scholarly journals De aprendiz a mercader : el factor en el comercio internacional inglés del siglo XVI

Juan Lanero Fernández ◽  
Eduardo Ortega Montes

La aparición de la figura del factor está relacionada con el surgimiento del mercader sedentario. El empleo de factores pasó a ser necesario cuando un mercader aumentaba la escala de sus operaciones y cuando comerciaba con varios países al mismo tiempo. Los factores que vivían y trabajaban en el extranjero eran empleados de sociedades por acciones, mercaderes o consorcio de mercaderes. El factor en sentido genuino podía alternar sus funciones de agente comisionado con el comercio por cuenta propia. El uso de aprendices como factores, al final de una etapa de aprendizaje, parece que fue una práctica corriente. Los enviaban al extranjero para que adquiriesen experiencia y completasen su educación comercial. El aprendiz no podía comerciar por cuenta propia sin el permiso del patrón que, en cierto modo, era responsable de las acciones de sus aprendices. El conocimiento que tenía el factor del mercado extranjero influía en el patrón a la hora de decidir qué mercancía exportar. Los factores, además de redactar cartas, debían llevar la contabilidad, lo que implicaba conocimientos de teneduría de libros, cambio de divisas y letras de cambio. Las condiciones del comercio exterior fueron acrecentando la responsabilidad del factor y creando nuevos problemas de representación que no tienen equivalencia en otras relaciones comerciales de la época.<br /><br />The appearance of factors was related to the new figure of sedentary merchants. Factors became necessary when a merchant increased the bulk of his operations and when they traded with various countries at a time. Factors living and working abroad were employed by societies, individual merchants or groups of merchants. A genuine agent could alternate his duties as a commissioned agent with his own trading activities. It was usual that apprentices played the role of factors towards the end of their period of apprenticeship. They were sent overseas in order to gain experience and complete their commercial education. An apprentice could not trade for his own without his merchant's permission who, to certain extent, was responsible for the apprentices' actions. The knowledge an agent had about a foreign market used to have an influence on the merchant's decision about which goods should be exported. Factors, apart from writing letters, should keep books of accounts, which implied a knowledge of bookkeeping, foreign currencies and bills of exchange. Foreign trade conditions increased factors' responsibilities and created new representation problems which have no equivalence in other commercial relations of the period.

Arben Tërstena ◽  
Ismail Mehmeti ◽  
Sokol Krasniqi

Fiscal policy and foreign trade as a determinant of economic development – focus Kosovo Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify the role of fiscal policy in Kosovo, comparing with the Western Balkan countries, in the trends of economic development, which are related to the international market, and how to achieve the objectives of the economy of Kosovo, penetrating the foreign market of local companies, using fiscal policy instruments. Design / methodology / approach: data processing is performed using deductive-analytical methods, describing and comparing research findings by commercial companies, extracting data and comparing official reports of national and international institutions on the role of policies analysis in the Western Balkan countries and in Kosovo, and the results of the research are based on these analyzes. Findings: Each sovereign state has its own fiscal policy operating within the fiscal system of that country, which also influences the development trends of international trade, the same applies to Kosovo and the Western Balkan countries, where this policy includes customs tax, VAT, tax in personal income, etc. The government of the country, through fiscal policy instruments creates conditions for companies to be as present in the foreign market as possible with their products, which impacts on the overall economic development of the country. achieved. Practical implications: the paper provides insights into the state of the fiscal system in Kosovo, how fiscal policy affects the creation of conditions for foreign trade development, where is Kosovo's economy is in relation to the Western Balkan countries and what are the steps needed to improve it. Originality / value: the paper provides real data on the state of the fiscal system in Kosovo and its full role in the development of foreign trade in relation to the Western Balkan countries.   Key words: Fiscal policy, international trade, international agreements, fiscal system, economic development, development policy measures, etc.

2019 ◽  
pp. 188-196
Oxana Yelisyeyeva

Studying the volume of export-import of goods in Ukraine as a whole helps to understand the general situation on the foreign market, to analyze changes in the dynamics of geographical and commodity structures of trade, to identify the main partner countries and to compare data between them, and to identify the role of the regions of Ukraine in foreign trade and determine the share of each of them in the overall structure of export-import of goods. However, in order to study in detail the directions of exports and the needs of imported goods to meet the domestic needs of the population of Ukraine, it is advisable to analyze foreign trade of region, as it will allow to more accurately analyze the number of producers of exported products in a certain region and the list of goods that need to be imported to meet the needs of the population in the specific area. The article deals with the issues related to the activity of the subjects of foreign economic activity in Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine and their dynamics for 2015-2018. The number of foreign economic operators in the region by the number of employees in 2018 was determined to further analyze the situation of the region and the level of production of products that meet the standards for exporting them to the foreign market. Changes in the number of economic entities in the region over the specified period and the main product groups manufactured in the region and, accordingly, exported to Dnipropetrovsk region have been analyzed. The structure of participants of foreign economic activity in the region has been presented and the results of statistical analysis of dynamic changes have been offered with the help of the graphical method of data presentation. The results of the study can be applied in the analysis of socio-economic development of regions and regional development of Ukraine as a whole. The presented data on foreign trade statistics of goods by economic entities by the number of employees in the regional section make it possible to estimate the participation of certain regions in the international activity of Ukraine and to determine the prospects for further development of the regions of Ukraine. Keywords: foreign economic activity, goods, regions, Dnipropetrovsk region, economic entity, employees, export, import, size of enterprise.

IIUC Studies ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 323-334
Shafiqur Rahman ◽  
Nicholas McDonald

This paper presents the role of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) to the recent economic development in Bangladesh. The study analyses published texts, articles, websites and annual report of this bank through a content analysis. Key findings of this study manifest the contribution of this bank in different areas of economic development in Bangladesh like generating employment, earning foreign remittance, strengthening rural economy, promoting ecology and green banking, boosting industrialization, developing the SMEs, assisting in foreign trade (import-export), developing the housing sector etc. This study also identifies IBBL’s significant contribution to the national exchequer. This paper contributes to the field of economic development of Bangladesh and the role of IBBL behind it and fills the gap of literature in this specific area.IIUC Studies Vol.9 December 2012: 323-334

Eliza Bechtold ◽  
Gavin Phillipson

This chapter investigates how many Western democracies—and the European Union—are enacting increasingly draconian measures against terrorist-related speech that undermine long-standing free speech principles. It outlines a number of factors that tend towards skewed perceptions of the risks of terrorism. The chapter then sketches the rapid spread of laws aimed at terrorist propaganda, noting the unusual role of the UN Security Council in ‘directing national legislative practice’ in the criminal sphere. While there are legitimate arguments for restricting certain types of terrorist material, existing laws and policies tend indiscriminately to lump truly dangerous material together with mere expressions of support or sympathy for groups that use violence, including against despotic regimes, or groups that once, but no longer, used violence to achieve political ends. Skewed perceptions of the threat of terrorism appears to have an almost unique capacity to cause the weakening, if not outright abandonment of the standards that normally provide robust expression to freedom of speech.

2015 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 359-375
Jacint Balaguer ◽  
Tatiana Florica ◽  
Jordi Ripollés

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 36-41
Tural Alasgarli ◽  

As 20th century ends, international economic system has gained new characteristics, international trade and its finance has reached at a different aspect. Parallel to the increasing trade relations, new technics of foreign trade finance has been widely available. Among them, factoring was evaluated in this study.

1990 ◽  
Vol 115 (4) ◽  
pp. 696-699 ◽  
Ki-Cheol Son ◽  
Ray F. Severson ◽  
Richard F. Arrendale ◽  
Stanley J. Kays

Methodology was developed for the extraction of surface components of sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] storage roots. Surface components of storage roots were quantitatively extracted with methylene chloride using 8-minute ultrasonication. After removal of the solvent, the extract was treated with 3 Tri Sil-Z:1 trimethylsilylimidazol (v/v) to convert components with hydroxyl moieties to silyl ethers and then separated on a SE-54 fused silica capillary column. Distinctly different gas chromatography profiles were found between lines displaying moderate levels of resistance (`Resisto', `Regal', `Jewel') to the sweetpotato weevil [Cylas formicarius elgantulus (summers)] and weevil-susceptible lines (`Centennial', SC 1149-19, W-115), indicating a possible role of surface components in insect response. Chromatographic fractionation techniques were developed for separation of major components or groups of components. The results will allow subsequent bioassaying for the presence of an ovipositional stimulant(s) and other weevil behavior-modulating compounds and their chemical characterization.

V. Dodonov

The article examines the situation with the export of services from Kazakhstan. The dynamics of the volume and relative parameters of export of services, its structure by main types and geographical areas are analyzed. Long-term tendencies of foreign trade in services are revealed, the role of export of services in the total volume of exports of Kazakhstan is compared with other countries and their groups. The features of the export of the two largest types of Kazakhstani export of services – transport and travel are considered in detail. The directions of stimulating export of certain types of services that can make a significant contribution to increasing exports and ensure the advanced development of non-resource foreign trade are substantiated.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 47-55 ◽  
Natalija Bogdanov ◽  
Zorica Vasiljevic

Serbia is mostly rural country, as three fourth of its territory make rural areas, while almost half population is living in rural areas. Serbian agriculture is the sector which is very important for the total economy of the country in respect of resources, participation in GDP, employment as well as importance for rural areas and population. This is the only sector in Serbian economy that shows positive foreign trade balance in the recent several years.There are potentials for development of agrarian entrepreneurship on one hand, but on the other, there are constraints in existence of great number of small family farms whereas the huge share could not have commercial profile and could not live only from agricultural activities. The concept of multifunctional development of agriculture and rural areas is still present mostly in scientific and political sphere without clear explanation or interpretation as well as mechanisms of implementation. Serbia’s rural space is heterogenic and devastated in different extent, and therefore extremely complicated for planning of multifunctional development.

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