2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
Priskila Christine Rahayu ◽  
Jordan Wijaya ◽  
Helena Juliana Kristina

<p>Institute of Dharma Keuskupan Agung Jakarta is a community that serves the poor and oppressed in the Jakarta area and beyond. One of the services provided is through the existence of the same Mission to teach residents to be diligent in saving. Currently the manager uses Microsoft Excel to process data 30 groups with 370 cooperative members manually, and this method takes a lot of time and labor. To help solve these problems, a cooperative information system was created that could process data and provide information quickly for cooperative managers using Microsoft Access. The system design is done by the Prototyping method, one of the Systems Development Life Cycle methods, which consists of four stages. <strong>The first</strong>, the Planning: system requirements are determined and a feasibility study is carried out. <strong>The second</strong>, the Analysis: functional and non-functional requirements are defined and behavior modeling is carried out. <strong>The third</strong>, the Design: the interface layer is designed. <strong>The fourth</strong>, the Implementation: the proposed system program is run and tested. The information system is made capable of receiving financial data input, members, and cooperative groups and then provide information on financial reports, book closing reports, and statistical reports automatically. The application has been tested by the cooperative manager and declared successful in providing information quickly, accurately and easily.</p><p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak</strong>: Lembaga Daya Dharma Keuskupan Agung Jakarta merupakan sebuah komunitas yang melayani warga miskin dan tertindas di daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Salah satu pelayanan yang diberikan adalah melalui adanya koperasi Misi Sama untuk mengajar warga untuk rajin menabung. Saat ini pengelola menggunakan Microsoft Excel untuk mengolah data 30 kelompok dengan 370 anggota koperasi secara manual, dan cara tersebut memakan banyak waktu dan tenaga kerja. Untuk membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut, dibuatkan sebuah sistem informasi koperasi yang dapat mengolah data dan memberikan informasi dengan cepat bagi pengelola koperasi dengan menggunakan Microsoft Access. Perancangan sistem dilakukan dengan metode Prototyping, salah satu metode Systems Development Life Cycle, yang terdiri dari empat tahap. Tahap pertama, Planning: kebutuhan sistem ditentukan dan studi kelayakan dilakukan. Tahap kedua, Analysis: kebutuhan fungsional dan non-fungsional didefinisikan dan permodelan perilaku dilakukan. Tahap ketiga, Design: dilakukan perancangan lapisan antarmuka. Tahap keempat, Implementation: program sistem usulan dijalankan dan diuji coba. Sistem informasi yang dibuat mampu menerima input data keuangan, anggota, dan kelompok koperasi kemudian memberikan informasi laporan keuangan, laporan penutupan buku, dan laporan statistik secara otomatis. Aplikasi telah diuji coba oleh pengelola koperasi dan dinyatakan berhasil memberikan informasi dengan cepat, akurat dan mudah.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-194
Lisma Zahara ◽  
Ibnu Rasyid Munthe ◽  
Ali Akbar Ritonga

Abstract: Labuhanbatu Regency is a district that has many Vocational High Schools (SMK) which are very attractive to the community. Because each Vocational High School has its own vocational fields, for example Health, Automotive, Offices, and others. The existence of this Geographic Information System makes it easy for users to find Vocational High School routes. Vocational High Schools are schools that make students or prospective students even more skilled. In making this Geographic Information System requires Systems Development Life Cycle to analyze gradually, and Webgis to display maps as well as GPS to ascertain the location of the earth's surface and use UML design such as activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and usecase. There is also a waterfall method in making this Geographic Information System such as its analysis, implementation, design, maintenance and also the testing phase. The Testing Phase uses the BlackBox to test the system whether it is running well or not and is suitable for use by users. Keywords: BlackBox Testing; Geographic Information System; Google Maps; GPS; UML; Vocational High School  Abstrak: Kabupaten Labuhanbatu termasuk kabupaten yang memiliki banyak Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) yang sangat diminati masyarakat. Karena setiap SMK memiliki kejuruan masing-masing dalam bidangnya misalkan Kesehatan, Otomotif, Perkantoran, dan lain-lain. Adanya Sistem Informasi Geografi ini memudahkan para pengguna untuk mencari rute Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan adalah sekolah yang menjadikan para siswa atau calon siswa lebih trampil lagi. Dalam pembuatan Sistem Informasi Geografi ini memerlukan Systems Development Life Cycle menganalisis secara bertahap, dan Webgis untuk menampilkan peta juga GPS untuk memastikan letak permukaan bumi dan menggunakan Perancangan UML seperti activity diagram, sequence diagram, dan usecase. Terdapat juga Metode waterfall dalam membuat Sistem Informasi Geografi ini seperti analisanya, implementasi, desain, pemeliharaan dan juga tahap pengujian. Tahap Pengujian menggunakan BlackBox untuk menguji Sistem apakah berjalan baik atau tidak dan sudah layak digunakan bagi pengguna. Kata kunci:  Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan; GPS; Peta Google; Sistem Informasi Geografi; Uji  BlackBox; UML 

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Tiara Handayani ◽  
Gerson Feoh

<p>ABSTRACT<br />The records officer at Maternity Clinic Sriati Sungai Penuh - Jambi in its management and reporting of patient data are still using manual systems. It has caused a delay in the delivery of information and report on daily data patients. Thus, it needs a system of web-based medical record information that can assist officers in the medical record of the patient data management processing. This system design method uses development life cycle (Systems Development Life Cycle-SDLC) which consists of planning, analysis, design, implementation, and use. Meanwhile, the purpose and benefits of the design of this information system is to produce a system of web-based medical record information in Maternity Clinic Sriati River Sungai Penuh - Jambi. With this information system, it eases medical records clerk in the management of patient data whichh includes patient registration process, the recording of patient medical records, physician data recording, data recording space, the search code ICD 9 CM and ICD code search 10. In addition, this information system produces a variety of reports and patient medical record information that is required for management decision making.<br />Keywords: Information Systems, Medical Record, Maternity Clinic, Web.<br />ABSTRAK<br />Petugas rekam medis di Klinik Bersalin Sriati Kota Sungai Penuh - Jambi dalam pengelolaan dan pembuatan laporan data pasien masih menggunakan sistem manual. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya keterlambatan dalam penyampaian informasi dan pelaporan data harian pasien. Maka diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi rekam medis berbasis web yang dapat membantu petugas rekam medis dalam proses pengelolaan data pasien tersebut. Metode perancangan sistem ini menggunakan siklus hidup pengembangan sistem (Systems Development Life Cycle-SDLC) yang terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, analisis, desain, implementasi, dan penggunaan. Sedangkan tujuan dan manfaat dari perancangan sistem informasi ini yaitu menghasilkan sebuah sistem informasi rekam medis berbasis web di Klinik Bersalin Sriati Kota Sungai Penuh - Jambi. Dengan adanya sistem informasi ini, dapat memudahkan petugas rekam medis dalam pengelolaan data pasien yang meliputi proses pendaftaran pasien, pencatatan rekam medis pasien, pencatatan data dokter, pencatatan data ruang, pencarian kode ICD 9 CM, dan pencarian kode ICD 10. Selain itu sistem informasi ini menghasilkan berbagai laporan-laporan serta informasi rekam medis pasien yang dibutuhkan pihak manajemen untuk pengambilan keputusan.<br />Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Klinik Bersalin, ICD 9 CM, ICD 10</p>

Rizki Hardian Sakti ◽  
Elfi Tasrif

In this modern era today, information technology had become a thing where the society have to be cultivated. The development of information technology was currently running very fast and played an important role in various ways. Computers were one of the important parts in improving information technology. This research aimed to design a tool to be able to assist students in obtaining information in an accurate and effective manner. The design of this information system used the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method which was a common methodology in system development and design. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) had six phases, are namely: identification, initiation and project design, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. The design carried out were the design and normalization of the database, Entity Relations Diagram (ERD), and system design. The system design had Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Class Diagram.Keywords: Information System, System Development Life Cycle, Electonic

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Denta Lidia Hera Kusuma ◽  
Encep Supriatna

Results of research conducted at PT. Kewalram Indonesia Unit-2, in its data processing, still using manual system that is in data of waste inventory using register book, so very susceptible to keruskan and data loss, not optimal in making report because herus recapture from receipt book, and waste expenditure, difficulty in search stock waste.Metode used in this research is System Development Methods are methods, procedures, work concepts, rules and postulates (postulates) that will be used to develop an information system. As for system design manggunakan Development Life Cycle System (SDLC) with Waterfall method is a method used to help and facilitate the development of the system. Waste Inventory Information System Design is built using Microsoft Visual Foxpro 9.0 and foxpro database. Thus the system of the author of the design is expected to improve data security from the possibility of data loss and data damage, facilitate the making of Reports, as well as simplify the search for waste inventory waste.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-112
Firman Hamdani

Ma'soem University is a university located in the Al Ma'soem Foundation Bandung (YAB). At present Ma'soem University has four Faculties, namely the Faculties: Computers, Faperta, Islamic Business Economics, Teacher Training and Education. With the increasing number of new students every year around 350 people per class, the Ma'soem University finance department must have an information system design that can help and facilitate financial acceptance and report preparation so that it can be produced quickly. The finance department of Ma'soem University is currently using its manual financial management system, where every student who makes a payment is recorded on a proof of payment invoice which is then recapitulated for financial statements. Based on these considerations, it is deemed necessary to design a financial information system that is expected to help facilitate the process of payment of education costs at Ma’soem University.In this Education Fee Payment Information System Design, the writer uses the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) system development life cycle method, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, code, testing and implementation.The design of this information system is expected to handle the payment of tuition fees with various facilities, namely: can facilitate the search for data of students who have not paid tuition fees, can avoid duplication of data and calculation errors in education costs and is expected to present reports of tuition payment payments quickly and automatically.Ma'soem University is a university located in the Al Ma'soem Foundation Bandung (YAB). At present Ma'soem University has four Faculties, namely the Faculties: Computers, Faperta, Islamic Business Economics, Teacher Training and Education. With the increasing number of new students every year around 350 people per class, the Ma'soem University finance department must have an information system design that can help and facilitate financial acceptance and report preparation so that it can be produced quickly. The finance department of Ma'soem University is currently using its manual financial management system, where every student who makes a payment is recorded on a proof of payment invoice which is then recapitulated for financial statements. Based on these considerations, it is deemed necessary to design a financial information system that is expected to help facilitate the process of payment of education costs at Ma’soem University.               In this Education Fee Payment Information System Design, the writer uses the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) system development life cycle method, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, code, testing and implementation.            The design of this information system is expected to handle the payment of tuition fees with various facilities, namely: can facilitate the search for data of students who have not paid tuition fees, can avoid duplication of data and calculation errors in education costs and is expected to present reports of tuition payment payments quickly and automatically.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Haviz Taufik

The objective of this study is to obtain evidence regarding description of the accounting  information  system  and  problems  faced  by  PT  Molay  Satrya Indonesia,   to   analyze   steps   required   for   the   development   of   accounting information system that is integrated in the PT Molay Satrya Indonesia based on   Systems  Development  Life  Cycle  (SDLC), and  challenges  that  may  be encountered  in  the  development  of  integrated  accounting  information  system based on the  Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method. The development method used in this research was Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The study  has  been  done  in  two  stages  which  were  analysis  and  conceptual design. This research was used qualitative case study method with data collection. The  data  analysis  used  in  this  study     field  study,  which  were  included interviewing, observation, and documentation which has been analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the results of data analysis, information systems owned by PT Molay Satrya Indonesia had not fully integrated between divisions. The next steps required in the development of an integrated accounting system at PT Molay Satrya Indonesia is to identify and evaluate design  alternatives  that  exist.  After  deciding  alternative designs,  PT Molay Satrya Indonesia to decide how to meet the needs of the system. There are three ways to do that is to buy the software, develop their own software, and outsourcing system. Challenges faced in the development of a system that is a challenge to human resources, investment, strategic business, technology infrastructure, and supervision and liability.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Haviz Taufik

  The objective of this study is to obtain evidence regarding description of the accounting information system and problems faced by PT Molay Satrya Indonesia, to analyze steps required for the development of accounting information system that is integrated in the PT Molay Satrya Indonesia based on  Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and challenges that may be encountered in the development of integrated accounting information system based on the  Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method. The development method used in this research was Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The study has been done in two stages which were analysis and conceptual design. This research was used qualitative case study method with data collection. The data analysis used in this study  field study, which were included interviewing, observation, and documentation which has been analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the results of data analysis, information systems owned by PT Molay Satrya Indonesia had not fully integrated between divisions. The next steps required in the development of an integrated accounting system at PT Molay Satrya Indonesia is to identify and evaluate design alternatives that exist. After deciding alternative designs, PT Molay Satrya Indonesia to decide how to meet the needs of the system. There are three ways to do that is to buy the software, develop their own software, and outsourcing system. Challenges faced in the development of a system that is a challenge to human resources, investment, strategic business, technology infrastructure, and supervision and liability.

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