scholarly journals Post Basic Education Reforms in Oman: A Case Study

Salha A. Issan ◽  
Nariman M. M. Gomaa
2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 16 ◽  
Ana Karina Campos Moreira Da Costa Santos ◽  
Natália Ramos

O presente artigo apresenta uma revisão teórica sobre a temática da violência e do bullying em contexto escolar, sustentada na análise alargada de diversas fontes documentais, publicações e literatura científica da especialidade, de vários autores de referência, almejando uma aprofundada compreensão e uma adequada contextualização teórica do fenómeno em estudo. Trata-se da primeira etapa de um trabalho de investigação em desenvolvimento no âmbito da referida problemática, no Centro de Estudos das Migrações e das Relações Interculturais (CEMRI), da Universidade Aberta de Lisboa, Grupo de Investigação “Saúde, Cultura e Desenvolvimento”. O trabalho objetiva identificar, compreender e , analisar  os processos inerentes à construção da violência e da exclusão social no  meio escolar português. Pretendemos, também, aferir as principais causas e consequências dos comportamentos violentos em contexto escolar, assim como definir possíveis formas de prevenção e estratégias de intervenção/atuação, nomeadamente através dos contributos da educação intercultural. Para realizar este estudo, ainda em elaboração na sua vertente empírica, optámos pelo método de investigação qualitativa. Escolhemos realizar um estudo de tipo descritivo, na categoria de estudo de caso. Assim, propomo-nos estudar o caso de uma escola do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico, de um agrupamento de escolas do distrito de Setúbal, situada numa zona urbana do concelho do Seixal. Palavras-chave: Violência. Bullying. Vitimização. Escola. Prevenção. Educação intercultural.VIOLENCE AND BULLYING IN SCHOOL CONTEXT: contributions of intercultural perspectiveAbstract: This article presents a literature review on the theme of violence and bullying in schools, based on extensive analysis of various documentary sources, publications and scientific literature, from many relevant authors, aiming to achieve a wide understanding and proper contextualization of the phenomenon under study. This is the first stage of a research work that is being developed on the mentioned topic, at the Research Center for Migration and Intercultural Relations (CEMRI), of the Open University of Lisbon, Research Group “Health, Culture and Development”. The study aims to identify, to know, analyze and understand the processes involved in the construction of violence and social exclusion in portuguese schools. We also intend to assess the main causes and consequences of violent behavior in schools, as well as finding ways to prevent violence and defining intervention strategies / actions, namely through contributions of intercultural education. To carry out this study, still in progress in its empirical part, we have chosen the qualitative research method. We chose to perform a descriptive study, in the case study category. Therefore, we propose to study the case of a school of the first cycle of basic education (primary school), which belongs to a group of schools from Setúbal district, located in an urban area of Seixal.Keywords: Violence. Bullying. Victimization. School. Prevention. Intercultural education.VIOLENCIA Y BULLYING EN EL CONTEXTO ESCOLAR: contribuciones de la perspectiva intercultural Resumen: En este artículo se presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre el tema de la violencia y la intimidación en las escuelas, en base a un amplio análisis de diversas fuentes documentales, publicaciones e literatura científica, de muchos autores de referencia, con el objetivo de una profunda comprensión y contextualización adecuada del fenómeno en estúdio. Esta es la primera parte de un trabajo de investigación en el desarrollo en el Centro de Estudos en Migración y Relaciones Interculturales (CEMRI), de la Universidad Aberta de Lisboa, Grupo de Investigatión “Salud, Cultura y Desarrollo”. El estúdio tiene como objetivo identificar, comprehender y analizar los procesos que intervienen en la construcción de la violencia y la exclusión social en las escuelas portuguesas. Tenemos la intención, también, de identificar las principales causas y consecuencias de los comportamientos  violentos en contextos escolar, así como definir posibles formas de prevención  y estrategias de intervención/atuación, identificada a través de las contribuciones de la educación intercultural.  Para realizar este estudio, todavía en elaboración en su vertiente empírica, optamos por lo método de investigación cualitativa. Elegimos  realizar un estudio del tipo descriptivo, en la categoría de estudio de caso. Así, proponemos estudiar el caso de una escuela de primero ciclo de enseñanza básica, de un agrupamiento  de esculelas del distrito de Setúrbal, situada en la zona urbana del consejo del Seixal.   Palabras clave: Violencia. Bullying. Victimización. Escuela. Prevención. Educación intercultural.

Shuti Steph Khumalo

The purpose of this case study was to explore teacher absenteeism in both primary and secondary schools administered by the Department of Basic Education (DoBE) in South Africa. Further, the chapter focuses on how this phenomenon of teacher absenteeism is managed in schools and by the departmental authorities and its implications on the organization. This chapter proposes a number of quality improvement strategies that can be employed to mediate teacher absenteeism and enhance quality management of the problem.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-48 ◽  
Maria Inês Pinho ◽  
Dárida Fernandes ◽  
Carla Serrão ◽  
Daniela Mascarenhas

Abstract Today’s society has valued entrepreneurship in various sectors of personal and professional life, but the school seems to forget this reality. Aware of this fact, the Portuguese Ministry of Education has created a program, from early childhood education to basic and secondary education, to develop the concept of social entrepreneurship in schools. The Porto Polytechnic Higher School of Education, as an educator of teachers and teachers of the First and Second cycle of Basic Education, joined the European UKIDS project to integrate this theme in the initial and continuous teacher training. In this article we will analyze the data obtained from a UKIDS Portuguese Partner School in the context of continuing teacher education and present some conclusions. The qualitative methodology used allowed us to conclude that the UKIDS project enhanced the valorization of individual capacities, such as creativity, self-confidence, the power of argumentation, as well as the construction of social competences, in interpersonal and group relationships, which are crucial in the formation of a child’s personality in the basic school learning process.

Maria Eduarda De Melo Silveira ◽  
Glaucia Cabral Moraes

Este artigo apresenta um estudo realizado na disciplina de Trabalho de Curso em Matemática, do Curso de Matemática – Licenciatura, da Univesidade de Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC, o qual originou-se a partir do intuito de estudar como se constitui a aprendizagem em diferentes níveis de escolaridade em relação aos cálculos diários presentes em seus contextos, desde sujeitos que frequentaram a escola por um curto período até os que possuem formação básica completa. Os procedimentos adotados basearam-se no estudo de caso, na aplicação de  questionários e na problematização de uma situação prática com os sujeitos da pesquisa, possibilitando verificar o cenário em que estão inseridos e quais as relações que são estabelecidas entre a matemática, suas aplicações e vivências.This article presents a study performed for the graduation task of the course of Mathematics in the University of Santa Cruz do Sul and aims to study how learning is acheved at different levels of education in relation to the daily calculations present in their contexts: from subjects who attended school for a short period to those with complete basic education. The study is based on qualitative research, application of questionnaires and problematization of a practical situation with the participants, taking in consideration methods such as case study. From this study one may observe that the people dominate the mathematical contents that are necessary to them, besides that this learning is a construction from the social coexistence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 11013
Warsono Hardi ◽  
Nurcahyanto Herbasuki ◽  
Rifda Khaerani Thalita

The condition of the state border area between Indonesia and Malaysia is totally different. Children of Indonesian Workers (TKI) have no (limited) access to learn in formal schools since they do not have citizenship documents. This study aims to analyze the implementation of basic education mission in the border area, particularly in Sebatik island, Nunukan regency, North Kalimantan province. In addition, the research was conducted using qualitative explorative approach. Problems arising at the border area are very diverse and systemic. The Indonesian government conducts the education in border areas still very limitedly. The role of the public, corporate and private companies (Three Net Working) becomes very important in operating the schools in border area. The role of a former lecturer who is famously called Mrs. Midwife Suraidah is very dominant in helping TKI’s children to learn a variety of knowledge in Sekolah Tapal Batas (Tapal Batas School) in Sebatik island, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan province. Some help from companies such as Pertamina (national oil mining company), Dompet Dhuafa foundation and volunteers who are willing to be teachers strongly support the continuously of Tapal Batas School. The continuity of basic education in the state border becomes a challenge for the government since the purpose of the country written in the opening of Constitution 1945 is the intellectual life of the nation can be realized by implementing it in Nawacita program.

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