2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (20) ◽  
pp. 202135
Antonio José de Araújo Ferreira

THE PORT COMPLEX OF SÃO LUÍS DO MARANHÃO IN THE CONTEMPORARY ECONOMY: indications for debateEL COMPLEJO PORTUARIO DE SÃO LUIS DO MARANHÃO EN LA ECONOMÍA CONTEMPORÁNEA: indicaciones para el debateRESUMOA evolução da humanidade tem, nos equipamentos portuários, uma possibilidade de análise. Nos últimos 40 anos, a qualidade e a capacidade das embarcações, somadas à situação geográfica e ao nível de equipamento dos portos, indicam sua importância por ser o meio preferencial para o comércio mundial e indução do desenvolvimento nacional e regional. O artigo objetiva analisar como a situação geográfica favorável em relação às áreas produtoras e aos mercados consumidores, aliada à logística e às condições naturais, tornam o Complexo Portuário de São Luís um equipamento essencial para a integração regional do Nordeste brasileiro à hodierna economia mundial. Para tanto, leva-se a efeito o materialismo histórico em que se utilizaram: levantamento bibliográfico, cartográfico e documental; análise, seleção e tabulação de dados e informações obtidas; duas visitas técnicas à sede da Emap (Empresa Maranhense de Administração Portuária); 12 etapas de campo; e diálogos em eventos científicos. O Porto do Itaqui foi instituído em 1974 e classificado como organizado em 1994, enquanto o Complexo Portuário de São Luís remonta a 2004, onde se sobressaem o citado porto organizado e os terminais de Uso Privado da Alumar e da Vale S/A, a partir das commodities agrícolas e minerais que, na contemporaneidade, fazem a economia maranhense girar. Esse complexo portuário tem registrado incremento na movimentação de cargas, ampliação em sua hinterlândia e crescimento em sua posição no sistema portuário brasileiro, mas ainda depende da demanda do mercado internacional; seus investimentos possuem reduzido efeito multiplicador no estado e pouca ênfase na dimensão ambiental e social que a questão impõe.Palavras-chave: Economia; Porto; Maranhão; Debate.ABSTRACTThe evolution of humanity has a possibility of analysis in port equipment. In the last 40 years, the quality and capacity of vessels, added to the geographical situation and level of equipment of the ports, indicate its importance as it is the preferred means for world trade and induction of national and regional development. The article aims to analyze how the favorable geographic situation in relation to producing areas and consumer markets, combined with logistics and natural conditions, make the São Luís Port Complex essential equipment for the regional integration of the Brazilian Northeast into today’s world economy. To do so, it is considered the historical materialism in which were used: bibliographic, cartographic and documentary survey; analysis, selection and tabulation of data and information obtained; two technical visits to Emap's headquarters (Empresa Maranhense de Administração Portuária); 12 field stages; and dialogues at scientific events. The Port of Itaqui was established in 1974 and classified as organized in 1994, while the Port Complex of São Luís dates back to 2004, where stand out the aforementioned organized port and the Private Use terminals of Alumar and Vale S/A, from agricultural and mineral commodities that, in contemporary times, make the Maranhão economy move. This port complex has registered an increase in cargo handling, expansion in its hinterland and growth in its position in the Brazilian port system, but it still depends on the demand of the international market; its investments have a reduced multiplier effect in the state and little emphasis on the environmental and social dimension that the issue imposes.Keywords: Economy; Port; Maranhão; Discussion.RESUMENLa evolución de la humanidad tiene, en los equipamientos de los puertos, una posibilidad de análisis. En los últimos 40 años, la calidad y la capacidad de los buques, sumadas a la situación geográfica y al nivel de equipamiento de los puertos, indican su importancia por ser el medio preferencial para el comercio mundial y inducción del desarrollo nacional y regional. El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar cómo la situación geográfica favorable en relación a las zonas de producción y a los mercados de consumo, aliada a la logística y a las condiciones naturales, convierten el complejo portuario de São Luís en un equipamiento esencial para la integración regional del Nordeste brasileño a la economía mundial actual. Para esto, se tiene el materialismo histórico en que se utilizaron: encuesta bibliográfica, cartográfica y documental; análisis, selección y tabulación de datos e información obtenidas; dos visitas técnicas a la sede de Emap (Empresa Maranhense de Administração Portuária); 12 etapas de campo; diálogos en eventos científicos. El Puerto de Itaqui fue instituido en 1974 y clasificado como organizado en 1994, mientras que el Complejo Portuario de São Luís remonta a 2004, donde se sobresalen el citado puerto organizado y las terminales de uso privado de Alumar y de Vale S/A, a partir de las commodities agrícolas y minerales que, hoy, hacen girar la economía de Maranhão. Ese complejo portuario ha registrado un aumento en el movimiento de carga, ampliado su hinterland y elevado su posición en el sistema portuario brasileño, pero aún depende de la demanda del mercado internacional, sus inversiones tienen reducido efecto multiplicador en el estado y poca énfasis en la dimensión ambiental y social que la cuestión impone.Palabras clave: Economía; Puerto; Maranhão; Debate.

Justicia ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (25) ◽  
Juan Carlos Rodr

El presente artículo de investigación, es origen del análisis realizado a las principales posturas que difieren entre el sistema comunista y el capitalista como elementos decisorios en una integración regional. En este artículo, se realiza un riguroso y amplio análisis de uno de dos temas esencialmente controvertido, la religión y el comunismo. El objetivo no consiste en reprochar la tendencia atea de los marxistas y/o comunistas, sino en demostrar que las principales posturas del comunismo van en contra de lo establecido por Dios, Jehová; motivo por el cual, se puede inferir que este tipo de sistema aunque se implemente en un país nunca cumplirá sus objetivos. El análisis se basa en el artículo realizado por Woods (s.f.) titulado El marxismo y la religión; en él señala que los primeros cristianos eran comunistas, lo cual demuestra que existe una mala interpretación de la doctrina y de ciertos eventos bíblicos. Para ello se sustenta esta postura basado en la Biblia Reina-Valera 1960.   AbstractThe present article of investigation, it is an origin of the analysis realized to the principal positions that differ between the communist system and the capitalist as decision-making elements in a regional integration. In this article, a rigorous and wide analysis is realized of one of two topics essentially controversial, the religion and the communism. The aim does not consist of reproaching the atheistic trend of the marxists and/or communists, if not in demonstrating that the principal positions of the communism go in opposition to the established for God, Jehová; I motivate for which, it is possible to infer that this one type of system though it is implemented in a country will never fulfill his aims. The analysis is based on the article realized by Woods (s.f.) graduate Marxism and religion, in him indicates that the first Christians were communist, which demonstrates that there exists a bad interpretation of the doctrine and of certain Biblical events; for it this position is sustained based on the Bible Reina-Valera 1960.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-281
Diamond Ashiagbor

Underpinning this article is the proposition that regional integration with a social dimension has the potential to engender a more equitable pattern of globalisation. The empirical focus of the article is on the extent to which the insights of ‘embedded liberalism’ associated with regional economic integration between the industrialised nations of the European Union (EU) can be applied to regional economic integration within sub-Saharan Africa. The article contends that EU market liberalisation has been embedded within labour market institutions and institutions of social citizenship at the domestic level. These have served as social stabilisers to counter the far-reaching effects of the internal market and global trade. Less industrialised nations have never enjoyed adjustment mechanisms of this sort, raising the question for this article, and for further research: in which legal and institutional structures can these nascent forms of market integration at regional and sub-regional level be embedded?

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-73 ◽  
Deepankar Sinha ◽  
Virupaxi Bagodi

India has about 200 ports along its coastline, which is about 7,500 kilometres long. However, none of these ports feature in the world’s top 20. Several studies on port efficiency indicate the need to benchmark the productivity of ports with global standards. Productivity is measured in terms of cargo (in tonnes, or 20-foot equivalent unit, TEU) handled per hour or so. The outcome of enhanced productivity is quicker turnaround time of ships. The productivity of the major Indian ports does not match the global standards. In order to improve their efficiency, the government-managed ports have initiated privatization of their terminals and outsourcing of cargo handling services since 1991. Yet, the ports are lagging behind major ports across the world. A major reason for the inefficiencies of the Indian ports is because of its pricing mechanism and its ability to take proactive decision, especially with regard to capacity enhancement of the terminals. This is so because in major Indian ports, the ship pays for the number of days it stays in the berth. In inefficient ports, ships stay for long duration and as a result the port earns on account of its inefficiencies. These ports fail to recognize the paradox, and as such take corrective action only after ships divert to other ports. Ports projects have long gestation periods. So far, no study encompassing the dimensions port pricing, productivity and efficiency has been undertaken by researchers. In this article we attempt to explore the causes that affect the performance of Indian ports. We present a cause and effect analysis to explain the dynamics arising out of the interactions of productivity, infrastructure, and pricing mechanism of an Indian port system. A system dynamics framework has been used to develop the causal model. Four feedback loops were identified, which explain the governing rules and the paradoxes impacting the performance of Indian ports.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 640-660 ◽  
Shilin Ye ◽  
Xinhua Qi ◽  
Yecheng Xu

AbstractIn spite of the rapid growth of the Yangtze River port system (YRPS) in recent years, knowledge regarding the efficiency characteristics of these ports along the Yangtze River is still limited. This article evaluates the relative efficiency of 22 major ports along the Yangtze River from 2010 to 2016 by using the novel super slacks-based measure (super-SBM) model and the Malmquist productivity index. The YRPS showed a relatively low level of average technical efficiency in 2016, and the technical efficiency values of these ports increased generally from upstream to downstream. In terms of returns to scale, the ports of Shanghai, Nantong, and Suzhou should pay attention to resource allocation, technological advancement, and institutional innovation in the future. The remaining 19 ports, however, should increase investment in the optimization of production-capacity structures, the upgrading of terminal equipment, the improvement of consolidation and distribution systems, channel regulation, and information sharing among terminals. Our results also show that the production technology, resource utilization, enterprise management, and scale economies of the YRPS improved during 2010–2016, and this significantly enhanced the total factor productivity (TFP). Based on these findings, we propose several development strategies for the YRPS, such as improving the consolidation and distribution systems of ports, encouraging the cross-regional integration of port and shipping enterprises, strengthening the coconstruction and sharing of infrastructure, and optimizing the hub-and-spoke network of the YRPS.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 789-801
Van Tai Pham

costs for businesses in the region in order to form reasonable transportation routes, within and outside the guaranteed area. Improve the output of goods through and reduce social costs, in accordance with the planning of the transportation system, improve socio-economic efficiency in goods circulation. Methodology: This study uses statistical methods - data analysis, survey analysis, trend approach to forecast such as goods demand through ports, assess the nature of the problem and find specific solutions to devise optimal planning solutions. Main Findings: Transport infrastructure directly affects logistics performance, particularly on time, cost, reliability, and safety of this service, thereby affecting the growth rate of the economy in general and the business efficiency of enterprises in particular. Therefore, in order to meet the fast development of Cai Mep-Thi Vai logistics and port system, the transport infrastructure must be concerned, planned, and deployed in a synchronized and proper manner. Applications of this study: The Cai Mep-Thi Vai port area being invested and built and developed will be of utmost importance in Vietnam, with access to international maritime routes, connecting with existing wharves to form a continuous port system serving the dynamic economic development centers of the southern and international regions. Novelty/Originality of this study: The problems of port logistics and transport infrastructure to serve logistics. Provide some general theoretical issues about transportation for port logistics services. Also basing on foreign experiment and regional lessons to evaluate the existence of transport infrastructure for logistics services in Cai Mep-Thi Vai port area; point out the shortcomings and inadequacies of transport infrastructure for logistics.

2004 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 297-302
H. Caci ◽  
P. Robert ◽  
P. Boyer
Gen Y ◽  

ResumenLa dimensión bipolar de matutinidad-vespertinidad se refiere a los momentos preferidos del día para llevar a cabo diversas actividades (es decir, la fase del reloj circadiano). Está validada desde un punto de vista biológico, se asocia al menos con un gen y es heredable por medio de un mecanismo epistásico. Se ha utilizado como variable próxima para estudiar las relaciones entre el sistema circadiano, la per-sonalidad y las manifestaciones psicopatológicas: hay una correlación entre la orientación vespertina y la depresión, la extraversión y, pro-bablemente, la impulsividad. Además, hay una posible relación con el temperamento en nifios, segiin teorizaron Thomas y Chess. En este artículo, desarrollamos la hipótesis de que los sujetos impulsivos puntúan bajo en matutinidad realizando un análisis factorial de la Esca- la Compuesta de Matutinidad, el Inventario del Temperamento y el Carácter de Cloninger y el Inventario de Ansiedad como Rasgo de Spielberger en una muestra de 129 varones. Probablemente, los resultados se pueden extender a mujeres. La matutinidad correlaciona negativamente con la búsqueda de novedad (que incluye una faceta de impulsividad), correlaciona positivamente con la persistencia y es independiente de las dimensiones de carácter y la ansiedad como rasgo. La investigación futura puede centrarse en la participación del sistema circadiano en estas dimensiones y facetas de la personalidad, y los beneficios de afiadir manipulaciones cronoterapéuticas en el tratamiento de los trastornos de la personalidad.

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