SABERES IMPRESSOS, CORRESPONDáŠNCIAS E EXPEDIÇÕES CIENTáFICAS: a capitania do Maranhão e o Reformismo Ilustrado na virada para o Oitocentos

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  

O artigo toma como ponto de partida a venda de impressos na Casa do Correio da cidade de São Luá­s do Maranhão, entre os anos de 1799 e 1801, inserindo-a nas diretrizes da polá­tica portuguesa de difusão dos conhecimentos cientá­ficos por intermédio da impressão, venda e distribuição de impressos. Tal polá­tica, sob o comando de D. Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho, secretário de Estado da Marinha e Ultramar, contou com a decisiva atuação do frei José Mariano da Conceição Veloso, responsável pela tradução e impressão de grande número de obras: Veloso dirigiu a Casa Literária do Arco do Cego entre 1799 e 1801. Considero também os impressos que circularam fora da órbita do Arco do Cego, e que chegaram á  capitania do Maranhão após serem submetidos ao crivo da Real Mesa Censória. Por fim, articulo esse conjunto de impressos á s correspondências trocadas entre o governador da capitania, Diogo de Sousa, e o secretário Coutinho, cujos temas se pautavam na questão do conhecimento cientá­fico e nas múltiplas formas de desenvolvimento das potencialidades da capitania. Como exemplo-sá­ntese dessas preocupações, analiso o contexto de organização e desenvolvimento da expedição cientá­fica chefiada por Vicente Jorge Dias Cabral e pelo padre Joaquim José Pereira, que explorou a capitania entre os anos de 1799 e 1802. Palavras-chave: Maranhão. Reformismo Ilustrado. Impressos. Correspondências. Expedições Cientá­ficas.  PRINTED KNOWLEDGE, CORRESPONDENCE AND SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITIONS: the Maranhão captainship and the Erudite Reformism in 19th century. Abstract: This text takes as starting point the sale of printed papers in São Luá­s”™ city post office between 1799 and 1801, inserting it in the Portuguese guidelines for politic of scientific knowledge diffusion trough distribution printing, sale and distribution of printed material. Such politic, under command of D. Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho, State secretary of Navy and Overseas, counted with the decisive participation Friar José Mariano da Conceição Veloso, responsible for translations and printing of large amount of works: Veloso directed the Casa Literária do Arco do Cego between 1799 and 1801. I also consider the printed material that circulated out of Arco do Cego”™s frame and arrived at Maranhão captainship after approved by the Royal Censorial Table. At last, I articulate this group of printed material to the correspondences exchanged between the captainship governor Diogo de Sousa and the secretary Coutinho, which versed around the issues of scientific knowledge and the multiple ways of development of captainship potency. As example of these matters I analyze the context of organization and development of the scientific expedition guided by Vicente Jorge Dias Cabral and the priest Joaquim José Pereira, who explored the captainship between 1799 and 1802. Keywords: Maranhão. Erudite Reformism. Printed material .Correspondences. Scientific Expeditions.  SABERES IMPRESOS, CORRESPONDENCIAS Y EXPEDICIONES CIENTáFICAS: la capitaná­a del Maranhão y el Reformismo ilustrado en el pasaje para el ochocientos Resumen: El articulo presenta como eje de partida la venda de impresos en la Casa de Correos de la ciudad de São Luis, Maranhão, entre los años de 1799 y 1801, incluyendo venda y distribución de impresos en las directrices de la polá­tica portuguesa de difusión de los conocimientos cientá­ficos por intermedio de la impresión  . Esta polá­tica, bajo el comando de D Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho, secretario de Estado de Marinha e Ultramar, se fortaleció con la decisiva actuación del Frey José Mariano de Conceição Veloso, responsable por la traducción e impreso de gran número de obras: Veloso coordinó la Casa Literaria do Arco do Cego entre 1799 y 1801. Consideramos también los impresos que circularon externamente a Casa Literaria y que llegaron a la capitaná­a de Maranhão, tras la sumisión de la Real Mesa Censoria. En este artá­culo, es discutido el conjunto de impresos a las correspondencias tejidas entre el gobernador de la capitania, Diogo de Sousa y el secretario Coutinho, cuyos temas se apoyaban en la cuestión del conocimiento cientá­fico y en las múltiples formas de desarrollo de las potencialidades de la capitaná­a. Como ejemplo sá­ntesis de estas problematizaciones, se analiza el contexto de organización y desarrollo de la expedición cientá­fica comandada por Vicente Jorge Dá­as Cabral y por el Padre Joaquim José Pereira que explotó la capitaná­a entre los años de 1799 y 1802. Palabras clave: Maranhão. Reformismo Ilustrado.  Impreso. Correspondencias. Expediciones cientá­ficas.

Public Voices ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 68 ◽  
Jens Ivo Engels

The so-called “long 19th century”, from the French Revolution to the First World War, ranks as the crucial phase in the genesis of the modern world. In the Western countries this period was characterized by the differentiation of the public and the private spheres, the birth of the modern bureaucratic state and the delegitimation of early modern practices such as clientelism and patronage. All these fundamental changes are, among other things, usually considered important preconditions for the modern perception of corruption.This paper will concentrate on this crucial phase by means of a comparative analysis of debates in France, Great Britain and the United States, with the aim to elucidate the motives for major anti-corruption movements. The questions are: who fights against corruption and what are the reasons for doing so? I will argue that these concerns were often very different and sometimes accidental. Furthermore, an analysis of political corruption may reveal differences between the political cultures in the countries in question. Thus, the history of corruption serves as a sensor which enables a specific perspective on politics. By taking this question as a starting point the focus is narrowed to political corruption and the debates about corruption, while petty bribery on the part of minor civilservants, as well as the actual practice in the case of extensive political corruption, is left aside.

2011 ◽  
Vol 50 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 582-606 ◽  
Anne Marcovich ◽  
Terry Shinn

This article analyzes the cognitive structures and dynamics of a form of scientific discipline that differs importantly both from the disciplinary format of the 19th-century university system, and from the profile proposed by much postmodern interdisciplinary (anti-disciplinary) discussion. This recent form of discipline, here termed the ‘new disciplinarity’, is a product of the increasing complexity of scientific knowledge and activity. The approach privileges cognition. It emphasizes the concepts of disciplinary referent, robust boundaries, ‘borderland’, combinatorials and projects. It suggests that the new disciplinarity is highly elastic and that it is a spawning-ground for new disciplines.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (28) ◽  
pp. 48-71

Este artigo busca abordar algumas das principais reflexões teórico-metodológicas (algumas com um caráter mais nitidamente político) sobre o tempo no campo das ciências humanas na contemporaneidade. Tem-se como ponto de partida um breve esboço da concepção moderna de tempo. Já que é a constituição e “crise” dessa noção em seus vários desdobramentos que aparece como condição de possibilidade das reflexões que serão aqui abordadas, como: o “campo de experiência” e o “horizonte de expectativa” de Reinhart Koselleck, o tempo redimido em Walter Benjamin e o devir e o acontecimento no tempo não-reconciliado de Gilles Deleuze. Palavras-chave: Tempo. Modernidade.Político.   THE EMERGENCE AND “CRISIS” OF THE MODERN CONCEPTION OF TIME AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR CONTEMPORANY HISTORIOGRAPHICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL REFLECTION Abstract: This article tries to address some of the main theoretical-methodological reflections (some with a more clearly political character) about the time in the field of the human sciences in the contemporaneity. The starting point is a brief outline of the modern conception of time. Since it is the constitution and "crisis" of this notion in its various unfoldings that appears as a condition of possibility of the reflections that will be addressed here, such as Reinhart Koselleck's "field of experience" and the "horizon of expectation", the redeemed time in Walter Benjamin and the becoming and the event in the unreconciled time of Gilles Deleuze. Keywords: Time. Modernity. Political. LA EMERGENCIA Y “CRISIS” DE LA CONCEPCIÓN MODERNA DE TIEMPO Y SUS IMPLICACIONES EN LA REFLEXIÓN HISTORIOGRÁFICA Y FILOSÓFICA CONTEMPORÂNEAS Resumen: Este artículo busca abordar algunas de las principales reflexiones teórico-metodológicas (algunas con un carácter más nítidamente político) sobre el tiempo en el campo de las ciencias humanas en la contemporaneidad. Se tiene como punto de partida un breve esbozo de la concepción moderna de tiempo. En cuanto a la constitución y “crisis” de esa noción en sus diversos desdoblamientos que aparece como condición de posibilidad de las reflexiones que se abordarán aquí, como: el "campo de experiencia" y el "horizonte de expectativa" de Reinhart Koselleck, el tiempo redimido en Walter Benjamin y el devenir y el acontecimiento en el tiempo no reconciliado de Gilles Deleuze. Palabras clave: Tiempo. Modernidad. Político.

Eeva Koponen ◽  
Tiia Puputti

Systematic information seeking is an essential part of academic work. Research and information seeking go hand in hand, and both need planning. In the academic world you can hardly avoid the research plan, but you probably won’t hear that much about the information seeking plan. The information seeking plan guides you through the research process from the first sparks of an idea to the last dot in the bibliography from the point of view of the often invisible process of systematic information seeking.Systematic Information Seeking Framework designed in the Jyväskylä University Library has its roots in Carol Kuhlthau's Guided Inquiry Design Process. Our model, designed for more contextual adjustability, is presented in our Library Tutorial (, an open self-study material.The process starts with “Defining the topic and finding search terms”. This stage requires extensive reading about the subject matter, understanding the basic differences between everyday knowledge and scientific knowledge and distinguishing information resources for different kinds of needs.Analysis of concepts and understanding of their contextuality are at the core of scientific knowledge. With the information seeking plan and a mind map one can work on the search terms, discover connections and construct search statements for different resources and the search strategies they require.The second section is about “Finding sources”, which students often understand as the starting point for systematic information seeking. Knowledge of the publication cultures in different disciplines guide the information seeker to the different types of sources needed.Finally, “Citing and managing references”. One of the most essential skills in all academic work is the appropriate use of scientific sources, citing and managing references correctly. As academic dishonesty hurts the whole community, academic fraud, e.g. plagiarism, is taken very seriously. Sufficient skills in seeking and managing information are the key to avoiding it.

2015 ◽  
pp. 153
Gordana Matic

<div class="WordSection1"><p><strong>Resumen</strong></p><p>La fábula ha tenido desde siempre una función retórica e ilustrativa que se ha manifestado a lo largo de la historia de modo dual: mostraba para enseñar, lo que muchas veces implicaba el componente moralizador, o para criticar. Mientras se empeñaba en conseguir una de las dos intencionalidades, o las dos simultáneamente, ha podido ser revestida de un tono humorístico, burlón, irónico o sarcástico. Partiendo de las observaciones sobre el género de Fedro, Rodríguez Adrados o Mireya Camurati, en este trabajo nos proponemos analizar una selección de fábulas clásicas, medievales, dieciochescas y decimonónicas, para demostrar que el aspecto crítico e incluso subversivo del género se mantiene abiertamente activo aun en las épocas en las que se potencia su intención didáctico-moralizante.</p><p>Palabras clave: fábula, definiciones del género, estudio diacrónico, aspecto crítico, aspecto didáctico-moralizante</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The fable has always had a rhetoric and illustrative function that manifested itself during its long history in two different ways: on one hand, it represented an example in order to teach, which usually implied the moral component, or on the other hand, to criticize. While it strived to achieve one of these intentions, or sometimes both simultaneously, it could have been written in a humorous, mocking, ironic or sarcastic tone. In this paper, we analyze a selection of classical and medieval, 18th and 19th century fables written in Spanish, with definitions proposed by Phaedrus, Rodríguez Adrados and Mireya Camurati as starting points, in order to show that the critical aspect of this genre was openly maintained and taken benefit of even in the historical periods when its didactic and moralizing intention was preferred and strongly emphasized.</p></div><p>Key words: fable, definition of genre, diachronic approach, critical aspect, didactic and moral aspect</p><p> </p>

Jean Louis Guereña

Resumen: El presente artículo colecciona un buen número de las publicaciones catalanas de tema erótico que vieron la luz clancestinamente durante el siglo XIX y principios del XX. Palabras clave: bibliografía, erotismo, catalán, renaixença, siglo XIX, siglo XXAbstract: This article collects a good number of Catalan publications with a erotic topic that came out clandestinely during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Keywords: literature, eroticism, Catalan, Renaixença, 19th century, 20th century

Andrew D. Dimarogonas

Abstract Engineering is distinguished from craft or invention by systematic development and use of intelligence and scientific knowledge. Elements of engineering design can be found in the great Potamic civilizations but systematic engineering design activity started in the ancient Greek and Hellenistic world and matured under the Romans. The renaissance and the industrial revolution revived Engineering and modern engineering design was eventually defined during the 19th Century.

Giorgia Morgese

In the second half of the 19th century, the study of the phenomenon of the dream was undertaken with “scientific” method, by physicians, physiologists, and psychiatrists before the birth of the “myth” advanced by Freud who claimed for psychoanalysis the birthright of the psychological study of dreams. The article highlights the long and varied process of obtaining scientific knowledge of dreams and the dreaming process, and sheds light on researchers and traditions that have not received as much attention as they should have.

Macarena Garcia-Avello

Este artículo examina la manera en que la metaficción postmoderna de Carol Shields en The Stone Diaries sirve de punto de partida para una crítica feminista desde la que se explora el carácter relacional y fragmentario del sujeto femenino. Aunque la crítica haya incidido en la vertiente feminista de la novela de Carol Shields, The Stone Diaries, el papel que juega el postmodernismo en la crítica feminista ha pasado desapercibido. El objetivo de este artículo es, por tanto, ahondar en la manera en que el feminismo se intercala con el postmodernismo en la obra de Shields. A lo largo de este  se demostrará cómo la confluencia entre la condición postmoderna y la construcción de la subjetividad de la protagonista proporciona a la obra una función política. Palabras clave: postmodernismo, feminismo, política, The Stone Diaries   This article examines the way in which postmodern metafiction in Carol Shields´ s The Stone Diaries can be understood as a starting point to explore the relational and fragmentary subjectivity from a feminist standpoint. Although most analysis on The Stone Diaries put an emphasis on the importance of feminism, the influence of postmodernism in Shields´s novel has been commonly overlooked. This article aims to delve into the interaction between feminism and postmodernism in order to demonstrate how this interplay provides the novel with a political function.   Key words: postmodernism, feminism, politics, The Stone Diaries.  

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