violent behavior
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Kevin L. Nunes ◽  
Chloe I. Pedneault ◽  
Chantal A. Hermann

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 100278
David Pina López ◽  
Rubén López-Nicolás ◽  
Reyes López-López ◽  
Esteban Puente-López ◽  
José Antonio Ruiz-Hernández

Daedalus ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 151 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-83
Micere Keels

Abstract The focus of this essay is on understanding the development and maintenance of patterns of violent behavior for the purpose of identifying points of prevention and intervention. Close attention is paid to using person-centered language that does not conflate exhibiting violent behaviors with being a violent person. There is a meaningful perceptual difference between discussing the behaviors of a violent person versus discussing a person who engaged in violent behaviors: the former is more likely to be associated with immutable characteristics of a person and the latter is more likely to be associated with attempts at understanding social and contextual causes of the behavior.

2022 ◽  
pp. 89-112
Cirus Rinaldi

Homophobic violence can be considered as an expressive act. Violent behavior can be considered as anti-homosexual when victims are chosen because they are considered or perceived as homosexual. Following this reasoning, hate crimes as homophobic crimes have a communicative value, since they represent a range of “masculinization” practices within the processes of gender socialization, both in conventional and illegitimate social worlds. Every homophobic act aims to intimidate not just the victim, but the whole group associated with the, whether concretely or merely in the perception of the perpetrator. This chapter will take into account the main research on victimization from an international perspective; it will highlight how both the gender of the perpetrator and the cultural constructions of masculinity(ies), in a heterosexist and hegemonic system, seem to play a fundamental role in producing homophobic and anti-homosexual behaviour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (T5) ◽  
pp. 35-39
Nurlaila Fitriani ◽  
Budi Keliat ◽  
Ice Yulia Wardani

BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia is a condition in which people suffer from impaired ability to think, perceive, and show emotional responses and interact socially. Patients with schizophrenia can experience the risk of violent behavior (RVB). Psychotherapy is needed to deal with the problem. AIM: This study aimed to investigate the effects of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and social skill training (SST) on signs and symptoms of risks of violent behavior (RVB). METHODOLOGY: This study employed a quasi-experimental without a control group. The research samples used purposive sampling were 30 patients with symptoms of risks of violent behavior. Meanwhile, the measurement used the sign and symptom questioners of risks of violent behavior (Z = 0.791). RESULT: This study revealed that signs and symptoms decreased significantly (p < 0.05) from 10.45 to 5.41 after the respondents had obtained the CBT. Moreover, after the respondents had received CBT and SST, the sign and symptoms decreased significantly (p < 0.05) from 5.41 to 0.52. CONCLUSION: This study recommends that the combination of CBT and SST be administered to patients with schizophrenia with risks of violent behavior.

Célia Regina Barollo ◽  
Fernando Antônio Cardoso Bignardi ◽  
Jussara Meyer Osielski ◽  
Carmela Maria Vieira Pedalino

The authors discuss violence as a current epidemics and violent behavior in children and adolescents. They present a repertory study including the characteristic and peculiar symptoms of 12 patients, with clinical diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and the symptoms corresponding to the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-IV transcribed in repertory language. The result is a materia medica for patterns of violent behavior. Keywords: Violent behavior, homeopathy, children and adolescents, ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder.   Padrões de conduta violenta: possíveis medicamentos homeopáticos Resumo Os autores abordam a violéncia como epidemia contemporânea e estudam a conduta violenta em crianças e adolescentes. Apresenta-se uma análise repertorial, incluindo os sintomas característicos e peculiares de 12 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAHI), Transtorno de Conduta e Oposicional Desafiador, e os sintomas correspondentes aos critérios diagnósticos no DSM-IV transcritos em línguagem repertorial. O resultado é uma matéria médica para padrões de conduta violenta. Palavras-chave: Comportamento violento, homeopatia, crianças e adolescentes, TDAH, Desordem de conduta, Transtorno Oposicional Desafiador.   Modelos de conducta violenta: posibles remedios homeopáticos Resumen Los autores abordan la violencia como epidemia contemporánea y estudian la conducta violenta en niños y adolescentes. Se presenta un análisis repertorial, incluyendo los síntomas característicos y peculiares de 12 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de Trastorno de Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAHI), Trastorno de Conducta y Oposicional Desafiador, y los síntomas correspondientes a los criterios diagnósticos en el DSM-IV transcriptos en lenguaje repertorial. El resultado es una materia médica para modelos de conducta violenta. Palabras-clave: Comportamiento violento, homeopatía, niños, niñas y adolescentes, TDAH, trastorno de conducta, trastorno de oposición desafiante.   Correspondence author: Célia R. Barollo, [email protected]; How to cite this article: Barollo CR, Bignardi FAC, Osielski JM, Pedalino CMV.Violent behavior patterns: possible homeopathic remedies. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008 [cited YYYY Mmm DD]; 7(22):7-21. Available from:  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1875-1881
Pradistia Gilang Ghozali ◽  
Yuni Sandra Pratiwi

AbstractThe risk of violent behavior is a symptom of schizophrenic patients that can be controlled through perceptual stimulation group activity therapy. It is an effort to train the patient to perceive the stimulus provided or the stimulus that has been experienced. This study aims to investigate the effect of the effect of perceptual stimulation group activity therapy on patients with violent behavior risks based on a literature review.It took three journals from Google scholar and with group activity therapy, perceptual stimulation, and the risk of violent behavior as the keywords. These are full-text published in 2011-2020. The result of respondents’ characteristics analysis stated 66 people were taken as respondents, 83% are male with the age 21-40 years. Their average value in controlling anger before intervention was 46,873 and 43.5 after the process. It proved to control patients’ anger. Thus, nurses suggested to teach this therapy for overcoming the problem.Keywords: Perceptual stimulation group activity therapy; the risks of violent behavior AbstrakRisiko perilaku kekerasan ialah gejala dari pasien skizofrenia dapat dikontrol melalui terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi. Terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi ialah upaya untuk melatih pasien mempersepsikan stimulus yang disediakan atau stimulus yang pernah dialami. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pengaruh terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi pada pasien resiko perilaku kekerasan berdasarkan literature review. Desain karya tulis ilmiah berupa literatur review dengan jumlah tiga artikel yang diambil dari laman jurnal google scholar dan dengan kata kunci ‘’terapi aktivitas kelompok’’, ‘’stimulasi persepsi’’ dan ‘’resiko perilaku kekerasan’’ berupa artikel fullteks, terbit tahun 2011-2020. Hasil analisa karakteristik responden dari tiga artikel menunjukan jumlah responden 66, sebagian besar (83%) laki-laki dengan umur 21-40 tahun. Nilai rata-rata kemampuan mengontrol kemarahan sebelum intervensi 46,873, setelah intervensi 43,5. Simpulan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi dapat mengontrol marah pasien resiko perilaku kekerasan. Saran bagi perawat hendaknya mengajarkan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi untuk mengontrol resiko perilaku kekerasanKata kunci: Terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi; resiko perilaku kekerasan

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1442-1451
K Keswanto ◽  
Eka Budiarto

AbstractSchizophrenia is a disease that attacks the nervous system that can cause changes in attitudes and behavior. Schizophrenic patients are prone to have aggressive behavior that can cause a loss of control of a person's behavior that is directed at oneself, others, or the environment. Violent behavior in oneself can take the form of self-injury to commit suicide or allow oneself to be in the form of self-abandonment. One technique to reduce aggressive behavior in schizophrenic patients is the de-escalation technique. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of de-escalation techniques to reduce aggressive behavior in schizophrenic patients based on available literature evidence. The study used a literature review method. The databases used to search articles are Wiley, PubMed, Science Direct, and the Google scolar search engine. Articles are selected based on the suitability of the keywords, topics and inclusion and exclusion criteria that have been determined. The search results obtained as many as 5 articles, 4 articles in Indonesian and 1 in English. The critical review instrument used to assess the quality of the article is the instrument by Hawker. There are findings that de-escalation techniques are effective in reducing aggressiveness in schizophrenic patients. Efforts to reduce aggressive behavior with de-escalation techniques have a more significant effect than those without de-escalation techniques.Keywords: Aggressive behavior, risk of violent behavior, de-escalation technique, Schizophrenia. AbstrakSkizofrenia merupakan penyakit yang menyerang sistem saraf yang dapat menyebabkan perubahan sikap dan perilaku. Pasien skizofrenia rentan memiliki perilaku agresif yang dapat menyebabkan hilangnya kendali perilaku seseorang yang diarahkan pada diri sendiri, oranglain, atau lingkungan. Perilaku kekerasan pada diri sendiri dapat berbentuk melukai diri untuk bunuh diri atau membiarkan diri dalam bentuk penelantaran diri. Salah satu teknik untuk mengurangi perilaku agresif pada pasien skizofrenia adalah dengan teknik deeskalasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas teknik deeskalasi untuk mengurangi perilaku agresif pada pasien skizofrenia berdasarkan literatur evidence yang tersedia. Penelitian menggunakan metode literature review. Database yang digunakan untuk pencarian artikel adalah Wiley, PubMed, Science Direct, serta mesin pencarian Google scolar. Artikel diseleksi berdasarkan kesesuaian dengan kata kunci, topik serta kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang telah ditentukan. Hasil penelusuran didapatkan sebanyak 5 artikel, 4 artikel berbahasa Indonesia dan 1 berbahasa inggris. Instrumen telaah kritis yang digunakan untuk menelaah kualitas artikel adalah instrumen oleh Hawker. Terdapat temuan bahwa teknik deeskalasi efektif dalam mengurangi agresifitas pada pasien skizofrenia. Upaya untuk menurunkan perilaku agresif dengan teknik de-esakalasi memberikan pengaruh lebih signifikan dibandingkan dengan yang tidak diberikan teknik de-eskalasi. Kata Kunci : Perilaku agresif, Resiko perilaku kekerasan, Teknik deeskalasi, Skizofrenia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1700-1705
Mariyya Ulfa Yuliana ◽  
Yuni Sandra Pratiwi

AbstractThe risk of violent behavior is the behavior of a person with a mental disorder who shows aggressive behavior that can endanger himself and others both physically and physchologically. Ine of the nursing interventions for patients at risk of violent behavior is spiritual therapy. The therapy in this case study means saying dhikr and listening murrotal surah ar-rahman. This study aims to increase the ability in controlling and decreasing the symptoms on patients with violent behavior risks. The result showed there is a enhancement the ability in controlling and reduction of shymptoms after applying the therapy on two respondens. This therapy has effectively worked in enhancement the ability in controlling and reducting the shymptoms on the patient with the risks stated above. Thus, nurse suggested giving motivation and increasing the therapy both in quality and quantity.Keywords: the risk of violent behavior, murrotal and dhikr spiritual therapy AbstrakResiko perilaku kekerasan merupakan perilaku seseorang dengan gangguan kejiwaan yang menunjukkan perilaku agresif yang dapat membahayakan dirinya sendiri maupun orang lain baik secara fisik maupun psikologis. Salah satu intervensi keperawatan pada pasien resiko perilaku kekerasan yaitu terapi spiritual. Bentuk terapi spiritual dalam karya tulis ini yaitu dzikir dan mendengarkan murotal surat ar-rahman. Karya tulis ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengontrol dan menurunkan tanda dan gejala pada pasien resiko perilaku kekerasan. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Hasil studi kasus menunjukan bahwa ada penurunan tanda dan gejala setelah diberikan terapi spiritual pada kedua responden. Terapi spiritual berupa murotal dan zikir efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mengontrol resiko perilaku kekerasan dan menurunkan tanda dan gejala pada pasien resiko perilaku kekerasan. Diharapkan perawat dapat memberikan motivasi serta meningkatkan pelaksanaan terapi spiritual baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas.Kata kunci: resiko perilaku kekerasan, terapi spiritual murotal dan zikir

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5(45)) ◽  
pp. 9-12
Olesya Alekseevna Bondarchuk

Дубинин Александр свящ.. "Ребенок в мире TV и компьютеров", "Даниловский благовестник", М., 1997. Психологическая диагностика детского развития (руководство пользователя и карточный инструментарий). Под ред. Р.И. Суннатовой. - Москва - Ташкент: ИТД «СМИ - Азия» - Издательство журнала «San`at», 2008 Смирнова Е.О. Психология ребенка/ Е.О. Смирнова.- М.: Школа-Пресс,2007.-384с. Bondarchuk O.A. The dependence of the projection structure on some types of team sports / O.A. Bondarchuk //GLOBUS.-2021.-№ 4(61). - р. 13-15. ID:46133501 Brad J. Bushman and Craig A. Anderson, Iowa State University. Media Violence and the American Public. Scientific Facts Versus Media Misinformation. June/July 2001 American Psychologist ,477-489 Cantor Joanne, Ph.D. The Psychological Effects of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents. The Colloquium on Television and Violence in Society, Centre d'Études sur le Media, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada, April 19, 2002. Rowell L. Huesmann and Laramie D. Taylor. The role of media violence in violent behavior. Annu. Rev. Public Health 2006. 27:393-415

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