scholarly journals Fundamentalization Model for Professional Training of Mathematicians at University

N. I. Popov ◽  

This paper discusses the idea of fundamental nature of the university mathematics education. In the conditions of university education there are three interconnected groups of factors, which form the basis of the conceptual model of mathematicians training fundamentalization. The first group of factors is focused on updating the ways of specialist training of the increased creative potential – training for modern mathematicians. The second group of factors is connected with the need of strengthening fundamental and humanitarian training, ensuring interdisciplinary communication within educational process, interrelation of mathematical, technical and humanitarian knowledge. The third group of factors includes the concept of university principle of education, the concept of fundamentalization and the concept of humanitarization of technical education at classical university. There is a model of the fundamental nature for training mathematicians.

Hanna Tovkanets ◽  

The article substantiates the student's science and research activity as a condition for developing the creative competence of the future primary school teacher. The scientific novelty of the article is to identify the peculiarities of students’ research work organization in the conditions of university education. The creative potential is defined as a set of personality traits, expressed in the abilities, knowledge, skills, mental characteristics of the teacher, readiness for creative pedagogical activity, to change, rejection of stereotypes in pedagogical activity, finding original solutions to complex pedagogical problems in a situation of uncertainty etc. The experience of organizing research activity of students of specialty 013 «Primary education» of educational degree «Bachelor» at Mukachevo State University has been presented. The peculiarities of the organization of the scientific-methodological seminar "Professional training of the teacher in the conditions of European integration processes", aimed at identifying, promoting innovative pedagogical methods, work of the scientific student circle "Perspectives of educational and pedagogical science" have been characterized. It has been emphasized that the competences in the field of research activity allow students to see and analyze problems, make assumptions about their solution; be able to receive and select information according to the purpose or need, use it to achieve the goal and own development; be able to make assumptions about the possible causes and effects of the phenomena of the material and idealistic world, to formulate and justify hypotheses; to set goals, to analyze situations, to receive and practically realize the finished product, to carry out reflection and self-assessment; conduct individual and collective activity. It has been suggested to introduce into the educational process of preparation of future primary school teachers a selective course, which would contribute to the teaching of modern strategies of actualizing the creative potential of the personality of teachers and students of primary school age. It has been concluded that the student's Серія Економіка. Випуск 1(13) 123 research activity in the conditions of university education contributes to the formation of a future primary school teacher interest in research, search for alternative means and ways of solving the problem, prognostic thinking, activation of intellectual potential for the production of new ideas. Key words: research activity, organization of student activity, university education, future primary school teacher

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Zh. KolumbayevaSh. ◽  

Globalization, informatization, digitalization, led to large-scale changes that have problematized the modern process of upbringing. The modern practice of upbringing in Kazakhstan is aimed at solving the problem of forming an intellectual nation. The key figure in the upbringing process is the teacher. The modernization of public consciousness taking place in Kazakhstan, the renewal of both the content of education and the system of upbringing require understanding not only the content, but also the methodology of the professional training of teachers for the upbringing of children, for the organization of the upbringing system in educational organizations. We believe that the analysis of traditional and clarification of modern methodological foundations of professional training of future teachers of Kazakhstan for upbringing work will give us the opportunity to develop a strategy for training future teachers in the conditions of spiritual renewal of Kazakhstan's society. The article reveals the experience of Abai KazNPU. As a result of the conducted research, we came to the conclusion that the process of training a teacher in Kazakhstan, who has a high degree of ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity, requires strengthening the upbringing and socializing components of the educational process of the university. The strategy of professional training of a modern teacher should be a polyparadigmatic concept with the leading role of ideas of personality-oriented, competence paradigm.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 293-296
Natalia Vladimirovna Malova

The following paper discusses the actual task of modern technical specialist training: getting him/her ready to communicate professionally in a foreign language. Practice requests are naturally reflected in the development of curricula and programs of higher professional education. The author demonstrates the urgency of the task in connection with the constantly changing foreign language professional communication, especially computer-mediated part of it. The author identifies two main approaches to the organization of studies at the university: changing the structure, content, methods of the course Foreign Language and the development of new courses of the curriculum. Within the framework of the second approach, the process of designing an educational and methodical complex for a professional communication course on the basis of a process approach is considered in some detail. The paper emphasizes the importance of using professional skills of prospective specialists to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, in particular, the development of copyright audio and video materials. The workshop for audio engineers, developed by the author of the paper, is successfully used in the educational process of Samara State Institute of Culture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (10) ◽  
pp. 108-114 ◽  
T. A. Olkhovaya ◽  
S. V. Pankova

The article is focused on the problem of educational programs modernization on the basis of principles of project-oriented training and students’ involvement in solving scientific-research and industrial-technological tasks relevant for the region. Special attention is paid to the multilevel career guidance work at Oreburg State University (special projects such as pre-university education centre “Applicant”, University Computer School, University physics and maths school, “University Saturdays”). The task of creating a complex of educational and intellectual products that ensure high competitiveness of university graduates is considered. For this purpose, the University reali- zes two educational projects: “School of leadership” and “Going to study at OSU”. These projects implement project-oriented training, involve employers in educational process. As a result, students present their own business projects with financial support. Special course of technological entrepreneurship is aimed at development of business thinking, business planning, management skills, key competences to start a business or to conduct innovation projects at companies. Modernization of educational practices gives considerable topical relevance to the question of young teachers and researchers retention at the University, their integration in academic community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-13
Zh.E. Abdykhalykova ◽  
Zh.D. Abdullaeva ◽  

Professional training of future teachers in the twenty-first century is impossible without taking into account its global context. For professional success in a rapidly changing world, new personality traits are required: mobility, flexibility, adaptability, tolerance. In this regard, the internationalization of pedagogical education and the teaching profession is becoming a global trend today.The purpose of this article is to analyze the current situation of academic mobility in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identify barriers that hinder the development of academic mobility of students, experimentally test the effectiveness of the orientation course on academic mobility for students. In order to provide pedagogical support and develop motivation for academic mobility of students at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, we have developed and implemented an orientation course for 2nd year undergraduate students «Student Mobility: Opportunities and Prospects» in the first semester of 2020, which prepared and acquainted future teachers with the possibilities of international academic mobility programs and the features of credit technology of education. According to the results of the introductory course of the second year bachelor’s degree, changes were noted in the motivational component of readiness for academic mobility of students in the experimental group. In conclusion, we noted that to provide pedagogical support of future teacher for academic mobility at the university , it is necessary to use various kinds of programmes in the educational process in order to increase readiness of students for academic mobility. It is also necessary to carry out systematic pedagogical support of students for academic mobility, to involve tutors, advisers, teachers, coordinators of the international department to eliminate linguistic, organizational, informational, resource, normative, meaningful barriers to academic mobility of future teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3D) ◽  
pp. 623-628
Roma Sybirna ◽  
Tetiana Fursykova ◽  
Ganna Polishchuk ◽  
Oleksandr Balanutsa ◽  
Alla Marchuk

One of the important problems of training competitive specialists in creative professions is the theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of the idea of integrating science and technology, education and production, searching on this basis for innovative approaches to creative education. Taking this into account, the problem of integrating knowledge in higher education acquires significance and has a number of advantages. The university is faced with the task of providing students with a holistic, scientific, flexible system of knowledge, which is modified depending on the profile and purpose of each type of educational institution. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is to integrate the content, forms and methods of teaching into the educational process.

T. Chernyak

The article discusses the current problems of assessing the quality of professional training of HR managers from the perspective of graduates of the HR direction working in this area.For ten years the author of the article has been assessing the quality of training university graduates as deputy vice rector for organizing practice, employment and promoting employment of graduates. The results of annual studies of satisfaction with the quality of education of all participants in the educational process: students; employers and graduates of the university were an indispensable indicator in the preparation and conduct of accreditation of the university, it has repeatedly reported at conferences and published. The accumulated experience allowed us to conduct annual monitoring studies on the problem of satisfaction with the quality of professional training of graduates of the Department of Personnel Management of the Siberian Institute of Management, a branch of the RANEPA. The article provides only some generalized results of the author's studies in 2017 - 2019 on assessing the quality of professional training and career of specialists from the position of graduates of the department. The author conducts a brief analysis of theoretical foreign and domestic sources to study the problems of assessing the quality of education and training of specialists; considers the problems of development of criteria for assessing the quality of training, external and internal assessment, and the inclusion of certain assessment objects in the assessment, relevant to universities. The practical focus of the article allows us to see both the positive aspects in the training of future specialists in the field of personnel management, and some omissions, which will improve the quality and applied nature of training, taking into account the identified needs of graduates oriented to the demands of the labor market.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-40
Ольга Анатольевна Козырева ◽  
Елена Петровна Хвастунова

Анализируется проблема необходимости формирования готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзии в процессе профессиональной подготовки в вузе, а также ее структурные компоненты и их содержание. В структуре указанного вида готовности выявляются мотивационный, когнитивный и операционно-деятельностный компоненты. Констатируется, что проблема готовности будущих педагогов к профессиональной деятельности в условиях инклюзии является проблемным полем в современном научном дискурсе, так как ее системное решение пока не найдено. Целью является исследование сформированности готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзии школьников в процессе профессиональной подготовки в вузе. Приводятся результаты эмпирического исследования сформированности готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзии школьников. Даются рекомендации по формированию профессиональной готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзии школьников в процессе обучения в университете, где изучаются на третьем и четвертом курсах следующие дисциплины: «Обучение лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья», «Психолого-педагогические основы инклюзивного образования»; происходит введение производственной (технологической в системе инклюзивного образования) практики на базе организаций образовательной и социальной сферы, оперативный мониторинг сформированности готовности будущих педагогов к инклюзивному образованию школьников с ОВЗ. The problem of the need to form the readiness of future teachers for inclusion in the process of professional training at a university is analyzed, as well as its structural components and their content. In the structure of this type of readiness, motivational, cognitive and operationalactivity components are revealed. It is stated that the problem of the readiness of future teachers for professional activity in conditions of inclusion is a problematic field in modern scientific discourse, since its systemic solution has not yet been found. The aim is to study the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren in the process of professional training at a university. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren. Recommendations are given on the formation of professional readiness of future teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren in the process of studying at the university, consisting in enriching the content of training in the third and fourth years of the disciplines: «Teaching people with disabilities», «Psychological and pedagogical foundations of inclusive education»; the introduction of industrial (technological in the system of inclusive education) practice on the basis of educational and social organizations; operational monitoring of the formation of the readiness of future teachers for inclusive education of schoolchildren with disabilities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-118 ◽  
Dmitry A. Belyaev ◽  
Olga A. Volkova ◽  
Evgenia P. Shebolkina

The article provides an overview of foreign and national research on the possibilities of using cognitive management in the educational environment of higher education institution. The authors emphasize the potential of cognitive management principles application in the educational organization, the direct correlation between cognitive management tasks and the general purposes of educational process. The possible approaches to knowledge management in educational organization are described. The authors dwell on the general methodological, economic and functional aspects of cognitive management at the university, argue that the value-communicative essence of university education enables to manage the knowledge base of the university. On the example of Ukhta State Technical University the article considers the possibilities of students’ project activity and project self-government. Firstly, it ensures the increment and intensification of the value-communicative flow of knowledge within the University and in its interaction with the external environment. Secondly, it fosters students to master the role of a cognitive manager. Thirdly, it encourages students to develop their meta-abilities which can be viewed as a form of cognitive management outcomes in higher educational institution.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 162-165
Elena Sergeevna Vaseva

The paper deals with the cross-cutting tasks system use for the university education as a necessary condition of professional education orientation. The application of the cross-cutting tasks system promotes holistic students thinking and helps to master the means of action in a particular work situation. The paper contains a fragment of the system developed by the author for the course Subject-oriented economic information systems for bachelor students majoring in Applied Information Technologies in Economics. The course consists of several modules, the cross-cutting tasks system is used in the module Information systems of personnel management. The fragment of the system contains multiple plot lines that show methods of standard operations for personnel documents maintaining and enterprise personnel management, calculation and salary payment in the automated system. Specific tasks help to demonstrate continuity and connectivity of all sections in the module. The author of the paper considers some difficulties of the cross-cutting tasks system application: strict sequence of the methodology; difference in time that students need to perform the tasks; inability to include some tasks in the system; dependence on the results obtained during previous classes. The paper also contains possible ways of overcoming these difficulties.

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