scholarly journals Application of Al-Ijarah Al-Maushufah Fi Al-Dzimmah for Infrastructure Project Financing in Indonesia

Yuridika ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
Rega Felix ◽  
Lastuti Abubakar

Islamic bank has a huge potential to involve in large project financing such as infrastructure. The demand for infrastructure provision in Indonesia is growing rapidly, so the Islamic bank should become one of the financial institutions for a financing infrastructure project. One of the products of Islamic bank is lease based contract or ijarah. In 2016, the Indonesian Islamic Scholars Council (MUI) enacted Fatwa that allowed ijarah contract for a forward obligation or called al-ijarah al-maushufah fi al-dzimmah (IMFD). IMFD has some characteristics that equitable for infrastructure project needs, such as for long term financing. The main issues in this research are to drawn a model for infrastructure project financing by applying IMFD and observe the readiness of Indonesian regulation to support the implementation of IMFD on infrastructure project financing. The type of research is the normative study, and the approach of this research having four methods approach among others are statute approach, conceptual approach, cases approach, and comparative approach. The results of this research are model for infrastructure project financing by applying IMFD is by combining musharakah-istishna’-ijarah (IMFD) and regulation in Indonesia is not ready enough to support the implementation of IMFD on infrastructure project financing because combination of three contracts like musharakah-istishna’-IMFD, implementation of liquidated damages in istishna’ contract, and allowance IMFD in infrastructure project are not regulated in Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ni Kadek Ayu Ismadewi ◽  
Widodo.T Novianto ◽  
Hartiwiningsih ,

<p>Abstract<br />The purpose of this article  to determine the judge’s considerations using penal mediation in the settlement of Domestic Violence (KDRT) cases and its formulation in the future. This is a normative study with case approach, comparative approach and conceptual approach. The legal matterial of this research are primary legal matterial and secondary legal material with deductive analystic mind. Reffering the research above, Showed that there is a difference of judges consideration using the result of penal mediation in the form of peace between offender and victim who still have relationship of husband and wife in the settlement of case of domestic violence for offense. First, it is based on the benefit and recovering of the relationship of the offender and the victim, to the exclusion of the legalistic rules, so that the Judge arrives at the decision of the prosecution otherwise unacceptable. Second, based on expediency, but the legal process continues with the imposition of a conditional penalty. The existence of differences in consideration and judgment because the mediation of penal itself is not yet regulated in positive criminal law in Indonesia. However, with the starting point on the principle of benefit and the theory of pragmatic realism, the Judge should not worry or hesitate to use the results of peace in penal mediation as a way of resolving a domestic violence case by  stopping the proceedings, although considered to be contrary to the principle of legal certainty. This has implications for the achievement of substantial justice for offender and victim, a quicker settlement of cases and avoid the accumulation of cases in the Court. Therefore the future needs to be formulated for mediation of penal entry into inseparable part in the procedure of settling the case of domestic violence, especially for offense complaints, ranging from the level of investigation, prosecution and court.<br />Keywords: Penal Mediation; Domestic Violence; Judge’s Decision</p><p>Abstrak<br />Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertimbangan Hakim menggunakan mediasi penal dalam penyelesaian perkara Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) dan formulasinya di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini merupakan studi normatif dengan pendekatan  kasus, pendekatan komparatif dan pendekatan konseptual. Bahan hukum yang digunakan berupa bahan hukum primer <br />dan bahan hukum sekunder dengan pola analisis deduktif. Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan pertimbangan Hakim menggunakan hasil mediasi penal berupa perdamaian antara pelaku dan korban yang masih ada hubungan suami istri dalam penyelesaian perkara KDRT untuk delik aduan. Pertama, mendasarkan pada kemanfaatan dan pulihnya hubungan <br />pelaku dan korban, dengan mengenyampingkan aturan yang bersifat legalistik, sehingga Hakim sampai pada putusan berupa penuntutan dinyatakan tidak dapat diterima. Kedua, mendasarkan <br />pada kemanfaatan, namun proses hukum tetap dilanjutkan dengan penjatuhan pidana bersyarat. Adanya perbedaan pertimbangan dan penjatuhan putusan tersebut karena mediasi penal sendiri <br />memang belum diatur dalam hukum positif pidana di Indonesia. Akan tetapi dengan bertitik tolak pada asas kemanfaatan dan teori realisme pragmatis, semestinya Hakim tidak khawatir atau <br />ragu menggunakan hasil perdamaian dalam mediasi penal sebagai jalan penyelesaian perkara KDRT dengan menghentikan proses perkara, meski dianggap bertentangan dengan asas kepastian <br />hukum. Hal tersebut berimplikasi pada tercapainya keadilan substansial bagi pelaku dan korban, penyelesaian perkara yang lebih cepat dan menghindari penumpukan perkara di Pengadilan. <br />Kedepannya perlu diformulasikan agar mediasi penal masuk menjadi bagian tidak terpisahkan dalam prosedur penyelesaian perkara KDRT, khususnya untuk delik aduan, mulai dari tingkat penyidikan, penuntutan dan pengadilan.<br />Kata kunci: Mediasi Penal; Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga; Putusan Hakim.</p>

2022 ◽  
pp. 276-300
Nika Pranata ◽  
Nur Firdaus ◽  
Erla Mychelisda ◽  
Achsanah Hidayatina

Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in national development. However, financing infrastructure projects becomes a major hurdle as it is often considered unbankable, high risk, and requires a long payback period. The use of crowdfunding as an alternative source for infrastructure project financing is flourishing, especially in European and American countries. In contrast, the utilization of crowdfunding for such purposes in Asian countries is very limited. Hence, this study reviews four crowdfunding platforms in Europe and America that have successfully raised capital for infrastructure projects which are Oneplanetcrowd, Convergence Finance, Citizenergy, and Infrashares. Learning from best practices of those platforms, policies, and regulations, the study proposes four crowdfunding business models to be implemented in Asian countries including (1) blended finance, (2) cross-border citizen funding, (3) commercial infrastructure financing, and (4) within country crowdfunding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-33
Kiki Astuti Wulandary Sutin

Penelitian ini bertujuan; Pertama mengetahui penerapan pengesampingan perkara dalam memenuhi adanya kepentingan umum, dan Kedua mengkaji dampak yang ditimbulkan dengan tidak adanya instrumen hukum untuk melakukan perlawanan terhadap keputusan pengesampingkan perkara demi kepentingan umum. Penelitian ini merupakan tipe penelitian normative dengan menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang, pendekatan kasus, pendekatan perbandingan, dan pendekatan konseptual.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: Pertama Pengesampingan perkara terhadap perkara Abraham Samad dan Bambang Widjojanto dengan pertimbangan Jaksa Agung belum menunjukkan terganggunya kepentingan umum secara nyata; Kedua Tidak ditemukan adanya mekanisme untuk melakukan perlawanan atau upaya hukum terhadap keputusan pengesampingan perkara oleh Jaksa Agung sebagai bentuk kebebasan kebijaksanaan (beleidvrijheid) menimbulkan dampak yakni, keputusan pengesampingan perkara oleh Jaksa Agung bersifat final dan mengikat (final and binding),tidak mengakomodir hak-hak korban kejahatan sesuai prinsip perlakuan yang sama di hadapan hukum, dan kewenangan tersebut rawan terhadap penyalahgunaan kekuasaan. The study aims to : (1) describe the public interest that becomes the basis of a general attorney in dismissing a case; (2) explain the implementation of dismissing a case to fulfill the public interest reason; and (3) analyze the impact caused by the absence of law instrumen againts the decision of dismissing a case for public interest. This research was a normative study usinglegal approach, case approach, comparative approach, and conceptual approach. It was conducted atthe Provincial Attorney General’s Office of South Sulawesi. The results show that:(1) In the dismissing of a case, public interest indicates the existence of state’s interest and community interest. This is in line with the explanation of article 35 letter c of the Act Number16 of 2004 that have to. The scope is broadand there is no standard in defining the public interest. Therefore, it needs to be considered within the context of state’s constitutional principleaccording to the Preamble of 1945 Constitution. (2) The dismissing of the case of Abraham Samad and Bambang Widjojanto with the consideration of Attorney General have not indicatedthe disturbance of public interest. (3) There is no anymechanism to appealagaints the general attorney’s decision to dismiss a case as a form of wisdom (beleidvrijheid), which caused some impacts namely the decision of general attorney to dismiss a case is final and binding, does not accommodate the rights of victims according to the principle of equality before the law, and vulnerable to abuse of power. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12

ABSTRAK This research is motivated by the fact that it does not include clauses related to the risk of the Bank or the Customer in the mudharabah agreements in the customer deposit funds in Islamic Banking (Sharia Banking), if at any time the business of managing a Islamic Bank fund suffers, even though there are also Customer funds in the business, and it’s not balanced, because maybe only one party, the Customer or the Bank, bears the risk of loss. This imbalance then causes injustice, even though justice is a shariah requirement in the distribution of results from a business activity. Research that uses the normative legal research with the statute approach, and conceptual approach, results in the finding that the principle of justice in customer deposit funds in Islamic Banking based on mudharabah agreements is realized in the form of profit sharing system in the form of proportional and balanced benefits and risks.   Keyword: Principle of Justice, Mudharabah Agreements, Customer Deposit Fund, Islamic Banking   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta yang menunjukkan tidak dicantumkannya klausul terkait resiko Bank ataupun Nasabah di dalam akad mudharabah pada transaksi penyimpanan dana Nasabah di Bank Syariah, apabila suatu ketika usaha dari pengelolaan dana Bank Syariah mengalami kerugian, padahal di dalam usaha tersebut juga terdapat dana Nasabah, dan ini tentu tidak seimbang, karena dimungkinkan hanya pihak Nasabah Penyimpan atau Bank Syariah yang menanggung resiko atas kerugian tersebut. Ketidakseimbang inilah yang kemudian menimbulkan adanya ketidakadilan, padahal keadilan merupakan persyaratan syari’ah dalam pembagian hasil dari suatu kegiatan usaha. Penelitian yang menggunakan metode normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual ini, menghasilkan temuan bahwa asas keadilan pada transaksi penyimpanan dana Nasabah di Bank Syariah berdasarkan akad mudharabah diwujudkan dalam bentuk sistem bagi hasil berupa keuntungan dan resiko secara proporsionalitas dan seimbang.        Kata Kunci:Asas Keadilan,  Akad Mudharabah, Penyimpanan Dana Nasabah, Bank Syariah  

2005 ◽  
Waldemar Frackowiak ◽  
Sebastian Gryglewicz ◽  
Piotr Stobiecki ◽  
Maciej Stradomski ◽  
Adam Szyszka

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 1126
Natasja Franceschini ◽  
Bas Verbruggen ◽  
Marianna A. Tryfonidou ◽  
Alwine B. Kruisselbrink ◽  
Hans Baelde ◽  

Sarcomas are rare mesenchymal tumors with a broad histological spectrum, but they can be divided into two groups based on molecular pathology: sarcomas with simple or complex genomics. Tumors with complex genomics can have aneuploidy and copy number gains and losses, which hampers the detection of early, initiating events in tumorigenesis. Often, no benign precursors are known, which is why good models are essential. The mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) is the presumed cell of origin of sarcoma. In this study, MSCs of murine and canine origin are used as a model to identify driver events for sarcomas with complex genomic alterations as they transform spontaneously after long-term culture. All transformed murine but not canine MSCs formed sarcomas after subcutaneous injection in mice. Using whole genome sequencing, spontaneously transformed murine and canine MSCs displayed a complex karyotype with aneuploidy, point mutations, structural variants, inter-chromosomal translocations, and copy number gains and losses. Cross-species analysis revealed that point mutations in Tp53/Trp53 are common in transformed murine and canine MSCs. Murine MSCs with a cre-recombinase induced deletion of exon 2-10 of Trp53 transformed earlier compared to wild-type murine MSCs, confirming the contribution of loss of p53 to spontaneous transformation. Our comparative approach using transformed murine and canine MSCs points to a crucial role for p53 loss in the formation of sarcomas with complex genomics.

2006 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-199 ◽  
Niklas Höhne ◽  
Michel den Elzen ◽  
Martin Weiss

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 442-455
Olufemi Soyeju

Project finance is a subset of financial techniques used traditionally in raising long-term debt financing for projects particularly in the energy and mining sectors of the economy. However, over the years, it has proved helpful in raising the required funds to drive public infrastructure projects through the public private partnership framework. By its nature, project finance is either non-recourse, or of limited recourse, to the project sponsors and hence identifying the various risks and determining who should bear these risks is the overarching essence of project finance technique. These uncertainty and risks may have significant impact on outturn costs or benefits of a particular infrastructure project. Generally, typical project finance transaction is fraught with many project risks which sometimes overlap. However, among these inherent risks there are some that are legal in nature and hence they are referred to as legal risks. So, this article seeks to interrogate the related legal risks in project finance as a financing technique to fund development of infrastructure and in particular, the procurement of critical public infrastructure assets in Nigeria and the various ways by which these risks can be mitigated to drive infrastructure development in the country.

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