Breastfeeding Women in Academia

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16 ◽  
Sigrid Ladores ◽  
Laura Debiasi ◽  
Erin Currie

Breastfeeding is a reproductive right for mothers, including women in the workforce. Limited postpartum leave, reliance on expressing milk at work, and lack of access to lactation rooms pose challenges for working mothers. Specific to mothers in academia, the heavy demands of teaching, sustaining research, and attending meetings and conferences pose additional challenges. Many female academicians delay childbearing due to pressures to attain tenure as early as possible. Women who leave academic careers often do so in the early career period, which coincides with the childbearing years. Lack of support for these mothers is a social-justice issue that warrants close examination and a realignment of priorities to facilitate and ensure breastfeeding success. The following are recommendations for developing a network of support for breastfeeding mothers: (a) Improved and standardized family leave policies, (b) inclusive workplace infrastructure, (c) flexibility in work schedule and structure, (d) equal opportunity to advance on the tenure track, (e) establishment of onsite daycares, (f) supportive policies clearly communicated and enforced, and (g) change in attitude and culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Dóra Hangya

Az ÚNKP kutatás célja annak vizsgálata, hogy a szakértői nyilvántartásban szereplő felnőttképzési szakértők és programszakértők kötelező továbbképzéseinek moduljai (14/2014. (III. 31.) NGM rendelet) tartalmaznak-e ismereteket a fogyatékossággal élő felnőttek képzésben való részvételének feltételrendszeréről, valamint hogy a felnőttképzési szakértők számára nehézséget okoz-e, ha a felnőttképzési intézmények munkatársai a témát érintő kérdésekkel fordulnak hozzájuk. Előzmény a KJM Alapítvány 2016. évi Phd pályázata keretében lefolytatott kutatás, amely eredményei szerint a válaszadó engedéllyel rendelkező felnőttképzési intézmények 95%-a úgy véli, hogy a felnőttképzési szakértők számára szükséges volna olyan tartalmú továbbképzés biztosítása, mely támpontokkal látja el őket annak érdekében, hogy segíteni tudják őket az egyenlő esélyű hozzáférés biztosításának megteremtésében (n=136). (Hangya, 2016, Hangya, 2017)A kutatás módszere teljes körű mintavételen alapuló félig strukturált kérdőíves lekérdezés. 314 fő válaszolt a kutatás kérdőívére, mely a tisztított minta 41%-a. A szakértők 80%-a jelezte, hogy a kötelező továbbképzések nem tartalmaztak fogyatékosság-specifikus ismereteket. A válaszadó szakértők több mint 90%-a egyetért azzal, hogy szükséges volna ennek pótlása (n=312). 227 fő nem vett még részt ilyen témájú továbbképzésen, de 78%-uk szívesen tenné, amennyiben rendelkezésre állna ilyen (n=227). A válaszadók (n=308) 59,4%-a nem találkozott még olyan kérdésekkel a felnőttképzési intézmények részéről, melyek a fogyatékossággal élő felnőttek egyenlő esélyű hozzáférését érintik, 46,5%-uk számára ez nehézséget jelentene.  84 fő (27%) fogalmazott meg nyitott kérdés keretében a témával kapcsolatban fejlesztési javaslatokat. The aim of the ÚNKP research is the investigation of whether the obligatory further education modules for adult education experts and program experts (14/2014. (III. 31.) NGM regulation) contain information regarding the conditionality for adults living with disabilities participating in education and the level of difficulty for adult education experts to inform colleges from adult education institutions on questions regarding this subject. A precursor is a research conducted within the framework of the 2016 Phd application of the KJM Foundation, according to which 95% of adult education institutions authorized for a response is of the opinion that the provision of a further education program for adult education experts which contains reference points to facilitate the provision of equal opportunity access would be necessary (n=136). (Hangya, 2016, Hangya, 2017)The method of research is a semi-structured questionnaire survey based on comprehensive sampling. 314 persons answered to the research questionnaire, which makes up 41% of the purified sample. 80% of experts indicated a lack of disability-specific information within the obligatory further education programs. More than 90% of respondents agree that supplementation of such information is necessary (n=312). 227 persons did not yet participate in further education programs within this subject, however, 78% would gladly do so if given the opportunity (n=227). 59,4% of respondents (n=308) did not yet encounter questions from adult education institutions regarding the equal access of adults living with disabilities, 46,5% would consider this a difficulty.  84 persons (27%) formulated developmental suggestions regarding the subject within the framework of an open point.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 159-166
Jennifer Brady ◽  
Tanya L’heureux

Recent world events have shone a spotlight on the social and structural injustices that impact the lives, health, and well-being of individuals and communities under threat. Dietitians should be well positioned to play a role in redressing injustice through their individual and collective “response abilities”, that is, the combination of responsibility for and ability to be responsive to such injustices due to the varying privilege and power that dietitians have. However, recent research shows that dietitians report a lack of knowledge, skill, and confidence to take on such roles, and that dietetic education includes little knowledge- or skill-based learning that might prepare dietitians to do so. This primer aims to introduce readers to concepts that are fundamental to socially just dietetics practice, including privilege, structural competence, critical reflexivity, critical humility, and critical praxis. We assert that when implemented into practice and used to inform advocacy and activism these concepts enhance dietitians’ individual and collective response ability to redress injustice.

Barry S. Levy

Social injustice creates conditions that adversely affect the health of individuals and communities. It denies individuals and groups equal opportunity to have their basic human needs met. It violates fundamental human rights. It represents a lack of fairness or equity. This chapter provides two broad definitions of social injustice. It gives examples of social injustice, both within the United States and internationally. It describes adverse health effects related to social injustice. And it outlines ways in which health professionals and others can work to minimize social injustice and its adverse health consequences. Text boxes describe concepts of social justice, as well as the relationship between science and social justice. The Appendix to the chapter contains the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

2018 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-10
Chloë Taylor ◽  

In this response I compare Rebecca Tuvel’s article, “In Defense of Transracialism,” to several other recent examples of philosophical and social justice scholarship in which authors (Eli Clare, Alexandre Baril, Cressida Heyes, Ladelle McWhorter, Judith Butler) draw comparisons between diverse identities and oppressions, and draw ethical and political conclusions about experiences that are not necessarily their own. I ask what methodological or authorial differences can explain the dramatically different reception of these works compared to Tuvel’s, and whether these differences in reception were justified. In this response I also challenge the often-heard claim that Tuvel failed to draw on the evidence of experience in her article, as well as the assumption that social justice scholars should always do so. Finally, I consider Tuvel’s motivations in writing her article and describe them as intellectually generous, and I call for more intellectual generosity in academia as it is transformed by social media.

10.1068/d6708 ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 216-233 ◽  
Melissa W Wright

Protest movements offer a rich vernacular for investigating how the connections between social justice and creating political subjects always involve spatial transformations. In this paper, I put Jacques Derrida's contemplations regarding justice as incalculable in conversation with critiques of public witnessing and the role of empathy for catalyzing political action, and I do so to present some speculations over why a social justice movement in northern Mexico has weakened domestically as it has gained steam internationally. The movement has grown since 1993 in response to the violence against women and girls and the surrounding impunity that has made northern Mexico famous as a place of ‘femicide’. By examining these events in relation to the debates on calculating justice and on the politics of witnessing, I hope to add to the growing literature within and beyond geography on the interplay of emotion and social justice politics while illustrating what is at stake in these dynamics for Mexico's democracy and for women's participation in it.

2015 ◽  
Vol 112 (40) ◽  
pp. 12349-12353 ◽  
Romy van der Lee ◽  
Naomi Ellemers

We examined the application and review materials of three calls (n= 2,823) of a prestigious grant for personal research funding in a national full population of early career scientists awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Results showed evidence of gender bias in application evaluations and success rates, as well as in language use in instructions and evaluation sheets. Male applicants received significantly more competitive “quality of researcher” evaluations (but not “quality of proposal” evaluations) and had significantly higher application success rates than female applicants. Gender disparities were most prevalent in scientific disciplines with the highest number of applications and with equal gender distribution among the applicants (i.e., life sciences and social sciences). Moreover, content analyses of the instructional and evaluation materials revealed the use of gendered language favoring male applicants. Overall, our data reveal a 4% “loss” of women during the grant review procedure, and illustrate the perpetuation of the funding gap, which contributes to the underrepresentation of women in academia.

Ingo Venzke

Abstract Drawing on my inaugural lecture, I argue that the spectre of inequality haunts international law. The presence of the spectre first of all draws attention to what is rotten in the global economic order: how the law of the global economy has contributed to high levels of inequality while, at the same time, abdicating responsibility for it. Second, like all spectres, international law’s spectre of inequality is animated by a spirit, the spirit of social justice. It points to forsaken paths, lost memories and conjures up past possibilities that were not realized. Third, the spectre endures unless we give in and break with current repetitions. It directs those in search of progressive change towards productive contradictions within global order. Those contradictions are indeed carriers of hope. They offer reason to believe that the future is open. Engaging with the spectre of inequality in international law turns out to be much less daunting than failing to do so.

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