scholarly journals Participants in Administrative Court Proceedings in Multi-Stakeholder Proceedings

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 123-143
Jakub Polanowski

This article is conceptual in nature and addresses the application of the rules on the participation of participants in administrative court proceedings. The main thesis of the paper is based on the statement that a person who, as a party to administrative proceedings, was notified, pursuant to Art. 49a of the Administrative Procedure Code, of the activities of an authority by public announcement, may become a participant in administrative court proceedings after fulfilling the condition specified in Art. 33 § 1a of the Law on Administrative Courts Proceedings. The subsidiary thesis is that reasons of procedural efficiency require the adoption of such a limitation of the rights of the designated entities that will not infringe the essence of their right to a court and will not impede the exercise of that right by the parties and other participants to the proceedings. The purpose of this paper is to provide that Art. 49a of the Code of Administrative Procedure is one of the “special provisions” referred to in Art. 33 § 1a of the Law on Administrative Courts Proceedings. The reasoning adopted is based on the assumption that the interpretation of the above provisions should take into account both the requirements arising from the right of access to court and the right to be heard without unreasonable delay and the need to minimise the costs of proceedings. The described issue, based on national research, is of significant importance for practice and have not yet been discussed in more detail in the doctrine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-71
Agnė Andrijauskaitė

This chapter reviews administrative procedure and judicial review in Lithuania. The introduction of administrative justice into the Lithuanian legal system happened against the backdrop of Lithuania's 'unflinching' desire to join the European Union and was meant to strengthen the protection of individual rights and administrative accountability. Two cornerstone acts in this regard, the Law on Public Administration and the Law on Administrative Proceedings (APA), were adopted in 1999. Administrative courts were also established in the same year. Article 3 (1) APA spells out the general rule that administrative courts settle disputes arising in the domain of the public administration. All the acts and measures excluded from the competence of administrative courts are listed in Article 18 APA, which establishes the so-called negative competence of administrative courts. Meanwhile, Article 91 (1) (3) APA provides that the impugned administrative decision may be quashed if 'essential procedural rules intended to ensure objective and reasonable adoption of an administrative decision were breached'.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-267
Dragan Vujisić ◽  
Milan Rapajić

The authors point to the plurality of forms of consumer protection. Private law form of consumer protection is individual protection in civil proceedings. The protection of the collective interests of consumers in most European legal systems is achieved through litigation. The Consumer Protection Act entrusts the protection of the collective interests of consumers to administrative bodies, which is realized in administrative proceedings, whose rules are characterized by considerable differences in relation to the rules provided by the Law on General Administrative Procedure. A significant unit is dedicated to the mechanism of alternative dispute resolution, especially arbitration and mediation. The shortcomings of the Law on Consumer Protection regarding certain contradictory provisions are pointed out. The legislator stimulates alternative dispute resolution, and on the other hand stipulates that contracting one of these methods does not affect the right to judicial protection. The paper also analyses the inspection.

Mohamed Zureik

“Economic Corruption” is one of the most serious problems facing Lebanon, which led to an increase in the economic deficit and in the ratio of public debt. This phenomenon is due to historic, religious and favoritism reasons. This paper will address the issue of economic corruption in Lebanon based on historical facts and scientific data. This study suggests options to end economic corruption in Lebanon, which include "controlling the finances of associations and parties, adoption of the law of the right of access to information, activating the illicit enrichment law, election monitoring, adoption of the protection of whistleblowers corruption law, development of the judiciary, amendment of the central inspection law, amendment in the tax procedure code, amendment of the law of the audit bureau, strengthening financial decentralization, and the creation of e-government; in addition to the important role of youth and means of social media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 977-997
Magdalena Maria Michalak ◽  
Przemysław Kledzik

Pursuant to the art. 78 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland each party has the right to appeal against  judgments and decisions issued in the first instance. The Constitution also stipulates that administrative courts control the activity of administration in at least two-tier proceedings. Pursuant to the above, in Poland, decisions are issued in two-tier general administrative proceedings and may be subject to review in two-tier court administrative proceedings. The number and structure of procedures of appeal against administrative decisions have been a subject of discussion for years. Criticism of the current solution comes, among others, from local self-government representatives whose bodies issue the largest number of decisions in Poland. These issues have recently become even more relevant due to statutory obligation of reviewing Polish legislation in terms of legitimacy of reducing the number of administrative instances. The subject of the study is an analysis of possibility and purposefulness of limiting the number of instances in the administrative procedure, conducted on the example of a procedure for reviewing decisions of local self-government bodies. The reflection was made taking into account systemic and procedural position of Self-Government Boards of Appeal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 78 ◽  
pp. 169-183
Aleksander Jakubowski

The question whether the new Law on Higher Education and Science allows to regulate resumption of studies by universities themselves, in the rules on studies, should be resolved positively. However, this is only under assumption that such rules and decisions made based on them have an internal character. Resumption of studies does not lead to entering into a new legal relation between a former student and the university, but it only causes that the past relation is being reinstated. Therefore, the decision on resumption is made outside the procedure regulated in the Code on administrative procedure and it also falls outside the control of administrative courts. De lege ferenda, resumption of studies should be regulated in the Law on Higher Education and Science to strengthen the right of persons applying for resumption. In particular, such regulation ought to require a decision on resumption of studies to have a form of an administrative decision.

2021 ◽  
pp. 79-81
Halyna Dovhan

This chapter evaluates administrative procedure and judicial review in Ukraine. The Constitution of Ukraine provides that 'Administrative courts function in order to protect the rights, freedoms, and interests of a person in the sphere of public relations'. According to the Code of Administrative Proceedings (CAP), all persons have the right to bring a case before the administrative court if they consider that their rights, freedoms, or legal interests have been infringed by the decision, action, or inaction of the empowered authority. While the Constitution states that the jurisdiction of courts covers any legal dispute, the CAP entrusts administrative courts with jurisdiction over all public-law disputes. Absent a law on administrative procedure or administrative acts, in such cases the courts use the provisions of the special law that regulates the concrete sphere. They examine the administrative act or measure from the viewpoint of its conformity with the criteria set forth in the CAP. If the court finds that there has been a breach of fundamental standards of administrative propriety and fairness, it is entitled to quash the contested act or measure and also to award damages.

2021 ◽  
pp. 271-287
Karolina Wojciechowska

The subject of the article is an analysis of the realisation of the right to access to administrative records in public administration authorities. This right is the most important manifestation of the right of access to the records, which a party to administrative proceedings is entitled to. The right to access the administrative records is limited by the fact that the party has access to incomplete, unstructured, unnumbered records or unavailable records without issuing a refusal of access to the records, as well as access to the records in places not adapted for that purpose. The right of access is also limited by the following restrictions which do not exist in the Code of Administrative Procedure but are applied by the authorities: the hours of visitors and the queuing system. A party should be able to review his or her personal records during the office’s working hours in a room adapted for that purpose. I propose that the party should be able to access the records in the body’s information and communication system at on-line remote.

2019 ◽  
Vol 78 ◽  
pp. 414-429
Rafał Stankiewicz

The article addresses the issue of alterations to the Administrative Procedure Code (after the most recent amendment, which went into effect on June 1, 2017) in relation to the constitutional right to appeal against decisions delivered in the course of administrative proceedings. The author presents and analyses the new regulations with emphasis on the modifications to the forms of recourse, including solutions that exclude the right to second instance proceedings (by operation of law or upon request of the parties), and introduce limitations to the right (in terms of the content of the appeal or the scope of its examination).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 133-137

The article analyzes the problem of correlation and distinction of types of legal proceedings, in particular, it considers how civil and administrative proceedings are qualified when considering certain categories of cases by courts of general jurisdiction at different stages of the process. In modern domestic legislation there are no clear criteria for distinguishing the type of legal proceedings when choosing a procedure for protecting violated rights, freedoms 134 IUS PUBLICUM ET PRIVATUM В 2015 г. вступил в силу Кодекс административного судопроизводства Российской Федерации (КАС РФ) – процедура защиты прав, законных интересов граждан и организаций от нарушений со стороны органов государственной власти была регламентирована и зафиксирована как самостоятельная правовая основа1 . Нельзя не заметить, что юридическое закрепление порядка рассмотрения дел и разрешения споров, возникших из административно-правовых отношений, в принятом КАС РФ спровоцировало появление коллизий при применении норм Гражданского процессуального кодекса Российской Федерации (ГПК РФ)2 и КАС РФ в процессе рассмотрения дел различных категорий. Кроме того, встал принципиальный вопрос: как правильно разграничить виды судопроизводства в целях должной защиты нарушенных прав? КАС РФ содержит перечень дел, подлежащих рассмотрению по правилам административного судопроизводства, но не дает разъяснения, в чем состоит отличие от дел, рассматриваемых в порядке гражданского судопроизводства. Верховным Судом Российской Федерации сформулированы правила определения вида судопроизводства для судов общей юрисдикции. Так, в первую очередь выделяется разграничение характера публичных и непубличных правоотношений. В данном случае во внимание берется наличие или отсутствие властных полномочий у субъектов административных правоотношений. Вовторых, Верховный Суд Российской Федерации рекомендует учитывать последствия, к которым приводят споры о признании решений, действия (бездействия) органов власти недействительными3. Изучение судебной практики показывает, что в некоторых случаях у судов возникали сложности при разрешении вопроса о том, в порядке какого судопроизводства следует рассматривать и разрешать дела об оспаривании решений, действий (бездействия) органов государственной власти, органов местного самоуправления, организаций, наделенных отдельными государственными или иными публичными полномочиями, должностных лиц, государственных и муниципальных служащих. Так, например, гражданин Р. обратился в Вологодский городской суд с административным исковым заявлением к БУЗ ВО «Вологодский областной наркологический диспансер № 1» о признании незаконными действий врача учреждения по проведению медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения и акта медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения. В обосновании требований истец указал, что медицинское освидетельствование в отношении него проведено в отсутствие законных оснований, акт медицинского освидетельствования не содержит сведений о концентрации каннабиноидов в исследованной пробе, копия акта незаконно направлена работодателю, что послужило основанием для увольнения. Определением Вологодского городского суда от 24.12.2018 гражданину Р. отказано в принятии административного искового заявления, поскольку акт медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения не влечет самостоятельных последствий для лица, в отношении которого он составлен, следовательно, не может быть предметом самостоятельного оспаривания в суде. Также судом указано, что требования истца о признании незаконными действий врача по проведению медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения подлежат рассмотрению в порядке, предусмотренном ГПК РФ. Суд апелляционной инстанции в своем определении от 06.03.2019 № 33а-1227/2019 and legitimate interests. The article analyzes the norms of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation in determining the jurisdiction of cases to courts of general and arbitration jurisdiction and also touches on the issue of transition to consideration of cases according to the rules of civil and (or) administrative proceedings.

Carla Ferstman

This chapter considers the consequences of breaches of human rights and international humanitarian law for the responsible international organizations. It concentrates on the obligations owed to injured individuals. The obligation to make reparation arises automatically from a finding of responsibility and is an obligation of result. I analyse who has this obligation, to whom it is owed, and what it entails. I also consider the right of individuals to procedures by which they may vindicate their right to a remedy and the right of access to a court that may be implied from certain human rights treaties. In tandem, I consider the relationship between those obligations and individuals’ rights under international law. An overarching issue is how the law of responsibility intersects with the specialized regimes of human rights and international humanitarian law and particularly, their application to individuals.

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