scholarly journals Perspectivas teóricas sobre la violencia contra las mujeres: una aproximación jurídica al concepto de “terrorismo machista” en España = Theoretical Perspectives on Violence against Women: a Legal Approach to the Concept of 'Sexist Terrorism' in Spain

Inés Moreno Martín-Pozuelo

Resumen. Durante los últimos años, el concepto de terrorismo machista ha cobrado un importante protagonismo en los medios de comunicación como vía para informar de los crímenes cometidos en el ámbito de la ley de violencia de género, si bien dicho uso del término no ha venido acompañado de un análisis jurídico del mismo. Por otra parte, la emergencia de conceptos como femicidio y la concienciación social respecto a la vinculación de las agresiones sexuales con el patriarcado como sistema social de dominación ponen de manifiesto la necesi­dad de reconsiderar de qué forma se configura la violencia contra la mujer en el sistema penal actual. Desde una metodología analítica, esta investigación se propone analizar los fundamen­tos jurídicos para entender la violencia contra la mujer como una forma de terrorismo.Palabras clave: violencia de género, terrorismo, femicidio, feminicidio, género, terrorismo machista.Abstract. During the last years, the concept of sexist terrorism has gained presence in the media as a way to inform about the commission of crimes against women. However, the use of this concept lacks in providing a legal analysis. On the other side, the emergency of no­tions such as femicide and the social acknowledgement of sexual aggressions as a consequence of the patriarchy brings to light the need to redefine in which way those crimes are considered under the criminal law system. This research aims to analyze the legal founds in order to con­sider violence against women as a form of terrorism.Keywords: gender violence, terrorism, femicide, feminicide, gender, sexist terrorism.

Cecilia Varela ◽  
Catalina Trebisacce

En el presente trabajo nos proponemos abordar la política de cifras desplegadas por los movimientos de mujeres en Argentina de la última década en torno a las violencias contra las mujeres. En un contexto de expansión de los feminismos en el país y una creciente institucionalización de perspectivas que se reconocen en esa matriz, la retórica de las cifras se ha convertido en la lingua franca para la visibilización de las situaciones de violencia contra las mujeres. Las preguntas que nos formulamos son las siguientes: ¿Cómo se organiza hoy el saber sobre la violencia de género? ¿Cómo operan las cifras en la construcción de ese saber y en su difusión e impacto social? Tomando como corpus para la indagación el registro de femicidios de la Casa del Encuentro nos interesa, por un lado, detenernos en los supuestos epistemológicos y las elecciones metodológicas de su confección y, por el otro, abordar los procesos sociales de construcción y validación de cifras en torno a los femicidios en un contexto de despliegue de políticas de cifras. Nuestro argumento es, por un lado, que el registro despliega un método positivista inductivo que actúa ficciones de objetividad científica a partir del empleo de las cifras como evidencia indiscutible de los “hechos”. Por el otro lado, sostenemos que un saber en torno a los femicidios se legitima como experto a partir de la política de cifras. In this paper we aim to address the politics of numbers displayed by women's movements in Argentina in the last decade about violence against women. In a context of expansion of feminisms across the country and a growing institutionalization of the gender perspective, the rhetoric of numbers has become the lingua franca for the visibility of situations of violence against women. The questions we ask ourselves are: How is the knowledge about gender violence organized today? How do the figures operate in the construction of this knowledge and in its dissemination and social impact? Taking as a corpus the register of femicides of Casa del Encuentro, we are interested, on the one hand, in interrogate the epistemological assumptions and the methodological choices behind it and, on the other, to address the social processes of construction and validation of figures around femicides in a context of politics of numbers. Our argument is, on the one hand, that the register displays an inductive positivist method that acts fictions of scientific objectivity based on the use of figures as indisputable evidence of "facts". On the other hand, we argue that knowledge about femicides is legitimized as expert based on the politics of numbers.

Aleida Leticia Tello Divicino ◽  
Monica Violeta Morales Jiménez ◽  
Dulce María Quinterio Romero

<p class="Cuerpodetexto"><strong>Resumen</strong></p><p>El 26 de septiembre de 2014, policías municipales desaparecieron a 43 estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa en Iguala, Guerrero, México. Las madres de los desaparecidos fueron las primeras y principales participantes del movimiento social nombrado por los medios de comunicación como el Movimiento de los 43. Sin embargo, en el discurso de la prensa fueron invisibilizadas o relegadas a los roles tradiciones establecidos por el sistema patriarcal, de acuerdo con los resultados de un Análisis Crítico del Discurso realizado a tres diarios de circulación local y estatal del estado de Guerrero, que nos permite documentar que la práctica periodística sin perspectiva de género violenta los derechos humanos de las mujeres.</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>On September 26, 2014, municipal police were involved in the disappearance of 43 students from the Normal Rural School of Ayotzinapa in Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico. The mothers of the missing students were the first and main participants in the social movement labeled by the media as the Movement of the 43. Nevertheless, in the press discourse they were made invisible or relegated to traditionally established patriarchal roles, in accordance to the results of a Critical Discourse Analysis made of three local and state newspapers in circulation in the state of Guerrero, which allows us to document that journalistic practice without the perspective of gender violates the human rights of women.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 465
Ana Liési Thurler

Este artigo examina o tratamento dado pela mídia à violência de gênero extrema contra as mulheres, o feminicídio. Se o feminicida reitera os lugares de gênero ao praticar esse crime, a análise da amostra de matérias reunidas sobre feminicídios ocorridos no Brasil — concentradamente, em Brasília (DF), nos anos de 2015 e 2016 — aponta também para o exercício de uma pedagogia da crueldade, por meio da qual a mídia ensina à sociedade a não ter empatia com a vítima (SEGATO, 2016). As matérias são predominantemente descontínuas e pontuais, provocando o sentimento de que os feminicídios são fatos isolados. Aproximando-nos da questão, constatamos ter na sociedade brasileira um fenômeno de femigenocídio, tanto pela magnitude do problema quanto pela intensificação das perversidades (THURLER, 2017). Os discursos midiáticos precisam adotar perspectivas de gênero, e registrar os processos vivenciados pelas mulheres na direção de maior protagonismo.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Feminicídio; femigenocídio; desigualdades de gênero; mídia sexista; espetacularização; pedagogias.      ABSTRACT This article examines the ways  mass media deal with extreme gender violence against women: feminicide. If one who commits a feminicide reiterates  gender issues when he practices this crime, the analysis of an array of material gathered in the media about feminicides taken place in Brazil – especially, in Brasília (DF), in 2015 and 2016,- also points to the practice of a pedagogy of cruelty, by way of which the media teaches society not to feel empathy for the victim (SEGATO, 2016). The material is predominantly discontinuous and punctual, provoking a feeling that feminicides are isolated facts. Getting closer to the subject, we were able to verify that in Brazilian society there is a phenomenon called femigenocide, due to the magnitude of the problem and the intensification of the perversities (THURLER, 2017). The discourse within media needs to adopt gender perspectives and register the processes experienced by women towards a greater protagonism.   KEYWORDS: Feminicide; femigenocide; gender inequalities; sexist media; pedagogies.     RESUMEN El presente artículo analiza la manera como los medios de comunicación tratan la violencia extrema de género contra las mujeres, el feminicidio. Si el feminicida reitera los lugares de género al cometer eso delito, el análisis de la muestra de reportajes reunidos acerca del feminicidio ocurridos en Brasil – precisamente en Brasilia (DF), en los años de 2015 y 2016 – apuntan también para el ejercicio de una “pedagogía de la crueldad”, por la cual los medios enseñan la sociedad a no tener empatía por la víctima (SEGATO, 2016). Los reportajes son predominantemente discontinuos y puntuáis, provocando un sentimiento de que los feminicidios son hechos aislados. Acercándonos de la cuestión, hemos constatado tener en la sociedad brasileña el fenómeno del femigenocidio, tanto por la grandeza del problema como por la intensificación de las perversidades (THURLER, 2017). Los discursos mediáticos necesitan tener perspectivas de género, registrar los procesos vivenciados por las mujeres al camino de un protagonismo más grande.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Feminicidio; femigenocidio; desigualdad de género; medios sexistas; espectacularidad; pedagogías

1970 ◽  
pp. 38-45
May Abu Jaber

Violence against women (VAW) continues to exist as a pervasive, structural,systematic, and institutionalized violation of women’s basic human rights (UNDivision of Advancement for Women, 2006). It cuts across the boundaries of age, race, class, education, and religion which affect women of all ages and all backgrounds in every corner of the world. Such violence is used to control and subjugate women by instilling a sense of insecurity that keeps them “bound to the home, economically exploited and socially suppressed” (Mathu, 2008, p. 65). It is estimated that one out of every five women worldwide will be abused during her lifetime with rates reaching up to 70 percent in some countries (WHO, 2005). Whether this abuse is perpetrated by the state and its agents, by family members, or even by strangers, VAW is closely related to the regulation of sexuality in a gender specific (patriarchal) manner. This regulation is, on the one hand, maintained through the implementation of strict cultural, communal, and religious norms, and on the other hand, through particular legal measures that sustain these norms. Therefore, religious institutions, the media, the family/tribe, cultural networks, and the legal system continually disciplinewomen’s sexuality and punish those women (and in some instances men) who have transgressed or allegedly contravened the social boundaries of ‘appropriateness’ as delineated by each society. Such women/men may include lesbians/gays, women who appear ‘too masculine’ or men who appear ‘too feminine,’ women who try to exercise their rights freely or men who do not assert their rights as ‘real men’ should, women/men who have been sexually assaulted or raped, and women/men who challenge male/older male authority.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 319-334
Mauro Machado do Prado ◽  
Ana Paula de Castro Neves ◽  
Nathália Machado Cardoso Dardeau de Albuquerque

O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo qualitativo das representações sociais de imigrantes venezuelanas na América do Sul no período de 2016 a 2019, a partir de manchetes de notícias divulgadas em jornais digitais brasileiros. O objetivo é verificar a ocorrência ou não de veiculações que constituam de forma explícita ou implícita uma violação à dignidade e aos direitos dessas mulheres, ao fomentar ou incitar a xenofobia e a violência de gênero na sociedade através de palavras, frases ou expressões capazes de provocar um aniquilamento simbólico. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo bibliográfico e documental acerca das vulnerabilidades sociais presentes nos processos imigratórios contemporâneos, que foi consubstanciado com a análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2009), em abordagem qualitativa, de manchetes publicadas em jornais digitais brasileiros. A partir da análise realizada, foi possível inferir que estes veículos de comunicação vêm frequentemente descrevendo a migração venezuelana como um problema, mas em conotação negativa, sem o cuidado de descrição do contexto de forma mais clara e abrangente da questão a ser noticiada.   Xenofobia y violencia de género: un análisis de los titulares de las mujeres venezolanas en el periodismo web brasileño El presente trabajo consiste en un estudio cualitativo de las representaciones sociales de los inmigrantes venezolanos en América del Sur en el período de 2016 a 2019, a partir de titulares de noticias publicados en periódicos digitales brasileños. El objetivo es verificar la ocurrencia o no de colocaciones que constituyan explícita o implícitamente una violación a la dignidad y derechos de estas mujeres, al promover o incitar la xenofobia y la violencia de género en la sociedad a través de palabras, frases o expresiones capaces de provocar una aniquilación simbólica. Para ello, se realizó un estudio bibliográfico y documental sobre las vulnerabilidades sociales presentes en los procesos migratorios contemporáneos, el cual fue fundamentado con análisis de contenido (BARDIN, 2009), en un enfoque cualitativo, de titulares publicados en diarios digitales brasileños. Del análisis realizado, se pudo inferir que estos medios de comunicación han venido describiendo muchas veces la migración venezolana como un problema, pero en una connotación negativa, sin preocuparse por describir de manera más clara y completa el contexto del tema a reportar. Palabras clave: Derechos humanos de la mujer. La violencia de género. Xenofobia. Periodismo web.   Xenophobia and gender violence: an analysis of headings broadcasted in brazilian webjornalism on venezuelan women The present work consists of a qualitative study of the social representations of Venezuelan immigrants in South America in the period from 2016 to 2019, based on news headlines published in Brazilian digital newspapers. The objective is to verify the occurrence or not of placements that explicitly or implicitly constitute a violation of the dignity and rights of these women, by promoting or inciting xenophobia and gender violence in society through words, phrases or expressions capable of provoking a symbolic annihilation. To this end, a bibliographic and documentary study was carried out on the social vulnerabilities present in contemporary immigration processes, which was substantiated with content analysis (BARDIN, 2009), in a qualitative approach, of headlines published in Brazilian digital newspapers. From the analysis carried out, it was possible to infer that these media outlets have often been describing Venezuelan migration as a problem, but in a negative connotation, without taking care to describe the context more clearly and comprehensively of the issue to be reported. Keywords: Women’s human rights. Gender-based violence. Xenophobia. Webjournalism.

Urban History ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 642-642

ABSTRACTThis essay examines a body of films that represent and re-enact the infamous 1964 Catherine Genovese rape and murder, helping to define the crime as a problem of bystander non-intervention exacerbated by urban living conditions and the ‘high rise anxieties’ of apartment dwellers. The moving image culture around the Genovese case tells a story about male violence against women in the city through the perspective of urban apartment dwellers, who are portrayed as bystander witnesses to both the city and to the social relations of stranger sociability in the city. Films depict the killing of Kitty Genovese, sometimes through fictional analogues to her and the crime, as an outcome of failed witnessing, explicating those failures around changing ideas about urban social relations between strangers, and ways of surveilling the city street from apartment windows. By portraying urban bystanders as primarily non-interventionist spectators of the Genovese rape and murder, films locate the conditions of femicide and responsibility for it in detached modes of seeing and encountering strangers. By analysing film as forms of historic documentation and imagination, as artifacts of historically and contextually different ways of telling and revising the story of the Genovese murder as one of bystander non-intervention in gender violence in the city, the essay conceptualizes film and filmic re-enactments as a mode of paying witness to the past.

2015 ◽  
Vol 105 (5) ◽  
pp. 625-629 ◽  
Dara Lee Luca ◽  
Emily Owens ◽  
Gunjan Sharma

Violence against women is a critical problem across the world. In this paper, we exploit state and temporal variation in alcohol control in India to examine the impact of prohibition on alcohol consumption and violent crimes against women. We first use detailed household survey data to show that prohibition policies are associated with substantially lower rates of drinking among men and domestic violence. Next, we provide evidence that alcohol prohibition reduces aggregate violence against women in officially reported crime data. The results suggest that policies that restrict access to alcohol may help reduce gender violence.

Teknokultura ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-228
Laura Martínez-Jiménez ◽  
Belén Zurbano-Berenguer

Gender violence has gradually become a public issue and a matter of State concern under permanent discussion in the Spanish media. Its increasing visibility has stimulated social and political awareness, but has also given rise to controversies, which are especially manifested in the digital environment. In this environment, meanings are built and expressed not only by the media, but also by online audiences participating through various mechanisms. This work observes the dynamics of the readers’ views on gender violence, as expressed in a politically progressive born-digital medium like A sample of 716 comments to articles on gender violence published by this online newspaper are analyzed. A quantitative analysis shows a male-dominated participation of readers who are not subscribed to the site and whose views are contrary to those of’ editorial charter and its commitment to equality. A qualitative analysis of the contents of those comments reveals the recurring use of the feminist-antifeminist dichotomy in the debate, as well as a questioning of the scientific nature, purpose and suitability of feminism for the eradication of gender violence. Finally, the promotion of a genuine democratic debate in digital sites as the one here analyzed is discussed in light of women’s notable underrepresentation in the debate and of the possible misuse of participation as a means to perpetrate symbolic violence against women.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Isabel Goyes Moreno ◽  
Sandra Montezuma M.

Resumen: Como resultado de una revisión de los fallosproferidos por los juzgados municipales, los juzgadosde circuito y la Sala Penal del Tribunal Superior delDistrito Judicial de Pasto, entre los años 2005 y 2011,en relación con los delitos de violencia cometidos contramujeres, fue posible establecer que las principales formasde agresión contra la mujer se enmarcan dentro delos delitos de acceso carnal violento, actos sexuales yacceso carnal abusivo con menor de 14 años, homicidio,violencia intrafamiliar y lesiones personales. La parejao ex pareja sentimental de las mujeres, se constituye enuno de los principales victimarios en estos casos, aunqueresulta alarmante el alto porcentaje de episodios en losque el agresor forma parte del grupo familiar de la víctima,especialmente aquellos tan cercanos en grado deconsanguinidad como lo es el padre, el abuelo, el tío o elhijo. Causa gran preocupación el tiempo trascurrido entrela ocurrencia de los hechos y la fecha del fallo, situaciónque en muchos casos supera los siete años. Además,en la mayoría de administradores de justicia pervivenformas patriarcales de entender los roles de hombres ymujeres en la vida social, lo que se manifiesta en unajusticia comprensiva de la violencia masculina y condenatoriade los roles femeninos no tradicionales.Palabras clave: justicia, género, violencia, mujeres, NariñoJustice and Gender in Nariño in Cases of Violenceagainst WomenAbstract: Following a review of the judgments handeddown by the municipal courts, circuit courts and theCriminal Division of the Superior Court of the JudicialDistrict of Pasto, between 2005 and 2011, in relationto crimes of violence against women, it was possibleto establish that the most common forms of aggressionagainst women were violent carnal acts, sexual and abusivecarnal acts with girls under 14 years of age, homicide,family violence and personal lesions. The woman’spartner or ex-partner is one of the most common aggressors,although it is alarming that in high percentagesof cases the aggressor is a member of the family, especiallyfathers, grandfathers, uncles and sons. It is alsoworrisome that the time lapse between the occurrenceof the facts and the sentence given was in many casesmore than seven years. Additionally, most administratorsof justice exhibit patriarchal ways of understanding theroles of men and women in society, which is manifestedin judicial leniency toward male violence and condemnationof non-traditional female roles.Keywords: justice, gender, violence, women, Nariño

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3, jul.-dez.) ◽  
pp. 252-278
Milena Geisa dos Santos Martins

Nosso objetivo neste artigo, a partir de entrevistas e netnografia, é mostrar-lhes que a partir do âmbito religioso emergem coletivos cujas as vozes dissonantes não compactuam com a subjugação feminina implementada pela religião e denunciam em ambientes virtuais a violência praticada contra a mulher em ambientes domésticos ou eclesiais. Além de trabalharem voluntariamente instruindo e acolhendo vítimas de violência, é importante destacar que as Feministas Evangélicas, por nós pesquisadas, lutam em favor da legalização do aborto, pois entendem que esta é uma questão de saúde pública. Porém, mesmo lutando em favor dos direitos femininos, elas são ameaçadas por indivíduos que possuem ethos familista e visão conservadora de mundo, pois estes entendem que elas querem destruir a família. Palavras-chave: Feminismo; religião; violência de gênero; política.   Abstract This article aims to present, through interviews and netnography, collectives that emerge from the religious sphere, where dissonant voices do not agree with the female subjugation implemented by religion who denounces in virtual environments the violence against women in environments domestic or ecclesial. Besides volunteer work, instructing, and supporting victims of violence, the Evangelical Feminists group fight for abortion legalization, as they understand it as a public health issue. However, even when fighting for women's rights, they are threatened by individuals who have a familist ethos and a conservative worldview because they understand that they want to destroy the family. Keywords: Feminism; religion; gender violence; policy.   Resumen Nuestro objetivo en este artículo, a partir de entrevistas y netnografía, es mostrar que desde el ámbito religioso surgen colectivos cuyas voces disonantes no concuerdan con la subyugación femenina implementada por la religión y denuncian en entornos virtuales la violencia practicada contra las mujeres en los ambientes doméstico y/o eclesial. Además de trabajar voluntariamente en la instrucción y acogida de víctimas de violencia, es importante destacar que las Feministas Evangélicas que hemos investigado luchan por la legalización del aborto, pues entienden que este es un tema de salud pública. Sin embargo, incluso cuando luchan por los derechos de las mujeres, son amenazadas por individuos que tienen un espíritu familista y una cosmovisión conservadora porque entienden que quieren destruir a la familia. Palabras clave: Feminismo; religión; violencia de género; política.

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