation - for example, the broad establishment of a legislative ban on the implementation of various fraudulent actions in the field of procurement, up to the recognition of such actions as criminal offenses. The authors also consider the establishment in the sanctions of the legislative norms of the Republic of Korea of strict types and sizes of punishment for criminal obstruction of an auction or auctions, which, in combination with the real imposition of severe punishment, make it possible to effectively counteract fraudulent manifestations in the field of public procurement. Keywords: Asia Pacific criminal law, Republic of Korea law, Republic of Korea criminal law, Republic of Korea criminal code, fraud, public procurement fraud, public procurement, e-procurement, obstruction of bidding, bid rigging, document forgery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Leni Dwi Nurmala

The purpose of this study is to determine the legality principle according to positive criminal law in Indonesia and Islamic criminal law and to find out the comparison between the legality principle according to positive criminal law and Islamic criminal law. This type of research used in this research is using library research or known as literature research. The principle of legality in Indonesia's positive criminal law is a very fundamental principle. Because the principle of legality in criminal law is important to determine whether a criminal law regulation can be treated against a criminal act that occurs. In Islamic criminal law, the legality principle has a great influence on the judge's power, because the judge's power is very broad compared to the judge in positive law where the judge does not have sufficient power to act against the crime maker in accordance with the public interest. Comparison of the principle of legality between Islamic law and positive law. Whereas the application of the legality principle to positive criminal law and Islamic criminal law has similarities and differences. The similarity is that both apply the principle of legality in the legal process while the difference is that positive criminal law is the same in its application to offenses, whereas in Islamic criminal law there is a distinction between Jarimah qishas diyat, hudud, which is applied strongly, while in Jarimah ta'zir it is relaxed so that the benefit of society is fulfilled. In addition to having the similarities and differences above, the legality principle also has advantages and disadvantages, among others, in Islamic law the criminal provisions cannot be changed (added / reduced) because it is a provision from Allah which is standard, while in positive law the criminal provisions may change at any time. according to the times.

Legal Studies ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-118
Graham McBain

The English criminal law has not moved with the times – nor with the increasing emphasis on human rights. Legislation still extant goes back nearly 700 years and is barely intelligible. This paper analyses antiquated criminal and criminal procedure legislation and asserts it should be repealed, being superceded by more modern enactments. It also argues for the consolidation of all criminal (and criminal procedure) legislation for the period 1313–1960 into one Act of around 300 sections. This task would not be complex.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2/2020) ◽  
pp. 92-112
Milica Marinković

In this paper the author analyses the legal position of women in the French Penal Code of 1810 (Code pénal de 1810). Although the propositions of the Civil code of 1804 are key to determining the legal position of a woman in XIX century French law, we cannot disregard the propositions given by criminal law. By analysing legal sources as well as literature, both XIX century and current, the author gives an overview of the legal position of a woman as a victim, culprit and accomplice in the French Penal Code of 1810. This Code was written in a pronouncedly patriarchal tone, which is manifested in numerous legal propositions that seem outdated and very unjust from a contemporary perspective. Still, the Penal Code of 1810 echoed greatly in legal systems of XIX century Europe, which signifies that it corresponded to the spirit of the times.

Carlos Gómez-Jara Díez

This paper argues that there is clear sign of the overcriminalization of corporate conduct in America's criminal law and procedure: regardless of the evidence of a law-abiding behavior by a good corporate citizen, the corporation will be considered guilty if a member of its organization commits a crime within the scope of authority and with the intent to benefit the corporation. The paper explains that corporate culpability may function as a limit to this current overcriminalization as it demands in corporate criminal law what is requested in individual criminal law: that despite the agent's action and intent, the principal has not exercised some kind of due diligence. In turn, if evidence of that corporate due diligence is provided, no court should declare that a corporation is guilty. Such an approach is not only consistent with the basic tenets of criminal law, but it also reflects the different rationale for holding corporations criminally liable in modern society (as opposed to the times in which corporate criminal liability was enacted). A recent example of this overcriminalization tendency was provided by the 2nd Circuit's ruling in the case United States v. Ionia Management S.A., which is briefly discussed at the end of the paper.

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